
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Integration Stage


Taking a deep breath, I immersed myself in the practice of cultivation, surrounded by the four particles of mana and the dancing motes of aether. Seated in a lotus position, I could sense the power of the mana particles being drawn into my white core, which was on the verge of integration.

Suddenly, I found myself once again thrust into that metaphysical realm, reminiscent of the one I had encountered while battling Jezebeth and Kevin simultaneously.

An ethereal, translucent barrier loomed before me, an obstacle on my path to reaching the coveted <SS-> rank. My fingertips grazed the surface of the barrier as I exhaled, feeling the immense power surging within me, ready to break through.

Closing my eyes, I summoned every ounce of determination, allowing it to course through my veins as I pushed forward. The barrier began to fracture under the weight of my relentless resolve.

In an awe-inspiring display, my white mana core dissolved into nothingness, merging seamlessly with my physical form. It was as though my entire being had transformed into a conduit for mana, a colossal mana core possessing unparalleled purity and strength compared to a mere white core.

Within my sternum, only the radiant glow of my purple aether core remained, a testament to my unwavering connection with the arcane. My mana levels soared to unimaginable heights as I ascended to an entirely new realm of power. The sensation was akin to the exhilaration I experienced when I first transcended from the high silver stage to the white stage, yet it was simultaneously incomparable in its intensity.

"You're ready now," Vicht said, leaning casually against the door to the training room. I grinned at her, feeling a surge of anticipation as I rose to my feet.

"Is this the peak of mana power?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued. Vicht shook her head, a knowing expression on her face. "Integration may be the highest stage, but no, there's always room for further growth. That's why not all integration stage mages are equal."

"Can Asuras reach this stage?" I sought confirmation.

She nodded, her gaze focused. "Asuras, unlike us, possess cores that continuously expand alongside their growing strength. Their unique physiology allows them to wield considerable mana power without the need for excessively large cores."

"Which is why you developed spellforms," I stated, connecting the dots. "To emulate the Asuras' ability to amplify mana flow within their bodies."

"You catch on quickly," she remarked, a warm smile gracing her lips as we stepped out of the training room. "Indeed, spellforms were crafted with the goal of replicating the Asuras' innate capacity to enhance the mana coursing through them. And to some extent, we have achieved success."

Vicht's voice rang out, drawing my attention. "Your sword is ready as well." With a clap of her hands, she conjured a spatial portal, through which Kailred, the Grandus, stepped into view.

His eyes gleamed as they landed on me. "Gary," he greeted with a respectful bow, and I reciprocated the gesture.

"Your weapon is complete," he announced, producing the sheathed Dusk's Shadowfang. I accepted the sword and drew it from its scabbard, only to find that its appearance remained largely unchanged, much to my initial disappointment.

However, upon closer inspection, I noticed intricate ridges and embedded connecting pieces adorning the otherwise pristine surface of the blade.

"Bond with the blade once more," Kailred advised. I nodded, pricking my palm to release a few drops of blood onto the hilt. Channeling mana and aether, I infused the sword with my essence.

The dark blade stirred, emitting a low hum as it awakened.

'Master?' a sweet feminine voice echoed in my mind.

'Yes, I am your master, Gary Whiteborn,' I replied through our telepathic link.

'I can finally communicate with you, master!' the sword exclaimed joyfully. 'I have been eagerly anticipating this moment ever since you first acquired me! Oh, my dear master, I love you!'

I cringed slightly at the overwhelming affection expressed by my sword.

"Is she meant to exhibit such... human-like qualities?" I inquired.

Kailred and Vicht chuckled, and the Asura responded, "Their nature is shaped, to some extent, by your actions and your own ego, Gary."

'Tell me, what can you do?' I inquired, directing my question to the sentient sword.

'Please refer to me as Dusk, master,' she responded. 'I possess the ability to adapt my form to match any of your combat styles. Additionally, should you desire, I can also manifest as your armour. I am at your disposal.'

Taking a deep breath, I focused my mana and directed it into the sword, deliberately turning away from the watchful eyes of Kailred and Vicht.

[Gravar Style]

In response to my command, the slender curved blade underwent a remarkable transformation, morphing into a colossal weapon befitting the raw power of the Gravar style. With each swing, the blade exuded a formidable aura, radiating strength and intimidation.

Switching to the Levisha style, the sword seamlessly followed suit, reshaping itself into a broadsword that perfectly complemented the elegance and fluidity of the style. Its weight and balance felt impeccable as I executed precise and graceful movements.

Finally, with a mental shift to the Keiki style, the blade reverted back to its original form, a sleek katana. Its slender and deadly design suited the swift and agile nature of the style, empowering my strikes with precision and speed.

Now, turning my attention to the notion of armour, I infused my mana and aether into the blade.

As if responding to my will, shards of the blade gracefully detached themselves, rearranging and intertwining to form a thin, yet incredibly powerful suit of armour that enveloped my body. Though not covering every inch of my form, I could sense that it possessed the uncanny ability to adapt and shield specific areas under attack. It was evident that this armour would prove immensely valuable in future battles, offering both protection and mobility.

Kailred beamed with pride as he regarded me, speaking with confidence. "Impressive, isn't it? This sword represents my finest work, rivaling the greatest weapons in the world. Only the treasures of the Asuras or certain anomalies may surpass its caliber. Gary Whiteborn, cherish this blade and wield it to bring about the downfall of the Asuras."

Curiosity burning within me, I couldn't help but inquire further. "But why do you align yourself with the Djinns?" I questioned Kailred, seeking to understand his motivations.

A gentle smile graced his face as he replied, his voice carrying a touch of melancholy. "Because it is the path of righteousness," he stated simply, before taking his leave, leaving me to ponder his words.

Lost in thought, I mumbled softly, "So he too has suffered losses at the hands of the Indraths." The realization deepened my understanding of his allegiance.

Turning my attention to Vicht, I locked eyes with her, my amethyst gaze searching for answers. "Vicht," I began, my voice filled with curiosity, "I find myself perplexed. You claim the Djinns were proponents of peace, yet you possess an arsenal of aggressive aether and mana arts. Who truly are you?"

A subtle shift transformed her stoic expression into a warm smile as she responded, revealing a part of her true identity. "I am one of the two Queens of the Djinns, holding the title of the War Queen. I lead the warrior Djinns, the defenders of our people. Now that you have reached the integration stage, allow me to enlighten you about aether and the intricacies of the Djinns' existence."


Being of mixed Asuran heritage initially seemed advantageous. From birth, I possessed a mana core that propelled my progress with remarkable speed. My body, finely attuned to both mana and aether, granted me a unique advantage, while the Revelation Eyes bestowed upon me by the esteemed Claxter clan enhanced my perception.

However, as I delved deeper into the intricacies of my dual nature, unsettling questions began to surface. What fate awaited my Asuran body if I were to attain the integration stage? Would it be rejected, and if so, what dire consequences would follow?

Regrettably, time was a luxury I couldn't afford. The impending descent of the Dragons upon Dicathen loomed ominously, threatening to unleash chaos and devastation upon the continent. With a mere year remaining, I found myself at a crossroads.

Faced with this critical juncture, I resolved to take a daring gamble—to push myself beyond my limits and strive for the integration stage. The potential consequences mattered little compared to the urgency of the impending cataclysm.

Within the depths of a secluded cave, suffused with a palpable aura of mana, I assumed a lotus position, ready to embark on this audacious endeavor. Immersed in profound concentration, I focused on cultivating my core, pushing its boundaries to the brink. Gradually, my white core neared its critical threshold, poised to break through and usher me into the integration stage.

Agony coursed through my body, rending it asunder as I dared to push the boundaries of my existence. A guttural roar escaped my lips, a desperate cry borne of the excruciating rejection I faced.

"Damn it!" I seethed, confronted by the stark reality that attaining integration would only lead to my demise. In that moment of despair, the memories of my mother, Arthur, Lancelot, Gary, and Aya flooded my mind—their lives unjustly extinguished by the merciless Asuras.

Helplessness overwhelmed me. I yearned to exact vengeance for their sake, to bring retribution upon those responsible. Yet, my aspirations were cruelly dashed, with no means to fulfill my burning desire.

But just as despair threatened to consume me, a radiant, golden light bathed my battered form, suffusing it with an inexplicable warmth. In an instant, the searing pain receded, replaced by a profound healing sensation that transcended mere relief. It was as if the fragments of my Asuran body, once vehemently rejecting my advancement, were now being mended, enabling the long-awaited breakthrough to the integration stage.

My eyes fluttered closed, and in that fleeting moment before darkness claimed me, I beheld a figure of ethereal beauty—an embodiment of golden radiance. Rachel, her name resonated within my thoughts, though I understood she was was not an angelic being.

'Rachel,' I silently pondered, my mind awash with questions about the nature of the enigmatic golden light she bestowed upon me. However, before I could voice my inquiries, fatigue overwhelmed me, pulling me into a deep slumber.

And so, as the curtain of unconsciousness descended, my unanswered queries lingered, awaiting their revelation in the hazy realm of dreams.


My eyes snapped open.

Leaning over, I released the pressure that had been building within me. An attendant shoved a bucket under my face just in time to catch the contents of my stomach, and someone patted my hair and cooed soft, comforting noises.

"Tell the High Sovereign she's awake," a disembodied voice said quietly from nearby.

As the nausea eased from my tired, aching body, I leaned back and closed my eyes, catching only a glimpse of the dark-haired attendant who reached out with a rag to clean my lips and chin.

"There now, love, you just relax," she said with a hint of Vechorian lilt.

My eyes fluttered open. Agrona was at my bedside, gazing down at me with a slight frown that communicated both worry and concern.

"How do you feel?" he asked, his scarlet eyes locked onto mine. "My best doctors and healers have been to see you, and they say that, physically, you are unharmed."

"I'm fine," I assured him, the words feeling scratching in my throat.

The thin line that formed between his brows was the only outward sign of his feelings. He nodded, setting the ornaments in his horns jangling. I thought he intended to leave, but instead he turned back to me, patting my shin with one hand. "You should focus on processing the phoenix's lingering mana in your body. Your core is nearing Integration, I can sense it." He bared his teeth in a hungry smile. "You will be the first in many, many generations of lessers to do so."

I was silent. The tendrils of magic in my brain had subsided, and I couldn't read Agrona's intentions.

"Integration is a strange quirk of your lesser biology," he mused, looking past me and through the wall into some distant vision only he could see. "For an asura, such a thing is unimaginable. As we grow in strength, our cores grow too. The longer an asura lives, the more they grow. Not in size, but potency and strength. And yet, strangely enough, we are still constrained."

"In what way?" I asked, hesitating. Agrona was not usually prone to simple conversation, and I felt certain there was some deeper purpose behind his words.

"Integration, I believe, is the key to unlocking a new level of magical understanding. I have pursued it among my followers for decade upon decade, but it has proven quite elusive. Your role as Legacy, however, has put you on the cusp of only a fraction of the time I've invested. It is quite remarkable. You ask why the asura are constrained, and I will tell you." The pressure of his hand on my shin tightened. "We have power, but we do not evolve. You lessers, you replicate like insects, and each generation changes, molting the shell of their forebears and becoming something new. In change there is opportunity, and in opportunity power."

"Like...insects?" I asked, almost amused by the unflattering comparison.

Agrona waved his hand dismissively. "Once you have reached the Integration stage, then you will be able to fully come into your power as the Legacy."

"Rest, then, and consider my words," he said, and then strode away. Only then did I realize I was alone, and that all the attendants and healers had left me.