
Teacher's Coffee

Emily Chloe, A teacher at Silver Creek High School has recently went through a breakup. Coincidentally, she meets an old friend of hers.

EthEn · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 9 - Movie night with the boysss

[6 Months later]

"So, why the fuck are you guys here?" Emily asked, as she looked at the little group outside her front door. That group of course being: Michael, Anna and Nathan.

"Yo." Michael replied first.

"The Jujutsu Kaisen movie's out on Crunchyroll. Wanna watch it together?" Anna replied.

"I don't get much of a choice in this, do I?" Emily replied.

"Nope," Anna replied with a pop at the end.

"At least warn me the next time you guys are coming around."

"We tried too but Anna stopped us." Said Nathan.

Emily snapped her head and glared at Anna with the most condescending look she could muster.

"It would be more funny that way." she replied.

Emily let out a loud sigh before letting the group in. "Make yourselves comfortable."

In the last six months, a lot has changed within Emily herself. She had finally accepted the ending of her relationship with Alan and moved on. And whether she liked it or not, she had inadvertently become closer to the tiny group she would call her friends. Them obviously being Nathan, Anna and Michael. She was much more comfortable with them than anyone ever before.

The second semester of school is almost ending, and due to an upcoming mock exam, the workload has increased, so she barely had the time to rest. Though, fortunately, the school's anniversary is due next week, so there will be multiple events, allowing her to rest for a little bit.

The movie had finally ended with both Michael and Nathan bidding their farewells as they both had to go to work tomorrow. Meanwhile, Anna…

"It's my shop. I can just not open it tomorrow."

Emily stared at her dumbfounded. "Won't you lose incom-"

"Does it look like I care?" She interrupted.

Realising that there will be no winning in this quote on quote argument. She relinquished and replied. "Fair enough. Will you be staying today?"

"I have nothing to do at home anyways."

"It's a yes or no question, dumbass."

"Oh fuck off. You know what I mean."

Emily let out a soft chuckle as she looked at Anna. Although she was indeed close with the other's, it couldn't compare to the comforting feeling she had with Anna. "I'll take the futons out"

Although surprised by the softness in Emily's voice, Anna quickly bounced back "Futons? You really are japanese…"

"Zip it."

Anna let a hearty laugh as she followed Emily into her room. "D'you need help?"

Emily effortlessly removed the futon from under her bed using a single arm. "Nah"

Anna stood awestruck as she looked at her friend. "Fuck, you're strong"


"Guess that gym membership really works wonders, huh?" Anna said, whilst secretly eyeing her biceps

"Thank god it does, cause it costs a fuck ton."

"Huh? How much does it cost?"

"Like 100 euros per month" (again, idk the real european prices of gym membership so this might be either way cheaper or wayyy too expensive.)

"THE FUCK!" Anna's eyes widened in surprise at the astronomical high price. "For that amount of money, you better get the most luxurious post-workout treatment in the world."

Finished setting up the futon, Emily stood back up and looked directly at Anna. "Well… it exists."

"Huh?" Anna stared at anna, confused on what she meant

"Gym's don't usually have a post-workout treatment. So it having one is already pretty good"

"Oh. That's the first time I've heard of that" She nodded her head.

They fell into a rhythm of sorts. Conversing with one another about random topics that would spring up. A couple hours passed when Anna noticed it was past midnight so she suggested they go to bed. They laid on separate mattresses and looked at the ceiling trying to catch some shut eye until-

"This reminds me of high school." Anna brought up

Since Emily also didn't feel tired, she decided to entertain her friend. "You're starting to sound like an old guy, Anna."

"But it does, doesn't it?"

"Hn~" She herself couldn't deny the nostalgia that started to resurface.

"Remember when we used to have pillow fights for every little disagreement?" Anna reminisced.

"You were always the one who started the-" but before she could continue, she was suddenly hit with s realisation: "Wait. Did you create all those dumb arguments just so we could have pillow fights"

Although there were no lights, Anna could still feel herself being stared at. She turned around with a slight blush before stuttering out "w- what are you talking about. I would never do that." Sarcasm laced onto her voice.

"You piece of shit" she muttered whilst shaking her head in disapproval. "So you were being an idiot for a pillow fight…"

"You cant say it wasn't fun though" She tried to argue but she was quickly shut down by her friend.

"You said, water was wet."

"Okay, that I actually believe in."

Fed up with her antic's, Emily took the decorative pillow that was besides her and threw it at Anna. A surprisingly loud 'thump' could be heard as it hit her head.

"You bitch" Anna shouted as she felt the impact.

"At least I wasn't the one gawking at every hot girl on T-"

"WAIT. YOU SAW THAT!!" She sat up on her bed looking at Emily, confusion evidently written on her face. Seeing this, Emily put up a teasing smile and replied "Oh, was I not supposed to see that?"

"Of course not!!" She shouted.

"Well, it's quite hard to ignore you when you sit right next to me."

The blush that she had managed to ignore before quickly came back, making her face as red as a tomato. "I always thought you were doing something else."

"What did you think I was doing?"

"I DON'T KNOW." She whisper-shouted, knowing that the neighbours were probably asleep. "Maybe studying or something."

Emily snickered at the half-baked conclusion Anna came up with "If it gives you any relief, you did look cute while doing it."

The blush that had adorned Anna's face, somehow deepened more as she took the pillow that was previously thrown at her and threw it back. Hard. "I'M GOING TO SLEEP!" She said in finality

Emily let out a genuine laugh as she removed the pillow from her face and moved her blankets up again. "Night night."

A muffled reply came out of the embarrassed girl's mouth. "Fuck off"

And Emily couldn't help but laugh out again. Something it seems that she has been doing more as of recent and Anna couldn't help but find it endearing.

Just wanted to let you all know that comments and reviews are both very much appriciated. <3

EthEncreators' thoughts