
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Eve of the Tournament


I was abruptly awoken from my slumber by my sister's high-pitched screech, "BROTHER! WAKE UP!!" Startled, I frantically scanned my surroundings to assess the situation.

"What's going on?" I muttered, groggily rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"You seriously need to work on your waking up skills," my sister Ellie teased, her hair sticking out in every direction.

"Haha, you hair looks crazy." I shot her a grin as I ruffled her hair.

"Eek! Stop it! Your hair looks weird too!" Hopping out of bed, my sister ran out of my room, reminding me to wash up.

"Aye aye!" I gave my sister an exaggerated salute, making her giggle.

After getting ready, I made sure to pack my essential items - my dimension ring with Dawn's Ballad safely stored inside and the feather that Sylvia had left me, which I used to cover the bond mark that Sylvie had placed on my forearm. Although the feather wasn't necessary to conceal the mark, I liked having a keepsake of Sylvia with me at all times.

As I readied myself, my heart swelled with excitement. The long-awaited tournament was finally about to begin, and I couldn't contain my eagerness to participate.

"I can't wait!" I thought to myself, feeling a rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

As I descended the stairs, a mouth-watering aroma of meaty soup filled my nostrils. Upon reaching the kitchen, I found my family gathered around the table, still groggy from being up since dawn.

"You didn't have to wake up early to see me off," I remarked as I took a seat beside Ellie.

My mother, who was stirring the soup, smiled warmly at me. "It's the least we can do for our tournament fighter," she replied.

My father chimed in, "We're all coming to cheer you on. This is a significant event, son, and we couldn't be prouder."

Grateful for their support, I nodded in appreciation.

The house chef arrived with my breakfast - a crusty piece of bread and a creamy soup to dip it in. Sylvia took a tiny nibble of the bread before curling up and going back to sleep. I enjoyed my meal, savoring the flavors of the rich soup and the crispy bread.

As I finished my breakfast, the sun began to peek over the mountains. "Good luck!" my mother shouted as we stepped out of the house.

I waved back at my family before climbing into the carriage. Following Sylvie's lead, I settled in for a quick nap until we reached our destination.



The Academy came into view as the carriage pulled up. Excitement bubbled up within me as I hopped off and made my way towards the tournament stage, Sylvie scampering along beside me.

The path was teeming with battle mage students, all heading towards the same destination. We were divided into six lines based on our year, each filled with dozens of eager and restless students.

Spotting my Paladin companions in the line, I hurried over to greet them.

"Late as usual, Arthur," Gary quipped, grinning as we shook hands.

Alistair chimed in, "Always sleeping in, this guy."

We shared a few more jabs and jokes, bonding over our shared experiences and the recent slumber party.

The memory of my prank on the girls during the party made me shudder. I had a grace period until the tournament was over before they could unleash their punishment on me.

As we chatted, Lancelot explained the purpose of our gathering. "The teachers will grade us out of 100 - 50 points for core stage and 50 points for performance. The top sixteen performers will compete in the tournament, with seeding based on their scores."

My excitement grew as I realized the significance of the day. This was my chance to prove myself and make it to the tournament. I took a deep breath, ready to give it my all.

As we chatted, Rachel spoke up, "Could you explain how the division for the points for the core stage is done?"

Lancelot took the opportunity to explain, "The black core has a range of 0 to 9 points, red core has 10 to 19, orange from 20 to 29, yellow from 30 to 39, silver from 40 to 49 and white has 50 points."

Alistair scoffed, "No one's going to get white stage though, so what's the point?"

Gary waved it off, "It's just there to round it off."

"The judges are Director Goodsky and two lances, Olfred and Varay," Gary added.

'They got lances to judge us?' I thought, 'That's impressive.'

As we continued talking, Tessia interrupted with a point towards the leaderboard, "Look, we have someone interesting finally."

Lucas was at the top by a large margin, with 80 points, double that of the current second-place contender.

"He's someone who was almost part of our group, right?" I remarked casually as everyone nodded in agreement.

Lucas was someone with exceptional talent, so much so that he was almost a part of the Paladins.

Unfortunately, that was also accompanied with a terrible ego and personality, as well as a tarnished reputation.

As the students finished their turn on the stage, the leaderboard began to fill up with more familiar names. Lucas still held the top spot with an impressive 80 points, but Claire was a close second with 65. The members of SC and DC dominated the rankings after them.

Tessia was the first of the Paladins to step up. She climbed the stage and approached the orb device that would inspect her core stage and give her a score. After injecting some mana into the device, it turned yellow and displayed a score of 38.

"Very good, Princess Tessia. Now, show us your magic," Director Goodsky said with a kind smile.

Tessia nodded and took a deep breath before activating her plant magic. A massive tree emerged from the stage, encasing her in a defensive shield.

"That was impressive," the Director commented before turning to the lances to assess the score. "We would like to award you 44 points out of 50."

Tessia beamed with pride as she bowed her head and left the stage. Her total score of 82 points put her in first place for the moment.

"I didn't say this when Tessia went," Gary said, still facing away from the group. "But no Paladin member should score lower than any non-Paladin, not even Lucas. Is that clear?"

All of us nodded in agreement, determined to uphold the reputation of our group and not let it be tarnished by anyone's poor performance.

Rachel stepped up to the orb with confidence, quickly injecting her mana into it. The device turned silver and displayed a score of 42.

"Kindly show us your magic now," the Director requested.

Without hesitation, Rachel summoned Undine to her side. The lances held their stoic faces, but I could tell that even they were interested in the spirit, given that there were only three spirit contractors in the world.

Rachel's magic was breathtaking. She surrounded her body with ocean blue water mana, and a serene crown appeared on her head.

[Sea Prison]

A powerful display of water magic was shown as she conjured a giant, powerful prison of water with various mana threads interlocking, threatening to stop any being inside with ease.

The judges' eyes widened in shock as they discussed the score they should award her.

Rachel let out a pleased smile as she released her magic and Spirit Dive.

"We have decided to award you the score of 46 points," Olfred said, "You now have a total of 88 points and are in first place."

We all cheered for Rachel as she made her way down the stage, grinning from ear to ear. I couldn't help but feel proud of her and the rest of the Paladins.

However, she looked disappointed, perhaps because she was looking for a perfect score.

"I'll go next," Gary said as he ascended the steps to the stage.

As Gary made his way up the steps to the stage, a hush fell over the crowd. The memory of his overwhelming performance in the Three Races Tournament was still fresh in everyone's minds, and the expectation of witnessing his growth was palpable.


'Should I give them a little show?' I thought as I injected my mana into the orb.

The orb glowed silver, showing a jaw-dropping score of 45 points. Silence remained in the air as the judges signalled me to show them my magic.

'I suppose it won't hurt to show a bit,' I thought as I unveiled the swordsmanship I didn't think I would realise till much later.

The thumb of my left hand fell down to the hilt of Dusk's Shadowfang as I moved my feet back.

However, I didn't bend my back like I do for Keiki Style and instead released all my mana.

[Dover Style: First Movement]


As soon as I saw Gary enter the stage, I knew I was up for a shock. As I had estimated, he got the score of 45 points for the core stage test.

However, what was coming next was not something I could have ever been ready for.

Gary closed his eyes, his body getting into a posture I had never seen before. The thumb of his left hand touched the hilt of his sword and he released his mana.

Then, it happened.

In a split second, no even faster than that, his sword escaped the sheath. It cut through the air, covered with a mind boggling amount of mana as it cut a beautiful arc through the air.

The sword glinted in the light, covered in a stunning amount of mana as it sliced through the air with breathtaking speed and precision.

Watching Gary's swordsmanship was like witnessing a myth come to life. His body moved with grace, each motion flowing into the next seamlessly. I wasn't a swordsman, but even I could recognise the flawless execution of his technique.

As Virion had told me before, a great swordsman must possess speed, power, and grace. And yet, Gary seemed to have surpassed these parameters entirely.

His movements were a symphony of power and precision, with each strike landing with a force that left no doubt in its effectiveness. Yet, the speed at which he moved was breathtaking, each attack blending into the next without a single wasted motion.

It was the balance between these elements that made his technique truly remarkable. Despite the power behind each strike, he never sacrificed speed. And even as he moved with lightning-fast agility, each movement was imbued with a strength that seemed to come from somewhere beyond his own body.

It was as if Gary had transcended the limits of what was possible, reaching a level of mastery that was beyond mortal understanding.


As I watched Gary's display of swordsmanship, my jaw dropped in awe. This wasn't just a matter of being better than everyone else; it was as if he had transcended the limits of what a human was capable of.

I couldn't help but wonder, could I ever hope to match him? Could I even come close to emulating even a fraction of his skill?

The answer was an obvious and resounding no. His sword was a thing of beauty, beyond the grasp of mere mortals.

As Gary's movements slowed down and he wiped the sweat from his neck, I knew that I had witnessed something truly special. He had not just mastered swordsmanship, but had elevated it to a level that was beyond comprehension.

The judges didn't even need to discuss his score before awarding him a perfect 50. It was a fitting tribute to a display of skill that was truly in a league of its own.

Everyone was still reeling in shock as Gary took first place with 95 points. He turned towards us with a smug grin before descending the steps.

"So, how was it?" he asked us even though he knew the answer.

"Amazing," Kathyln muttered as we all viscerally nodded.

After Gary's flawless performance, everyone was still in awe as Lancelot ascended the steps to the stage. I could see the determination on his face as he approached the orb device and injected his mana into it. The device lit up with a silver glow, indicating a score of 42 - the same as Rachel's.

"Show us what you've got, Lancelot," Varay urged him, and the judges nodded in agreement.

Without hesitation, Lancelot summoned his spirit, Sylph, to his side and activated his spirit dive. Green mana flowed around his left arm, forming a circle of connected crosses around his wrist. A green wing sprouted from his back, and a half-crown of connected crosses appeared on the left side of his head.

I noticed that his spirit dive was incomplete, much like Rachel's.

But as he summoned a massive green halberd and swung it with incredible power and mana control, it was clear that Lancelot's spirit dive was still impressive. It was not at the level of Gary's performance, but it was still a sight to behold.

Lancelot earned a respectable score of 47 points, and I could see the relief on his face as he descended the steps.

He had the total of 89 points, beating Rachel by just one point and clinching second place.

It was Kathyln's turn to take the stage, and I watched as she confidently walked towards the orb device. Her mana flowed through her fingertips, causing the orb to light up in a soft yellow hue. The score displayed was 39 points.

'She's almost at the silver stage,' I thought, impressed by her progress.

Summoning her bow from her spatial ring, Kathyln began her performance. With impressive skill and control, she used a combination of archery and ice magic to create stunning sculptures of ice. The sculptures were then destroyed effortlessly by her precise shots with the bow.

The elegance and grace with which she handled her bow was mesmerising. The audience watched in awe as she effortlessly hit target after target with deadly accuracy.

Despite her inferior mana, Kathyln's impressive display earned her a score of 46 points, putting her fourth place with a score of 85.

As I stepped onto the stage, determination coursed through me. I made my way towards the orb and infused it with my mana, causing it to light up in a bright yellow hue and display my score of 39 points.

I knew I wouldn't be able to match Gary's performance, but I was determined to give it my all and at least match Rachel's total score.

Drawing my blade, Dawn's Ballad, I revealed its beautiful crystalline teal blade to the audience. With a deep breath, I activated my Realmheart, the golden runes on my skin glowing brightly as my emotions were suppressed.

Manipulating the ambient mana around me, I conjured frost fire and black lightning, creating a mesmerising display of magic and swordplay that left the audience in awe. As I finished my performance, I knew I had given it my all.

The Director's voice boomed across the arena, "Incredible, Arthur Leywin! You've earned a score of 49 points, just one shy of perfection. But with Gary's otherworldly performance, we couldn't justify giving you a perfect score. You're now tied with Rachel for third place, both with 88 points!"

I nodded, not surprised by the score, yet a small pang of disappointment lingered in my chest. Losing to Gary was one thing, but falling behind Lancelot stung.

Sylvie sensed my mood and tried to lift my spirits. 'You did great, Papa!' she said with a toothy grin.

I mustered a smile back at her, appreciating her words of encouragement. But inside, I couldn't shake off the feeling of not being good enough.

Alistair strode up to the orb with an air of regal composure, injecting his mana and causing it to shimmer with a pure silver light. The score displayed on the orb was an impressive 43 points, second only to Gary's.

I couldn't help but wonder if his core was purer than Lancelot and Rachel's, but my thoughts were interrupted by Lance Olfred's request for Alistair to demonstrate his magic.

Alistair nodded and drew his swords, Faithkeeper and Argentum Fang, taking a deep breath before unleashing his mana. Coils of lightning and blue flames snaked around him, accompanied by a flurry of vines.

Then the sword dance began.

It was breathtaking, a display of swordsmanship that was clearly the result of the enlightenment he gained from fighting Gary in capture the flag. His movements were refined, fluid, and powerful.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as I watched him perform. It was clear that Alistair had improved significantly, and his score reflected that.

The judges awarded him 48 points after much deliberation.

Director Goodsky beamed with delight as she addressed Alistair. "Your swordsmanship was truly remarkable, Prince Alistair. The way you seamlessly integrated your magic into your swordplay was a sight to behold. However, after careful consideration, we decided that Gary and Arthur's performances were slightly superior to yours. Therefore, we are awarding you a score of 48 points, which brings your total to 91 points and places you in second place, just behind Gary." The Director finished her statement with a warm smile.

Alistair thanked the judges before exiting the stage, however, both he and I knew that our displays of swordsmanship were far behind Gary's.

We hadn't reached the level he showed in Capture the Flag, let alone that sublime swordsmanship he showed just now.

I turned to look at the display artifact showing the leaderboard.

1. Gary Whiteborn -> 95 points.

2. Alistair Eralith -> 91 points.

3. Lancelot Orbel -> 89 points.

4. Arthur Leywin -> 88 points.

4. Rachel Glidesburn -> 88 points.

6. Kathyln Glayder -> 85 points.

7. Tessia Eralith -> 82 points.

8. Lucas Wykes -> 80 points.

9. Claire Bladeheart -> 65 points.

10. Theodore Maxwell -> 62 points.

11. Feyrith Ivsaar II -> 60 points.

12. Kai Crestless -> 58 points.

13. Doredrea Oreguard -> 55 points.

14. Curtis Glayder -> 54 points.

15. Clive Graves -> 53 points.

16. Lilia Helstea -> 51 points.