
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Foreign Magic


"Where are you leading me, Mordain?" I inquired, a spark of curiosity igniting within me as I trailed behind the illustrious leader of the phoenixes. Together, we ventured away from the familiar training grounds where I had honed my skills in arduous battles against other adult phoenixes.

"It is time for you to unlock your true power," he replied with solemn simplicity, his words resonating with purpose. Guiding me towards a nondescript section of the wall, Mordain pressed his hand against it, triggering a hidden mechanism that responded to his unique mana signature. With a soft click, the wall yielded, revealing a descending flight of weathered stairs.

"Follow me," he beckoned, retrieving a gleaming golden coin from his possession, "Within these depths, time is entwined and distorted, manipulated by the forces of aevum. Therefore, clutch this coin, for it shall guide and anchor you amidst the temporal labyrinth."

Grasping the coin with a firm understanding, I accepted this token of guidance from Mordain. Together, we embarked upon the descent, traversing the winding stairs that led us deeper into the unknown. Eventually, we arrived at a grand door, reminiscent of the revered Spirit Room, adorned with the rich hues of mana—its four distinct colours harmonising in a symphony of resplendent shades. Amidst the vibrant tapestry, splashes of regal purple, symbolic of aether, danced with an ethereal allure.

Mordain's hand effortlessly brushed against the door, swinging it open with an uncanny ease that belied its imposing stature. A silent gesture beckoned me to step forward, granting me the honour of venturing into the enigmatic depths that awaited beyond.

At my side, Bell, my loyal wind spirit, manifested, her ethereal presence palpable. Sensing my unease, I turned to her, seeking reassurance in her wisdom.

'What's amiss, Bell?' I inquired, my senses heightened by her unusual alertness.

Her response came in a whisper of concern, 'Something... stirs here, Lancelot. I sense a presence. May I remain by your side for now?'

Perplexed, I nodded, granting her request without hesitation. Together, we ventured into the dimly lit expanse of the room, Mordain's conjured fireball casting flickering shadows that danced upon the walls. In the heart of the chamber stood a peculiar structure resembling an ancient altar. Atop the altar rested a towering pillar, upon which floated a book, defying gravity with an air of otherworldly significance.

I blinked, my gaze fixated upon the grimoire that seemed all too familiar—a relic from a world I thought I had left behind. Adorned with the emblem of a spade in regal blue hues, embellished with golden accents, it held an unmistakable allure that tugged at the depths of my memories.

"I-it can't be," I stammered, caught in a daze of disbelief. "That book... it shouldn't exist here!"

Bell's telepathic voice resonated within my mind, her tone filled with awe and recognition. 'Lancelot, it is your star magic—the grimoire you wielded in your past world!'

Mordain's voice cut through the haze, his expression harbouring a knowing smile. "This very book descended into the depths of the Beast Glades over seventeen years ago," he revealed, recounting the tale with measured words. "Vicht appeared, instructing us to safeguard it until the rightful owner, the one deemed worthy, emerged. Each phoenix who attempted to unlock its secrets met with failure. But you, Lancelot, can wield its power, can you not? Or should I address you as Yuno?"

In that moment, clarity struck like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the fragments of my fragmented past. The realisation dawned upon me, casting away the shadows of uncertainty that had shrouded my journey thus far.

"I comprehend it all now," I declared with newfound clarity, a determined glint in my eyes. "Yet, I choose to remain addressed as Lancelot, for that is the name I have embraced on this extraordinary journey."

With unwavering resolve, I extended my hand, beckoning forth the grimoire that had traversed the boundaries of worlds. Would I still be deemed worthy of its ancient wisdom?

In response to my call, the grimoire quivered, propelled towards my outstretched hand. A surge of exhilaration coursed through me as I felt its weight settle into my grasp, the familiar touch evoking a surge of memories. A grin tugged at the corners of my lips as I released my hold on the book, watching it levitate before me. Its pages unfurled, a cascade of arcane knowledge flowing into my consciousness, merging the depths of my past life with the possibilities of this extraordinary world.

A realisation crystallised within me—the principles of star magic could be adapted, moulded to align with the intricacies of this realm. Through the harmonious fusion of mana and aether, the essence of this world's magic, the splendour of star magic could be reborn, its potential unleashed in ways both familiar and unique.


"You should have permitted me to delve into the depths of that book," Kailred grumbled in annoyance, his frustration palpable. I couldn't help but chuckle softly in response.

"Why do you care so much? You discarded him, remember? Isn't Gary the only one who holds significance to you?" he retorted, a glint of animosity in his eyes.

"The practicality of granting Lancelot access to star magic far outweighs the fruitless endeavors of your research, Kailred," I replied calmly, unyielding in my stance.

He grunted in irritation, evidently displeased with my response. Yet, he shifted gears abruptly, diverting the conversation entirely. "How is Gary faring?" he inquired, his tone filled with genuine curiosity.

A smile graced my lips as I responded, a sense of pride lacing my words. "As one would expect, I suppose."

With a flick of my wrist, a portal materialized before us, offering a glimpse into a fierce battle between Gary and Alexis. The two combatants moved in perfect synchronization, their mastery of swordsmanship reaching unparalleled heights, each mirroring the other's prowess.

Notably, Gary refrained from utilizing the full extent of his Sword Domain against Alexis. The growth he exhibited was nothing short of astounding. While Alexis held back to some extent, the disparity between the two had narrowed significantly.

Truly, Gary embodied the essence of a hero, his potential boundless. The second option, though formidable in his own right, would forever remain in the shadow of Gary's brilliance—a valuable asset, yet destined to fall short of matching Gary's extraordinary capabilities.

"What about the individual we sent to the relictombs?" Kailred inquired, his tone laced with curiosity.

"He's faring surprisingly well, exceeding my initial expectations," I conceded. "He has managed to transcend his innate limitations and, should his growth continue unabated, he may even prove capable of defeating Cecilia in due course."

"You doubted his chances, didn't you?" Kailred mused, his expression contemplative.

"I did," I admitted with a solemn nod. "While he has indeed surpassed his innate limitations, he will eventually encounter the boundaries imposed by this world. However, Gary is the exception. He does not face such limitations, making him the sole viable candidate to confront Jezebeth and Kevin."

"Vicht," Kailred spoke earnestly, his voice filled with concern. "I believe in your vision and capabilities. Nevertheless, do not lose sight of what truly matters. Fate may be an omnipotent force, but you are not. By meddling with beings who were once revered as true gods, you are treading on precarious ground. Exercise caution."

I smiled softly in response, radiating confidence. "Fear not, Kailred," I reassured him. "I have foreseen and meticulously calculated every facet of this world's future. Not a single deviation from the norm has eluded my sight."


I awoke in my room at the Djinn shelter, a sharp ache pulsating through my head. I struggled to recall the events that had transpired, my thoughts weaving together fragments of information.

I had ventured into the perilous realm of integration, determined to breach its elusive boundaries. As I pushed the limits of my Asuran body, it began to resist the transformation. Then, amidst a surge of agony, darkness enveloped my consciousness.

Gradually, the fog lifted, and I became aware of my surroundings. Hastily, I checked my sternum, only to find my core missing.

I had succeeded!

I had successfully transcended to the integration stage!

"You're awake, Alistair," Tessia's voice broke through, drawing my attention. I realized then that she was lying beside me on the bed, her presence a comforting embrace. Her voice trembled with a mix of relief and concern.

"Why must you always embark on such reckless endeavors, you fool!" she exclaimed, her arms enfolding me tightly. I reciprocated the embrace, my hand gently stroking her back, offering solace.

The weight of the losses we had endured weighed heavily upon her fragile psyche.

"Please, Alistair..." her voice trembled against my neck, her plea tinged with vulnerability, "You cannot leave me, too."

"I promise you, Tessia," I whispered, my voice filled with sincerity, "Even if Kezess comes for me, I will not abandon you. I will remain by your side."

Once Tessia had regained her composure, I urged her to recount the events that had unfolded during my unconsciousness.

"Rachel discovered you in the mana training cave, collapsed and unresponsive, two days ago," Tessia began, her voice filled with concern. "She brought you back here, and despite our efforts to tend to you, there was nothing to be done. You were simply asleep. So, we waited."

A pang of guilt pierced my heart as I listened to Tessia's sorrowful tone, fully aware of the distress my breakthrough to the integration stage had caused.

"How is Kathyln coping?" I inquired, my voice laced with genuine concern.

"Much the same," Tessia sighed heavily. "Rachel and I have tried everything—tea parties, spending time together—but nothing seems to bring her joy anymore. I worry for her, Alistair. She wears a constant mask of cold detachment, revealing no trace of emotion. What shook me to the core was witnessing her breakdown in front of Gary's mother."

My fists involuntarily clenched at the mention of Kathyln's struggles. Several months had passed, yet the pain of Gary's death still clung to her, ensnaring her in an endless cycle of grief. Her response differed from Rachel's unwavering will to honor Lancelot's memory. Instead, Kathyln appeared to have lost all purpose in life, her existence teetering on the edge of despair. Only her thirst for vengeance prevented her from succumbing to the darkness.

"Nevertheless, Alistair," Tessia continued, her voice shifting to a more resolute tone, "there is a significant mission today. Will you be joining?"

A glimmer of determination ignited in my eyes as I nodded emphatically. "Without a doubt, I will be there."

The time had come to test the extent of my newfound strength, to rise above my limitations, and to face the challenges that awaited me head-on.


"Jezebeth," Kevin called out, breaking my concentration.

I turned my attention to him, waiting for him to speak.

"Agrona has assigned you a mission," he stated matter-of-factly. "You are to defend Telmore Forest and aid in the transfer of captives."

"Transfer of captives?" I questioned, a crease forming between my brows. "Why not assign a Retainer for such a task?"

Kevin shrugged, his expression displaying a hint of amusement. "The Paladins still pose a threat, Jezebeth. Regardless, Agrona's orders stand."

I let out a sigh, resigning myself to the task at hand. "Very well. I suppose I will do as commanded. Though I fail to comprehend why Agrona doesn't task you with more responsibilities instead of indulging in leisurely nights with Cecilia."

Kevin chuckled, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Some things are beyond our understanding, Jezebeth."

With a final sigh, I prepared myself for the journey to Telmore Forest, or whatever remained of it. The challenges that awaited me were unknown, but I was prepared to face them head-on for the cause I fought for.