
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs



"The door," one of the men exclaimed, his voice laced with concern. "It's not fully closed."

A sense of unease settled among us, each person exchanging bewildered glances. But Drogo's commanding presence broke through the confusion, rallying us with his authoritative stomp.

"Open it!" he ordered, assuming a defensive stance, ready to face whatever awaited us on the other side.

The metal doors screeched against the stone ground as they were forcefully pried apart.

In that fleeting moment, a heavy silence fell upon the soldiers, all frozen in awe. Before us, atop a towering heap of corpses, perched a solitary figure. His hands rested on the hilt of a slender teal sword, its dim sheen barely visible beneath a layer of orc blood. Scattered around this mound of lifeless bodies lay more fallen orcs and gnolls, some frozen, others charred, and a few gruesomely cleaved in two.

At first glance, the corpses blended together, forming a chaotic jumble of slain mana beasts. But upon closer inspection, a distinct figure emerged from the morass. Near the apex of the mound, sprawled in a pool of gore, lay a massive SS-class mutant—a hybrid creature with the head of a lion and a scaled, lifeless body. Its once-imposing gray form was marred, the unnaturally black horns that adorned its head shattered.

There was no mistaking it. That was the mutant we had ventured so far to confront.

Returning my attention to the man seated wearily upon his throne of carnage, he finally lifted his head.

His gaze wasn't directed squarely at me, yet I felt an overwhelming, oppressive aura that seemed to seep into my very soul. Every fiber of my being screamed at me to flee, to escape the presence of this man. Fear coursed through me, intensified by the baleful gleam emanating from his piercing azure eyes.

Yet, I defied the instinctual terror and took a step forward. Clutching my blade firmly, I managed to utter, "Arthur?"

With each subsequent step, my hesitation diminished. "A-Arthur, is that you?" I whispered, my voice caught in my throat.

Suddenly, the cavern's silence shattered, pierced by a bright chirp. From seemingly out of nowhere, a streak of white shot toward me, landing delicately in my outstretched arms.

It was a miniature white fox, its presence bringing a surge of relief and warmth to my heart.

"Sylvie!" I exclaimed, embracing the creature tenderly before lifting my gaze once more.

"It's been an eternity, Tessia," a voice resonated, reaching my ears as a figure materialized beside me, arms outstretched in a welcoming embrace.

Tears welled up in my eyes, shimmering with unspoken emotions.

His once unruly white hair had been tamed into a refined style, emanating an air of dignified grace. Azure orbs, like precious sapphires, replaced the fiery scarlet gaze he had possessed before he departed. Towering above me, his form exuded strength and resilience, yet at his core, he remained the same.

He was still Alistair.

"Al!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my joy as I crashed into his waiting arms.

Dresh's voice quivered as he mustered the courage to address the imposing figure before him, "We demand to know who you are."

Arthur met his gaze, a brief pause stretching between them, causing Dresh to instinctively retreat a step, his confidence faltering. Finally, Arthur responded, his voice carrying a weight of weariness, "Arthur Leywin."

With a fluid motion, he withdrew his bloodstained sword from the lifeless body it had been buried in, gracefully descending from the mound of corpses to stand before the towering doorway.

Sliding his teal blade into a simple, unadorned black scabbard, he cautiously advanced toward us, hands raised in a gesture of peace. "I am on your side," he uttered wearily.

"Arthur?" The Twin Horns members exclaimed, rushing forward to greet him.

"It's been so long, Arthur," I said, our eyes meeting. However, a shiver ran down my spine as our gazes connected.

He was no longer the same. A profound transformation had taken hold.

His eyes... they were devoid of life.

What had transpired to change him so drastically?

"A-Al," I called out, tugging at his arm, hoping to redirect his attention towards Arthur.

"Leave him," Alistair interjected, weariness etching lines of resignation on his face. "I don't know what to make of him anymore."

Silence settled over me as uncertainty gripped my thoughts. If even Al had given up on Arthur, what was I to do? In that moment, Kathyln approached us, her smile warm as she addressed both Al and Arthur. "You two have upheld your end of the deal."

Confusion briefly clouded my mind, but then the memory of the promise we made before embarking on our separate journeys resurfaced. The promise to reach white stage when all Paladin members gathered once again.

Arthur simply nodded in response, his words measured and precise as he engaged in quiet conversation with the Twin Horns members who surrounded him.

We made our way back to camp, Al and Arthur taking the opportunity to cleanse themselves and change out of their bloodstained garments. As we settled around a crackling bonfire with the other soldiers, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows.

"Grandpa Virion!" I exclaimed, and everyone in the vicinity bowed in respect.

"Elder Virion!" they echoed, their voices filled with reverence.

"Arthur, Alistair, Tessia, Kathyln!" Commander Virion's rough voice called out once more. "With me."


As I entered the spacious white tent, Grampa Virion wasted no time and enveloped me in a tight bear hug, his voice filled with both relief and reproach. "Damn you, boy! Why didn't you tell me you were back?" He released his hold on me slightly, holding me at arm's length to examine my appearance.

"It's good to see you again, Gramps," I replied, turning to acknowledge the hooded figure standing beside me. "Aldir."

Grampa Virion repeated the gesture with Arthur, who remained stoic in his presence, but Virion still wrapped his arm around him in a display of affection.

"Arthur, Lady Sylvie, Lord Alistair," Virion greeted them in return. "Much has changed in the three of you."

"I certainly hope so," I chuckled, while Sylvie and Arthur offered a slight nod. "How did you know I had arrived here so quickly?" I inquired, turning my attention back to Virion.

"Lord Aldir received a message from Lord Windsom," Virion explained. "He informed us that you had been sent down here, so I came right away."

I appreciated his decision not to comment on Arthur's transformation for the time being, allowing us to focus on the situation at hand.

"I was completely taken aback when I saw the three of them, expecting to face off against a mutant," Tessia interjected, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Yes, as soon as I arrived, we were immediately assaulted by a horde of mana beasts. We barely had time to catch our breath before we eliminated them all," I sighed, recounting the intense battle.

"Now, it's time for all of us to return. Gary has summoned all the Paladins to gather," Grampa Virion announced.

I nodded in agreement, and my fellow Paladins followed suit, acknowledging the importance of the summons.

Passing through the teleportation gate, we emerged in the familiar surroundings of the floating castle. The air hummed with anticipation as we made our way towards the meeting hall.


'That fool,' I inwardly cursed as my heart rate quickened upon Tessia's gaze turning towards me.

Although I had taken control of this body from my inferior self, I hadn't achieved absolute control yet. Strong emotions that my other self had experienced could still seep through. And in this case, it was a particularly dangerous and potent emotion that could be exploited against me.

I made a concerted effort to suppress it, diverting my focus to the task at hand.

Turning my attention to my draconian bond, Sylvie, I observed her closely.

Sylvie had acquired more than just the ability to communicate through speech during her training. However, due to her young age, a significant portion of her training had focused on fortifying her physical body, ensuring her mana and aether abilities wouldn't go awry.

Lord Indrath himself had taken charge of teaching her how to strengthen her body, a unique aspect of the dragon race among asuras. It seemed that most young asuras faced the risk of their bodies being unable to withstand their inherent abilities.

Finally, Sylvie had become a valuable asset in battle after rigorous training. Arthur had been negligent, considering her more like a daughter than a warrior. Such feeble-mindedness would prove detrimental in the long run.

"Well, since we're all here, let's go out," Virion announced with a smile.

At the command of the gateman, the massive iron doors emitted a series of clicks and grating sounds as the lock mechanism disengaged. The metallic screech of the doors opening split the air, accompanied by the crunch of gravel underfoot.

I had anticipated encountering a guard or two upon exiting, but instead, a towering, dark bear loomed over me. Its malevolent gaze bore down on me, accentuated by the two stark white markings above its eyes, shaping its expression into a scowl. The creature stood at an imposing three meters in height, its hind legs firmly planted on the ground, while its exposed chest revealed a patch of white fur just below its neck. Despite the menacing glare in its eyes, the bared teeth gave the illusion of a smile, rows of jagged white daggers jutting out from its mouth.

"Brothers!" a sickeningly sweet voice chirped.

For a fleeting moment, I entertained the notion that the bear had spoken, but my little sister, Ellie, emerged from behind the beast, wearing a foolish grin on her juvenile face.

Subtle changes were evident in my sister over the past few years. Her ash-brown hair cascaded freely down her shoulders, no longer confined to the childish pigtails she once favored. While her dark, round eyes still exuded innocence, the contemplative gaze she directed at me betrayed a profound maturity.

"Ellie!" I greeted her with forced enthusiasm, picking her up in a hug as she wrapped her arms around my neck, swinging gleefully.

"Arthur!" echoed another pair of voices. It was my parents.

As I released Ellie from my embrace, I turned my attention to my parents. Standing rigidly, I refrained from displaying any emotion. Doubt and remorse weighed heavily on me, preventing me from offering my parents a warm embrace. Uncertain of how to approach them after our tumultuous separation, I remained cold and aloof.

"Come here, Son!" My father's voice boomed as he rushed towards us, enveloping us in his tight embrace.

"I fail to comprehend," I muttered, taken aback by their actions. "I thought—"

"What did you think?" my father interjected sharply. "That merely possessing memories of some previous existence would absolve you of being my son?"

A dry, humourless laugh escaped my lips as my father released me. My mother, who had kept her distance, tentatively approached.

In an instant, my mother clutched my hands tightly, pulling them close to her chest.

"Allow me time," she whispered, her tears splashing onto our entwined hands. "I am making an effort. Truly, I am. Just grant me some time."

"Very well," I nodded, meeting my mother's gaze. However, there was an influx of emotions that even I struggled to keep at bay.

"Brother! Brother!" My sister's voice rang out, her arms cradling Sylvie. "Meet my Boo!"

"Boo?" I raised an eyebrow, glancing at my sister and then back at Virion and Aldir. I hadn't realized that the mana beast belonged to my family, although I knew it posed no threat.

"Yes!" she confirmed, her enthusiasm unwavering. "Boo, say hello to Brother!"

For a brief moment, Boo and I locked eyes, until the mana beast smirked and swiftly brought down its massive paw upon me.

Reacting swiftly, I infused my body with mana, reinforcing my muscles as the ground beneath me cracked under the force of Boo's attack. I looked at my sister while the weight of the bear's paw pressed against my arm.

"It seems Boo has quite the temper," I commented, gripping the beast's wrist and bringing it down to my eye level.

"He just wanted to test your strength, to see if you matched up to what I told him," she shrugged, as Boo struggled in my grasp. "He can be a bit competitive like that. Bad Boo!"

So, she is bonded with the beast. That could prove advantageous, providing her with added protection and aiding in the accomplishment of my mission.

"Lord Windsom failed to mention this?" Virion's voice came from behind me. "He bestowed this mana beast upon your family as a gift before your departure to Epheotus."

I shook my head, a fake smile tugging at my lips. "No, he did not. However, it works in our favor."

"Well, I'm sure you would like to catch up with your family, Arthur, but let's make it after our discussion," Aldir voiced in a serious tone. "Your family is living here for the time being, as I thought it would be in your best interest."

"Very well," I replied with indifference. "I will save the reunion for later. Let us proceed with our discussion."

Leaving behind my family, except for Boo, I offered a perfunctory hug to each of them before following Virion and Aldir down the narrow corridor that led to the meeting room.

The remaining three Paladins returned shortly after, having concluded their meetings with their respective families.

The seven of us stood before the meeting room, and without hesitation, the powerful voice within commanded, "Enter."

The door swung open, granting us access to the room. Gary, seated at the head of the table, appeared absorbed in reading some documents. Although his actions seemed mundane, his mere presence exuded an aura of power, as if he were a celestial body. It became evident that despite my personal growth and efforts to bridge the gap, I remained woefully inferior to him—a mere speck in the presence of a colossal monster.

Seated beside Gary were Rachel and Lancelot, both of whom had also grown significantly stronger. Lancelot, in particular, posed a formidable challenge, one I would need to utilize my ultimate card to overcome.

Their transformation was undeniable, reflecting their development and maturation over time.

"It has indeed been a considerable duration since all the Paladins convened," Gary remarked, setting the documents aside with a faint smile gracing his lips. "Let us commence the meeting."