
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Prince of Elenoir


"Boy, come with me," I said firmly, signaling Alistair to follow. Alduin and Merial exchanged puzzled glances but trusted my lead, following closely behind.

We halted in front of a grand door, its surface infused with my mana. As I pushed it open, a sight unfolded—a spherical device adorned with a circle of various names.

"Why have you brought Alistair to the Family Blood room, Father?" Alduin inquired, his curiosity piqued. Without turning to face them, I responded, "This brat possesses the power of plant magic."

Startled gasps escaped both Merial and Alduin as they grasped the significance of this revelation.

"Brat, take a drop of your blood and place it on the device," I commanded. Alistair nodded, utilizing his mana to create a small puncture on his skin, allowing droplets of his blood to fall onto the device.

The blood glistened with an unusual sheen, but I paid it little heed, eagerly anticipating the outcome while providing Alistair with more information about the ancient device.

"This device examines your blood, comparing it to the many branches of the elven lineage. It will reveal which family branch you belong to. It is an ancient device, a cherished relic of the royal line."

His eyes widened with anticipation as he scrutinized the device.

The clear orb shimmered, infused with a crimson hue as the blood permeated its entirety. When the process was complete, a branch illuminated.

Excitement coursed through me as I swiftly approached the device, studying the illuminated branch. Making the connection to the current family names, my breath caught in my throat as I realized the truth of Alistair's lineage.

"The Riverett Family," I announced, astonishment coloring my voice. "Brat, you are the son of the late Lance!"

Confusion flickered across his face at the mention of the name "Lance." Alduin stammered in disbelief, "Th-that's impossible! Didn't the Lance perish on a mission in Elshire?"

The pieces began to fall into place for Alistair as he responded, "My mother once told me that she found my father injured during his battle with a beast. She defeated the creature and nursed him back to health. They fell in love and built a cottage in the forest."

His mother aiding a Lance? I had always known she possessed exceptional abilities, but to think she was at least on par with a Lance—an extraordinary elven Lance at that—was astonishing.

"This is remarkable, Father!" Merial exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement. "It signifies the revival of the Riverett Family! A descendant of this noble lineage has been discovered!"

The room hummed with a sense of awe and possibility, as the weight of Alistair's heritage settled upon us all.

I nodded approvingly and then turned my attention back to Alistair, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "Brat, now you can enter into an engagement with Tessia on equal grounds."

His face flushed crimson, resembling a ripe tomato at my statement. The royal couple, unable to offer any rebuttal, exchanged hushed whispers before Alduin finally spoke, "If both Alistair and Tessia truly desire it, I am in agreement with their engagement."

A wide smile spread across my face as I envisioned the adorable great-grandparents I would gain in a dozen years or so.

"Brat, it's time for you to claim your inheritance," I declared, playfully slapping his back.

"Inheritance?" he questioned, his curiosity piqued.

"In Elenoir, when a noble family has no surviving heirs, the royal family inherits all of their assets. However, with your presence, you now have the right to claim the Riverett Family's inheritance," Alduin explained, a kind smile adorning his face.

"But Father, this presents a new challenge," Merial interjected, turning her gaze toward me.

I nodded and gracefully knelt before Alistair, presenting him with the gravity of the decision ahead.

"Alistair, you have two paths before you. The first option is to accept your inheritance, which includes the Riverett Family's land and assets, and take on the daunting task of rebuilding the family. However, this path will be fraught with challenges, especially considering your tender age. The second option is to proceed with your engagement to Tessia and become an Eralith. While you will still have the right to the Riverett Family's inheritance, the family name will not be bestowed upon you. The choice is now yours to make."

Alistair deliberated, his gaze filled with a mix of youthful curiosity, determination, and unwavering seriousness. After a few moments of contemplation, he softly responded, "The second option is the best for me. I don't wish to be tied down to Zestier, burdened with the responsibility of managing a family. I yearn to explore the world."

There was a childlike sense of curiosity intertwined with his resolute determination, leaving me with no choice but to accept his decision.

"Very well," I said, a warm smile gracing my lips as I ruffled his hair affectionately.



As I stood before the two paths laid out before me, the decision was clear. I yearned for freedom and the opportunity to explore the vast expanse of Dicathen, unencumbered by the responsibilities of family.

Opting for the second choice, I accompanied the royal family to the treasure vault. With the King's mana signature, the door was unlocked, and we made our way inside. The vault was filled with silver vaults, each bearing a sign detailing its contents.

Eventually, we arrived at the vault of the Riverett family, marked with their name. The King opened the door, and I stepped inside.

The room was filled with untold riches - thousands of elven currency, various weapons, and artifacts. The King turned to me and spoke, "Alistair, this is your inheritance. Take what you wish, and with your mana signature, you'll have access to this vault anytime."

Excitement bubbled inside me, and I activated my eyes, illuminating the room with aether and mana particles. I sifted through the treasures, finding little need for currency or artifacts. The royal family was generous enough to provide for us when we left the palace.

But one thing caught my eye - a sword. It had an emerald blade with a slight curve, and its platinum handle was the perfect fit. What made it remarkable, though, was its ability to conduct plant magic.

"Good find, brat! The Riverett family was known for their prowess in plant magic, and now you have unlocked that rare element. That sword is FaithKeeper, previously wielded by your father. He left it behind when he vanished," the King remarked.

I nodded in acknowledgment, although a tinge of sadness crept in. I had never known my father, as he had passed away before my birth. All I had were my mother's stories of how he had been a great man and how they had fallen in love.

"I will keep the name," I declared, twirling the sword.

Shaking my head to dispel the melancholy, I moved on to my second pick. It was a disguise relic that could create elf ears. I didn't understand why such an item would be here, but it was exactly what I needed. My half-elf heritage was clear, and I couldn't risk it while being engagement to Tessia.

A blush tinged my cheeks as thoughts of being engaged to Tessia flooded my mind once again. She and I had grown incredibly close over the years, sharing moments and even a bed together more times than I could count. But did she share the same feelings? I could only hope that she did.

"If you're ready, let's proceed with finalizing your engagement to Tessia," Alduin said, his smile filled with fatherly warmth.

Gratitude welled up within me, and I bowed before them, expressing my thanks. "Thank you, Your Majesties, not only for this opportunity but also for the unwavering support you've shown me throughout the years."

The Queen, her face beaming with kindness, waved away my formality. "No need for such formalities, my boy. We're soon to be your parents, after all," she said, her smile contagious.

The four of us made our way to a designated room where Grandpa Virion instructed the guards to summon Tessia and Arthur. Moments later, Tessia entered the room with a hop in her step.

"Grandpa, why did you call us here?" she asked, curiosity evident in her voice.


When my wife first suggested that Tessia might have feelings for Alistair, I was taken aback. After all, he was a half-elf, with human blood running through his veins. But as time went on, their bond became unmistakable. They were constantly found sleeping together, snuggled up and comfortable. While I believed such behavior should have been discouraged, my wife instead encouraged it, even as they grew older.

Eventually, we had to station guards to prevent Tessia from sneaking into Alistair's room. And when both boys became Father's disciples, Alistair in particular grew closer to Tessia. I couldn't help but notice the joy that radiated from her whenever they were together.

However, the idea of an engagement between them seemed impossible. Tessia was a princess, while Alistair was a half-elf. The two worlds couldn't easily reconcile.

Then, one day, Father summoned Merial, myself, and Alistair to the Family Blood room. When I asked him about the purpose, he simply stated that Alistair had unlocked plant magic.

This revelation set my mind in motion. If Alistair could tap into plant magic, it meant he must have a pure elven lineage. That was the only way to possess such a gift.

And my hunch proved correct. Alistair was the son of Father's most trusted aide, Lance Wieyt Riverett.

With this shocking discovery, Father declared that Alistair could now rightfully engage Tessia and, in due time, marry her.

Merial and I engaged in a discussion, sharing our thoughts and opinions. Deep down, I believed that Alistair deserved to be engaged to Tessia, especially considering their close relationship. However, I had masked my true feelings behind the traditions and expectations of Zestier.

But soon enough, my feigned reluctance faded away, and I found myself in agreement with Merial.

I led Alistair to the vault containing the Riverett Family's inheritance. As he made his choice to stay with us and opted for the second path, a genuine smile tugged at my lips, though I swiftly concealed it.

Alistair selected Faithkeeper, an emerald sword of remarkable beauty, and expressed his desire to keep the name. He also chose an artifact that would grant him authentic elven ears.

Though I couldn't fathom why the Riverett Family possessed such an item, I decided not to dwell on it.

The four of us entered another room, while Father summoned Tessia and Arthur.

My beautiful daughter entered with her usual grace, her innocence shining through her eyes.

"Please, have a seat, Tessia," Merial said in her gentle voice. Tessia complied, her gaze curious and questioning.

"Tess, do you wish to be engaged to Alistair?" I asked, observing her cheeks flush with a delightful shade of crimson.

'She has indeed fallen for him,' I thought, a pleased expression gracing my face.

"B-but I thought it wasn't possible," she murmured, her ears drooping slightly.

"You can, my dear. This young man belongs to the esteemed Riverett Family, possessing enough influence to make an engagement between you a reality," Father reassured her with a wink.

"Then, yes," she whispered, her words filled with a mix of shyness and determination.

My eyes widened in astonishment, and Father erupted into thunderous laughter that reverberated through the room.

"Excellent! Alistair, from this moment on, you are the Prince of Elenoir. Welcome to our family, Alistair Eralith," Merial proclaimed, enveloping him in a warm embrace.

Tessia rushed to join them, wrapping her arms around his back, and I joined the embrace as well. Father, seeing the display of affection, couldn't resist joining us, while I noticed Arthur lingering at a distance.

"Join us, Arthur," I called out, surprising him. His eyes widened in disbelief, but he quickly crossed the room to join our joyful hug.

We stood there, a united family, bound by love and newfound connections. In that moment, the weight of tradition and societal expectations melted away, leaving only the warmth of genuine happiness.


As the years flew by, embracing my role as Alistair Eralith, I found myself immersed in a whirlwind of experiences and revelations. The weight of my newfound title, the engagement to Tessia, and the expectations placed upon me felt both exhilarating and daunting.

During this time, Grandpa Virion became a cherished mentor, guiding me through the complexities of royal life and sharing his wisdom. Yet, there were still unanswered questions lingering within me. One such mystery were the enigmatic figures titled Lances, a title bestowed upon my father as well. Whenever I inquired about them, Grandpa would pat my head affectionately, promising to reveal the truth when I had matured further.

Another significant event that unfolded was the birth of Sylvie, a creature that captured Tessia's heart instantly. There was an undeniable connection I felt with Sylvie, a bond that transcended the ordinary. Yet, I couldn't quite grasp the nature of this connection, leaving me intrigued and curious.

As the years passed, my training intensified, driven by the desire to be worthy of Tessia and to protect those I cared about. The title of Prince of Elenoir and the future responsibilities it entailed often caused both Tessia and me to blush uncontrollably, a fact that Arthur and Grandpa Virion took great delight in teasing us about.

Arthur, too, underwent a transformative journey, successfully assimilating with his beast will and harnessing its formidable power. I recognized the need to continually train and improve myself, knowing that Arthur's growth posed a challenge I must meet head-on.

Eventually, the time arrived for Arthur to bid farewell to Elenoir and return to his parents in Xyrus City. As I found myself alone in the darkness, I sought solace in the spatial ring gifted to me by my mother. Its engravings shimmered softly in the dim light as I traced my name with my fingers, contemplating its mysteries.

Seeking Grandpa's insight, he revealed that the ring was a rare artifact, accessible only to those with a specific mana signature. Furthermore, it boasted multiple core level locks, indicating that it could only be fully opened once I reached the orange core stage. Intrigued by its secrets, I resolved to unlock its contents as soon as I achieved the required level of power.

Yet, I hesitated to delve into its treasures, fearing the emotional weight they held. The ring contained the cherished items my mother bestowed upon me just before her untimely passing. However, I came to understand that by not exploring its contents, I was dishonoring her memory and the effort she put into preserving these mementos.

Summoning courage, I finally decided to extract the item from the ring. It was a perfectly crafted small metal sword, tailored to my size. With quiet reverence, I unsheathed it, marveling at its silver blade and balanced weight in my hand. I took a moment to appreciate its craftsmanship before resheathing it.

Realizing the potential of this new weapon, I envisioned combining it with Faithkeeper to develop a unique swordsmanship style of my own. Content with my discovery, I drifted off to sleep, eager to explore the possibilities that lay ahead.

|Arthur's Perspective|

"Arthur! Remember to take care! We'll find some way to contact you somehow and update you. Take this with you so you can navigate through the Forest of Elshire if you're ever in the area." He winked while handing me a small silver oval compass .

"While Alduin and Merial will be going in a separate carriage as the heads of this kingdom, the three of us won't be going. This will be the last time we'll see each other for now. Until next time, Arthur!" He grabbed me in a strong hug, almost knocking Sylvie off of my head.

"I'll miss you Art! Remember to come visit again! Promise me, okay?" She sniffled, tears lining her eyes .

I hugged my dear friend and patted her head as well . "We'll see each other again! You better be stronger than me the next time we meet Tess! With Gramps teaching you, you have no excuse!"

She gave me a feeble nod, unable to form words because of her constant sniffling.

"I will definitely surpass you Alistair," I said I hugged Al. "You better not lose in just three moves like you did last time."

My face turned red from embarrassment as Alistair reminded me of the defeat I suffered as his hands not so long ago.

I waved goodbye to the both of them and followed behind Merial and Alduin after they gave me a sympathetic smile. I hadn't really gotten the chance to spend much time with the King and Queen but we were very close with each other now, especially since the we got that caused the two of them to treat me like their own child.

I got into the carriage that the elf representatives were taking, while the king and queen were escorted into a separate carriage.

"Well look who it is! If it isn't the human brat! Did the royal family finally kick you out of the Kingdom?" An elf boy dressed in a very decorated purple robe smirked.

"Uh... I'm sorry but do I know you?" I felt like i knew who this elf was, but I couldn't quite place my finger on where we had met. Meanwhile, Sylvie was growling, pointing her horns in his direction.

"I'm the noble you mercilessly attacked while defying the customs of the duel!" He bolted up angrily, pointing an accusing finger at me.

It suddenly clicked . "You're the bug I sent tumbling!" I yelled out in realisation, a bit louder than I had meant t .

"Y-you dare...!?" His face turned bright pink as his ears twitched profusely in anger while a few elves behind desperately tried to cover their snickering.

"Aha sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to say that. I never did learn your name though," I chuckled, extending a hand to him.

Face still red, trying to preserve as much of the little dignity he had left, he rejected my handshake and declared in a pompous tone, "My name is Feyrith Ivsaar III, descendent of the noble Ivsaar family! You may have won while we were both children, but were we to duel again, I would win easily."

A young elf girl that looked a few years older than Feyrith piped in, saying, "You can just call him Feyfey like we do."

"D-don't tell him that!" Face turning an even darker shade of red, Feyfey turned his head away from me and took a seat.

I sat down next to Feyfey and gave him a sympathetic pat on his shoulders that were slumped in defeat.

As we our carriage went into the teleportation gate we were greeted by the now familiar sensation of being in the middle of a fast-forwarding film.

"We have arrived in Xyrus!" The driver announced.