
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Demon Prince


The searing power of Realmheart surged through my veins, its golden runes blazing upon my skin as I locked eyes with the formidable being before us. Beads of perspiration dripped down my brow, mirroring the intensity of my racing senses that screamed danger.

He embodied danger itself—a force distinct from the Asuras we had encountered. While the Asuras exuded a raw and primal ferocity, this creature exuded an unsettling combination of regality and absolute malice. His presence resonated with an aura that repelled mana and aether particles, as if they rejected his very existence. It was evident that he did not belong in our world, and this rejection seemed to suppress his true power.

But deep within me, I understood the implications. If he were to unleash his full strength unhindered, he would be a force too formidable for any of us to overcome.

In the midst of this unsettling revelation, space behind us warped, and Gary materialized before our eyes. His arrival was accompanied by shock etched onto his features, and he spat out blood—a testament to the intensity of his battle.

An explosion of aura erupted from his body, distorting the very fabric of our surroundings. His voice, cold and resolute, reverberated through the air. "It's been a long time, Paladins," he declared, his words striking us with an undeniable weight. Gary was in battle mode, and we knew we couldn't afford to waste a single moment.

"I apologise for the lack of explanation," he continued, his voice tinged with urgency, "but we need to eliminate that being before he regains his full power."

Saphira, her scarlet eyes widened with bewilderment, spoke up, seeking clarity. "And who are you?"

Gary acknowledged her with a nod. "You must be Alistair's mother," he replied, his tone measured and filled with purpose. But before he could divulge more, the demon launched an attack, swift and merciless.

The ferocity of their clash was almost too much for my eyes to follow. Yet, with the aid of Realmheart's enhanced perception, I could discern the intricate dance of their movements.

The demon's fist surged forward, accompanied by a bizarre manipulation of mana that twisted and contorted under his command. But Gary, wielding Dusk's Shadowfang, skillfully deflected the attack, thwarting the sinister power with his own formidable skill.

"Where have you taken me?" The demon's voice reverberated with a mix of fury and curiosity as his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Where is my king?"

The mention of a king sent a chill down my spine. If this being served someone even more powerful, then the magnitude of the threat before us was beyond comprehension.

Pushing aside my racing thoughts, I focused on the battle unfolding before me. Gary, despite his impressive skill, was effortlessly pushed back by the overwhelming might of the demon. The sheer disparity in power was evident, leaving us in awe and trepidation.

Seizing the opportunity, I activated Godstep, the divine energy coursing through me as Regis coiled around my fist. Gauntlet mode engaged, augmenting my strength and resolve. Lancelot, ever vigilant, launched his assault from the opposite side, his green halberd cleaving through the air with precision and force.

The demon, however, seemed unphased by our combined onslaught. With lightning-fast reflexes, he blocked our attacks effortlessly, using each arm to ward off our strikes. Even the power of Destruction, an elemental force that had decimated countless foes, seemed to falter in his presence. What manner of monster was this?

In a daring move, Gary attempted to exploit an opening, his sword enveloped in blinding light as he launched his most potent attack. I swiftly retreated alongside Lancelot, creating space for Gary to unleash the full brunt of his assault.

Yet, to our astonishment, the demon countered Gary's devastating blow with a single, resolute kick. The collision of power sent shockwaves rippling through the air, shaking the very foundation of our resolve. The demon's black magic neutralised Gary's assault, leaving our esteemed ally momentarily stunned.

Undeterred, Lancelot pressed his advantage, brandishing his sword with newfound strength and precision. He cut through the demon's formidable mana barrier, drawing blood in a display of sheer skill. Even Gary couldn't hide his surprise at Lancelot's remarkable growth.

Feeling the weight of the battle, I unleashed the power of Static Void, suspending time itself. As black tendrils surged towards me, I deftly dodged their malicious embrace, seizing the opportune moment to strike the demon once again with Regis. However, a chill crawled up my spine as I realized that my attack, imbued with the destructive force of my power, had no effect.

It became clear—the vast chasm that separated us was not only in power but also in mana and aether. The demon, despite being rejected by the very fabric of our world, remained a force unparalleled in these fundamental aspects. His existence defied all logic, and we stood in the presence of an entity that transcended the boundaries of our understanding.

Just as the demon prepared to unleash a devastating counterattack, an unexpected savior emerged from the chaos, swiftly pulling Lancelot and me away from harm's reach. With graceful fluidity, she positioned herself between Gary and the demon, intercepting the imminent assault.

In a dazzling display, a magnificent purple exoskeleton, unlike anything I had ever witnessed before, materialized around her. It dwarfed even the form that Alistair could conjure, its sheer scale and strength awe-inspiring. Though faint cracks marred its surface under the immense pressure, it held steadfast against the demon's onslaught.

Saphira, her scarlet eyes narrowed with skepticism, addressed us with a stern tone. "I don't know what's happening here, nor do I fully trust your words," she began, her voice laced with a mix of caution and determination. "But it is abundantly clear that this being does not belong in our world. For now, I will stand with you in eradicating this threat."

The demon, sensing the newfound threat, wore a grave expression as he launched a relentless series of attacks toward the Claxter. Yet, to his astonishment, each strike was effortlessly evaded, Saphira manoeuvring through the chaos with grace and poise. It was as if she danced amidst the storm, her movements a testament to her exceptional skill and control.

In a seamless display of combat prowess, Saphira retaliated, matching the demon blow for blow. The clash of their powers created a symphony of raw force, as shockwaves reverberated through the air. Witnessing the battle unfold, Alistair's expression mirrored a mix of awe and shock. He had grown up hearing tales of his mother's indomitable strength in Epheotus, but witnessing it firsthand was an entirely different experience. The stories paled in comparison to the reality before his eyes.

To put it into perspective, Lancelot, Gary, and I had each reached or surpassed Kezess in power. Yet, even the combined might of the three of us failed to compel this demon to retreat a single step. However, Saphira, against all odds, stood alone and managed to hold her own against the overwhelming adversary.

Saphira's movements were a symphony of perfection, a choreography of mana and aether arts executed with flawless precision. Each spell she cast was timed immaculately, interwoven seamlessly with her martial prowess.

"Die!" Saphira's voice rang out, brimming with an intense resolve as she unleashed an unprecedented torrent of black flames. The destructive power they held far exceeded anything Regis and I had ever witnessed, surpassing even our most potent applications of Destruction.

Regis's voice resounded in our telepathic bond, filled with disbelief and awe. 'What in the world is this magnitude of power?'

Although my command over aether arts surpassed Saphira's in technical proficiency, the sheer scale of her power was on an entirely different level. The sheer abundance of aether motes employed was incomparable.

The demon was engulfed in a maelstrom of infernal flames, and bloodcurdling screams pierced the air, testament to the sheer terror wrought upon him.

"Is it over?" Rachel inquired, her grip on the water magic shielding her and the two princesses weakening as she cautiously surveyed the aftermath.

Alistair's voice rang out, filled with caution. "Not yet. Stay on guard."

The demon, his body still smoldering amidst the remnants of the black inferno, seemed to rise from the ashes. A sense of admiration tinged his voice as he addressed Saphira, his eyes locked with hers.

"Impressive," he remarked, his tone laced with a begrudging respect. Saphira's glare intensified, her determination unyielding.

"I was fortunate to survive that onslaught," the demon continued, his left arm annihilated from the last devastating blow dealt by Saphira. Yet, he displayed a twisted sense of fascination. "But I am beginning to understand. This battle... it intrigues me greatly."

"Why aren't you utilizing your mana zone?" I whispered to Lancelot, a hint of curiosity in my voice. He shook his head in response, his eyes reflecting a grim determination. "It won't work against him. Trust me on this."

I nodded, acknowledging his expertise, as we braced ourselves for the imminent onslaught.

My four-layered aether core pulsed with vitality, providing me with the resilience needed to endure the battle. However, we needed to find a vulnerable spot on the demon, a weakness that could deal a fatal blow.

The clash between Saphira and the demon continued unabated, their powers colliding in a tempest of chaos. It was a whirlwind of relentless attacks and skillful evasions, making it arduous to discern a clear opportunity to intervene.

"Lancelot," Gary called out, his voice indifferent, "Enhance me with your mana zone. I will deliver the decisive blow against the demon."


Lancelot nodded in affirmation as he channeled his mana zone, concentrating its power around me to enhance my abilities. In that moment, I accelerated my mental faculties, delving deep into the intricate workings of mana zone. It was a technique I had strived to create, but until now, had remained elusive.

Observing Lancelot's utilization of mana zone provided me with newfound insight, shedding light on its inner mechanisms. The manipulation of ambient mana, though more challenging than the utilization of purified mana within one's core, bestowed greater control as the core grew purer.

While I couldn't replicate Lancelot's immense and potent mana zone, two factors contributed to his ability: his bond with the wind spirit, Sylph, and his profound affinity with mana itself. Instead, I focused on suppressing the mana zone, harnessing its energy to draw in more ambient mana, empowering my sword and myself in the process.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes, attuning my senses to the flow of mana around me.

There was only one strike.

I had to execute the sixth movement of the Keiki Style, but it had to be a surprise attack, catching the demon prince off guard. His growing strength, fueled by the relentless clash with Saphira, left me no room for hesitation.

The sensation was peculiar, a heightened state of focus enveloping me.

Aether and mana intertwined within my blade, their harmonious fusion resonating as my sentient sword hummed in response to my intent.

One swift movement.

Combining the sixth movement of the Keiki Style with the raw power of aether, I ruptured the fabric of reality itself with my attack.


Locked in a fierce clash with the enigmatic being, my brow furrowed with concentration as I witnessed his power surge, growing with every passing second. It was evident that he was rapidly adapting to the environment, assimilating the energy of this world.

Even with the loss of an arm, he matched my every move, refusing to yield an inch. I desperately sought an opening, but his relentless ascent in strength thwarted my efforts.

In that critical moment, my attention shifted to the grey-haired boy standing behind me. His piercing purple eyes bore into mine, silently conveying his intentions.

Understanding his unspoken message, I swiftly activated the spatium ability of my eye, seamlessly teleporting myself out of harm's way. In the blink of an eye, I evaded the imminent strike unleashed by the boy.

It was a swift and devastating attack, one that tore through the very fabric of reality itself—a manifestation of otherworldly power intended to vanquish the intruding entity.

Caught off guard, the demon prince's reaction proved futile as Gary's attack severed him cleanly in half, bringing an abrupt end to his existence.

With the demon's demise, the battle drew to a close.