
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs



I stood before the grand mirror, mesmerized by the figure that gazed back at me. The elegant black dress, adorned with intricate details, draped gracefully over my frame. Its silky fabric caressed my skin, and the delicate frills added a touch of femininity. The neckline, modest yet alluring, accentuated my features, while the sleeves cascaded down my arms, their frilled ends adding a subtle charm. As I ran my fingers through my flowing black locks, they mingled seamlessly with the dark hue of my attire.

It was a breathtaking sight, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence and allure.

My mother, standing beside me, beamed with pride and admiration. Her eyes flickered between me and my reflection, radiating warmth and love. The team of maids surrounding us nodded approvingly, their reserved contentment evident.

"You look absolutely stunning," my mother remarked, her voice filled with genuine admiration. I took a moment to study myself from every angle, turning left and right to absorb every detail. The maids, respectful and knowledgeable, eagerly shared their opinions.

"The dress exudes maturity and elegance," my mother continued. "The black color adds a touch of sophistication, highlighting your beauty in a unique way."

The head maid, with her expertise, stepped forward to offer her insight. "This exquisite creation was custom-designed by a renowned silk weaver from Kalberk City, exclusively for you, Lady Kathyln. The meticulous lacing and intricate frills contribute to its captivating charm. It strikes a delicate balance between cuteness and sensuality, enhancing your natural allure."

"Sensual?" I pondered, intrigued by the notion.

The younger maid, eager to elaborate, chimed in, "The esteemed designer, Laylack, believes that true beauty lies not solely in the clothing itself, but in its ability to accentuate and amplify the inherent beauty of the wearer. This dress achieves just that, allowing your radiance to shine through."

A soft knock on the door interrupted our moment of admiration, and the maids swiftly opened it, revealing Gary standing before us in his resplendent Commander uniform. The sleek black military suit, perfectly tailored to his strong physique, accentuated his broad shoulders and commanding presence. The uniform was adorned with an array of ornate golden and silver pins, each representing his esteemed titles as the Commander of Dicathen and the captain of the Paladins.

As my eyes traveled up, I couldn't help but be captivated by his striking appearance. His silver-grey hair, meticulously styled, framed his face in an alluring contrast against his dark attire. The intense gaze of his amethyst eyes, sparkling with wisdom, met mine. His flawless, pale complexion added an air of sophistication and mystery to his already commanding presence.

A confident smile graced his lips, showcasing the unwavering self-assurance that had become his trademark. In his presence, one couldn't help but be drawn to his aura of strength and leadership.

"Your Majesty," Gary greeted my mother who respectfully bowed to him.

"Kathyln, I must attend to matters with your father and the Council members. I will meet you at the event," my mother stated, her voice filled with warmth and love. With a gentle smile, she gracefully departed, escorted by a retinue of guards towards the stairwell that led to the uppermost floor of the castle.

Gary and I stood alone in the hallway, surrounded by the hushed whispers of castle guards. The anticipation of the upcoming event swirled around us, mingling with our own thoughts and emotions.

"You look as stunning as ever, Kathyln," Gary complimented, his voice laced with admiration, causing a subtle tingle to run down my spine.

"Gary, we have an important event to attend," I gently reminded him, placing a hand on his chest as a tender gesture of restraint. "Let's save our personal moments for later."

A mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he teased, "Ah, so you're looking forward to it, hmm?" I coquettishly pushed against his toned chest, a playful smile tugging at the corners of my lips, and we began making our way towards the event.

As we walked, a sense of weariness seeped into my voice, betraying my exhaustion. The mask of indifference I wore for the world slipped away in the presence of the one I loved.

"Did we truly need to organise another event so soon after the previous one?" I sighed, my voice carrying a hint of fatigue and longing for respite.

Gary's gaze softened, his hand reaching out to gently clasp mine. "It is necessary to uplift the spirits of our people, especially the nobility," he explained earnestly. "While I possess other methods to influence the nobles, an event like this is preferred to showcase unity and inspire collective strength."

As we approached the stairwell, the bustling crowd had created a bottleneck, causing a temporary halt in the flow of people. Conversations and murmurs filled the air as nobles, both accustomed and unaccustomed to such close proximity, vied for space. Their voices carried a mix of complaints, polite pleasantries, and the subtle undertones of self-importance.

Gary and I weaved through the throng, our steps in perfect sync, engaging in light-hearted banter and recounting recent missions. Time seemed to fly by as our conversation provided a welcome distraction from the congestion around us.

The grand stairwell, usually reserved for castle residents, had been opened for noble guests, resulting in a vibrant mixture of colorful attire and eager faces. Some nobles took advantage of the proximity to showcase their family's wealth and influence, their voices resonating with calculated boasts and subtle displays of social status. While I noticed curious glances directed my way, few dared to approach me, well aware of the reputation of the esteemed Commander of Dicathen, who also happened to be my fiancé.

Gary's commanding presence served as an unspoken shield, warding off any potential unwanted attention. Whispers of his legendary exploits echoed through the crowd, reminding everyone of his prowess and the respect he commanded.

After a seemingly endless half-hour ascent, we emerged onto the top floor of the castle. As I looked up, a collective gasp escaped the lips of those who had just emerged from the stairwell. The sight that greeted us was nothing short of breathtaking. A sense of awe washed over me, and I couldn't help but join in the chorus of amazement.

The top of the castle was adorned with a magnificent transparent dome-shaped barrier, encompassing the entire venue and creating the illusion of an open-air setting. As the sun began its descent, painting the sky with hues of serene magenta and burning orange, the castle became a majestic centerpiece against the backdrop of the ever-changing sky.

Within the dome, orbs of gentle light floated ethereally, casting a soft, enchanting glow upon the grand gathering. The atmosphere was filled with the melodious strains of an orchestra, their harmonious melodies drifting through the air, interweaving with the hum of conversations. The musicians, skilled in the art of flute and stringed instruments, breathed life into the space, filling the gaps between conversations with a symphony of enchantment.

The top floor was transformed into a veritable fairyland, a spectacle that transcended the realms of imagination. Hundreds of impeccably attired nobles from all walks of life mingled together, their elegant attire reflecting the diversity of Dicathen's populace. Elves, humans, and dwarves stood side by side, bridging the gaps that had once divided them. The vibrant tapestry of cultures and traditions wove together harmoniously, creating a visual feast for the eyes and a celebration of unity.

As I stepped onto the top floor, I felt a sense of transcendence, as if being transported to a realm of dreams. The gentle breeze carried whispers of laughter and animated conversations, while the radiant colors of the sunset infused the air with a warm, ethereal glow.

In this magical setting, where reality and fantasy intertwined, I couldn't help but be captivated by the enchantment that surrounded me. The castle, bathed in the twilight's embrace, became a beacon of unity and celebration, a testament to the strength of our collective spirit.

And so, amidst the captivating ambiance of this otherworldly domain, I took a deep breath, letting the surreal beauty sink into my soul, knowing that this evening would forever be etched in the annals of Dicathen's history as a moment of harmony, joy, and the promise of a brighter future.

Amidst the sea of elegantly dressed nobles, my eyes caught sight of Emily, standing out in a vibrant yellow dress that bore the telltale signs of her tinkering escapades. Smudges and stains adorned the fabric, but she seemed unperturbed by the disdainful glances cast her way. Oblivious to the judgmental gazes, she confidently poured herself a drink near the empty stage, finishing it in one swift gulp.

"Emily!" I called out, unable to contain my amusement.

Her face lit up with delight as she spotted us. "Ah! Commander Gary! Princess Kathyln!" she greeted, waving her now-empty glass.

Laughter bubbled up from deep within me at the sight of her carefree demeanor, running clumsily while holding up her stained dress.

Gasping for breath, Emily reached us. "Finally, familiar faces!"

"I never expected to see you here," I said, enveloping my friend in a warm hug.

"Who do you think set up all these marvelous lighting artifacts?" she retorted, rolling her eyes playfully.

"You did all of this?" I exclaimed in awe.

"Well, it certainly wasn't my perpetually lazy and absent-minded master," she muttered, her tone laced with both annoyance and pride.

"Is that how you acquired those stains?" Gary chimed in, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Emily's gaze fell upon her dress, and she gasped in surprise. "Oh no! I didn't even notice them! Must've happened while I was working with the mana-conducting fluid."

"Hey, Emily. Isn't that your master over there?" I pointed to a nearby table where the eccentric figure of Master Artificer Gideon sat, alternating between gnawing on a fowl leg and sipping wine.

Emily's face contorted in frustration. "That damn old coot!" With determined strides, she stomped off towards her master. "Master Gideon!"

Gideon, caught off guard by Emily's outburst, choked on his fowl leg. Gary and I followed, our heads lowered in mild embarrassment.

"You old bat! After shirking your responsibilities, claiming to be 'unwell,' you show up here to indulge in food and drink?" Emily fumed, snatching the fowl leg from Gideon's grasp.

Gideon grumbled, taking a sip of his wine before acknowledging our presence. "Princess Kathyln, Commander Gary... always a pleasure to see you both, especially alive. That's always a good thing."

"It has been a while," we greeted him in unison.

Emily sighed in defeat, reluctantly returning her master's food. "You usually avoid these kinds of events. What brings you here, apart from the free food and liquor?"

Gideon chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Commander Gary gave me an intriguing task, my dear apprentice." He turned to Gary. "Oh, how I wish I could extract all the secrets hidden in the minds of you two."

Emily leaned in, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "What task is that?"

Gideon sighed dramatically. "Ah, my dear Emily, it's a secret," he teased, playfully flicking her away as she pinched his arm.

The eccentric artificer then sauntered off, following a butler carrying a tray of delectable finger foods, while Emily pursued her master, determined to pry more information from him.

As I watched their interaction, a smile tugged at my lips. The dynamic between Emily and Gideon never failed to entertain, their mentor-apprentice relationship brimming with camaraderie and occasional exasperation. In their own unique way, they added a touch of whimsy to the grand event, reminding us all that amidst the regality and formalities, true bonds and lightheartedness were to be cherished.

"It's time to take the stage, Kathyln," Gary whispered, his arms enveloping me in a comforting embrace that sent a delightful warmth coursing through me. "Don't worry, we'll meet again soon, Emily," he added, flashing her a playful wink before activating his spatium and whisking us away to the stage.

As we materialized on the elevated platform, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and anticipation. My parents, seated alongside the esteemed Council members, occupied a prominent position against the wall. Some of the Lances were scattered throughout the hall, lending an air of prestige and protection. Standing proudly alongside us on the stage were the other members of the Paladins, each stationed in their designated areas.

But all eyes were drawn to the two stars of the evening, Lancelot and Rachel, who radiated an undeniable splendor. Neither of them donned their Paladin attire for this occasion, opting instead for elegant noble attire. Rachel's golden dress accentuated her cascading blonde locks and mesmerizing sapphire eyes, hugging her curves with grace and allure. Lancelot, on the other hand, exuded sophistication in his navy blue suit, perfectly complementing his raven-black hair and piercing grey eyes.

A hush fell over the hall as all eyes remained fixed upon Gary and me, our sudden teleportation to the stage capturing the attention of every noble in attendance. Gary gently released his embrace, his gaze shifting towards the expectant audience.

"Esteemed nobles, distinguished guests," Gary began, his voice carrying with it a commanding presence that held the entire room captive. "Today, we come together in this grand gathering to commemorate a remarkable achievement, one that highlights the unwavering courage and unwavering dedication of two exceptional members of our esteemed Paladin order. As many of you are well aware, the peaceful land of Dicathen has faced a relentless onslaught from the fleets of Alacarya, threatening our very existence. It was during one such perilous moment that I entrusted a crucial mission to two extraordinary individuals."

A sense of anticipation rippled through the crowd, their collective breaths held in anticipation of the tale to unfold. Gary's words resonated with conviction as he continued, his voice filled with pride and admiration.

"Lancelot Orbel and Rachel Glidesburn, the heroes of Etistin, answered the call without hesitation. In the face of overwhelming odds, they embarked on a daring mission to protect our beloved land. Their unwavering resolve and indomitable spirit shone brightly as they braved the tumultuous waves of battle, standing as a formidable shield to defend our shores."

A swell of applause filled the hall, the audience rising to their feet in thunderous appreciation for the valiant deeds of Lancelot and Rachel. The resounding ovation spoke volumes of the gratitude and respect the people held for their unwavering dedication.

"Through their unparalleled prowess and unyielding determination, Lancelot Orbel and Rachel Glidesburn not only repelled the enemy fleet, but they annihilated it in its entirety, safeguarding Etistin from imminent destruction. Their heroic acts have etched their names in the annals of our history, forever symbolizing the triumph of unity and bravery."

With a flourish of his hand, Gary beckoned Lancelot and Rachel to join him on the stage. The room erupted in applause once more as the two heroes stepped forward, their presence commanding attention and admiration from all corners of the hall.

"Let us welcome with the utmost reverence and gratitude our esteemed champions, Lancelot Orbel and Rachel Glidesburn," Gary declared, his voice resounding with pride. The applause reached a crescendo, a testament to the profound impact these valiant individuals had made on the hearts and minds of all present.

As the cheers subsided, Gary's voice echoed through the hall once more, carrying with it a promise that resonated deep within the souls of all who listened.

"And let it be known that this victory shall serve as a testament to our unwavering determination. Together, we shall face any adversity that dares to threaten our land. We stand united, strong, and resolute in our pursuit of peace and justice. This is but the beginning of our journey towards victory, and I pledge to each and every one of you that we shall emerge triumphant. May our resolve shine as bright as the sun and guide us through the darkest of times."