
TBATE : Reborn Scientist

Due to Agrona's negligence and the unpredictable nature of aether, a scientist's soul from earth slipped into dicathen without anyone's knowledge. Follow him on his journey as he unveils the mysteries of mana and aether. *************** Schedule:- One chapter every Mon/Thu/Sun *************** It is a Tbate fic, so most of the characters will be from the original novel except Mc and some other important ones. So, you must know that I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS of any of the characters from the original novel. Now that is out of the way, I wish you happy reading. -Several Initial chapters are not written very well, as I was really bad at writing, a month or two ago, but the new ones are top-notch, I guarantee that, at least according to me.

roninhawk · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


It took me almost a month to get back to zaar town from xyrus city.

Coming to the front door of my house, I knocked

After nearly a minute, My mom opened the door.

"Hey, Mom. I'm back." I said, looking at her, with a loving smile.

Her eyes widened in shock as she gazed at me. But the next instant, she broke into tears, throwing herself at me, and showering me with hugs and kisses.

"Oh, my baby! Al!" she said in between sobs.

Since my birth in this world, I've never been away from my mom for this long, So I could understand how difficult it must have been for her for all these months.

After what seemed like an hour, she finally released me but still held onto my hand as if afraid to let go.

Then we looked around us, only to find out that people in the neighbourhood were staring at us with emotional expressions, some even had tears in their eyes, Like watching a very sad scene of a drama., We were so engrossed in our reunion that we forgot we were standing at the door of our house.

Without further ado, my mom pulled me inside. Showering me with the rain of questions about my life at the academy.

I answered all her questions, some honestly and some not so honestly. We talked for hours.

In the evening My dad also came home. He was happy to see me back, but also a little surprised at my sudden arrival.

He even asked me if I fought with any kid from a noble family.

I just told him I came back coz I missed them and no, I didn't have a fight with any Nobel.

After hearing my answer, he heaved a sigh of relief.

After telling my parents about my boring life at the academy,

We ate delicious food made by Mother. Then wishing my parents good night, I went back to my old room.

At midnight,

I was sitting crossed leg on my bed, meditating. Atm mana was constantly flowing into my core.

Suddenly, A clicking sound came out of my body, like some kind of barrier has been broken.

After a minute or two, I opened my eyes and smiled brightly. I finally broke through to the silver core. With my new more concentrated and powerful mana, added to my inhuman mana manipulation, I would be able to use my gravity magic more freely and achieve real flight.

Assimilation with the new element which I named space mana was also complete. Now I just had to figure out how the pendant use that mana to teleport and I'll have a heaven-defying life-saving ability up my sleeves.

Standing up, I walked to my window.

Sneaking out of my house as I came to the underground cave I used to practice in.

I took out the pendant from my dimensional ring and without wasting any time, willed some of my mana into it.

Immediately an orange barrier covered me whole leaving me confused for a few seconds But the next instant, I saw my vision change as I noticed I was in a purple space.

It was full of motes of aether. It felt both real and imaginary. Then my vision changed again and I found I had come back to my room. I guess I think My house is the safest place for me.

I breathed heaving and thought back to the things I had just experienced.

After an hour, I sneaked out of my house again, coming back to the cave.

Standing there, I stretched out my hand. Space mana came out of it and started to condense in the air. After a minute, the space in front of me became blurry as if the very fabric of reality was about to break, and the next instant, A circular portal opened there.

Looking at it, I walked through without any hesitation.

'No risk no gifts.' I thought.

At the other end of the portal, I was again met with the purple space. There were countless motes of aether floating around me. It was a sigh both beautiful and pleasing to the eye. After looking around for some time, I willed space mana into my eyes.

Now I could see that some motes were connected to me with some kind of connection. Which looked blurry almost imaginary. I willed space mana into one of the connections which was the most visible to me, my vision changed again as I was taken back to my room.

I checked my body for any kind of damage the teleportation might have done, After a minute, I found no damage except for the fact that more than half of my mana core was empty. well....apparently Teleportation was a very mana-consuming technique.

'huh.' heaving a sigh of relief. I sat down on my bed to organise my thoughts.

Space mana helps to open the portal to purple space. Which seems like a space between dimensions. I'm guessing Arthur's god step also works like this. But he does not enter space but travels through the motes directly. which is more convenient but not suitable for long-distance teleportation.

For long-distance teleportation, first, you have to establish a connection with it, staying at a place for a long time can establish a connection. There might be other ways as well that I don't know of yet. Well...I'll just have to figure them out I guess.

As for why I cannot see those motes of aether without entering the space in which they exist. Well, It should be coz I don't have aether affinity.

But I think I can figure out a way to perform short-distance teleportation as well. I just need some time and practice.

Happy with my newly founded ability. I lay down and went to sleep. I sleepers like a hog that night.

(Give reviews on the novel Motherfu**ers)