
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs



A bittersweet tension hung in the air as the time for our departure approached. Seris stood before me, her slender frame emanating a newfound strength and resolve. The trials within the Relictombs had honed her skills, but I couldn't shake off the worry that gnawed at my heart.

"Are you sure you'll be alright, Seris?" I inquired, my voice laced with genuine concern. Her safety was paramount to me, a responsibility that weighed heavily on my shoulders. Though she had grown in leaps and bounds during our perilous journey, I knew all too well the formidable foes that awaited beyond the Relictombs. The Legacies were a force to be reckoned with, their power and influence spreading like a sinister shadow.

A reassuring smile graced Seris's lips as she clasped my hand, her touch both warm and comforting. "Fear not, Arthur," she assured me, her voice brimming with a newfound confidence, "I have come this far, and I will continue to forge my path. You need to return to Dicathen, to confront the challenges that await you there."

Her words resonated within me, a gentle reminder of the unfinished business that lay beyond the Relictombs. It had been a year since I first arrived in Alacarya, and my purpose still burned brightly within me. Reviving Sylvie, my sister-in-arms who had sacrificed herself to save us, remained a driving force, an unyielding beacon of hope.

Regis's voice echoed in my mind, his tone heavy with sorrow. "You didn't manage to revive Sylvie," he lamented, his words like a blade twisting within me. It was true, the absence of her presence was a constant ache in my heart, a void that could never be truly filled. Yet, I refused to relinquish hope, knowing that I would find the necessary aether, the life essence required to bring her back.

With a determined nod, I acknowledged Seris's words, my grip on her hand tightening. "Take care, Seris. And Caera," I cautioned, turning my attention to the other Alacaryan warrior who had stood faithfully by my side throughout our perilous journey. "The world beyond these Relictombs is treacherous, and trust must be earned. Beware of those who may bear false intentions, for betrayal can lurk in the shadows."

Caera met my gaze, her eyes reflecting a blend of resilience and determination. "We will remain vigilant, Arthur," she affirmed, her voice unwavering, "Our loyalty lies with you and the cause we fight for."

A mixture of gratitude and concern swirled within me as I reluctantly released Seris's hand, preparing to depart. The road ahead was fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but I would face them head-on, armed with the strength forged in the Relictombs and the unwavering support of my trusted allies.

As I turned to leave, I cast a final glance back at Seris and Caera, their figures etched in my mind as symbols of hope and unwavering dedication. With a resolute spirit, I ventured forth, ready to confront the trials that awaited me in Dicathen and beyond, guided by the conviction that the path to victory and redemption would be paved with sacrifice and unyielding determination.

With a swift motion, I retrieved the artifact from my dimensional storage, its mystical power pulsating within my grasp. The Djinns had bestowed upon me this invaluable tool as a reward for my triumph in the treacherous Relictomb. Activating the artifact, a surge of spatium engulfed me, unraveling the very fabric of space and time, transporting me to the precise spatial coordinates I desired.

In a blink, I traversed the vast expanse of Alacarya, traversing continents and crossing vast oceans in an instant, until I arrived at my intended destination: Ashber, my hometown.

Ashber had always been a humble and rustic settlement, nestled amidst verdant fields and rolling hills. Once a place of tranquil beauty, it now bore the weight of turmoil and uncertainty. As I materialized in the outskirts of the town, the sight that greeted me shattered any illusions of a peaceful homecoming.

Before me stood a battalion of Alacaryan mages, their imposing figures casting long shadows across the land. Clad in armor, their eyes ablaze with an unsettling fervor, they exuded an air of authority and power. My mind calculated the risks and determined that preserving my energy for potential encounters with the Legacies was the wiser course of action.

However, my plan was swiftly discarded as my gaze fell upon a sight that churned my stomach and ignited a fiery rage within me. Amidst the ranks of the Alacaryan mages, I beheld a procession of elves and humans, their forms emaciated and broken, clad in nothing but rags. Iron chains, heavy and oppressive, bound their wrists and ankles, reducing them to mere commodities to be bought and sold.


Like a tempest unleashed, a squad of Dicathen mages and soldiers descended upon the Alacaryan forces, their assault led by none other than Alistair himself.

The sheer might and commanding presence exuded by Alistair were palpable, an embodiment of unwavering strength and indomitable spirit. With every strike, every deft movement, he demonstrated a prowess that surpassed mere mortal limits. It was as if he danced amidst the battlefield, his form a blur of calculated precision and unparalleled power. The Alacaryans stood little chance against this formidable leader and his forces, their defenses crumbling under the weight of his relentless assault.

As the dust settled and the last remnants of resistance faded, I bided my time, ensuring that no lurking Legacies would intervene before I made my presence known. Utilizing the unparalleled speed granted by Godstep, I traversed the battlefield in an instant, materializing before the stunned soldiers who had turned their attention towards me.

"Stop! Identify yourself!" one of the soldiers demanded, his eyes narrowing with suspicion and vigilance. I understood their caution, for my appearance had undergone a transformation due to Sylvie's vivum spell. My once azure eyes now gleamed with golden irises, additionally, my auburn hair had been dyed a striking wheat blonde, a visual testament to the profound changes I had experienced.

Sensing the urgency of the situation, I swiftly retrieved my Paladin's badge, a symbol of my esteemed position. Holding it aloft, I allowed its glimmering emblem to catch the rays of sunlight, illuminating the emblem.

The soldiers, upon recognizing the badge, visibly relaxed, their expressions shifting from wariness to reverence. They quickly connected the dots and bowed before me, their actions a display of respect and recognition. "Apologies for not recognizing you, Paladin Arthur!" they collectively expressed, their voices laced with sincerity and deference.

Acknowledging their apology with a solemn nod, I conveyed my appreciation for their swift response. It was heartening to witness the unwavering dedication of the Dicathen soldiers, their commitment to upholding justice and safeguarding the innocent.

In the midst of this interaction, Alistair turned his gaze towards me, his cerulean eyes widening in disbelief. Recognition flickered within his gaze, mingling with a hint of astonishment and curiosity. The connection between us, forged through our shared experiences and trials, now intersected once again, defying the odds that had sought to keep us apart.

"Is that truly you, Arthur?" Alistair's voice quivered with a mix of astonishment and hope as he stepped forward, his eyes fixed upon me, trying to reconcile the visage before him with the memories of the past.

I met his gaze with a soft smile, my transformed appearance a testament to the trials I had endured. "Indeed, Alistair," I confirmed, my voice resonating with a sense of reassurance. "Though changed, it is still I, Arthur."

Overwhelmed by a surge of emotion, Alistair rushed towards me, his arms enveloping me in a tight embrace. The weight of his worry and the relief of my presence merged in that single moment of connection.

"I thought I had lost you," he admitted, his voice tinged with both anguish and relief as we clung to each other.

"I came close to the brink," I confessed, my tone gentle yet resolute. "But thanks to Sylvie's vivum spell, I was granted a second chance at life."

With bated breath, we stood there, locked in an embrace that bridged the chasm of our separation, relishing the solace found in each other's arms. But the urgency of the situation beckoned us to resurface from this heartfelt reunion and face the realities that awaited.

"Let us return to the main base," I suggested, breaking the embrace but still maintaining a comforting hand on Alistair's shoulder. "There, we can exchange tales of the trials we've endured."

As we walked side by side, our footsteps echoed in harmony, the weight of unspoken stories filling the space between us. Alistair began his narrative, recounting the tumultuous events that had unfolded during my absence.

He spoke of Gary's valiant sacrifice, the pivotal role it played in securing a year-long truce between our factions, and the subsequent attack by the relentless Indraths. Alistair's voice held both reverence and grief as he revealed the intricacies of Lancelot's enigmatic return and the grim reality of Kezess's possession, which had compelled him to battle against his own comrade.

With each revelation, the gravity of the conflict that had ravaged our world became increasingly apparent. The ebb and flow of alliances, the sacrifice and the profound impact of the choices made by those entangled in this tapestry of war, left an indelible impression upon my consciousness.

As our journey progressed, the Djinn base loomed into view, its imposing structure serving as a beacon of hope amidst the turmoil. It was here that we would forge a new path, unite our strengths, and seek to unravel the mysteries that awaited us.

Stepping inside the hallowed halls, the air hummed with anticipation, and whispers of purpose intertwined with the ethereal energy that permeated the space. The time had come to marshal our resources, to strategize, and to reclaim what had been taken from us.

Virion's voice quivered with a mix of disbelief and overwhelming joy as he stood before me, his eyes fixed on my presence. In an instant, he closed the distance between us, his arms enveloping me in a tight embrace. The strength of his grip conveyed the depth of his relief and the elation of finding me alive.

"Boy, you were really alive!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of awe and tremor, unable to contain his emotions.

Returning his embrace, I reciprocated the warmth of his hug, cherishing the familiarity and love that radiated from this cherished father figure. The weight of worry he had shouldered during my absence now melted away, replaced by a profound sense of gratitude for our reunion.

Before the grand meeting, I sought solace and reassurance in the presence of my family. My parents and sister were overwhelmed with concern, their eyes filled with a mixture of relief and curiosity as they observed the transformation that had taken hold of me.

"You've changed so much, Arthur," my mother remarked, her gaze lingering on my altered features, her voice a delicate balance of wonder and concern.

I nodded, acknowledging the profound shift in my appearance. "It's the result of Sylvie's spell," I explained, seeking to provide them with some understanding of the circumstances that had led to my transformation.

Curiosity sparkled in my sister Ellie's eyes as she eagerly inquired, "Then where is Sylvie?"

A bittersweet smile tugged at my lips as I retrieved Sylvie's dormant stone from my dimensional storage. "She's... sleeping," I replied, the weight of longing and gratitude infused in those simple words.

Gathering around me, my family closed the physical and emotional distance that had separated us for so long. My father's arms enveloped us all in a protective embrace, his voice tinged with a mixture of relief and joy. "It's a blessing to have you alive, Arthur," he expressed, his words carrying a deep resonance of love and gratitude.

With my heart fortified by the warmth of familial bonds, it was time to face the collective might of the Paladins, Lances, and the Council. The meeting awaited, demanding my presence to divulge the harrowing events that had unfolded within the Relictombs.

In the midst of the grand assembly, I stood before them, recounting my treacherous journey through the ancient crypts, the challenges faced, and the knowledge acquired. Each word dripped with the weight of my experiences, and the intensity of the room grew as the tale unfolded.

And then, the pivotal moment arrived. With reverence and anticipation, I unveiled the artifact that I had retrieved—a scroll of ancient origin, its golden texture glimmering under the illumination of the chamber.

"This scroll," I announced, my voice steady yet imbued with a profound sense of purpose, "possesses the power to revive a singular person to their prime."

A hushed silence settled over the assembly as the significance of my words sank in.