
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

An Unrivalled Artifact


I shifted my gaze towards Seris, her dark eyes intently studying my features. Her delicate form gently swayed as she sat, her left hand still clasping a half-empty bottle, its contents glistening with a brilliant radiance. The flush of crimson adorning her cheeks heightened the allure of her pale complexion, lending an air of captivating intrigue to her visage.

It was within the depths of her cool, dark eyes that I discovered an unexpected revelation. Emotions, once veiled and guarded, now shimmered beneath the surface, casting subtle ripples upon the calm facade. Seris, the stoic and composed Scythe, harboured a wellspring of emotions that defied my initial assumptions.

Seris's voice, uncharacteristically laced with a touch of vulnerability, shattered the tranquil silence that enveloped us. Her words, unexpectedly spoken, hung in the air like an ethereal melody that stirred the depths of my being.

"You really are great, Arthur," she confessed, a small smile gracing her features. The soft glow of the artifact painted her pale complexion with warm hues, accentuating the delicate contours of her face.

Caught off guard by her unexpected compliment, I couldn't help but be genuinely intrigued. Curiosity danced within my gaze as I sought to understand the meaning behind her words. With each sip of the Alacaryan alcohol, its intoxicating effects gradually seeped into my mind, lending an ethereal haze to the moment. Yet, in that state of gentle intoxication, I found myself embracing the raw authenticity of the emotions unfolding before me.

"What do you mean by that, Seris?" I inquired, my voice tinged with genuine interest. The words floated on the air, carrying the weight of my curiosity and the unspoken desire to delve deeper into her thoughts and emotions.

Seris hesitated for a moment, her eyes darting briefly away before finding the courage to meet my gaze once more. Her smile held a touch of melancholy, the embodiment of a bittersweet revelation.

"Vicht was wrong about you," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "You are more than just a mere player in this world. There is a resonance within your every movement—a power, a purpose that extends beyond what anyone could have anticipated. I can sense it. You are destined to play a pivotal role in the battles that lie ahead."

Silence draped over our small sanctuary, the weight of her words settling upon us. Seris struggled to articulate her thoughts, the turmoil within her heart laid bare. Her head lowered, a blush of crimson staining her cheeks—a testament to the emotions that stirred within.

"This is why I should not allow these emotions to exist," she murmured, her voice tinged with a hint of sorrow. With a wistful smile, she lifted her gaze once more, her eyes revealing the depth of her conflicted feelings. "You are far too important, Arthur. My emotions, these attachments... they are a distraction. I cannot afford to be entangled in such matters when your role in this world is so crucial."

In an instant, the intoxicating effects of the alcohol seemed to dissipate, replaced by a newfound clarity that cut through the haze. Seris's confession struck me like a bolt of lightning, electrifying my senses and jolting me into sobriety. It was a revelation that shook the very foundation of my understanding.

Seris harbored more than friendship or camaraderie towards me. Her words bore the weight of something deeper, something that defied the boundaries of platonic connections. She held feelings for me—feelings that surpassed the realm of mere companionship and ventured into uncharted territories of affection.

In the stillness of the chamber, time seemed to stand suspended, as if the very fabric of the universe held its breath in anticipation. The revelation of Seris's unspoken feelings hung in the air like a delicate wisp of ethereal mist, weaving an intricate tapestry of emotions that enveloped us both.

Love—the enigmatic force that has entwined the destinies of countless souls throughout the ages. It eluded me in both my past and present lives, always slipping through my grasp. Yet, now, confronted with Seris's confession and the overwhelming surge of emotions within my heart, I found myself on the precipice of a newfound understanding.

I pondered the meaning of love—the intricate layers that wove this complex tapestry of emotions. Was it the desire to protect Seris, to shield her from the perils that lurked within the Relictombs and beyond? Or was it the longing to share precious moments, to be enraptured by the enchantment of her words, and to bask in her presence? Perhaps it was the yearning to feel the warmth of her body against mine, to embrace her and lose myself in the intoxicating dance of physical connection.

Or could it be that love encompassed all these facets, intertwining them in a harmonious symphony of devotion and desire?

As my gaze locked with Seris's, my emotions surged and swirled within me, a tumultuous whirlwind of conflicting desires and tender affections. Determination etched upon my features, I rose from my seated position, the ground shifting beneath me as I crawled toward her, my eyes fixed unwaveringly upon her face. Proximity blurred the boundaries between us, and I found myself gazing up at her, our faces mere inches apart. The flush of alcohol upon her pale complexion mingled with the hue of crimson that danced across her cheeks—a testament to the raw intensity of our emotions.

In that charged moment, the magnetic pull between us seemed irresistible, drawing our lips together in an intoxicating collision. Our mouths opened in synchrony, tongues intertwining with a delicate fervor. It was a kiss that transcended the realm of mere physicality, a melding of souls entwined in a dance of passion and vulnerability.

Seris's arms enveloped my head, her touch both tender and possessive, as surprise melted away, replaced by unabashed delight and a profound sense of pleasure. We surrendered ourselves to the raw intensity of the connection, each caress and exploration a testament to the depth of our longing.

"I love you, Arthur," Seris whispered as we lost ourselves to the feeling of pleasure, both of us devouring the other's body as lost ourselves to the throngs of pleasure.



In the aftermath of that fateful night, the bond between Seris and me seemed to have grown stronger, as if an invisible thread had been woven between our souls. Seris, in particular, displayed her affection with subtle yet poignant gestures. Her presence became ever more palpable, her touch more intimate, and her desire to initiate physical contact more apparent. It was as if her love for me had blossomed, casting a radiant glow that permeated our every interaction.

As the days passed, I found solace in the warmth of Seris's company, seeking refuge from the tumultuous storm of emotions that swirled within me. Yet, even in our moments of tranquility, an unwelcome presence persisted.

Regis, my sentient weapon, continued to pester me with his unfiltered remarks. While I was inebriated, I had chosen to sever our telepathic connection, unwilling to confront Regis in such a vulnerable state. However, his relentless commentary still plagued my thoughts, causing a headache to pulse at my temples.

'I didn't think you had any real game,' Regis complained, his words laced with his characteristic sarcasm. 'To see you, who had no luck with the ladies before, manage to win over Seris—a smoking hot Vritra—it's quite the surprise. Although, I must say, her breasts are a bit lacking. Nonetheless, she's undeniably stunning, and she's sleeping with you!'

An exasperated sigh escaped my lips as I attempted to reprimand Regis. 'Regis, enough. Don't reduce her to mere physical attributes.'

Regis chuckled, seemingly reveling in my discomfort. 'Oh, my apologies, Mr. Shining Knight, the self-proclaimed protector of a lady's honor. But you must admit, girls often fall for the allure of the 'bad boy.' If you had kept our telepathic connection intact, I could have witnessed firsthand just how impressive your techniques are.'

'That's precisely why I severed our connection,' I replied firmly, my gaze turning towards Seris, who held my right hand, intertwining her delicate fingers with mine. Her touch, imbued with tenderness and devotion, grounded me in the present moment.

Regis expressed his disgust, feigning a gagging noise. 'Bleh! Stop being such a hopeless romantic princess, Arthur. It doesn't suit you. Anyway, it would have been far more enjoyable if you had pursued Caera instead. Her ample bosom surely makes for a more enticing—'

'Enough, Regis,' I interrupted, my voice laced with stern resolve. 'We have more pressing matters to attend to.'

I sensed a shift in the air, a subtle change that signaled danger ahead. My focus shifted from Regis's inappropriate banter to the imminent threat that awaited us.

As the echoes of the werewolf's thunderous roar reverberated through the dimly lit corridors of the Relictombs, my focus sharpened, and my heart quickened its pace. This adversary was unlike any we had encountered thus far—a formidable creature, towering at an imposing height of ten feet. Its sinewy limbs hung ominously, its fur bristling with raw power. Its eyes, a sickly yellow hue, gleamed with an eerie glaze as they swept over me, its intentions clear.

"Stay back, Seris," I commanded, urgency lacing my voice as I surged forward. The aether within my core surged, awakening the dormant energy that coursed through my veins. With a swift activation of Godstep, I propelled myself toward the oncoming threat, while Regis, embodying my gauntlet, coiled around my right fist in Gauntlet Form, ready to unleash its arcane might.

The clash was fierce, a symphony of primal fury and calculated precision. The werewolf's razor-sharp claws lashed out, aimed to rend flesh and shatter bone. But I met its assault head-on, my enhanced reflexes and honed combat skills allowing me to parry and redirect its savage strikes.

My fist collided with the werewolf's claw, the force of impact resonating throughout the chamber. A surge of crackling energy radiated from Gauntlet Form, channeled through my strike. For a moment, it seemed as though victory was within reach, as the werewolf's claw crumbled under the combined force of my blow and Regis's arcane power.

Yet, to my astonishment, the werewolf emerged from the clash unscathed, its resilience defying all expectations. It was more powerful than we had anticipated.

Determination surged within me, a resolute fire burning bright. I had faced countless challenges before, triumphed against insurmountable odds. This would be no different. Adjusting my stance, I readied myself for the next exchange.

As the werewolf lunged forward once again, I evaded its frenzied assault with a series of nimble movements, narrowly evading the razor-sharp claws that sliced through the air. Seizing the moment, I unleashed a swift barrage of strikes, combining the fluidity of my dragonic form with the sheer strength of Gauntlet Form.

Each blow resonated with the force of my resolve, striking true against the werewolf's hardened hide. The clash continued, an intricate dance of power and strategy. Sweat trickled down my brow, the acrid scent of battle permeating the air as adrenaline coursed through my veins.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, a decisive blow landed. The werewolf's defenses faltered under the relentless onslaught, and with a resounding crack, its form crumpled to the ground. The creature's once-intimidating presence was reduced to a lifeless heap, defeated but not forgotten.

Breathing heavily, I stood amidst the aftermath of the fierce struggle, my muscles trembling with exertion. Seris approached, her eyes filled with a mix of relief and admiration. Together, we had overcome this formidable foe, pushing the boundaries of our abilities and forging an unbreakable bond in the crucible of battle.

With a shared nod, we acknowledged the significance of our victory.

Our footsteps echoed through the vast chamber as we approached the imposing door, the culmination of our arduous journey through the treacherous Relictomb. With bated breath, we watched as the door swung open effortlessly, revealing a sight that left us momentarily awestruck.

Before us stood an altar-like structure, perched atop an ornate podium that seemed to emanate a palpable aura of power. The air crackled with the hum of potent aether, tendrils of energy swirling and dancing around the magnificent artifact that graced the altar's surface.

As I ascended the steps, Seris by my side, a sense of anticipation coursed through my veins. The scroll, adorned with intricate golden patterns, seemed to radiate an otherworldly brilliance, drawing me closer. With a mixture of trepidation and excitement, I extended my hand, fingertips grazing the surface of the ancient parchment.

In that moment, a surge of energy surged through me, an influx of knowledge flooding my consciousness. The scroll was no ordinary relic; it held the power to alter the very course of our war-torn world. Its secrets whispered to me, unraveling the intricacies of its purpose.

A realisation struck me like a lightning bolt, and my eyes widened in astonishment. The scroll possessed the ability to bring about an end to the long-standing conflict between Epheotus, Alacarya and Dicathen, a cessation of hostilities that could reshape the fate of nations and safeguard countless lives.