
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs



Curiosity lingered within me as I settled into a chair across from Rachel in the solemn atmosphere of the Paladins' meeting room. The other Paladins were also present, all wearing shocked expressions on their faces. She appeared fatigued, her mana levels visibly depleted, but otherwise unharmed. I needed to know what transpired during the mission entrusted to her and Lancelot.

Leaning back in my chair, my voice betrayed no trace of concern or intrigue as I posed my question. "Rachel, provide a thorough account of the events that unfolded."

Rachel sank deeper into her chair, weariness etched across her face. She took a moment to gather her thoughts before recounting the events. "Lancelot and I accomplished the mission you entrusted to us," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of pride. "We managed to destroy the fleet of ships that were directly attacking Etistin. However, we faced fierce resistance from one of their most powerful figures, and Lancelot sustained severe injuries."

I nodded, acknowledging the sacrifice they had made. It was no small feat to repel such a formidable force. While they had been unable to eliminate all four major Alacaryan figures, completing the mission itself was a significant accomplishment.

"Tell me more about this adversary," I pressed, "To push Lancelot to his limits in his Mana Sovereign state, they must possess considerable power."

Rachel's voice trembled slightly as she began to describe the four opponents they encountered. Her words carried a hint of unease, betraying the impact these encounters had on her.

"The first opponent, Nico, was rather unremarkable," she started, her voice tinged with a touch of disdain. "Though surpassing the level of a Lance, he posed no significant threat to any Paladin, except perhaps Tessia. His association with Cecilia, however, added a layer of complexity to the situation."

As Rachel continued, her voice wavered slightly, revealing her concerns. "Cecilia proved to be a formidable adversary, matching Lancelot's mana control even in his Mana Sovereign state. It was disconcerting to witness such power combined with her lack of maturity and naivety. We must tread carefully, ensuring that we exploit her weaknesses effectively."

Cadell, the Scythe responsible for Alistair's mother's death, elicited a visible change in Rachel's demeanor. A trace of anger seeped into her words, betraying her personal investment. "Cadell is a dangerous individual, and his actions will not be forgotten. We must remain vigilant and prepared for any further encounters."

However, it was the mysterious man who intervened during Lancelot's confrontation with Cecilia that piqued Rachel's curiosity. Her voice carried fascination as she spoke. "There was something extraordinary about him. It wasn't just his mana or aether, but his sword. His technique, his sword intent, surpassed anything I witnessed before."

From her vivid description, I could sense Rachel's intrigue and the shiver that ran down her spine. While her emotions simmered beneath the surface, my own response remained impassive, unaffected by her revelations.

As expected, Alistair's countenance contorted with anger upon hearing Cadell's name. However, it was the reaction of another Paladin that caught my attention.

"Very well, the meeting is concluded," I announced in a cool, detached tone, commanding the attention of the Paladins. "I will handle the planning and inform you once it is complete. Remember, in two days, we have the official Paladins' coronation event, so take the time to rest. No further missions will be assigned unless there is a dire emergency."

The Paladins rose from their seats, shuffling out of the room. However, just as the last one was about to leave, I halted him in his tracks.

"Arthur," I called his name, my voice devoid of any warmth. "I need to speak with you further."

His indifferent azure eyes flicked towards me, observing me with scrutiny before he nodded silently and resumed his seat.

With calculated composure, I initiated the conversation, feigning casual interest. "Tell me, who exactly are Nico and Cecilia?"

"I do not possess that information," he replied, his voice lacking any discernible emotion. However, I could discern the subtle signs. Having mastered the art of masking emotions for centuries, I could sense when someone else was employing a similar facade.

"There's no need to lie to me, Arthur," I remarked, exhaling a faint sigh. "I find myself rather fond of your practical, detached, and logical demeanor. Therefore, I implore you to reveal the truth about Nico and Cecilia before my patience wears thin."

As I spoke, my tone remained dispassionate, maintaining an air of cold authority. My words carried a weight, conveying the expectation of truthfulness. It was a calculated approach, designed to elicit the desired response from Arthur while concealing any hint of emotional investment on my part.

Arthur remained silent, his lifeless azure eyes locked with my piercing amethyst gaze.

"Very well, if you choose to withhold the truth, we shall proceed down a more arduous path," I sighed, a tinge of resignation in my voice. Reluctantly, I tapped into the dormant power residing within me, knowing that its use came with consequences. "I despise resorting to this power, but time is of the essence."

A flicker of surprise briefly crossed Arthur's face, his expression betraying his shock, as he realized that something formidable had been unleashed.


Agony surged through my body with an intensity I had rarely experienced. It was excruciating, as if every muscle and bone in my body was being torn asunder. This level of pain was unfamiliar territory, surpassing even the most grueling training sessions I had endured alongside my fellow Legacies.

That boy... I had gravely underestimated his strength. My overconfidence had blinded me to the truth, leading to a humiliating defeat. I had arrogantly assumed I held the upper hand, but reality had shattered that illusion.

Blinking my eyes open, I found myself in an unfamiliar room, its ceiling a foreign sight. My senses heightened, instinctively propelling me into a defensive stance, ready to fight.

Or so I attempted.

Yet, my body betrayed me, weakened and fatigued beyond measure. Every movement was met with an agonizing pulse of pain, rendering me immobilized.

"Relax, Cecilia," a voice, seductive and intoxicating, whispered tantalisingly into my ears, instantly coaxing my muscles into involuntary relaxation.

The room was adorned with an array of ornate decorations, an ostentatious display of Vritra opulence. My senses were greeted by the scent of incense candles, adding an air of mystique to the surroundings.

I strained my neck, surveying the room with a quick glance, taking note of the various tapestries and jewels that showcased the Vritras' power and influence. But my attention was soon captured by the man lying beside me, his muscular physique boldly on display. He shot me a mischievous wink, a silent invitation that led my gaze downward, where his perfectly sculpted abs commanded attention.

"What in the world do you think you're doing?" I demanded, my voice laced with defiance, as I attempted to distance myself from him.

However, my movement only served to bring our skins into contact, eliciting an electrifying surge that coursed through my body, despite the barrier of my clothing.

"Shhh, Cecilia," he whispered, his tone laced with a deceptive reassurance. "Don't worry, I'm not one to force girls. I won't do anything you don't want."

Reluctantly, I succumbed to his words, finding a begrudging calmness as I settled back onto the bed.

"What is it that you want, then?" I demanded, my voice laced with harshness as I stared at him.

A smirk danced across his face as he replied, his words dripping with a smug satisfaction, "You would do well to remember who saved both you and your little lover, my fellow Legacy. Without my intervention, your heads would have become morbid trophies, paraded by the Dicathenians to showcase their dominance."

I maintained my defiant gaze, refusing to let his arrogance sway me. "And what of it?" I pressed on. "We Legacies are meant to support and assist each other. Saving my life does not automatically warrant me owing you a favor."

He chuckled, his amusement evident. "True, you don't owe me for saving you. However, you do owe me for Nico. While I did intervene to save him, it required additional measures to ensure that Agrona wouldn't tear you apart due to your perceived failure."

My teeth clenched tightly, his words striking a nerve. Agrona had always despised Nico, viewing him as a hindrance and a liability. Given the chance, Agrona would eagerly separate us, leaving Nico to suffer a grim fate.

"Is my body all you desire, then?" I said, my voice resigned as I faced the inevitable. "If that is what satisfies you, go ahead and take it."

A smirk played on his lips as he responded, his finger coming to rest upon my mouth, his arm positioned provocatively between my breasts. "Rest assured, Cecilia, I will have my way with you in due time," he said, his tone dripping with arrogance. "And I guarantee you will experience pleasures far beyond what that weakling could ever provide."

His words stoked a fiery anger within me, an anger I had tried to suppress and conceal from anyone's eyes.

'Why am I always bound, never truly free?' I questioned inwardly, bitterness tainting my thoughts. 'Even when I possessed unrivaled power in my former world, I was merely a pawn. And here, it seems to be no different.'

Yet, there was something even more disturbing than the resentment that brewed inside me—a reaction that I vehemently rejected.

"Look at yourself," he whispered, his voice filled with a sinister delight. "You blush so beautifully, my dear."


As I made my way down the dimly lit hallways, fatigue weighed heavily upon my shoulders. The meeting with the Paladins had been intense, and the presence of Cecilia and Nico had caught me off guard. I never anticipated their arrival in this world, but it would be foolish to assume that I was the sole reincarnate. There were undoubtedly others, each with their own stories and abilities.

Cecilia, however, posed a significant threat. Known as the Legacy in my previous world, she had stood at the pinnacle of power. Her formidable strength was unmatched, and I suspected that Agrona, the leader of Alacarya, had made enticing promises to secure her cooperation. Yet, I couldn't dismiss the possibility that Cecilia had been manipulated, her naivety exploited like a pawn on a chessboard.

"More challenges lie ahead," I murmured to myself as I reached my room. Pushing open the door, I found Sylvie peacefully slumbering in her human form, a rare sight that she reserved only for the sanctuary of sleep. Strands of hair, a lustrous blend of auburn brown and gunmetal silver, cascaded over the pillow I had fashioned for her using vivum. Her closed eyelids concealed the gleaming depths of her golden irises, and the tranquility of her breathing filled the room with a sense of calm.

'She's growing stronger,' I acknowledged silently, observing Sylvie's progress. 'No Lance can rival her strength at this moment. A valuable asset.'

Yet, a subtle pang of discomfort resonated within me as I categorised Sylvie as a mere tool. Arthur's underlying emotions stirred within, reminding me that she was more than that. Despite relinquishing control to me, his potent sentiments continued to influence my thoughts.

This internal conflict proved vexing, but it also served a purpose. It compelled me to make calculated decisions, ensuring the safety of Arthur's family and fulfilling my end of our arrangement.

Weary from the day's events, I finally succumbed to the inviting embrace of the bed, surrendering to its comforting solace. As I changed into more comfortable attire, the weight of anticipation settled upon me, knowing that tomorrow held the potential to shape the course of my existence.

With a sigh, I allowed myself to sink deeper into the bedding, embracing the tranquility of the moment while acknowledging the significance of the impending days.