
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Revelation Eye


Lord Claxter's voice carried across the room, announcing my presence, "Behold, the son of Saphira, our esteemed Alistair has returned to us."

All eyes turned towards me, their gazes a blend of curiosity and recognition. However, I could see some disgust mixed in their eyes as well.

Only a dozen members were there in the entire giant hall, however, the pressure coming each of them was on another level. It wasn't at Windsom's level, but it was close. They were most definitely above the average Indrath in terms of power.

"Now, what I would like to first announce is that Alistair will be the lord of the Claxter clan after he matures and the war among the lessers reaches its conclusion," Lord Claxter announced, catching me and everyone in the room by surprise.

An eruption of clamor engulfed the room, voices rising in vehement protest and outright refusal to acknowledge my position as the future lord of the Claxter clan. The air crackled with dissent, and it was evident that winning their acceptance would be a formidable challenge.


The voices disappeared as if struck by lightning, and for a moment I very well could have believed that was what had happened, for at that moment Lord Claxter resembled thunder more than any living being. I even found myself trembling, but not with shame, for to be intimidated by a man is unbecoming of one of my station, but who can resist a force of nature? Whatever defenses you could erect against this storm of a lord would be futile - at that moment I understood that in my heart. And I also understood in that moment, as if the darkness had been lighted by an instant by that very peal of thunder, that with the support of this lord there would be no reason to disbelieve that I could win the acceptance of my clan.

In that instant, one of the vassals, his countenance contorted with defiance, attempted to resist the crushing pressure. However, his defiance swiftly crumbled, his face drained of colour as he slumped back into his chair. The weight of Lord Claxter's power proved insurmountable, a reminder of the vast gap that separated us.

As the room fell into an uneasy silence, the full extent of Lord Claxter's strength became undeniable. It was a display that left no room for doubt, instilling both awe and trepidation in those who had dared to question his authority. In that moment, I grasped the formidable task that lay before me—to earn not only their acceptance but also their unwavering loyalty.

"I understand that there may be understandable complaints and doubts surrounding this decision," Lord Claxter began, his voice tinged with a hint of weariness as he massaged his temples, easing the residual pressure that hung in the air. "Therefore, I propose a compromise—a test of Alistair's mettle and worthiness to assume the title of heir to the Claxter clan."

An air of disbelief swept across the faces of the gathered clan members, their eyes fixed upon me with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity, seeking answers as to why Lord Claxter placed such profound faith in my abilities.

"Here is my proposal," Lord Claxter continued, his gaze unwavering and resolute. "Alistair shall be granted the esteemed title of heir only if he successfully vanquishes an adult Asura before his return to the lesser continent."

A collective gasp filled the room as the weight of his challenge settled upon us.

"However," Lord Claxter's scarlet eyes gleamed with unwavering determination, "I shall personally assume the responsibility of training Alistair, in addition to fulfilling my other duties, to ensure he attains his full potential and becomes the force we need him to be."

His words hung in the air, a pledge that carried both the weight of expectation and the promise of unwavering support. It was a testament to Lord Claxter's unwavering belief in my capabilities, as well as a reassurance to the clan that every effort would be made to cultivate my strength and readiness for the challenges that awaited.

The room fell into a hushed silence, broken only by the sound of the vassal's words as they echoed through the grand hall. His acceptance of Lord Claxter's compromise seemed to resonate with the hearts of the others, their doubts gradually yielding to a newfound understanding.

One by one, the members of the clan rose from their seats, their eyes shining with reverence as they bowed in unison towards Lord Claxter. The collective display of respect and loyalty sent a powerful message, affirming their unwavering trust in his leadership.

In that moment, I couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for Lord Claxter. His ability to command such unwavering support and instill unity within the clan was truly remarkable. It made me contemplate the kind of leader I aspired to become in the future, someone capable of fostering trust, rallying allies, and inspiring others to follow with the same unwavering loyalty.

Once the meeting concluded, it was time for my training to commence in earnest. Lord Claxter guided me to a vast training room, unlike anything I had ever seen in Dicathen. Intricate runes adorned the walls, emanating a vibrant energy that filled the air.

"Before we delve into the depths of our clan's power, it's essential for you to understand the core ability bestowed upon the Claxter lineage," Lord Claxter began, a hint of mischief in his voice. "We possess a unique power known as the Revelation Eye. Not the most imaginative name, I admit."

A playful grin danced across his lips before he continued, "Essentially, our eyes grant us the ability to directly manipulate aether in its various forms. Your mother must have imparted some knowledge of aether to you, I presume?"

I nodded, recalling the teachings of my mother, which had been further honed by Gary and Arthur. The foundation of aether manipulation had been laid within me.

"Excellent," Lord Claxter remarked, his eyes gleaming with approval. "Now, our Revelation Eye is divided into distinct tiers. There are five tiers in total. Remarkably, you have already reached the fourth tier, a testament to your remarkable progress."

Lord Claxter proceeded to enlighten me about the intricacies of the Revelation Eye's first three tiers. "The initial three tiers of the Revelation Eye share a common characteristic," he explained. "They allow us to manipulate time, enabling us to analyze our opponents' movements in intricate detail. Additionally, they grant us the ability to perceive subtle nuances such as muscle contractions, mana flow, and even blood circulation. Such keen observations require the utilization of pure aether and aevum."

"However," Lord Claxter continued, his voice brimming with anticipation, "the true power of the Revelation Eye lies within the fourth tier. It is at this stage that you unlock the potential of vivum. You gain the ability to conjure potent flames of destruction and manifest shields or armor of creation for defense. Demonstrate these abilities for me."

I focused my thoughts, channeling the power of vivum within me. Within moments, black flames danced in my palm, exuding an intense aura of destruction. Simultaneously, I willed my aether to shape a protective ribcage-like structure around me, forming an armor of creation.

Lord Claxter observed my demonstration, his gaze thoughtful. "Not bad," he commented, his voice tinged with a hint of approval. "Your grasp of the power of creation is still in its nascent stage, but that is to be expected. With time and training, you will refine and enhance your abilities."

With a commanding presence, Lord Claxter activated his own power, demonstrating the level of creation I should aspire to reach. As his sapphire eyes underwent a mesmerizing transformation, they turned into striking heterochromia eyes of purple and red. The red eye radiated with the intense power of vivum, setting the stage for a remarkable display.

In an awe-inspiring spectacle, a colossal armored swordsman materialized around Lord Claxter, its form exuding strength and fortitude. The intricate details of the armor, the gleaming sword in its hand, and the palpable aura of power it emitted left me in a state of astonishment.

As quickly as it had appeared, the imposing swordsman vanished into thin air, leaving behind an air of anticipation and excitement. Lord Claxter's voice broke the silence, bringing my attention back to him.

"Your journey to master the fourth tier of the Revelation Eye starts now," he declared with unwavering confidence.

|Lord Claxter|

As I observed my nephew, Alistair, immersing himself in the arduous journey of mastering the power of the fourth tier of the Revelation Eye, a deep sense of familiarity washed over me. His resemblance to my beloved sister, Saphira, was striking, a testament to his lineage and the merging of lesser blood with the pure essence of the Claxter clan.

To my surprise, the infusion of lesser blood had not dampened his innate talent as much as I had initially presumed. With proper guidance and rigorous training, he had the potential to swiftly surpass even my own abilities and ascend to the echelons of power that his mother once occupied.

But surpassing me was not enough. Alistair had a much greater purpose—a mission to avenge his mother, to vanquish the entity responsible for her tragic downfall.

His journey would not be complete until he stood at the pinnacle of strength, capable of confronting and defeating the very being who orchestrated my sister's demise. It was a formidable task, but I firmly believed in Alistair's potential and his indomitable spirit. He had the blood of Saphira flowing through his veins, a legacy of greatness that demanded fulfillment.

With each passing day, I pushed him further, sparing no effort in honing his skills and unlocking the full potential of his Revelation Eye. It was not just his duty; it was his destiny. And together, we would forge a path of vengeance and justice, ensuring that the one responsible for Saphira's suffering would face the retribution they deserved.

With a determined resolve, I whispered to myself, "The time has come for him to meet his destined mentor." Utilizing the power of spatium, I vanished from the training room, leaving behind the intense atmosphere of Alistair's training, to seek out the individual who would guide him further along his path.


My mind wandered to the two individuals brought from Dicathen and presented before me. The lesser, despite possessing Sylvia's beast will, held no threat to me with his limited potential.

However, the Claxter was an entirely different matter.

The Claxter clan, a sub-clan of Indrath, held the second-highest power among the Dragon race. Although they lacked the strength to challenge us at the moment, I sensed a dormant power within them, waiting to be unleashed.

Alistair, the son of Saphira, possessed a potential that matched his legendary mother. If he were to reach the same level of strength, even I would be in jeopardy. Saphira stood above all Asuras in terms of power, surpassing even my own abilities.

Despite my unwavering dedication to training, I never reached her formidable level. Now, her son, possessing the same extraordinary potential, had arrived in Epheotus. I had initially hoped for Windsom to eliminate him in Dicathen, but I knew such an act would ignite a civil war, causing extensive damage.

While the Claxter clan may not be our equal, their involvement could trigger dire consequences.

"Seems I must personally intervene," I stated, my gaze turning cold and calculating.