
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

New Mentor


My training under Lord Claxter was both demanding and immensely rewarding. With his guidance, I delved deeper into the true potential of the Revelation Eye, honing my mastery over the vivum aspect in a remarkably short span of a few months.

One day, as I was engrossed in my training, Lord Claxter's commanding voice resounded through the training area. Startled, I turned to face him, only to find him accompanied by another man, who exuded an aura of confidence and expertise.

"Alistair," Lord Claxter addressed me, his piercing sapphire eyes assessing my progress, "Allow me to introduce Caleb Claxter, my son and your new mentor. He will impart his knowledge of swordsmanship and guide you in further harnessing the power of the Revelation Eye. While I will be involved in your training intermittently, my duties as the clan's leader will require my attention."

As Lord Claxter's words settled in the air, I inclined my head in a silent acceptance. My gaze shifted to Caleb, the new figure who had entered the training area. He stood tall and confident, his commanding presence filling the space around him.

The aura of authority emanating from Caleb was palpable, like an invisible force that demanded respect. His composed demeanor and steady gaze exuded experience and proficiency. It was as if he had carved his path through countless battles, each step etching a story of his mastery.

In that moment, a surge of anticipation coursed through my veins. I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for this seasoned warrior. I knew that beneath his calm exterior lay a wealth of knowledge and expertise, waiting to be shared with me.

Without a word spoken, the unspoken agreement between us was forged. As our eyes met, a mutual understanding passed between us. I was ready to learn from Caleb, to absorb every ounce of wisdom he possessed, and to unlock the true potential of the Revelation Eye and learn swordsmanship under his guidance.

In that silent exchange, the anticipation grew stronger, fueling my determination to embrace the challenges ahead and embark on a path of growth and mastery.

As Lord Claxter's presence faded from the training area, Caleb turned his attention to me, his voice carrying a tone of genuine warmth and respect.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, cousin Alistair," he began, his words laced with sincerity. "Before we embark on this journey together, I want you to know that my father and I hold your mother in the highest regard. Her strength, grace, and unwavering spirit have left an indelible mark on our hearts. It is out of this deep reverence that we are committed to ensuring you do not falter or fall short in fulfilling your rightful role as the heir of the Claxter clan."

His words resonated with me, stirring a mix of surprise and gratitude. I had assumed Caleb, being Lord Claxter's son, would be the natural successor to lead the clan. Yet, Caleb's explanation unveiled a deeper truth.

Shaking my head in a gesture of bewilderment, I voiced my thoughts, "But I always believed you would be the heir, given your lineage as Lord Claxter's son."

Caleb's eyes met mine, his gaze unwavering, as he gently countered my assumption, "You see, cousin, my father took up the mantle of leadership only after your mother's departure from Epheotus. He did so to ensure stability within the clan during a tumultuous time. But make no mistake, you are the true and rightful heir to the Claxter clan. Your lineage and heritage, regardless of any doubts or prejudices others may harbor due to your mixed blood, cannot be denied."

"Now," he said, drawing forth a gleaming silver longsword at his side, "Let us assess your current prowess in the art of swordsmanship."

The clash of blades echoed throughout the training area, but the outcome was inevitable from the start. His mastery of the sword surpassed mine in every aspect, his strength overpowering mine effortlessly.

As I lay on the ground, catching my breath, a mixture of disappointment and admiration washed over me. Caleb extended his hand, pulling me to my feet, his expression a mirror of astonishment.

"Your swordsmanship is... truly exceptional," he declared, a hint of disbelief in his voice. "Given the level you have already attained, there is limited room for further improvement within the timeframe we have. However, I can assist you in honing your mastery of the Revelation Eye, refining its harmony with your swordsmanship. It is in this aspect that lies the untapped potential of your skills."

His words struck a chord within me, reigniting the spark of determination. Though my swordsmanship had reached a formidable level, the integration of the Revelation Eye remained a challenge. With Caleb's guidance, I could elevate my abilities to new heights, capitalizing on the true potential lying dormant within me.

|Lord Claxter|

"He's truly a formidable force, isn't he?" I turned to my son Caleb, seated beside me, seeking his perspective on the astonishing display before us. He let out a heavy sigh, his gaze fixed upon the unfolding battle.

"It's unfathomable," he murmured, shaking his head in disbelief. "His talent... it rivals Aunt Saphira's without question."

We observed with awe as Alistair effortlessly dominated the clash against a seasoned Pantheon warrior. Every move he executed was a testament to his exceptional skill and fighting prowess, surpassing even the renowned artistry of the Pantheon.

Their pride in their force-type mana, a power unique to their race, was now overshadowed by the sheer mastery of Alistair's aether manipulation. Despite having only embarked on his proper training three years ago, he displayed a level of competence that far surpassed their expectations, delivering a resounding blow to their cherished pride.

The Claxter clan, once divided in their acceptance of Alistair as the rightful heir, now stood united in awe and reverence, compelled by the sheer magnitude of his power. It was an undeniable truth that he possessed the potential to elevate our clan to unprecedented heights, becoming the beacon of hope we so desperately sought.

No longer could there be any doubt or hesitation. Alistair had proven himself not only as a prodigious force, but as a symbol of unwavering determination and resilience.

Kezess watched Alistair's display with a calculating gaze, his face betraying no sign of awe or admiration. As a seasoned warrior himself, he analyzed every move, assessing the young heir's prowess with a discerning eye.

Ademir, the lord of the Thyestess clan, regained his composure, his expression composed and unreadable. Towering in stature, his four front eyes and sleek black hair exuded an aura of authority and command.

"The Claxter clan has always been known for producing formidable warriors," Ademir stated, his voice tinged with a hint of acknowledgment. "Alistair's lineage as Saphira's son undoubtedly plays a role in his exceptional abilities."

Kezess remained silent, refraining from acknowledging any notion of astonishment or admiration. Instead, he continued to scrutinize Alistair's every move, seeking to discern the extent of his true potential.

"I have a proposal," Kezess stated, his voice carrying the weight of authority, as he turned his gaze towards me. The commanding presence he exuded, infused with the power of the King's Force, served as a constant reminder of the difference in strength between us.

His words held an air of formality, yet beneath the surface, there was a hint of curiosity and intrigue.

"Before Alistair embarks on his journey back to Dicathen with Arthur and Sylvie, I would like to present him with a personal gift," he continued, his eyes locking onto mine.

I maintained a composed demeanor, my expression unwavering, despite the subtle undercurrent of tension. The disparity in our power was evident, but I stood firm, refusing to succumb to any intimidation.

"As the lord of the Claxter clan, I graciously accept your offer, Lord Indrath," I responded, my voice steady and respectful.

The exchange between us showcased a delicate balance of authority and deference, each acknowledging the other's position and responsibilities, while silently acknowledging the inherent power dynamics at play.


After the intense battle with the Pantheon warrior concluded, I found myself standing in the grand hall of the Indrath clan, accompanied only by Windsom. The hall emanated an aura of regality and opulence, unchanged since my last visit over three years ago. As Windsom bowed and departed, leaving me alone with Lord Kezess seated upon his throne, a sense of anticipation mingled with trepidation coursed through my veins.

Lord Kezess's voice resonated through the hall, commanding attention and respect. "Alistair," he began, his tone filled with a mixture of gravity and introspection, "Were you ever informed of your mother's significance to me?"

I shook my head, a blend of curiosity and apprehension flickering in my eyes. Even Uncle Rolan had kept this information hidden from me, leaving only hints of its complexity.

"I see," Lord Kezess murmured, his gaze piercing yet tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "Your mother held a special place in my life, Alistair. She was not only a trusted ally but also someone I held deep affection for. Our connection, however, was complicated, intertwined with both joy and sorrow."

His words hung in the air, enveloping the grand hall in a blanket of intrigue. My mind raced, trying to unravel the enigma surrounding my mother's relationship with Lord Kezess, eager to discover the truths that lay hidden within the depths of their shared past.

"I was always considered the epitome of talent," he began, his voice laced with a mix of reminiscence and vulnerability. "As the Prince of the most formidable clan of the most powerful Asuran race, I stood unchallenged at the summit. Until I encountered her. Your mother... she was a force beyond comprehension. Despite hearing tales of the Claxter clan's might, never had there been an Asura in Epheotus who rose above the Indraths. Until she arrived. She was extraordinary, operating on an entirely different plane. I could never surpass her."

His words carried a tinge of admiration and acceptance, as if acknowledging the incomparable strength that resided within my mother. It was a humbling realization for Lord Kezess, a revelation that shattered his self-perceived invincibility and highlighted the exceptional nature of Saphira's prowess.

"However, our ideals diverged," he spoke with a somber tone, his lavender eyes transitioning to a deep shade of purple. "Despite the shared moments, the bonds we forged, our paths were not destined to align. In the end, I was left with only one choice: to end her life."

A surge of disbelief coursed through me, rendering me momentarily speechless. Before I could react, he was standing beside me, his presence both imposing and unsettling.

With a swift gesture, he brushed aside his platinum hair, revealing his penetrating gaze.

"Why am I divulging this? It seems foolish, should my plan falter. Yet, it feels fitting for her son to know the truth of her fate," he remarked, his words laden with complexity and hidden motives.

His fingers pressed against my forehead, rendering me immobilized despite my newfound strength acquired through years of training.

Inky darkness engulfed my senses as his voice echoed in the void, "Become a valuable pawn in my game, Alistair Claxter."

The world faded into obscurity as his words reverberated, leaving me stranded in a haze of uncertainty and trepidation.