
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs



A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I grappled with the magnitude of the task that lay before us. The future of Dicathen hung in the balance, and it was my responsibility, along with the other Paladins, to chart a course towards victory.

The disparity between our strength and that of the Asuras loomed ominously. While we had demonstrated our prowess in repelling Kezess's initial attack, it was but a skirmish compared to the full might of the Asuras united under his banner. Their collective power, on average, surpassed our own, posing a formidable challenge that could spell the destruction of Dicathen.

Deep in thought, I contemplated the gravity of our situation, focusing on strategies and potential paths to victory. As my mind raced through countless possibilities, I couldn't help but acknowledge the crucial role that my personal growth played in our collective endeavors.

With the influx of mana particles infusing the world, a newfound opportunity presented itself—an opportunity for us to tap into this boundless source of power. Though I had transcended the need for a mana core through the integration stage, I realized that I could still harness the potential of these mana particles to augment my strength.

As I immersed myself in the pulsating energy, I felt the surge of power resonating within me. The current of mana invigorated my being, and I could sense the gradual ascent towards <SSS-> rank—a testament to the influence of the influx of mana from another world.

The significance of this phenomenon was twofold. Firstly, it expanded the boundaries of our world, elevating the realm of possibility to previously unattainable heights—raising the ceiling from <SS+> rank to <SSS+> rank. This broadened scope held the potential for us to transcend our limitations and reach unprecedented levels of strength.

Secondly, the rapid growth and cultivation of mana particles would facilitate substantial advancements for those at the Lances level and below. In a matter of days, they would break through core stages and experience rank advancements, propelling their power to new heights. Although the two-rank leap would primarily benefit those with lower cultivation levels, even someone like myself at the pinnacle of <SS+> rank stood to gain immense benefits by achieving <SSS-> rank.

The enigma of this world's peculiarities continued to intrigue and confound me. There was an undeniable discrepancy between the potential and capabilities of the beings within it. Despite the world limit set at <SS+> rank, the inhabitants of Dicathen remained mired in mediocrity, unable to surpass even <B+> rank due to the limitations imposed by their mana cores.

In stark contrast, the untamed beasts dwelling deep within the formidable Beast Glades thrived and evolved, some ascending to the esteemed rank of <S>. Such creatures were regarded as formidable adversaries even for the mighty Asuras themselves.

This dissonance in power and evolution perplexed me greatly. It was an anomaly that defied natural order and begged for an explanation. I delved into my observations and analysis, seeking to unravel the enigmatic truths hidden beneath the surface.

It became clear to me that the root of this discrepancy lay in the absence of a harmonious relationship between mana and the three sentient species of humans, elves, and dwarves. It was as though these races had been deliberately hindered in their evolution, their connection to mana purposefully stunted.

This revelation led me to a startling conclusion. The limitation on their evolutionary progress was not a natural occurrence, but rather the result of deliberate interference by an external force. Some unknown entity had tampered with the natural course of evolution, curtailing the growth and potential of these species, ensuring that they could never reach the heights of the Asuras.

The implications of this realization were profound. It suggested a malevolent presence manipulating the destiny of our species, obstructing our ascent towards greater power and leaving us confined to the shackles of our current forms. It was a deliberate hindrance, a disruption to the natural order of things.

Djinns devised a remarkable solution to bridge the gap between their inherent limitations and the formidable power of the Asuras. They crafted intricate spellforms, harnessing the essence of Asuric might and infusing it into their own being. Through the integration stage, they were able to emulate the combat prowess of the Asuras, ascending to levels comparable to their formidable counterparts.

Vicht, the War Queen of the Djinns, stood as a testament to this extraordinary feat, embodying the strength and power that could be attained through this unique fusion of spellforms and integration.

However, as I delved deeper into the mysteries of this world, it became apparent that there were vast unknowns and gaps in its history. The era preceding the advent of the Djinns remained shrouded in unrecorded tales and forgotten lore, leaving me with more questions than answers.

Aware of the limitations of my knowledge, I chose to redirect my focus and concentrate on advancing to the coveted realm of <SSS-> rank. Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself for the arduous journey ahead. The surge of power within me intensified, the ethereal currents of mana and aether intertwining and coursing through my veins. The metamorphosis commenced, as my body underwent a profound transformation to accommodate the newfound power and reach unparalleled heights.

Time seemed to stretch endlessly as I pushed my limits, channeling my will and determination towards attaining the elusive <SSS-> rank. It was a grueling process, demanding unwavering focus and indomitable spirit. Yet, through sheer perseverance, I emerged on the other side, basking in the radiant glow of accomplishment.

I exhaled a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding, feeling a profound sense of satisfaction washing over me. The journey had taken me further than I had initially anticipated. In this realm of power, I had ascended to the formidable semi-<SSS> rank.

1% of my past life's power had been reached now.

As I embraced the burgeoning power that now surged within me, I could feel the familiar resonance of my Godrunes undergoing a profound transformation. They expanded and evolved, incorporating more intricate aspects of the edicts of aether they commanded, amplifying my abilities to new heights.

In particular, my aevum Godrune, the source of my mastery over time through the Eyes of Chronos, underwent a remarkable expansion. It now encompassed not only the ability to perceive the flow of time, but also to manipulate it, granting me the power to pause and even rewind the threads of temporal existence. It was a formidable addition to my arsenal, granting me a heightened control over the very fabric of reality.

A satisfied smile played upon my lips as I sensed the palpable breakthroughs achieved by my fellow Paladins. They had grown exponentially stronger, their newfound levels of power vital in our quest to confront Alacarya.

Yet, as my mind contemplated our next battles, I recognized that Kezess was not our ultimate adversary. Rather, it was Jezebeth and Kevin who posed the greatest threat. While they had previously summoned a weakened demon prince, the prospect of them summoning a demon prince of <SSS+> rank, even in a diminished state, would pose an exceedingly formidable challenge for us to overcome.

A hum resonated from my throat as I recalled the prophecy shared by Elder Rinia.

Hidden claws bloodied with sin

Slay a serpent, shed its skin.

Beneath the surface, red morning dew,

Noiseless wolf's maw sings anew.

It was foretold that I would be the one to vanquish the Vritras, to deliver the final blow to Jezebeth and Agrona.


Having achieved a breakthrough to the next level of power, I made my way to Gary's office, feeling a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. The journey of rediscovering my identity as a mother to Alistair had been a challenging one. Without the memories that should have accompanied this role, it felt like I was stepping into unfamiliar territory.

As I entered the office, my gaze met Gary's, and I couldn't help but notice the genuine warmth in his smile. There was an aura of trust that seemed to radiate from him, despite his youthful appearance. It was a peculiar sensation—one that I struggled to put into words. Yet, deep within, I felt a sense of assurance that if I were to follow his lead, everything would fall into place.

In the past, I had always relied on myself, trusting in my own strength and intellect. After all, I had been considered the prodigious warrior and genius of Epheotus. However, standing before this young man, I found myself instinctively placing my faith in his actions and decisions. There was something remarkable about him, something that inspired unwavering belief.

A warm smile graced my lips as I spoke, acknowledging his growth and newfound strength. I couldn't help but marvel at his rapid progress. In just a few short days, he had bridged the gap in both mana and aether, matching and even surpassing my own capabilities. His skills and prowess were undeniable, and I knew deep down that I would be hard-pressed to engage him on equal footing.

Truly, he was a special individual—one who possessed a unique blend of power, skill, and charisma.

"Welcome, Lady Saphira," Gary greeted me respectfully, gesturing for me to take a seat as I entered his office.

Curiosity piqued, I inquired, "Why did you summon me here?"

Gary's eyes radiated warmth as he began to explain the situation. "I understand that the current circumstances may be confusing. However, I would like to request your assistance in teaching Alistair more about the arts and traditions of your esteemed clan. It will be invaluable for him as we prepare for the upcoming battle."

"Battle?" I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by this unexpected development.

"Yes," he nodded firmly. "In one week's time, we are planning a daring raid on Alacarya. This time, we shall take the offensive."

I took a moment to process this information, realizing the significance of what lay ahead. "Understood," I sighed, resigning myself to the reality of the situation. "Must I participate in the raid as well?"

Gary's expression softened, and he shook his head. "No, Lady Saphira. We have an important role for you to play here in Dicathen. Your task will be to defend our homeland, should Kezess decide to launch an attack. We need someone of your strength and prowess to safeguard our people."

I hummed in acknowledgement, weighing the responsibilities that awaited me. "If Kezess dares to set foot on Dicathen, I assure you he will be met with more than a mere challenge. I will ensure that he is sent back to Epheotus with broken bones, if he survives."

Gary chuckled, appreciating my fiery determination. "I thought it might be more difficult to convince you, Lady Saphira."

"Perhaps it should have been," I mused, contemplating my newfound purpose. "But after glimpsing the memories of my son, I have come to realize that I no longer wish to be solely known as the sword of the Indraths. There is more to me than that."

"A respectable decision," Gary nodded, acknowledging my growth. "I thank you, Lady Saphira, for standing with Dicathen and shouldering the responsibility to defend our land."

"The pleasure is all mine," I replied, offering a warm smile as I extended my hand to shake his.

Gary clasped my hand firmly, sealing our newfound alliance. As we exchanged this simple gesture, I felt a sense of camaraderie and trust, knowing that I had made the right decision in aligning myself with Gary and the cause of Dicathen.