
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Genius of Orbel


I gently tapped on the sturdy door of my father's office, the sound echoing through the hallway. In response to my knock, his voice called out, "Come in."

Turning the cool metal doorknob, I stepped into the room. My father, Marquis Orbel, sat behind his desk, surrounded by a sea of paperwork that seemed to consume the room. Count Glidesburn, one of my father's loyal vassals, stood up from his seat and bid his farewell before exiting the office.

Count Glidesburn, with his sun-kissed blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, always carried an air of formality and respect whenever he interacted with my family. As he left, he subtly glanced in my direction, studying my face with a hint of curiosity. I paid little attention to his gesture and approached my father.

"What did you need, Father?" I inquired, my young voice laced with curiosity.

A warm smile softened my father's typically stern expression as he tousled my hair affectionately. "Count Glidesburn proposed that you meet his daughter, Rachel," my father explained. "She is your age and a prodigious talent. It would be beneficial for you to have friends of your own age."

The notion of making friends my own age gave me pause. I was keenly aware that my mental maturity set me apart from other children, having once stood at the pinnacle of magic and having experienced adulthood. Engaging with youngsters presented its own set of challenges.

"I understand your concerns, Lancelot," my father continued, his hand gently resting on my cheek. "However, I believe you will find spending time with Rachel enjoyable. Her father is a dear friend of mine, and I trust him. It is important for you to foster relationships with peers to facilitate your growth."

Reluctantly, I nodded, not wanting to disappoint my father and undermine his efforts.

"Now, tell me, Lancelot, how much stronger have you become?" he asked, his eyes igniting with excitement.

A mischievous grin curved across my face as I replied, "I have reached the light red stage with visible cracks."

His eyes widened in astonishment before a proud smile spread across his lips. "It won't be long before you surpass even me," he mused, patting my head gently.

"Oh, and there is another matter I must discuss with you, Lancelot," my father interjected, his expression growing serious. "You have been invited to participate in the Three Races Tournament, which will take place in two years."



Closing my notebook, my mind buzzed with strategies for navigating this new world that had become my reality. A year had passed since I teetered on the cusp of breaking through to the dark red stage of mana manipulation, only to be plunged into a coma by an unexpected surge of power. Upon awakening, my memories of a previous life flooded back, granting me an intricate understanding of the world of TBATE.

Eager to confirm my suspicions, I hastened to the library, seeking validation for my theory. However, I encountered a perplexing hurdle. The story held no mention of Rachel, the vessel I now inhabited. This divergence from the narrative was highly unusual, considering Rachel's extraordinary magical talent. Awakening at the tender age of four, she effortlessly attained the dark red stage within a mere year, surpassing even Arthur's early breakthrough at the age of three.

I contemplated numerous scenarios to account for Rachel's absence from the story's pages. It was plausible that she became a silver core mage and enrolled in a separate academy or met an untimely demise due to assassination or other calamities. Yet, I leaned toward the third possibility: this world was akin to, but not an exact replica of, the one I knew.

One truth remained resolute—I needed to forge a connection with Lancelot, Marquis Orbel's son, who, like me, possessed prodigious abilities. Lancelot was an introverted youth consumed by an unquenchable thirst for magic, disregarding the pursuit of companionship. Nonetheless, he held a crucial position in my plans. It was conceivable that he, too, was a reincarnate, grappling with the complexities of this unfamiliar world.

As I mulled over my course of action, I realized that my father was scheduled to meet with Marquis Orbel today, most likely to discuss a prospective betrothal between Lancelot and me. I could not afford to squander this opportunity. I needed to find a way to draw close to Lancelot, to earn his trust and unravel the enigmas that bound us.

Deep in thought, I sat alone in my chamber, contemplating the best approach. Suddenly, my door burst open, causing me to startle. It was Emily, my personal maid, her demeanor flustered and anxious.

"Pardon the intrusion, My Lady. Lancelot Orbel is en route, and you must prepare yourself appropriately to receive him," she relayed urgently, her voice laced with urgency.

Caught off guard by the unexpected visit, I nodded in acknowledgment, allowing my loyal attendants to assist me in selecting a suitable ensemble. After careful consideration, I settled on a delicate gown in shades of ethereal blue, adorned with intricate frills that exuded elegance and modesty.

Once they had finished dressing me, I stood before the mirror, surveying my reflection with a sense of satisfaction. The golden cascade of my hair and the depth of my sapphire-like eyes harmonised harmoniously with the white and blue ensemble, creating a vision of timeless grace.

Descending the grand staircase, I was greeted by the head butler, whose broad smile was matched only by the depth of his bow. The rhythmic sound of hooves hitting the ground brought my attention to the arrival of Lancelot's carriage.

Stepping out into the open, my breath caught at the sight of the magnificent carriage before me—a testament to the noble status of the Orbel family. It halted gracefully just before the front gate, and as the door swung open, a young boy, my age, alighted. His ebony hair glistened in the sunlight, and his piercing grey eyes met mine, followed by a gentle smile.

"Greetings, I am Lancelot Orbel, and I have come to meet Rachel Glidesburn," he spoke with impeccable courtesy.

Returning his greeting, I curtsied gracefully, my dress swaying with the movement. "Greetings, Lancelot Orbel. I am Rachel Glidesburn."

Accompanied by the head butler, I led Lancelot into the grandeur of the mansion. Though he appeared unimpressed, I understood the reason. His family's abode was likely more opulent and vast than my own.

Entering the meeting room, my maids promptly served us tea and delicate cookies. As they left, I delicately took a sip of the sweetened tea, its flavor enhanced by the multitude of sugar cubes. Closing my eyes briefly, I awaited the initiation of our conversation.

"I've heard you're quite the little genius, Rachel Glidesburn," Lancelot Orbel remarked, squinting his eyes. However, his tone carried a hint of condescension that pricked at my pride.

"Yes, I believe so," I responded, maintaining composure. "And I have also heard of the remarkable accomplishments achieved by the genius of the Orbel family."

Surprise flickered across his features, unaccustomed to encountering peers who matched his level of maturity. Isolation seemed to be his companion, given the disparity between his intellect and that of his peers.

"I see a glimmer of maturity in you," he acknowledged, his eyes glinting. "But do you possess a formidable intellect beneath that petite exterior?" His muttered words were audible enough for me to hear.

Drawing in a deep breath, I reminded myself of the wisdom accumulated over a past life—an existence of adulthood and wisdom that surpassed the trivialities of a six-year-old brat. Engaging in a challenging exchange of questions and answers, Lancelot probed the depths of my knowledge of mana, and I responded to the best of my ability.

A nagging thought crept into my mind. 'Is this child too astute? I spent a year immersing myself in the library, and yet he poses questions that test my limits.'

"Hmm, impressive. You pass," he proclaimed, clapping his hands lightly.

Curious about his desires, I inquired, "Lancelot, what would you like to do now?"

"Mana training. That is the primary reason I chose to come here," he replied with unwavering determination.

Sighing inwardly, I rose from my seat and swung open the door, revealing two bewildered knights stationed outside. "Lancelot and I shall proceed with our training outdoors," I announced.

The knights exchanged puzzled glances before leading us to the expansive magic training area. As Lancelot surveyed the surroundings, he muttered, "Not bad."

Internally, I braced myself, resigned to the task at hand. 'Let us simply endure this endeavor,' I silently resolved as we positioned ourselves, facing one another.


"How did your visit with Rachel go, Lancelot?" My father's tender voice held a curious inflection.

"It was absolutely marvelous!" I exclaimed, brimming with excitement, as I recounted every minute detail of my day. From the enchanting sight of Rachel in her exquisite blue dress to the exhilarating session of magical training we shared, I spared no detail.

My father's countenance transformed from curiosity to genuine surprise as I concluded my narrative. "Rachel Glidesburn, you say? She sounds like an incredibly impressive young lady."

Eagerly nodding, I felt a surge of gratitude for the serendipitous opportunity to spend time with such a remarkable individual. "Indeed, she is beyond amazing! I never imagined I could forge a friendship so swiftly."

A wider smile graced my father's face as he lovingly ruffled my hair. "I am overjoyed that you have found a friend in Rachel."

A gentle warmth bloomed within me, spreading from my chest to every corner of my being. Returning my father's smile, I expressed heartfelt sincerity, "And I am grateful too, Dad."

|Marquis Orbel|

Seated across from my dear friend Lucas Glidesburn, our faces flushed from the wine we had indulged in, I felt compelled to broach the subject of our beloved children.

"Finally, my son has found a true friend, and it's all thanks to Rachel," I exclaimed, a radiant smile gracing my lips as I spoke of Lancelot's newfound camaraderie.

Lucas nodded in heartfelt agreement, his expression tinged with a touch of solemnity. "Rachel has encountered acquaintances before, but I could always discern her unease. Today, for the first time since her mother's passing, I witnessed a genuine smile illuminate her face."

My heart ached for the loss my friend had endured, yet I endeavored to steer the conversation toward a lighter tone. "Rosia departed from us too soon, my friend. However, we are blessed to have our children as reminders of her. Rachel is the very image of her mother, and you are raising her with admirable care."

"I strive to do my utmost," Lucas responded, a tender smile gracing his features. "And you, my friend, are equally devoted to guiding Lancelot. Perhaps one day, their bond will unite our families further."

Raising my wine bottle in a symbolic gesture, I proposed a toast. "To the bright future that awaits our children, Rachel and Lancelot."