
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs



My footsteps echoed gently as I descended, arriving before the imposing edifice of the Whiteborn mansion. It had been an eternity since I last set foot within these hallowed walls, since the fateful day I revealed the secrets of my past existence to my parents.

In the intervening years, I had devoted myself tirelessly to propelling Dicathen's technological progress forward. Collaborating closely with visionary inventors and skilled artificers, I channeled my energies into pioneering groundbreaking innovations, heralding the era of trains, steamships, and mighty cannons.

With unwavering determination, I had invested countless hours into honing my skills and elevating my strength to unfathomable heights. In the realm of combat, I had surpassed my former adversaries, Jezebeth and Alexis, without a doubt, though that was only at the level they possessed several years ago.

Yet, a lingering sense of unease lingered within me. The enigmatic aura emanating from Alexis had proven elusive, and my mastery over aether remained incomplete. Despite the dual layers of my aether core, I yearned for a deeper understanding of the intricate edicts of aether, seeking to unlock new realms of power.

However, as I crossed the threshold of my family home, all concerns melted away in the warm embrace of familial love. The maids and my kin greeted me with open arms, their smiles radiating joy and familiarity.

My mother and father stood before me, unchanged in appearance, yet their eyes held a depth of emotion I had not witnessed before. Though their progress had plateaued, their formidable strength remained intact, a shield against most threats posed by lessers.

Amidst the joyful reunion, a burst of youthful energy catapulted towards me like a shooting star. It was none other than my little sister, her momentum culminating in a head-on collision with my stomach. With all her might, she enveloped me in a tight embrace, her tiny arms attempting to encircle me completely. Her appearance was a delightful blend of our parents' best features – my father's sleek, jet-black hair framing her adorable face, while her azure blue eyes mirrored our mother's captivating gaze.

"Brother!" she squealed with delight, her voice ringing like a chorus of happiness. Yielding to her enthusiasm, I scooped her up into my arms and twirled her around in a joyful dance.

"How is my precious little sister?" I asked, gently lowering her feet back to the ground and affectionately ruffling her hair. Her face lit up with a radiant smile, but soon she pouted and turned her head away, feigning annoyance.

"What's the matter?" I inquired, concern evident in my voice, as a shadow crossed my expression.

"You promised you would visit us four months ago, meanie," she huffed, still refusing to meet my gaze.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips, realizing the disappointment I had caused her. Determined to make amends, I knelt down to her level, attempting to coax her to look at me. Despite my efforts, she remained resolute, stubbornly avoiding my gaze.

"Ava, my sweet, don't be so hard on your big brother," my mother chimed in, joining us on the same level. She gently placed a hand on Ava's shoulder, offering reassurance. "You know he has many responsibilities and is often busy."

Ava's pout softened slightly, but her disappointment was still visible in her eyes. She hesitated for a moment before sighing softly. "I know, but... he promised."

My father stepped forward, his presence emanating a sense of calm and authority. "Let's not dwell on it, my dear. We should go inside now. Gary is here, and we should make the most of our time together."

We all gathered in the cozy living room, the air filled with the delightful aroma of freshly baked sweets brought by the attentive maids. Ava's eyes lit up with excitement as the tray of treats was placed in front of her. She wasted no time in indulging in the sugary delights, her enthusiasm contagious.

My father chuckled as he affectionately ruffled Ava's hair, his deep voice filled with paternal warmth. "We expected Ava to awaken her powers early, just like you did," he commented, a touch of playfulness in his tone. "But it seems you were indeed one of a kind."

I grinned, appreciating the lighthearted moment shared among us. As we settled down, our conversation shifted to more serious matters. I updated my family on the progress of the Council's efforts to construct the protective Wall, a crucial defense against potential invaders from the treacherous Beast Glades. There was a flicker of concern in my father's eyes as he considered the need for their relocation to Etistin for safety. However, I urged caution, expressing my doubts about the security of that location.

"Father, I fear that Etistin may not be as safe as we hope," I cautioned, my voice laced with a hint of worry. His expression grew somber, understanding the gravity of my words, and he nodded in silent agreement.

Arthur and Gideon had sent a ship to Alacarya, granting them access to the advanced technology of steam ships. While I acknowledged that this decision was not solely Arthur's responsibility, it was an ill-considered move that lacked thorough planning.

"I have prepared a secure bunker where the three of you can seek refuge if the worst should ever come to pass," I assured them, taking a sip of the fragrant jasmine tea that had been served. "But rest assured, I will do everything in my power to ensure that it never comes to that."

My mother's eyes gleamed with pride as she nodded in agreement. "We have full confidence in you, dear," she said, her voice filled with unwavering support. "As the sole commander of Dicathen, you possess the strength and determination to protect us all."

As our conversation drew to a close, the fading sun painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, signaling the arrival of dusk. It was time for Ava to retire for the night, even though she yearned for more playtime with me.

"Mother, may I have the honor of tucking her in tonight?" I requested, a gentle smile gracing my lips as I extended my arms to lift Ava from the ground. Her eyelids drooped, succumbing to the inevitable pull of sleep, despite her desire to continue our playful adventures.

My mother nodded, her own smile mirroring mine. "Of course, my dear. Take good care of her," she said, her voice filled with warmth and trust.

And so, I cradled Ava in my arms, feeling the weight of her innocence and vulnerability.

With a flick of my fingers, a gentle surge of aether flowed through me, manifesting in the creation of a soft, comfortable night suit that perfectly suited Ava's size. The power of creation, though still a realm I had much to explore, proved to be an invaluable gift, allowing me to materialize various substances by understanding their intricate molecular structures.

As I tenderly tucked Ava into her bed, I settled beside her, ready to weave enchanting tales that would lull her into the embrace of sleep. Each story carried us to distant lands, filled with magical creatures and grand adventures. Her eyes grew heavy, fluttering closed as her imagination soared through the realms of dreams.

"Brother," she whispered, her voice barely audible as drowsiness claimed her, "Promise me that we'll have even more fun next time we play."

A fond smile graced my lips as I leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on her rosy cheek. "I promise you, my dearest sister," I whispered, my words a soothing murmur. "We shall have countless joyful moments together, where laughter knows no bounds."

With that promise lingering in the air, I watched over her for a few more peaceful moments, relishing the bond between us.

"Give me a report," I commanded, my tone icy and commanding. In an instant, time froze for all beings except for my trusted subordinate and myself, creating a hushed stillness in the room.

Alpha, my loyal advisor, bowed respectfully before delivering her findings. "My Lord," she began, her voice steady and unwavering, "Our diplomatic relations with the dwarves are progressing remarkably well. Princess Kathyln has proven to be an exceptional choice for this task, and her efforts have yielded significant results."

I nodded, acknowledging her update, and motioned for her to continue.

"In accordance with your meticulous planning, we have prepared for the worst-case scenario," Alpha reported, presenting a thick file of meticulously organized documents. I quickly scanned through the information, absorbing the details with calculated precision.

"Excellent," I affirmed, a faint glimmer of satisfaction crossing my features. "Focus our efforts on fortifying our position in Etistin. I anticipate that ships from Alacarya will soon arrive there, demanding our attention."

Alpha nodded, her unwavering loyalty shining through her eyes. "Your praise is greatly appreciated, my Lord," she expressed with genuine gratitude.

As she retreated into the shadows, seamlessly blending into the darkness, I released my hold on time, allowing the world to resume its natural rhythm. The room regained its liveliness, as if the stillness had never occurred.

"What lies ahead, dwarves?" I murmured, my voice tinged with calculated determination. "Will you choose to stand with us as allies, or will you face the consequences of opposing us?"

With that lingering question hanging in the air, I set my gaze upon the horizon, prepared to orchestrate the unfolding events according to my grand design.