
Teacher's Coffee

Emily Chloe, A teacher at Silver Creek High School has recently went through a breakup. Coincidentally, she meets an old friend of hers.

EthEn · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 7 - The Mall

2 girls were walking side by side on their way to the mall

"Why am I here anyways?"

"Well, I wanted to hang out. And an extra pair of hands would always help"

"So you're using me."

"I wouldnt say using… more so helping"

"I would need to agree with you beforehand for it to count as 'helping'"

"Lets not get to finicky on the details"

"I'm a physicist. Its quite literally my job to get 'finicky' with the details"

"Is that why you're so annoying now"

"Oh, shut up"

They continued talking and joking as they made their way to the mall. It was as if they had never been seperated in the first place. In some way or another, the conversation shifted towards volleyball.

"Speaking of volley, do you still play it" Anna asked.

"No. The last time I played was when we both played. I don't plan on returning to it anytime soon as I would much rather get back into shape." Emily replied.

"Can't you do both?"

"I work better when I do stuff one by one. Or else I'll get overwhelmed and wont be able to do my job properly."

"Oh right. I forget you're a teacher. I bet your students must hate you."

"Hmmm… I wouldn't say hate. I think they are just annoyed that I don't necessarily express my emotion or reveal anything about myself"

"That makes sense."

"How about you?"


"Do you still play volleyball?"

"Oh right. I do. I usually play with Michael and if Nathan is free, he joins us too."

"That's nice."

"You can join us if you want too."

"Maybe in the future" Emily responded with a soft smile. "What are you buying anyways?"

"I'm buying decorations for the cafe."

"Oh, that makes sense. The last time I went in, it did look a bit bland. Whats the budget?"

"Ummm…. I think I have a thousand Euros to spare."

"That's good. I'm not good with decorations so I think I'll leave this one to you."

"I would guess as much judging from the state of your apartment"

"I'm planning to refurbish it at some point. I'm just too busy right now."

"Can I help when you do it"

"Yeah sure."

Walking around the mall, Anna found a bunch of items. Paintings, a speaker for some calming music, Better equipment which took a large part of her budget, and fake plants because every cafe has to have some potted plants for whatever reason. As they made their way out the store, Emily was left carrying all the bags.

"This is why I hate going out with you."

"What do you mean?" she said whilst eating some ice cream she bought for herself. Of course, she also bought one for emily but she couldnt eat it as her hands were occupied.

"I'm carrying all the bags whilst you're eating ice cream"

"Yes… and what is the problem with that?"

"Its quite unfair. You could hold some bags yourself, Anna."

"Finee" Anna let out a loud sigh as she picked two of the lighter bags from her friends hand.

"Now, I would like my ice cream please." Emily asked

"Ughh" She removed the wrapping and gave Emily the cone.

"Thanks," Emily said before quickly eating it.

"You have such a sweet tooth" Anna commented on the way she was eating it eagerly.

"What can I say, sweet things are delicious."

"As much as i agree, isn't that too much sugar?"

"I have self control. I only have these sorts of things once or twice a week."

"Since you're working out now, shouldn't you cut back a bit more?"

"No. Not happening. Zero chance." She quickly interjected and spoke fast

"That was quick"

"Without sugar, I wouldn't be able to function. It is quite literally my life force"

"Then why do you drink coffee?"

"So I have enough energy for the day. I have a lot of work to do so I need coffee to be able to focus"

"It isn't good for your health though," Anna said, concern laced onto her voice

"I don't want to hear that from someone who owns a cafe"


"And besides, I only restarted drinking coffee frequently cause of you."

"So it's my fault?" Anna said with sarcasm.

"Well, duh. The coffee you make is too good."

Anna let out a sigh before replying "Next time I'm giving you decaf"

"That's probably for the better. Too much caffeine isn't good."

As they were talking, a couple walked in front of them. Out of curiosity, Emily looked at the two passersby but instantly regretted it as her eyes widened with shock. Seeing the shift of mood, Anna too looked at the two people. She was confused at first until a certain realisation hit her.

"Is that-" She was interrupted by a nodding Emily.

It was her ex-boyfriend, Alan, holding hands and talking cheerfully with a girl next to him. There was a certain atmosphere between them and it didn't take long to guess why. The two of them were obviously dating. Without missing a beat, Anna grabbed Emily's hand and pulled her out of the mall. Luckily they were already on their way out so the exit was close by.

"C'mon, let's go back."

"Are you sure? Don't you have more stuff to buy?"

"Nah, I've already gotten everything I need. My budget is already spent too."

Emily let out a soft chuckle as she replied with a distant look. "Alright, we can go."

Anna called for a taxi and pushed Emily into it. She would've given a hug and comforted her but decided against it as they were still in a public place. The silence was loud as neither of them shared a word throughout the journey.

Emily needed some space and time to ⁸think about what she saw and Anna didn't want to interrupt that. She knew from previous times where she herself had been comforted by Emily that space was important.

It had been obvious that Alan would've moved on fast as he himself had admitted to have fallen for someone else. But seeing it play out in front of her made it hurt differently. She was truly and utterly in love with him.

Stepping out of the door Anna practically dragged Emily up the stairs to her apartment.

"What's going through your mind, Emily?" She said as she hugged her with a gentle caress to her back

"I don't know…" she replied, her voice broken by the numerous emotions she was feeling

Her day had been going incredibly well up until that point.

"I may have never been in a relationship but what I do know is that its gonna take time." She took a deep breath before continuing

"You might hate it but if you want to move on, then you'll need time. Give it at least six month. Also if you ever need help or want to vent your feelings, you can always ask me alright?"

"Hnn~" she nodded into Anna's neck "this is weird."


"I remember when I used to be the one doing this to you."

"Ahh… right. I guess it's about time I return the favour"

"I guess so…"