
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs



Upon our return, Alistair and I were granted a much-needed day of rest before our anticipated assignments to the Paladins' divisions. We savored the brief respite, preparing ourselves mentally and physically for the battles that lay ahead. Little did we know that fate had a different plan in store for us.

A thunderous arrival disrupted the tranquility, shaking the ground beneath our feet. The enemy fleet had arrived, its ominous presence casting a shadow over our land. With urgency in his voice, Gary summoned all the Paladins to the meeting room, where we would confront the imminent threat.

We hastily gathered, the tension palpable in the air. The weight of our responsibilities settled upon our shoulders, intertwining with the fervor and determination that burned within each of us. This was the moment we had been preparing for—our chance to prove ourselves on the battlefield.

As we filed into the meeting room, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The time for planning and strategizing was over; now, action beckoned us forward. We braced ourselves, ready to face the encroaching darkness head-on.

"Lancelot, Rachel. You are tasked with intercepting the enemy ships and defending Etistin."The softness of Gary's command did little to conceal the weight of his words.

They had not dropped from the air before we had soared through the skies into Etistin, our white cores carrying us faster than the air carries sound.

The bay in Etistin had always been renowned for its sunset. Upon arriving, we found out why. The sun's light reflected off the shimmering water into hundreds of sails, the warm orange glow on each belying the horror of the unmistakable insignia they carried. The enemy was here.

Our flight came to an abrupt halt as I fixated my gaze upon the largest ship, my attention drawn to three figures standing proudly at its helm.

Among them, the first caught my eye—a boy, seemingly our age. His jet-black hair and piercing red eyes exuded a sense of strength and determination. Yet, compared to our newfound power, he appeared no more than an insignificant insect.

Beside him stood a towering figure, standing at a formidable seven feet tall. Two serrated horns curled beneath his ears, matching the intensity of his bright red eyes. Clad in a bloody cape, he embodied the epitome of the Scythes of Alacarya, his power resonating at the pinnacle of their ranks.

However, it was the girl by their side who truly commanded my attention. Her mana signature shimmered like a mesmerizing tapestry of raw power. Mana particles enveloped her in a captivating dance, their movements akin to a symphony of devoted suitors vying for the attention of their beloved queen. Her bewitching orange-golden eyes mirrored her immense potential, while her casual attire belied the aura of confidence and charm she effortlessly emanated. Her luscious black hair, cascading in gentle waves, further accentuated her natural allure and graceful form.

As we descended in front of the imposing main ship, we confronted the trio head-on. The girl instinctively positioned herself in front of the boy, assuming a protective stance.

"There's little room for negotiation now, is there?" I stated, breaking the tense silence that enveloped us.

Rachel and I activated our Spirit Dive, summoning our ethereal spirits into the physical realm. The release of our formidable auras reverberated in the air, creating an explosive display of power.

While the Scythe and the boy struggled to withstand the overwhelming aura, the girl remained unperturbed. Her calm demeanour sent shivers down my spine, as if she effortlessly commanded the submission of ambient mana—a passive display akin to the use of Mana Sovereign.

"Rachel," I commanded, my voice resolute, "Deal with the other two. I will handle the girl."

I focused my energy, tapping into the depths of my power. Mana surged around me, intertwining with my core abilities, as I prepared to face the girl head-on.

As our powers collided, a tumultuous dance of mana ensued. The particles of mana, once obedient to my command, now appeared unsettled and torn, unsure of whom to align with—the enigmatic girl or myself. It was an astonishing revelation to witness my mastery over mana being challenged by another, particularly when I exerted the full force of Mana Sovereign.

Spell after spell clashed between us, each unleashing a torrent of black flames that threatened to consume everything in their path. I relied on my expertise in wind magic to repel their onslaught, creating gusts of swirling air that acted as a barrier against their formidable attacks.

The sheer intensity of our confrontation sent shockwaves through the surrounding area, causing the water below to churn and the air to crackle with latent energy.

|Third POV|

With precision and coordination, Lancelot and Rachel executed their synchronised assault. Lancelot, utilising his mastery of spirit magic, cloaked himself in ethereal energy, enabling him to strike Cecilia from behind with unexpected force. Meanwhile, Rachel engaged Nico, skilfully cleaving through his defensive spikes and delivering a powerful punch that momentarily distracted him.

Cecilia, taken aback by the sudden attack, began to retaliate, but before she could unleash her wrath upon Rachel, Lancelot swiftly intervened. His silver sword, imbued with vibrant green wind magic, gleamed under the sun's rays as it sliced through the fabric of reality itself, aiming to sever Cecilia's head from her shoulders in a single swift motion.

As Lancelot's sword descended with relentless force, Cecilia's mana instinctively surged, weaving a complex pattern of golden rings to serve as her defensive barrier. The ambient mana surrounding her intensified, swirling and coalescing into a formidable shield.

The clash between Lancelot's assault and Cecilia's defensive manoeuver reverberated through the air, a tempest of opposing forces colliding in a cataclysmic display of power. The golden rings strained under the pressure, their radiant glow shimmering with resilience.

But then, with an explosive burst, one of the golden rings ruptured. The sheer force of the impact proved too much for Cecilia's defensive barrier to withstand. The rupture rippled through the remaining rings, disrupting their delicate balance and shattering their ethereal form.

The sudden rupture sent shockwaves coursing through Cecilia's body, her form propelled backward through the air with alarming velocity. Helpless against the overwhelming momentum, she careened through the open space before colliding with the sturdy hull of another ship, the impact echoing with a resounding boom.

"CECILIA!" Nico's anguished cry echoed through the air, but his desperate plea fell on deaf ears as Rachel swiftly drove a scythe-shaped torrent of water into his side, causing him to grimace in pain.

"I am your opponent!" Rachel declared with unwavering determination, deftly blocking Cadell's subsequent attack and engaging him head-on in a display of her combat prowess.

"Stand up," Lancelot commanded, his silver sword transforming into a formidable halberd as he landed in front of her.

Cecilia scoffed, her confidence unyielding. "A mere lesser dares challenge me!" she spat, attempting to drain the mana from Lancelot's core. However, to her surprise, their mana control proved to be on equal footing, rendering her efforts futile in the face of Lancelot's empowered Mana Sovereign mode.

With a determined glint in his grey eyes, Lancelot propelled himself forward, his halberd gleaming in the sunlight as he closed the distance between him and Cecilia. As their magical forces clashed in a brilliant display of power, the air crackled with energy, and the ground beneath them trembled.

She directed her mana to reinforce the barrier's strongest points, confident in her defense. But Lancelot detected a slight dip in the intensity of her barrier at a specific point—the very spot with the least concentration of mana. Seizing the opportunity, Lancelot swiftly adjusted his trajectory, diverting his attack towards the vulnerable spot. With a surge of his own mana, he channeled his power into a precise punch, aiming directly for the weakened section of Cecilia's barrier. The force of his blow collided with the barrier's frail point, causing it to shatter and dissipate like fragile glass.

Caught off guard, Cecilia felt the full impact of Lancelot's strike as it connected with her abdomen. The force of the blow sent Cecilia hurtling through the air, crashing into another ship with a resounding impact. She rose from the wreckage, a trickle of crimson blood staining her nose, which she nonchalantly wiped away with the collar of her dress.

The battle had taken its toll, and the majority of the fleet lay in ruins, ravaged by the intensity of their confrontation.

"I have a question," Lancelot inquired, his voice firm as he closed the distance between them, "Why do you choose to follow Agrona?"

Cecilia scoffed, a defiant smirk playing on her lips. "Because I want to," she retorted, her hands poised for another attack.

Engaged in a fierce battle, their movements were a flurry of strikes and parries. Lancelot seamlessly switched between various weapons, keeping Cecilia on her toes. Despite her seemingly delicate appearance, Cecilia possessed exceptional combat skills and matched Lancelot blow for blow.

Yet, Lancelot's mastery of spirit magic eventually tipped the scales in his favor. With precise timing and calculated strikes, he managed to exploit Cecilia's speed, landing a devastating blow to her gut. The impact caused her body to convulse and her movements to falter.

Seizing the opportunity, Lancelot summoned his silver sword, aiming directly for Cecilia's exposed throat. The blade glinted in the light as he poised to deliver a decisive strike that could bring an end to their duel.

However, just as Lancelot's silver sword was about to make contact with Cecilia's throat, a flash of white intercepted his attack, parrying it with impeccable timing. The unknown assailant swiftly caught Cecilia before she could hit the ground, cradling her in his arms with a concerned gaze.

Lancelot's heightened senses prickled with an electrifying warning, alerting him to the presence of an opponent who surpassed his own abilities. A sense of unease washed over him, born from the realization that his chances of emerging victorious were slim, especially considering his depleted state after the grueling duel with Cecilia.

His heart pounded in his chest, matching the rapid rhythm of his breath as he assessed the situation. Beads of perspiration formed on his forehead, glistening under the sun's unforgiving rays, evidence of the intense pressure bearing down on him. The weight of the impending confrontation hung in the air, wrapping around him like an invisible shroud of uncertainty.

Lancelot's instinctual survival instincts surged forth, urging him to retreat, to reassess his strategy and conserve his waning strength for a more opportune moment. Deep down, he understood that engaging in a battle he couldn't win would be a futile endeavour, a risk he couldn't afford to take.

"To think you could best a Legacy," the man commented, his words sending a shiver down Lancelot's spine.

"Well, she was caught off-guard, but still," he continued, his tone nonchalant, "And for your friend to overcome Nico and Cadell, it seems Dicathen possesses considerable strength."

Lancelot mustered his composure, gathering his remaining energy as he posed a question that weighed heavily on his mind. "Who are you?" he inquired, his words nearly catching in his throat.

The enigmatic figure chuckled, his laughter echoing through the air. "Don't worry, I have no desire to continue this fight," he assured, his voice laced with an air of authority. "Besides, if I were to engage, the one overseeing this battle would undoubtedly intervene. No, this turn of events works in my favor, as Cecilia now owes me her life, as well as Nico's."

"You have fulfilled your mission to protect Etistin. It would be wise for you to retreat now," the man advised, his words carrying a note of finality. With a flick of his wrist, he employed magic to lift Cadell and Nico from the ground, effortlessly whisking the three of them away.

Left with a sense of awe and unanswered questions, Lancelot watched as the enigmatic figure vanished into the distance, carrying his fallen adversaries with him. It was a clear sign that their encounter had reached its conclusion.

Rachel rushed to Lancelot's side, her concern etched across her face as she witnessed him collapsing to the ground. His once majestic transformation faded away, leaving him vulnerable and weakened.

A torrent of crimson liquid spilled from his lips and nose, staining the ground beneath him, a vivid testament to the toll his reckless exertion had taken on his body. His trembling hand clutched at his sternum, the resting place of his white mana core, as if trying to anchor himself amidst the overwhelming pain.

Fear gripped Rachel's heart as she witnessed the aftermath of Lancelot's relentless battle against the Legacy. The combination of Spirit Dive and the formidable Mana Sovereign had pushed his body beyond its limits, the strain proving too much to bear.

"Lancelot!" she cried out, her voice laced with both anguish. She closed the distance between them in a flurry of movement, her hand extending towards him with a surge of water magic ready to aid in his recovery.

Gently, her hand touched his sweat-drenched forehead, her healing powers coursing through her fingertips and into his body. The soothing water magic embraced his wounded form, working diligently to mend his battered muscles and ease the strain on his core.

Amidst the pain, Lancelot mustered a weak smile, his voice carrying a mixture of gratitude and reassurance. "Don't worry," he managed to say, his words strained. "My body may be suffering from the recoil of Mana Sovereign, but with rest, I will recover."

Rachel nodded, her sapphire eyes shimmering with a mixture of relief and concern. She continued to channel her healing magic, pouring her energy into him, determined to expedite his recovery.