
Team Leader Kim Rok Soo

Team 1 Leader Kim Rok Soo has to fulfill the responsibility passed onto by the previous Team 1 Leader Lee Soo Hyuk to protect the Ability User world infested with monsters. But many underestimate and doubt his abilities and character due to his tenacity and nonchalance. Still grieving from the loss of Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo, his only family, Kim Rok Soo takes on the mantle of Team Leader to protect the Abilty User world. But in the way he has to face numerous deranged villains and vicious alien monsters who oppose him and threaten to destroy everything and ruin what remains of Humanity. Read more to find out about his life journey!

Revinsane · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


A Deal ?

Kim Rok Soo looked at the possed man incrudeously.

[ Yes , I am offering you a deal because I can understand your struggles and pain from the look in your eyes , I am sure you need and would benefit greatly from my deal ]

Kim Rok Soo did not believe one second that he would I benefit from any kind of deal this man could offer , and was sure that this was nothing more that ploy or trick to buy himself more " time " .

Nonetheless continued to probe the possed man

" You can under my struggles and pain? "

Kim Rok Soo could help but leave hint of sarcasm in his voice out .

[ Yes , Society looks down on you , no matter who much you try to prove yourself they always look down on you . They see you as recyclable or a inferior copy of the original , You will forever be in the shadow of Lee Soo Hyuk !]

Kim Rok Soo impassively at possed youth

[ Come join me ! I ll help you fulfill your ultimate goal ! You must have already noticed how I escaped from an SSS rank prison , I have many more Trump cards , When we reach the top of the Ability User world nobody will ever look down on you , They will forced to bow down to you and see you for who you are . Would n t, serve your ultimate goal ? ]

Kim Rok was now digging his own ears

and replied In a lazy manner

" You talk too much "

[ Huh !!]

Kim Rok Soo mutters

" My Ultimate goal is not be acknowledged or come out of the shadow of Lee Soo Hyuk …but to achieve My Slacker Life , Your method will simply take me further away from my Ultimate goal . "

[ ..... Your a crazy Bastard ]

Kim Rok Soo was Offended

" Your eyes have some problems or what ?

Don t, you dare club me with those type of people ! "

[ ...]

[( Is this Apprentice of Lee Soo Hyuk mentally Sane ?)]


Kim Min Ah and the rest of the Team members had finished rounding up the criminals ….they were tied up Ina pitiful heap in front of them …

Kim Min Ah was smiling in satisfaction at their work and was about to look for the whereabouts the Team Leader …. When one of her subordinates came looking for her

" Captain I think you should I come and see this "

Kim Min Ah regained her serious attitude and followed her subordinate

The subordinate stooped next to the Silver start prison warden and pointed at him

He was struggling like everybody else because of being tied up ….

However when she payed close were several symbols and intricate patterns which glowing strongly on him ….. it was the same for the other criminals …

Kim Min Ah suddenly had a very terrible trepidation heart …


The possed man had given up arguing with Kim Rok Soo

[ You do not want this deal ? ]

" No , not one bit "

The possed man grudegfully said

[ You will regret this ..]

When Kim Rok Soo was about to reply back to him the possed youth had regained some consciousness ….

He clutched his head

" No liege I can t, do what your saying "

He painfully spoke

[ Dear boy , if you wish to gain power then sacrifices must be made ]

Kim Roo Soo was confused when his communication device was activated...

" Team leader we have subdued all the criminals…. However strange symbols seems to Sheboygan ignited on their body …. I have a bad feeling about this "

This deal he offered was bullshit! this bastard was only buying time!

When Kim Rok Soo frowned and spoke on anger

" You bastard your going to kill your subordinates ? "

The possed man shrugged

[ If people must be sacrificed on the pursuit of greater good then so be it ... Now dear boy complete the ritual !]

The possed boy regained consciousness gritted his teeth and shouted

" Holy Immolation!"

Immediately there were painful shouts and screams coming from the group tied up criminal ability users …..

A teleportation circle has also already activated underneath the youth ….

The youth was possed once more

[ What will be your choice ? My subordinate ability will make sure that this place is becomes levelled ….. It will hard for any of you to survive this explosion …..

You still have another way ….]

Kim Rok Soo looked at the teleportation Circe and new what he meant he could escape along with him using the teleportation circle ….

But he looked back at Kim Min Ah and rest of the team members and knew what fate awaited them if he left …

He ignored the possed man and headed straight for his team ….. He had already left something on the passed when he caught him earlier … they would be able to find his whereabouts later

The Possed youth laughed like a manic

[ So this is your decision ….. We will meet again Apprentice if Lee Soo Hyuk … that is if you can survive ]

The possed youth disappeared …. Maniac laughter echoed across ….


Kim Rok Soo was rushing forward …. but there was no time ….Even he used his ability instant he would not make in time …

As he hear the scream and shout and saw dangerously growing symbols on the criminals …. He imagined the worst …

the dead bodies of Kim Min Ah and all his other hand picked members lying around beyond recognition ….

and only him be alive in the end …..

He immediately braced his mind and convinced himself to use his other ability ...

He pointed his palm is the direction of his team members …. He imagined the faces of each and everyone own of them ...

He then muttered the words

" Sacrifice Oblation!"

He immediately the felt the affects …. A portion His life vitality has left him ….


Some Team members had recorded this ability of his

{ The ability of Team Leader Kim Rok Soo

Sacrifice Oblation requires him to sacrifice his lifespan and vitality ….}

{ In return this ability allows Team Leader Kim Rok Soo to creat an impregnable shield around the ones he wishes to protect ...As long as he clearly recalls the details faces of the people he wishes to Protect …. }

{ However this ability has two limitations

1. He can only use it on a living thing

2. He could not use it on himself }


A shining bright light shone through the area followed by a hot burning red explosion which enveloped the area …

" Well I have the suit made from an Unranked monster so it should I protect me …. It can protect from most things..... I think?"

Kim Rok Soo thought to himself before he too was engulfed by the fiery red flames


The fire had become a tornado which raged for a while before a while before calmed down

Kim Min Ah and rest of the Team Members were standing still with closed eyes and had cold sweat running down the shoulders …. They thought they had died …

When they opened their eyes they noticed that they were covered in a purple shield …. The place around them was terrible and the bodies of criminal ability users which had been Blasted to smitherens was not a nice sight to see …..

But none of this was Kim Min Ah s, concern

She was looking around desperately for the Team Leader ..,

She noticed him lying on the ground not too far away ….. there seemed to several serious 1 degree burns on his body ….. And he was was holding on the last embers of his consciousness

Kim Min Ah the rest of the Team members rushed to him ….

Easily bypassing the shield ..


Kim Rok Soo was holding on the last embers of his consciousness

He looked up and saw Kim Min Ah and rest of the his Team running towards him shouting his name

He smiled

" It's good that you survived " He muttered

Kim Min Ah and rest of the team were shouting

"Quick get Team Leader a healer quickly ! "

" We need to get him back HQ to be treated by Support team healer Jung So Hoon!!"

These were the last words Kim Rok Soo heard before he completely lost consciousness and his vision darkened ….


In the pitch black darkness within Kim Rok Soo mindscape....

a weak and feeble called out in a barely audible manner

"Please Someone help me!"



I added a new Fic original ability for Kim Rok Soo "Sacrifice Oblation"

"Also if you liked it please add some comments and kudos if possible "