
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs



In an instant, it felt as if the world had come to a standstill as I tapped into a dormant power within. My once-grey hair underwent a radical transformation, turning an ethereal shade of white, while my amethyst eyes blazed with a piercing blue intensity. As I exhaled, a palpable drop in temperature permeated the entire cavern, announcing the awakening of my ice magic.

"The true battle has only just begun," I declared, my sword now infused with the potent energy of ice magic. Frost began to spread across the cavern, encasing the surroundings in an icy embrace.

Seris's eyes widened in surprise, her lips curling into a knowing smile. "You've piqued my interest," she acknowledged, the thrill of a formidable opponent evident in her voice. With newfound determination, we both launched ourselves towards each other, ready to engage in a clash of powers and skills.

Her black-purple flames flickered ominously, resembling the destructive power wielded by Jezebeth. It was a clear indication that this ability belonged to the Vritras, not limited to just one individual.

I channeled my ice magic, infused with the ethereal essence of aether, to counter her formidable flames. They posed a significant threat, capable of effortlessly devouring ordinary mana and posing a danger even to me if they made contact with my skin for too long.

Strangely, the flames emitted no heat, maintaining a frigid temperature within the cavern, complementing the chilling effect of my ice magic.

Our clash of swords reverberated through the air, a harmonious symphony of metallic echoes. Employing the refined techniques of the Levisha Style, I sought out weaknesses in her defenses. While her swordsmanship skills were undoubtedly inferior to mine, the unique transformation of her blade into a whip, combined with her superior strength, leveled the playing field. The battle hung in delicate balance, gradually tipping in her favor.

The realization dawned upon me that I needed to tap into the power of light magic to overcome my adversary. However, my current core stage had recently settled into the high silver stage, and I struggled to propel it further into the coveted white stage.

"You lack the strength!" Seris thundered, swiftly closing the gap between us. Nevertheless, I managed to unleash a devastating assault upon her using the awe-inspiring might of the Frost Keiki Style's Fourth Movement: Glacial World Splitter. The combination of ice, lightning and sound magic as well as spatium converged within the obsidian blade of Dusk's Shadowfang before being unleashed upon the Scythe.

Yet, just as my attack neared its target, an impenetrable barrier of formidable mana materialized, nullifying the entire onslaught. The sheer force of spatium tore through the barrier, but Seris skillfully maneuvered through the chaos to launch her own counterattack.

With her sword aimed at my heart, slicing through my protective lightning armor, I summoned the power to freeze time, buying me a precious moment to regroup. Gasping for breath, I seized the opportunity to swiftly evade her lethal strike, and just as I did, I resumed the flow of time.

A flicker of acknowledgment flashed across Seris' face, devoid of surprise at my temporal manipulation. Sensing the danger, she swiftly retreated, summoning black flames that erupted from the ground. Reacting swiftly, I channeled my ice magic, creating a frigid barrier to contain the infernal flames, preventing their spread and neutralizing their threat.

Aware of the dire circumstances, I weighed the options in my mind. The decision was not an easy one, for it carried both great risks and potential rewards. Losing my mana core was a daunting possibility, but so was the threat of imminent death if I failed to take action.

Summoning my resolve, I drew inspiration from Lancelot's fabled Mana Sovereign form. However, my approach would differ. Instead of solely manipulating the ambient mana with spirit magic, I would harness the power of aether to accelerate the purification process within my core, channeling it throughout my body.

This endeavor aimed to propel me to the next stage of power.

I understood the peril involved. The influx of mana could overwhelm my core, making it susceptible to catastrophic rupture. If that occurred, I would forever rely on my aether core for sustenance.

Yet, success held the promise of transcending into the coveted white stage, unlocking the full potential of light magic within me.

With a resolute exhale, I unleashed the full might of Realmheart, utilizing every ounce of aether at my disposal to manipulate the surrounding mana. Seris's widened gaze betrayed her astonishment, halting her intended attack as she observed my actions with curiosity.

Mana flowed into my body through my pores, a torrent of power surging toward my core. With the aid of vivum, I ensured the stability of my core, preventing the risk of its untimely rupture. Simultaneously, aevum hastened the process of purification, accelerating the transformation of my silver core.

The metamorphosis transpired swiftly. The once pristine surface of my core fractured, spiderweb-like cracks spreading and widening at an astounding pace. The silver casing shed away, giving way to an unparalleled surge of power coursing through my veins. My eyes fluttered open as I found myself suspended in mid-air.

In awe, I beheld my palms, marveling at the seamless transfer of mana between them—its responsiveness and speed defying all expectations.

Satisfied with the successful integration, I closed my eyes, delving inward to examine the changes within my core. What greeted me was a sight of pure brilliance—an exterior radiating with a pristine white hue, embodying the essence of this newfound stage of power.

I invoked the power of light magic once more, and in an instant, a dazzling transformation overtook me.

A luminous cloak of golden radiance enveloped my entire being, its ethereal tendrils gracefully draping themselves around my form. Within this celestial aura, two magnificent wings unfurled from my back, their feathers shimmering with a sublime brilliance, akin to those of celestial angels. Atop my head, a resplendent crown materialized, adorned with intricate motifs that echoed the sacred energy pulsating within me. As if touched by the divine, my once-white locks underwent a wondrous metamorphosis, transcending their earthly hue to assume a resplendent shade of pure gold.

Gripping Dusk's Shadowfang firmly in my hands, I channeled the combined forces of my ice and light mana into the blade.

As the vibrant golden hues and brilliant ice-white colours intertwined and flowed onto the darkened surface of the sword, an exquisite fusion of power took shape.

As I basked in the embrace of true light magic, a surge of exhilaration coursed through my veins. The power I had struggled to grasp during my encounter with Jezebeth now flowed effortlessly through my fingertips.

With a mighty flap of my celestial wings, I propelled myself forward, soaring at a velocity that rivaled even the Third Movement of the Keiki Style: Void Step. In a blink of an eye, I materialized by Seris's side, unleashing a devastating slash with my radiant sword.

From the depths of the obsidian blade, a mesmerizing display unfolded—a brilliant fusion of shimmering golden light and glacial blue ice erupted, engulfing the Scythe in its resplendent cascade.

To counter my assault, a formidable mana barrier manifested before Seris, poised to nullify my attack. Yet, this time, my newfound power proved too overwhelming.

The barrier quivered and shattered under the sheer force of my strike, unleashing a reverberating shockwave that caused me to momentarily falter in its wake.

Seizing the opening I had created, Seris swiftly retaliated, thrusting her mana-infused sword toward my chest with unyielding determination. However, I met her attack head-on, the clash of our blades echoing with a resounding force as our raw strength collided in a dazzling display of power.

Undeterred, Seris unleashed a torrent of black tendrils, her ominous flames multiplying in number and hurtling toward me with ferocious intent. In response, golden tendrils of divine light intertwined with icy blue tendrils of frost surged forth from within me, a harmonious blend of celestial radiance and glacial might, interposing themselves against the encroaching flames.

With swords poised, we engaged in a clash that transcended mere swordsmanship technique. It was a primal contest of strength and will. Though I refrained from employing my signature style, my swiftness and agility gradually tipped the scales in my favor, inch by inch, as I manoeuvred with precision and cunning.

Despite Seris's tenacity, my superior speed granted me the advantage in this arduous exchange, enabling me to maneuver around her defenses and find openings to strike back.

"Let us bring this battle to its conclusion, Gary Whiteborn," Seris uttered with a tone that hinted at surrender, retrieving her sword and lifting her hands in a gesture of defeat.

Remaining stoic, I peered deep into her words and demeanor, scrutinizing every nuance to ascertain the veracity of her statement. There was a tinge of sincerity in her eyes, a lack of hidden motive that lent credence to her words.

Acknowledging the absence of deceit, I nodded in acceptance, allowing the aura of light magic surrounding me to dissipate. The tremendous power I had wielded, which had initially overwhelmed me with its intensity during my brief utilization, now felt almost natural. It was a testament to the exponential growth I had achieved in the months that had elapsed since my defeat at the hands of Jezebeth.

"What are your intentions moving forward?" I inquired, my voice betraying a tinge of curiosity.

A mischievous smile danced upon Seris's lips as she turned to face me, her eyes holding a glimmer of amusement. "Ah, my esteemed ally from a distant continent, Gary Whiteborn," she mused, her tone laced with a hint of playfulness.

But her expression quickly turned serious as she continued, "Before I depart, allow me to impart some crucial knowledge. Agrona, the orchestrator of these events, has summoned two more formidable entities into this realm, alongside Jezebeth. While my understanding of them is limited, I can share what little I know. One possesses unparalleled mastery over mana manipulation, surpassing even your own capabilities. The other is a masterful swordsman, said to have bested a formidable swordsman armed with nothing more than a wooden stick in a battle of pure swordsmanship. I caution you, Gary, for your journey of growth is far from over."

Her words carried a weighty significance, leaving me with a deep sense of foreboding. I understood that I must remain vigilant, as these newfound adversaries posed a significant challenge, demanding further honing of my skills and unwavering determination.

As Seris prepared to depart, her final warning lingered in the air, an echo of caution amidst the aftermath of our battle. I braced myself for the trials that awaited, resolved to continue my path of growth and confront these powerful beings with unwavering resolve.