
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs



The soft rays of sunlight filtered through the ethereal curtains, gently rousing me from my slumber. A dull ache pulsated in my head, prompting me to cradle it with my hand. Turning my gaze, I discovered Kathyln peacefully asleep beside me.

I playfully nudged her cheek to rouse her from her slumber, causing her eyes to flutter open.

"Did you really have to wake me up so early?" she groaned, stretching her arms and eliciting a lighthearted giggle from me. It was a stark contrast to her public persona, revealing the true person she was in my presence.

"Indeed," I replied, "We have the Paladins' announcement ceremony this morning, followed by the grand celebration with nobles tonight to honor Lancelot and Rachel for their heroic actions in dismantling the fleet that threatened Etistin. So, let's get ready promptly."

"And here I thought you would relish the sight of me like this," she grumbled with a playful pout before slipping off the bed and making her way to the bathroom.

Adorned in bulky armor that served no practical purpose in battle but exuded an aura of grandeur, Kathyln and I made our way down the spiral staircase towards the teleportation room. Though I possessed the ability to teleport us there effortlessly using spatium, opting for the room ensured a seamless transition without any potential complications.

The resounding clank of my metal greaves against the stone pathway reverberated through the narrow corridor, alerting the stationed guards of our approach. As we reached the familiar iron doors, the augmenter and conjurer guards greeted us with a deep, respectful bow, swiftly unlocking the imposing entrance to the circular room.

"Commander, Princess, everyone is waiting inside," the augmenter announced as he slid open the metallic door, unveiling the central figures of this war.

A captivating scene unfolded before us. Bairon Wykes, Mica Earthborn, Alea Triscan, Varay Aurae, and Aya Grephin, the five remaining Lances, stood proudly adorned in elaborately decorated white armor, mirroring the ostentatiousness of my own attire.

The other five Paladins—Lancelot, Rachel, Tessia, Arthur, and Alistair—donned gleaming silver armor, a touch more subdued yet still brimming with elegance.

Sylvie stood at Arthur's side, her human form captivating Tessia's attention, as the young Paladin lavished the cute dragon with adoration.

"Go ahead," I encouraged Kathyln, noticing her intense gaze fixed on Sylvie. I knew she was eager to greet the adorable dragon.

Virion, positioned closest to the teleportation gate, had shed his black mourning robe in favor of a resplendent olive tunic that cascaded gracefully past his knees, accompanied by silken white trousers. The noble garment boasted intricate aureate trimming, perfectly matching the golden sash elegantly encircling his waist. A bronze circlet adorned his brow, accentuating his features, while his flowing white hair cascaded freely over his shoulders.

Standing beside the elder were his son and Tess's father, Alduin Eralith, and his wife, Merial. Alduin donned a silver tunic, crafted with similar adornments and exquisite design as his father's attire. Merial, complementing her husband, wore a striking silver dress, its elegance carefully chosen to harmonize with her partner's ensemble.

Blaine, noticeably aged since our last encounter, sported more streaks of grey within his fiery maroon hair. Clad in a silken black tunic beneath imposing gunmetal pauldrons that enveloped his shoulders and collar, he emanated an intimidating aura. His wife, Priscilla, opted for a fluttery black dress adorned with delicate engravings of silver flowers. Her ebony locks were elegantly gathered, revealing a neck that appeared pure white against her dark attire.

Though the two couples couldn't be more different in appearance and demeanor, each exuded an undeniable air of dignity, captivating the awaiting crowd.

"Presuming you have fared well," I greeted them, acknowledging their gesture of respect with a slight bow of my own.

A venerable dwarf, who had been standing alongside Virion and the two monarchs, stepped forward, positioning himself between Blaine and me. With a deep bow, he addressed me, "Commander, I greet you once again."

Despite his hunched stature, he stood tall and proud, his squared shoulders lending him an appearance taller than his actual height. A prominent scar traced its way down the left side of his weathered face, spanning from his closed left eye all the way to his jawline. However, the eye that remained open possessed a gentle quality, softening his rugged visage.

"Rahdeas," I acknowledged him with a slight smile, "I trust you have been faring well."

"We shall proceed ahead with Gary," Virion interjected. "The gatekeeper will receive my transmission and signal you to proceed when the time is right."

Casting a quick glance towards Rahdeas, the traitor whose audacity and confidence in his charade amused me, I motioned for the royal figures to join me as we prepared to enter the portal.


"Prepare yourselves, Generals, for Commander Virion will give the signal," a slender handmaid instructed, her nimble fingers deftly adjusting Aya's wind-tousled hair.

"Generals?" I questioned, taken aback by the unexpected title.

"Paladins, Lady Sylvie, Lord Alistair, I am pleased to see your arrival," a familiar voice called out from behind.

Turning around, I spotted Aldir seated gracefully in front of a meticulously arranged tea set, a delicate cup clutched in his hand while his piercing third eye focused on our group.

"It seems you prefer to linger in the shadows," Arthur and Alistair greeted the asura, and Sylvie nodded respectfully.

"That is my role," he responded, raising his cup in a solitary toast.

The echoes of cheers gradually subsided as Gary took the center stage. "Many of you have journeyed great distances to be present here today, and that fills my heart with pride. Standing beside me are your esteemed leaders—the individuals who have safeguarded this continent in the past, and those who will continue to protect it in the future."

Renewed waves of applause swept through the crowd as Rahdeas, the Glayder family, and the Eralith family acknowledged the enthusiastic reception.

"Yet, while these luminaries bask in the limelight, we must not forget the unsung heroes who toil in the shadows, risking their lives for the greater good. I ask you all to join me in welcoming the valiant Lances of Dicathen!"

The Lances paraded to the balcony's edge, exuding unwavering resolve with their heads held high and shoulders squared. Virion and the royal families turned their attention towards them, extending warm greetings.

A thunderous ovation erupted as the six Lances came into full view. The cacophony of cheers and shouts melded into a unified chant that reverberated through the air.


After several minutes of uninterrupted cheering, Gary raised his hand, commanding silence from the hundreds of thousands—perhaps even millions—of humans, elves, and dwarves in attendance.

Addressing the crowd once more, Gary spoke with unwavering determination. "The Lances have shed blood and tears to safeguard Dicathen, but in these uncertain times, we can no longer rely solely on the strong. We must unite in our fight to defend our homes."

"At the inception of the Lances nearly four years ago, we made a promise: that the title of a Lance would not be predetermined by birth or status, but earned through hard work, talent, and strength. Today marks the dawning of a new era, where fresh heroes shall emerge. There are six extraordinary individuals whom we will recognize here today. They shall not be known as Lances, but as Paladins. Join me in welcoming the Paladins of Dicathen—the new vanguards who will lead our continent to victory in this war!"

All eyes turned towards us as we ascended toward the balcony's edge, capturing the attention of Virion, Rahdeas, the lances, and the two royal families. The thunderous applause swelled to an ear-splitting crescendo, an overwhelming ovation that resonated through the air. At the far end, Gary and Virion awaited our arrival, their expressions radiating anticipation and pride.

Bairon and Varay, their countenances weathered and stoic, allowed us passage through their ranks, while Aya's lips curled into a mischievous smile, her nod conveying her approval. Mica, though appearing somewhat put out by the diverted attention, couldn't entirely hide her subtle pout. On the other hand, Alea beamed at me, her smile a testament of admiration and agreement.

As I stepped onto the balcony, bathed in the brilliance of the morning sun, a breathtaking scene unfolded before my eyes. The world below was enveloped in a resplendent blanket of light. Millions of people—humans, elves, and dwarves—gathered together, their presence stretching to the very horizon. They stood shoulder to shoulder, yearning to be closer to their leaders, their faces alight with excitement, reverence, and jubilation.

The air was electric, charged with anticipation, as the collective heartbeat of the continent pulsed beneath us. In this awe-inspiring moment, I couldn't help but marvel at the unity and unwavering spirit that permeated the crowd.

Gary's commanding presence compelled the crowd to hush, their voices fading into a hushed murmur. It was a testament to his remarkable leadership, honed through his experiences back on Earth. Yet, even as I stood beside him, I marveled at the profound respect bestowed upon him, considering his relatively tender age.

With a gesture, he stilled the sea of voices, capturing their undivided attention effortlessly. It was as if a wave of reverence swept through the assembly, drawn to his magnetic aura. Gary's maturity and wisdom, far beyond his years, commanded admiration from all who stood before him.

"My esteemed people of Dicathen," Gary began his speech.

"Today, as we gather under the boundless sky, bathed in the warmth of unity, I stand before you with immense pride and gratitude. We stand here not as separate entities, but as one harmonious tapestry woven together by the threads of camaraderie and shared purpose. Elves, humans, and dwarves, united by a common goal—the preservation of our beloved continent."

"Dicathen, our cherished home, has withstood the test of time, enduring countless trials and tribulations. It is a testament to the resilience and unwavering spirit of its people. We have witnessed the darkest of days, when the shadows of uncertainty threatened to engulf us. Yet, we emerged stronger, fortified by the indomitable bonds that connect us all."

"Recently, we faced a grave threat— the relentless fleet that aimed to engulf Etistin in its icy grip. But in the face of adversity, true heroes emerged. Lancelot and Rachel, with their unwavering valor and unyielding determination, struck a decisive blow against our assailants. Their bravery shattered the chains of fear that held us captive, igniting a flame of hope that now burns brightly within each of us."

He gestured towards Lancelot and Rachel, causing the crowd to immediately become enraptured by them as they silently cheered, not wanting to disrupt Gary's speech.

"In their courageous act, they demonstrated that we are not helpless, that we possess the power to shape our own destiny. Their triumph serves as a testament to what we can achieve when we stand united, when we cast aside our differences and join forces for the greater good."

"Today, I make a solemn promise to you, my fellow citizens. We will not falter in the face of this war that looms before us. Our resolve will remain unshakeable, our determination unwavering. We will fight with every fiber of our being, defending our lands and our people against the encroaching darkness."

"We commemorate not only our triumphs but also the collective spirit that courses through our veins. Let us cherish this moment and hold it close to our hearts, for it is a testament to the unbreakable bond that unites us."

"As we move forward, hand in hand, I implore you to stay resolute and steadfast. Let the flames of hope burn brightly within you, for they will guide us through the darkest of nights. Together, we shall overcome any obstacle, surmount any challenge, and emerge victorious."

"May the spirit of Dicathen dwell within each of us, forever igniting the flame of unity and inspiring us to reach greater heights. For today, we stand united, unyielding, and unstoppable."

Finally, the speech reached it's conclusion as everyone who heard it held their breath in.

"Long live Dicathen!" Gary said to conclude.

That single proclamation set off an eruption. As if the crowd of over a million people had choreographed their cheer, a thundering chant resounded, shaking the ground and very castle we were in.

"Long live Dicathen. Long live Dicathen. Long live Dicathen."

After several minutes of receiving the crowd's cheers, we slowly retreated back into the castle.