
TBATE - Devils Ascension.

In death, Ezrath wished for power he's only ever seen in his dreams and in the popular manga One Piece. Taking this chance with the powerful being he was introduced to, he sets out into a world he favorites with abilities he dreamed of!

uknoMarcel · Anime e quadrinhos
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1 Chs


"Walking down the bustling city streets, I had no care in the world. Life was amazing! The crunch of snow, the smell of salted foods mixed with the classical eggnog and other Christmas pastries all flooded my nostrils.

I swear if I continued to inhale those scents, I would be overloaded. Like a overdose kind of... But with Christmas pastries and whatnot- It's kid friendly.

Humming under my breath, I paused at a crosswalk. Waiting for the street to empty and for it to be cleared. There were others in the same predicament as me... And some that weren't so fortunate.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Where's my money!?" Turning up my music in my earbuds was a simple way to drown that out. I avoided any eye contact; My destination was the Library... Not the hospital due to someone else's bad day.

The light finally turned red and I was able to cross when suddenly, my phone vibrated. My heart jumped wondering who it was. I had a couple ideas- But my favorite and most hopeful were for it to be my girlfriend of five years.

Thinking about her got me thinking about the ring I bought her a couple days ago... I was planning on asking her to marry me on Christmas day, it was supposed to be earlier but the whole idea is nerve-wracking. So! I moved it up to Christmas day! Hoping that the cheery vibes and good attitudes would give me the last bit of comfort I needed.

I got so excited just thinking about it!

However, that excitement failed me. The message I received that day was something I wouldn't wish even on my worst enemies. A video of another guy fucking my girlfriend was what awaited me.

If that in and of itself wasn't bad, she had the audacity to send a message-

[Sorry, Love. ;)]

My heart dropped. My mind went numb. To this day I barely remember how I felt, or how I reacted in the moment. My head clouded and it felt as if It was going to explode any moment. I stopped in my tracks, right in the middle of the road.

I almost got hit, but luckily I was pulled out of the way by a kind pedestrian. He began to shout his worries and how dumb I was most likely.

Like I said, I don't remember much from that day. Just what happened before... And definitely what happened afterwards.

That day was when my life flipped, the lack of maturity at my age was something that encouraged the ideas that swarmed my brain. The ideas to just kill them both. Hell, their families or maybe even get back at her through her mom or sisters.

But for the guy she did it with? Yeah, he had no choice in my eyes. Either die, or he could end it himself.

By no means was I an ugly looking guy, sure, I wasn't perfect but hell- Who the fuck was? Cause it surely wasn't that girl or the guy for that matter.

Long story short... I went crazy, I killed the guy after he decided to taunt me some more at school about it. Did it right then and there and ran. Of course the police were called but I was gone, so I used my opportunity the best I could and killed the rest of the guys family and my ex at the same time.

I was caught soon after, but I didn't care. My revenge was complete and I felt like I could finally begin to heal-"

"Wait wait, you decided to heal AFTER you went on a murder spree? Good shit!" A man with bright red skin dressed in a matte black tuxedo cut me off from his throne. His long black hair dangling off the side of the arm rest as he laid in an awkward position.

He had black horns on his head and since his domain was fiery, hot and red... It was kind of easy for me to connect the dots.

Anyways, I rolled my eyes.

"...Yeah, good shit... Anyways, continuing with my life recap, I was thrown into prison with my death sentence set for four whole weeks after rotting in jail. Of course I had the chance to be treated as a psychiatric patient, but I cleared for not having a mental disability." I shrug. Sighing with a squint.

"Do I really need to go on? You claim to be the Devil, if that's true then surely I don't need to retell my life story. You already know it, don't you?" He clicks his tongue and sits up in his chair. Running his hands through his hair his red, fiery eyes glare at me.

"Tch, I was enjoying it... You're right regardless. I guess I'll get down to business now since my whole shtick is up. You get two wishes, a world of your choice and the sin of wrath. Deal? Deal. Okay, get to choosing." My eyes widened in surprise.

"So instead of paying for my sins, I'm going to gain a sin... And two wishes? Plus a life in another world... Why? What? Huh?" I was genuinely confused as fuck. Nothing was making since, I figured he summoned me here just so he could determine the punishment that he was going to give me and for how long. Never in a million years would I have thought that he would offer me a fantasy like choice.

'...But then again. I didn't even know he existed until a couple hours ago.'

"Are you done wasting time? I've given you a great opportunity and even offered you the seat of Wrath! What's there to even think about?" Satan was really hellbent on selling this to me... And he was right in thinking that I quite literally had nothing to think about.

But what does the seat of Wrath come with?

"If I agree... What does carrying the Sin of Wrath grant me?" Satan paused, his eyes squinting with emotion I couldn't make out. Sighing and rubbing his forehead, he clicked his tongue and gave in.

"The Sin of Wrath grants some basic ability boosts- You know, like superpower shit. All good stuff, no drawbacks. It also gets you a seat right under me! Satan himself! Now if that isn't enough then I don't know what to tell you... You can just go rot in hell and I'll find my next candidate."

I thought it over some. Hearing the idea of burning in hell for the rest of my life was kind of enough to scare me into it, I'm not even going to lie.

"Fine, fine. I'll do it." Satan gave a snide smirk but none the less kept quiet, motioning with his hands for me to continue on with the rest of his deal. I've actually been thinking about my wishes as soon as he brought them up, but I still wanted more information before I gave in.

"You know One Piece right? Anyway, I want the abilities of Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika. For my next wish I want full access to Conquerors Haki. I still want to be able to work for the other types." Satan nodded, snapping his fingers.

I raised an eyebrow, confused.

"It's for later. Don't worry about it. What's your world choice?"

"It's The Beginning After The End." Once again, he snapped but this time he smiled a little creepily. His sharp canines giving an appearance.

"Now! For the main prize... Your sin!" He walked up to me, his arms out wide. I stood in place, figuring that the Devil surely knew what he was doing and I wouldn't need to worry about it. However, once he took me in his embrace. My attitude totally changed.

A sharp, glaring pain overtook every one of my senses, throwing me into complete disarray.

"Guh!" Collapsing to the floor, I held my gut as my whole body tensed to the point I swear every vein in my body would burst open. Shit, it sure felt like it. My skin was practically crawling. Like Satan planted an ant hill under my skin and let the ants crawl and pick around as they pleased.

This last for what felt like eternity.

"Whew! That took longer than I expected... Seems you have potential after all." I heard his Devilish voice once more, but his words brought a sense of comfort for letting me know I was still alive. The pain soon died down afterward.

But instead of feeling fatigued, and hurt... I felt rejuvenated and energetic. Like I didn't just go through literal hellish pain. I slowly got to my feet, my breath a heavy pant as I inspected my new found hands.

Black in color, with golden cracks lining all the way up to the crease of my elbow. Though the black continued to my shoulders. My feet were in the same predicament. I ran my tongue through out my mouth, trying to find any changes there too, and it seems I was spot on. My canines became more pronounced, almost like they've grown a couple centimeters. They were definitely longer than most of my other teeth.

It made me feel like a vampire...

"W-What was that?" I asked through a steadily increasing shaky breath. Satan smiled proudly as he turned his nose up, his hands out for display like he's showing off a masterpiece.

"That, my friend, was the gifts you asked for alongside the Sin of Wrath! It seems like Wrath took a liking to you... Make sure you don't let him down." He winked. But I was still to caught up in what just happened to fully take consideration to his words.

"Now, it's time for you to go. You have no more business here and the longer you stay the hungrier Wrath will get. Goodbye!"

"Wa-" It was too late. Satan had snapped his fingers and my deal with the Devil was sealed. My consciousness slipped and I felt the ground beneath me open up. Throwing me deeper into darkness.
