
TBATE - A Cliche Transmigration!

Transmigrated once before, Sin begins his newfound journey once again in the world of TBATE! Gifted wishes powerful enough to fight Gods. Or even conquer them.

CrippledFrank · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

- Causing Trouble!


"Is that so…" Hearing the old elf speak for the first time was something I was actually looking forward to. I read that his voice was really… I don't remember, but I'm quite disappointed.

It's not cool sounding like I thought it'd be. My hopes were that he sounded like an ancient ancestor to a young master who was in trouble. But, beggars can't be choosers I guess.

The old elf eyed me curiously as I did the same, though I wasn't curious. Wysteria and her sister stood in front of me as if to protect me. From what? I don't know.

Virion didn't say anything else, just eyed me for a few more seconds before walking off back towards the carriage, not before saying his welcomes.

"I'm glad you two are back safe and sound…" He sure doesn't look like it though. Their parents gathered themselves together as quickly as they could, wanting to make sure their royal demeanor was in check before speaking to me.

"I bet you three are… Tired. Why don't you join us in the palace and after you're all cleaned up and well rested, we can talk about what happened and what's going to happen going forward." Alduin spoke, his face was serious alongside his wifes.

I forgot her name.

Nodding in agreement, I glanced at the other two.

'I wonder how they feel about all this.' I guess I didn't have to worry all too much… They seemed relieved. Even excited.

And just like that, the elven family along with the royal guards escorted us towards the palace. The town of Zestier was prestigious and beautiful to say the least. The polished stone bricks that acted as roads and paths.

The buildings and shacks were all rather up to date and pleasing to the eyes. Little vines acted as decorations along with some of the giant leaves that served as a hood for the forest of Elshire.

Some stalls sold fruit while others sold jewelry and little toys made of… I don't know. Wasn't all that interested.

The guards that surrounded us seemed quite conflicted on what to do with me. I'm human and I'm armed. They probably think I'm weak or stronger than them all considering I don't have a mana core, and not being able to gauge my strength, they probably don't want to risk any altercation that would harm the Princesses.

"You know…" I spoke up, gathering the group's attention. My eyes locked on the guard to my left.

"If you want to confiscate my weapon, you could've just told me." I said with a slight smile. My eyes locked with his. He looked at me skeptical but reached out his hand, the other guards were more focused on us and I even saw how they gripped their weapons tighter.

Looking at his hand, I chuckled.

"Use your manners." I stated, more so ordered. This was fun… Plus I know Virion would want to test me anyway, so if he heard, or even witnessed me defeating the top royal guards… He'd want me to stay and be under his training.

I think, but I'm not Arthur nor do I have a fucking beast will.

'I should find one… Capturing a dragon would be fun.' I thought, a sense of excitement creeping up within me.

The Guards' teeth clenched and the group stopped.

"Don't forget who you are talking to, boy." The guard spat, stepping up to me. He was considerably taller than me, but even then…


The group having stopped in the middle of the road had caught the attention of the passers-bys, some even stopped to listen in and see what would happen while others kept on going assuming Sin would have a harsh stay for the rest of his time here.


"That eye level…" Sin spoke, his voice barely a whisper but it seemingly traveled through the whole street. Everyone stopped in their tracks, a feeling of fear creeping up within every single one of them, but only two were spared.

The rest of the guards dropped into a defensive stance simultaneously pulling the two princesses away from the boy.

They looked around confused, Tessia subconsciously grabbing onto her sister's sleeve as she stared at Sin who held his head low, his eyes hidden from view.

The guard in front of him seemed shaken from the sudden change in the boy and his words. But seeing as to how his head was held low, he made the arrogant mistake of thinking Sin surrendered.

A snide smirk on his face as he spoke- "What? Cat got your tongue? Hand over the weapon boy, I won't ask ag-"

"Lower it." The guard didn't even get to process what happened to him. All he saw were two blood red eyes pierce right into his very being before his eyesight suddenly lowered, his body aching in unnatural uncomfort.

Gasps of all kinds filled the air as the surrounding crowd continued to expand. Murmuring flooded in next.

"You Impenent bastard! What did you do?" Another guard shouted, diving in with his spear aiming towards Sins mana core.

The carriage carrying the royal family suddenly stopped, the King and Queen rushed out to see just what was happening in front of them that caused such a commotion. Alduin and Merial rushed forward, their bodies augmented with mana. Virion followed last but he was faster, appearing just in time to hear his eldest granddaughter scream in fear.

"Dont kill him!"

What happened next was confusing and brisk, it felt like a stream of wind passing by but suddenly stopping.

"Oh princess… Are you worried about me?" Sin spoke up, his blade resting at the neck of the elven guard who attacked him. His sharingan in view for all to see. The royal guard felt true fear as well as confusion rising within him.

How the hell did he end up in this situation?

A boy, no older than the first born has managed to take his life?

"No dummy. I was talking about you!" She shouted, strutting up to him with Tessia in tow. Her face was that of someone stressed and worried, Sin looked at this with a little surprise.

She's barely known him a week and she's worried about his well being?

This is just perfect!

"Mm." He hummed, pulling his katana straight back, making a slight gash in the guard's neck for it to bleed. He made sure that he made it just deep enough for it to scar; He wanted it to serve as a warning for them all.

Sheathing his sword and deactivating his sharingan, he continued on towards the palace as if nothing happened.

Wysteria trading glances with her sister before they both broke out into a giggle rushing after him.

Virion, Alduin and Merial, who arrived just in time to see Sin spare their guard, looked on in awe and embarrassment. Virion however, was completely entranced with the boy's footwork.

He's never seen footwork like that… Elegant, smooth and precise but yet deadly. He cracked a smile before it turned into a full blown laugh.

'You've got my attention you brat…'



5th chapter!

Ok! So, first of all, I just want to say that this chapter had meaning behind it… Whether or not you believe me is up to you… I totally didn't just want to create a scene that put Sin in a badass spotlight and create a reason for the two sisters to be entranced with him even more for being a cool badass teen!

Ahem, anyway.

I hope you enjoyed! :)

P.S! I wanna hear some of yalls' guesses on where Arthur is currently at.

200 words shorter than the other chapters… I apologize…