
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Clash of the Strongest


As the grip of destructive thoughts tightened its hold on my mind, I exerted pressure, channeling the formidable force of aether to annihilate the Vritra's arm within my grasp. Suppressing his agonized scream, he retaliated with a powerful punch from his remaining limb.

I scoffed and vanished into thin air, evading the onslaught of spells that descended upon my previous location with calculated precision.

"Hehe," I chuckled, relishing the advantage that wielding aether provided me, even in comparison to the formidable asuran mana arts. Not that I had any complaints.

The crimson manifestation of force-type mana melded seamlessly with the destructive essence, its scarlet hue morphing into a perilous shade of violet as I surged towards the leader. Anticipating my assault, he hastily evaded my strike, recognizing that he was not my primary target.

A searing beam of soulfire hurtled toward me, but my grin widened as I countered with an amethyst beam of concentrated Destruction. The destructive energy tore through the soulfire, striking the enemy Vritras with unforgiving force.

Though they managed to narrowly evade complete annihilation, the blow dealt a significant blow to their strength.

The leader of the Specters unleashed a powerful punch, crashing into my jaw and threatening to launch me through the air. Yet, every aspect of this encounter was part of a meticulously devised plan.

In an instant, time stood still as I activated the power of the Static Void.

Ignoring the searing pain surging through my body, I gestured toward the two injured Vritras, intensifying the destructive purple flames within this temporal sanctuary. With a surge of energy, I unfroze time, allowing the engulfing inferno to consume the wailing Vritras, sealing their fate in an instant.

"You Vritras are no better than the lesser beings," I admonished the leader, his expression a mix of shock and horror as he witnessed the extent of my power.

With an intense resolve, we charged at each other, my teal blade shattering upon impact, its fragments dispersing under the force of Destruction, successfully deflecting his incoming fist.

'He's formidable,' I acknowledged, even amidst the tumultuous chaos that consumed my mind. The thickness of his mana suggested that he possessed the resilience to evade the power of Destruction and endure unless I struck him with overwhelming force.

As Dawn's Ballad finally succumbed to his powerful blow, I seized the opportunity, inflicting a deep gash across his torso with the shattered remnants of the blade.

"Hahaha!" I laughed exuberantly as we engaged in a relentless exchange of punches.

My adversary displayed superior strength and speed, but the destructive essence infused within my strikes inflicted far greater damage.

With each blow, I felt the weight of his resilience. However, the sheer force of Destruction propelled my attacks, leaving an indelible mark upon his body.

In the decisive moment, I channeled the entirety of my power into a final punch, a concentrated surge of Destruction surging through my fist. The blow connected with unyielding force, obliterating his defenses and launching him backward, his form spiraling through the air before crashing heavily onto the ground.

Silence enveloped the battlefield as my opponent lay motionless, defeated by the overwhelming might of Destruction.

Agony coursed through every fiber of my being, my body straining under the overwhelming power of Destruction that surged within me. My muscles screamed in protest, and my bones felt as if they were on the verge of shattering. The consequences of harnessing such immense power were becoming painfully clear.

I sensed the flicker of Realmheart, the source of my strength, teetering on the edge of extinction. Once it burned out completely, the backlash would claim my life without a shred of doubt. Each labored breath I took seemed to echo the impending finality that awaited me.

There were no loopholes, no hidden solutions to evade this inevitable fate. I had paid a harrowing price to vanquish the Scepters, and that price was my own life.

The shattered remnants of Dawn's Blade slipped from my grasp as I directed my gaze towards the spatial prison enclosing me. Beyond its confining boundaries, I caught sight of Sylvie, her wheat blonde hair billowing as she hurried towards me.

Sylvie sprinted with desperation etched across her face. Her presence should have brought solace, but in that moment, frustration and despair surged within me. The dormant half of myself, the one I had suppressed years ago, began to resurface, clawing its way to the forefront.

My fingertips grazed the swirling motes of vivum, and purple flames of Destruction materialized, searing into the protective shield of aether that entrapped me. My skin sizzled and blistered from the intense heat, yet I persisted, relentless in my determination to dismantle the barrier and escape.

"Arthur!" Sylvie's voice pierced through the air, laden with concern and confusion. "What are you doing?"

"Sylv," I responded, my tone laced with a chilling coldness as I fought to retain control over my inner turmoil, "This is the culmination of my journey. It marks my inevitable end."

My heart sank as I witnessed my family and Alistair and Tessia rush onto the scene. Their presence only deepened my frustration.

'Don't test Arthur,' I thought, knowing that their pleas and attempts to heal me would be in vain. My survival relied solely on the dwindling power of Realmheart.

"Arthur!" My mother's voice trembled with desperation as she knelt beside me, employing her emitter powers in a futile attempt to mend my broken body. But it was futile. I clung to life solely due to the fading strength of Realmheart.

Tessia's tearful sobs echoed in my ears as she joined my mother, her presence tugging at my heartstrings involuntarily.

"Arthur, you can't leave us," Alistair's voice cracked with sorrow, his face etched with anguish.

My father stood nearby, his face drained of color, struggling to comprehend the unfolding tragedy before him.

I couldn't blame them for their shock and despair. Their reactions mirrored the magnitude of the situation.

"Tess, Al," I whispered hoarsely, drawing upon the last vestiges of my strength to offer them a faint smile. "Thank you for being my unwavering friends throughout my life, for standing by my side and pushing me to become better."

"Mom, Dad," I continued, turning my gaze toward them, a bittersweet warmth filling my heart. "Thank you for bringing me into this world and loving me unconditionally. Though I may not have fulfilled your expectations, I hope that you still regarded me as your family, just as I considered you mine."

"Don't say that," my father pleaded, his voice laced with desperation. "Don't give up, Arthur!"

I mustered a knowing smile, allowing my head to rest against the unforgiving ground.

"Goodbye," I murmured, my resolve firm as I prepared to release the dwindling power of Realmheart, surrendering to the embrace of death for the second time.

But just as darkness began to consume my vision, Sylvie's hand firmly grasped mine. A radiant golden light flooded my senses, and I witnessed Sylvie's ethereal form transform into shimmering fragments of illumination.

"Don't you dare go and get yourself killed without me, you idiot," she chided, her toothy grin breaking through the veil of despair.

"No, Sylvie, don't do this!" I pleaded, my voice filled with urgency as the world around me plunged into darkness.


The Sword Domain diverged from the Dover Style, transcending its limitations. While the Dover Style aimed to amalgamate the Gravar Style, Levisha Style, and Keiki Style into a cohesive whole, I realized the inherent impossibility of such an endeavor. There existed other formidable swordsmanship styles that could rival my own.

It was during my encounter with Alexis that this truth struck me with undeniable force.

Driven to reach new heights, I embarked on a path of ascension, not merely merging the three styles, but orchestrating them in perfect harmony. I exploited my transcendence beyond mere reliance on blades, capitalizing on the simultaneous utilization of their respective movements. By doing so, their collective power surpassed that of the Dover Style.

This formidable fusion was aptly dubbed the Sword Domain, for within its defined bounds, my sword became an invincible force. Only beings of indomitable might, such as Lord Indrath, possessed the potential to breach this domain.

The full extent of the Sword Domain's might was showcased when I effortlessly repelled Kevin, despite his invocation of Vritra powers, channeling soulfire and black spikes.

A resounding boom reverberated as Kevin struggled to halt my assault, ultimately succumbing to my superior strength, sending him hurtling backward.

"Still think I was joking?" I inquired, my head cocked to the side, a self-assured smile playing upon my lips.

"You've grown remarkably strong, Ren," a voice boomed, resonating through the cavern.

I turned to face my eternal foe, Jezebeth—the Vritra whom I had failed to vanquish during the devastating Xyrus Academy attack.

"So, you were here as well," I remarked with indifference.

Jezebeth chuckled, his demeanor laced with dark amusement. "Such a cold tone. Will you maintain that facade when I reveal what I've brought with me?" he taunted.

"What?" I began to ask, but my words were abruptly stifled as he hurled a spherical object toward me.

With a sickening thud, the object landed on the ground, causing my heartbeat to accelerate. Monarch's Indifference, already strained by encountering Kevin in this life and suppressing the associated emotions, now approached its breaking point.

But it wasn't just any object.

It was a head—the severed head of my father in this life.

Jezebeth's voice trailed off, his mouth snapping shut. The air crackled with tension, the very fabric of space trembling as the cavern quaked, as if an earthquake had unleashed its fury.

A faint tremor coursed through Kevin, prompting him to assume a defensive stance.

Yet, it mattered not.

Neither Kevin nor Jezebeth held significance in that moment.

For I had made up my mind.

I would eliminate them all.

An overwhelming wave of lethal intent permeated not only the cavern but also the entirety of the Wall, causing every being to shudder in its wake. They sensed the unleashing of one of the world's most formidable entities.


The tears that once streamed down my face at the loss of my dearest friends had long since evaporated amidst the scorching heat of battle. With swift and seamless movements, I maneuvered through the ranks of mana beasts and enemy mages, dispatching them effortlessly.

My eyes, honed to a razor-sharp precision, allowed me to anticipate every strike, evading them flawlessly. With each swing of my twin swords, my foes met their gruesome demise, their bodies reduced to mere mincemeat.

First Aya, then Lancelot, and now Arthur. They were all gone, snuffed out by the merciless hands of the Vritras.

Aya, my beloved teacher who had imparted her wisdom in wind and sound magic, had been like an older sister to me. Her guidance and presence had meant the world.

Lancelot, though not as close, had been a stalwart companion—a true friend who had always stood by my side.

And Arthur... he was my closest confidant, a friend since our tender years.

All three, like my mother, had fallen victim to the Vritras' brutality.

Within me, a tempestuous rage surged, threatening to consume my very being. The allure of surrendering to those dark thoughts, of letting go and severing every living thing before me, almost overwhelmed me, reminiscent of the time when Aya had met her tragic end before my very eyes.

But then, something shifted.

A potent, chilling killing intent permeated the air, enveloping the entire surroundings. It was unlike any I had ever experienced, distinct from the likes of Lord Indrath or even my uncle.

This was a different kind of fury.

It was a flame of wrath, but not a wild inferno poised to incinerate all in its path, as mine had once been.


This fury was refined, harnessed, and mastered—a blade tempered with immaculate control, poised to strike down my enemies. It was anger perfected.

With lightning speed, I surged towards the origin of the powerful presence, disregarding the presence of the other adversaries that crossed my path. Standing defiantly in my way was a woman with familiar black hair. My gaze narrowed, and I launched a relentless assault, my swords infused with the pulsating energy of vivum.

Her mana shield proved no match for the destructive force that emanated from within me, as my blades cleaved through her defenses with ease.

"Stop!" she demanded, her voice filled with urgency.

A wave of astonishment washed over me as the ground beneath us trembled violently. Reacting swiftly, I propelled myself away, narrowly avoiding the eruption of earth as three figures emerged from the chaos.

Gary, the male Legacy, and Jezebeth.

Engaged in a fierce 2v1 battle against Gary, the three combatants exhibited a level of prowess that surpassed comprehension.

'I need to aid Gary!' I internally urged my immobilized body, desperate to join the fray.

"Don't!" Cecilia interjected, her voice tinged with warning. I turned my gaze, now burning with a scarlet intensity, towards her. "Why should I heed the words of an enemy?" I retorted.

"Those three... they operate on a different plane altogether," she responded calmly. "Deep down, you know it too. If you intervene, you will meet your demise."

I clenched my teeth, frustration gnawing at me as I reluctantly heeded Cecilia's words. There was no denying the truth.

Once again, I found myself falling short, my strength proving inadequate.

A surge of disappointment coursed through my veins, and I lowered my head.