
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs



Clad in my Paladin uniform, I stood resolute, ready to embark on the perilous mission to the besieged Telmore Forest. Inside its shelter, innocent lives awaited rescue from the clutches of despair. Djinn shelters, though formidable, were not impervious to detection and breaches by cunning Alacaryan mages.

As I surveyed my squad, comprising the likes of Curtis, Kathyln, and other seasoned mages of silver stage and above, a sense of awe mingled with determination filled my heart. Though our numbers were scarce, we wielded formidable power.

Yet, in the depths of my being, an unsettling truth gnawed at my conscience. Despite our advancements, the power of silver stage mages would pale in comparison to the might of the dragons. My recent breakthrough to the integration stage had widened the chasm between us, akin to the gulf separating a black stage from a white stage mage.

The burden of protecting both my comrades and defeating Kezess Indrath weighed heavily on my shoulders. In truth, I understood the futility of my lone efforts. A single entity could not safeguard everyone while simultaneously toppling a formidable foe like Kezess.

The realization dawned upon me, reminding me of the daunting task ahead. I had to devise a strategy that would not only ensure the safety of those dear to me but also enable us to vanquish our draconic adversaries. It was a race against time, a desperate bid to secure victory and protect the ones I held close.

As tension gripped the air, our group embarked on the journey to Telmore Forest via the train system, each moment pregnant with anticipation. An unspoken understanding passed between us, acknowledging the gravity of the mission that lay ahead.

Swiftly traversing the forest, we navigated its labyrinthine paths, drawing closer to our destination—the besieged shelter. Throughout the arduous trek, my Revelation Eye remained vigilant, scanning the surroundings for any sign of lurking adversaries.

"Stop," I commanded, my voice cutting through the silence, halting the group in their tracks.

Fixing my gaze upon Jezebeth, who lay in wait, unaware of our presence, I knew it was time to execute my plan.

"Kathyln," I turned to her, outlining a path with a determined gesture, "Lead the squad around, take them to the shelter. I will confront Jezebeth alone from this point onward."

Kathyln, initially taken aback, quickly grasped the situation and nodded, assuming command and guiding the team away from the impending clash with Jezebeth. Their absence would ensure that our confrontation remained undisturbed.

Memories of our last encounter, over five years ago, flooded my mind—the bitter taste of defeat, the anguish of helplessness in the face of Jezebeth's overwhelming power. Even in the early stages of the war, a single devastating blow from him had sent me hurtling through the air, a stark reminder of my frailty.

But now, things were different. I had grown stronger. I couldn't afford to lose any more battles.

With unwavering resolve, I purposefully entered Jezebeth's sensory range, fully aware of his approach from behind. This time, victory would be mine.

As we closed in on each other, our fates entwined once again, I prepared to face Jezebeth head-on, ready to rewrite the outcome of our past encounter. The stakes were high, and the battle that lay before me would test not only my strength but also my growth.

|Third POV|

With lightning speed, Jezebeth lunged towards Alistair, aiming to deliver a devastating blow that would end the battle in an instant. Yet, to his astonishment, Alistair spun around, his scarlet eyes tracking Jezebeth's every movement, as if he had foreseen this precise attack.

Reacting swiftly, Alistair gracefully evaded Jezebeth's punch, taking a step back to create distance. In a seamless display of power, he summoned an emerald sword, its ethereal blade slicing through the air, aimed directly at the Vritra's throat. But Jezebeth, ever the formidable adversary, channeled immense strength into his fist, shattering the ground beneath them, diverting Alistair's strike, which grazed his cheek instead.

Undeterred, Jezebeth retaliated with a powerful left-hand punch, fueled by the raw energy of soulfire, targeting Alistair's stomach. However, Alistair had anticipated the move, his keen instincts guiding him. With a swift act of spatial manipulation, he teleported away, narrowly avoiding Jezebeth's attack, and counterattacked with a vicious slash across the Vritra's back, leaving a deep gash in his wake.

"You have indeed grown, half-ling," Jezebeth acknowledged, his expression shifting from amusement to one of fierce determination, ready to unleash his full strength.

Alistair remained silent, his grip tightening on Argentum Fang, a second sword materializing in his other hand. The air crackled with anticipation as the two adversaries locked eyes, a clash of titans about to unfold.

"You prove to be a worthy opponent!" Jezebeth declared, his words dripping with a mix of admiration and intensity, before propelling himself forward once more, his speed pushed to its limits.

But Alistair was swifter still.

The silver blade of Alistair's sword arced towards Jezebeth, aiming perilously close to his eyes, while his emerald blade deftly deflected Jezebeth's incoming left-hand punch. With each move, Alistair displayed a mastery of combat that left no room for doubt.

Sensing imminent danger, Jezebeth barely managed to evade a devastating strike, a deep gash forming on his forehead as a testament to Alistair's prowess. Before Jezebeth could fully recover, Alistair seized the opportunity, launching a powerful kick squarely into his opponent's back, disrupting his balance and preventing him from escaping.

"You aren't my opponent," Alistair remarked.

Gritting his teeth, Jezebeth dug his feet into the ground, preventing himself from being blown away by Alistair's assault. Swiftly turning to face his adversary, Jezebeth unleashed a furious barrage of punches, his fists striking with incredible speed and force.

Undeterred, Alistair exhaled deeply, summoning a colossal purple figure before him—a manifestation of his immense power. Jezebeth's relentless barrage hammered against the resilient figure, causing cracks to form under the sheer intensity of the blows, but it held strong, shielding Alistair from harm.

The colossal purple figure unleashed a devastating punch, its overwhelming power surpassing Jezebeth's defenses and sending him hurtling backward, his form momentarily engulfed in the force of impact.

Recognizing the need for discretion, Alistair dispersed the manifestation, dissipating the immense purple figure back into the ethereal realm. He redirected his focus, channeling the aetheric energy within him into his twin blades, Argentum Fang and the newly forged emerald blade.

As an Asura, Alistair's body was intricately intertwined with mana, with every fiber attuned to the flow of magical particles. This innate connection gave rise to the existence of a mana core, a focal point within his being where mana naturally converged and concentrated.

Yet, against all odds, Alistair had shattered the limitations imposed by his Asuran physiology. Rather than the mana core merely fueling and amplifying the flow of mana particles, his body had transformed into a vast reservoir of pure mana. This transcended the typical breakthrough experienced by lesser beings, as the innate ability of the Asuras to manipulate mana allowed Alistair to ascend to a whole new level.

The Claxter clan, renowned for their mastery of aetheric arts, possessed the unique ability to manipulate aether particles through their eyes. While Alistair had yet to reach the same level of mastery as his mother, his training and natural talent had elevated his aetheric arts to remarkable heights, even within the esteemed Claxter clan.

What ensued was a fusion, albeit partial, of mana and aether within Alistair's being. The two forces harmonized to a certain degree, intertwining and enhancing one another. Alistair stood on the precipice of a breakthrough, just a step away from unraveling the veiled secrets that lay beyond the curtain separating these formidable forces.

Alistair stood bathed in a radiant aura, akin to the mesmerizing display of power once exhibited by Alexis. It emanated from him, a translucent blue veil pulsating with raw energy and untamed might.

The harmonious fusion of mana and aether coursed through his being, radiating an aura that surpassed the boundaries of mortal comprehension. The convergence of these elemental forces granted Alistair an unprecedented level of control and potency, the epitome of balance and mastery.

Jezebeth could only gaze in astonishment, his amethyst eyes widened in disbelief. "You have truly become a monster," he muttered.

A steely determination etched across Alistair's features as he acknowledged the intensity in Jezebeth's gaze. He, too, knew that this was no time for restraint. The dangerous glimmer in Jezebeth's eyes signalled his resolve to unleash his full power, to match Alistair blow for blow.

As the clash between the two beings unfolded, a cataclysmic tempest of mana and aether erupted within Telmore Forest, engulfing the surroundings in an otherworldly storm. It surpassed any battle that had transpired before, even the legendary confrontation at the Wall.

This was a battle of titans, a clash between a Vritra, representing the pinnacle of scientific prowess among the Asuras, and a Claxter, hailing from a bloodline revered for their unrivaled strength and power.


An ethereal sensation reverberated through my senses, the intertwining currents of mana and aether reaching out from a distance. Its potency was undeniable, beckoning me to acknowledge its presence.

Mordain, perceptive as ever, entered the room, his gaze meeting mine. "You felt it too," he stated with a knowing nod. I simply nodded in response, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Set aside these distractions," Mordain advised. "Focus on honing your mastery of star magic. It is your path to victory." With those words, he left, leaving me to contemplate his guidance.

Clutching my fists tightly, I recognised the truth in Mordain's words. If I were to confront the challenges that lay ahead and bring an end to this conflict, I needed to reclaim the level of power I once possessed. I had to do it alone, without relying on others, without relying on Gary.

My thoughts turned to Bell, my loyal spirit companion. She rested within the confines of the Spirit Realm, seeking to recharge and grow in strength alongside me.

Turning my attention to the spade grimoire, I delved into its intricate pages, absorbing the knowledge it offered. The spells within had undergone significant transformations, necessitating a thorough understanding of their revised forms.

Star magic, a fusion of aether and mana, could only manifest in this world through careful manipulation and mastery. While my ability to manipulate aether directly remained limited, the grimoire acted as a conduit, enabling me to harness its essence.

Within the depths of the grimoire, I discovered the fundamental principle of star magic: the power of celestial bodies. Each star possessed unique attributes and functions, granting me access to a myriad of abilities. By influencing the flow of time, due to the gravitational pull of stars, I could manipulate aevum, the very fabric of temporal existence, through the prevalent aether in this realm.

As I immersed myself in the intricacies of star magic, memories of Rachel flooded my mind. Her unwavering support and unwavering faith in me ignited a fire within my heart. I made a silent promise to her, vowing that our paths would converge once again.


The clash of Alistair's dual swords against my fists resonated like a thunderous symphony, its echoes reverberating through the air, marking the meeting of our formidable powers.

Gone were the days when I effortlessly overwhelmed the Paladins of Xyrus City. I found myself facing opponent who were now stronger than me despite being nothing more than a pebble on the side of the road before.

'It's fortunate Gary met his demise early on,' I mused inwardly, a bitter realizatson settling in as Alistair relentlessly pushed me back.

Alistair, the progeny of Saphira, the epitome of Asuran power and might. His lineage alone boasted exceptional talent, as one would expect from such esteemed heritage.

His eyes, an annoyance beyond measure, traced my every movement with uncanny precision, leaving no room for error or surprise.

'Indeed, being a Vritra proves to be a hindrance,' I acknowledged, grudgingly accepting the truth. As a species more inclined toward scientific pursuits, Vritras had long been regarded as the weakest among the Asuras.

In stark contrast, the Claxters, a sub-clan of Indraths, commanded renown for their unparalleled battle prowess and natural inclination toward strength. Their dominance in this regard was unquestioned, making them the pinnacle of physical might among our kind.

While Agrona's experiments had bolstered the strength of the Vritras considerably, it was still insufficient to bridge the gap that inherently separated us from the superior Claxters.

The final clash between Alistair's fist and mine created a momentary rift, pushing us apart. In that instant, I contemplated my options. While I possessed the ability to exert myself fully and bring an end to Alistair's life, there was no need to do so. The impending descent of Kezess, the ultimate weapon, would soon lay waste to them all. If Alistair managed to incur even the slightest injury upon Kezess, it would only facilitate my own victory when the time came.

Exercising restraint, I withheld my true power. There was no need to reveal the extent of my capabilities when my intentions did not involve eliminating my opponent. It was always prudent to hold back one's strength when unnecessary bloodshed could be avoided.

With a calculated display, I unleashed my full power for just a few seconds, offering Alistair a glimpse of the chasm that still separated us. Employing aether manipulation, my body blurred with unmatched speed, surpassing the limits of Alistair's keen eyes.

In a swift motion, my fist connected with his form, and although he managed to defend himself by utilizing his dual swords, the impact sent him hurtling through the air. Retreating just as swiftly as I had engaged, I made my way back to the sanctuary of the Legacies' base, leaving Alistair behind.