
TBATE | Chronicles of Legends

Love and hatred, peace and war, light and darkness. Follow the captivating journey of four reincarnated souls and a prodigy as they navigate through the most tumultuous era in history, and become the greatest generation to ever exist. However, everything changes when fate strikes back against those who dared to manipulate it. As the protagonist sets out to defy destiny itself, a terrible mistake is made, and the fabric of fate is torn apart. With the future uncertain and the present in chaos, how will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate it? Read on to discover the unpredictable twists and turns of this riveting story.

WhiteDeath16 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Adventurer's Examination


"I am setting forth now, Mother, Father," I voiced, bidding farewell to my newfound parents.

Tears cascaded down my mother's cheeks, while my father offered a solemn wave of his hand in response.

"Take utmost care, Gary. Remember, you must return every month!" she entreated, her words laden with concern, prompting me to offer a reassuring smile to assuage her worries.

"It is time for us to depart, Your Grace, Madam," Galliard declared, mounting his steed, as it was customary for a knight to ride alongside a noble's carriage.

My father and I nodded in unison, aligning our understanding, as I ascended into the carriage, finding comfort within its confines, before a servant sealed the door.

Waving goodbye once more, the carriage commenced its journey, with Galliard riding steadfastly at my side.

"Sir Galliard, may I inquire which Adventurer's Guild we shall be heading to?" I queried, my curiosity piqued.

"We shall utilize the teleportation gate and make our way to the main guild in Etistin. It surpasses the one here in both size and the abundance of dungeons available for you to explore, Young Master," he responded in his composed tone.

I nodded, my thoughts drifting towards my future and the opportunities this world held.

'Though my physical capabilities hinder me from employing the Dover Style, reaching the white stage is a prerequisite. For now, I shall focus on honing my skills in the Keiki Style,' I ruminated with a sigh, acutely aware of my current limitations.

'I must strategize on how to defeat an AA-ranked adventurer. Their prowess is equivalent to vanquishing ten A-ranked adventurers simultaneously, posing a considerable challenge for my secondary core alone,' I continued, contemplating the impending obstacles.

Naturally, employing both my primary and secondary cores would facilitate such a feat, but that was not part of my plan.

Time swiftly passed as we arrived at the teleportation gate. The guards, upon sighting the insignia of the Grand Dukedom of Whiteborn, accorded us passage, bowing respectfully as we proceeded.

The experience of traversing the portal proved less than pleasant, akin to being tossed within a colossal washing machine. Were it not for Monarch's Indifference, an irritated and displeased expression might have marred my otherwise composed countenance.

'Nevertheless, it is astonishing how this world possesses portals, yet other forms of transportation such as automobiles, scientific advancements like the steam engine, and electricity remain absent,' I ruminated, surveying the bustling city.

As anticipated, Etistin surpassed Redpine City in terms of development. It exuded an air of nobility and opulence that Redpine City sorely lacked.

The carriage gradually came to a halt, positioned before the imposing facade of the Adventurer's Guild.

The Guild Hall stood as a testament to prestige and opulence, its towering marble structure resembling a sacred museum. Stepping inside, I was immediately struck by the meticulous craftsmanship evident in the intricately designed interior. It surpassed my expectations, far from the shabby image I had envisioned.

The atmosphere exuded an air of extravagance, casting an aura that seemed to elevate the adventurers themselves. Clad in armor that resembled noble knights rather than the barbarians I had half-anticipated, they exuded an air of discipline and refinement.

Utilizing my absolute control over mana, I assessed the strength of those present.

'All B-rank and above!' I inwardly exclaimed, taken aback by the collective prowess on display.

Galliard, noticing the formidable sight before us, voiced his observation as I disembarked from the carriage.

"The adventurers gathered here are undeniably strong," he remarked, prompting a nod of agreement from me.

As anticipated, the arrival of a carriage bearing the prestigious Whiteborn family insignia caused quite a stir, drawing the attention I had grown accustomed to in my past lives. While tuning out the surrounding conversations, I remained alert, ever vigilant for any signs of hostility.

"Ah, welcome, Sir Galliard!" the receptionist exclaimed, her surprise evident in her voice and expression.

I recalled that Galliard himself had been an esteemed ex-S-rank adventurer, earning him a level of recognition within these circles.

"How may I be of assistance?" the receptionist continued, her demeanor growing more composed as she bowed respectfully. Although her eyes involuntarily darted towards me before quickly averting her gaze.

"Allow me to sponsor Gary Whiteborn, heir to the Whiteborn family, for an examination," Galliard declared, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

"Yes, of course!" the receptionist responded, nodding fervently as she returned the paperwork. "Please, follow me this way."

Rising from her seat, the woman opened the door adjacent to us, beckoning us to proceed further into the guild.

Suppressing any lingering questions, I maintained a composed silence as I followed the clerk's lead. Passing through the door, we traversed beyond the row of seats behind the glass counter, where the receptionists were stationed, and entered a small, tastefully appointed room.

The office boasted a minimalist decor, featuring three circularly arranged black leather couches. Positioned at the far end was a dark wooden desk, behind which sat a slender man engrossed in his work, the tip of a quilted pen dancing across neatly stacked papers.

Interrupted by the creak of his office door, the man looked up, revealing a sharp and angular face framed by a head of vibrant red hair, neatly parted down the center and extending just past his slender neck.

"Former S-Class Adventurer, Sir Galliard has requested this gentleman to undergo rank examinations," the clerk declared, her voice polished and well-rehearsed.

"I am well aware of Sir Galliard's reputation. You may wait outside, Mary," the slender man replied, waving her off before rising from his seat. "Galliard, it's been far too long. How have you been?"

A genuine warmth lit up Galliard's face as he opened his arms, and the two embraced each other.

"Young Master, this is Nicole. He serves as the Vice-Master of this branch and holds an AA-rank in his adventurer standing," Galliard introduced me, the admiration in his voice not lost on me.

'Impressive,' I thought, noting the influential connections Galliard possessed within the Adventurer's Guild, further bolstering his value in my eyes.

"Pleasure to meet you," Nicole acknowledged, turning his attention to me. "As Galliard has already mentioned, I am Nicole Fejalk, the Vice-Master of this branch. What level of rank examination are you applying for?" His gaze swiftly assessed me, taking in every detail.

"AA-rank," I responded without hesitation.

His eyes widened in astonishment, snapping his head towards Galliard, who merely grinned in response.

"If you seek an AA-rank examination, then I am the only one qualified to administer it. Normally, there are certain procedures involving paperwork and core stage assessments, but I will waive them. Mary, guide these two to the stage."

"Yes!" Mary, who had been waiting outside the room, swiftly entered and directed us toward the back door. "Please, Sir Whiteborn and Sir Galliard, follow me."

"Kindly wait until Sir Nicole is ready. Since you are the sole participant seeking an AA-rank examination today, you won't need to wait in line," Mary explained, bowing respectfully before excusing herself.

Two stages awaited us for the examination—one for conjurers and another for augmenters. I glanced at some of the participants currently undergoing their tests, but they proved to be of little interest, their strength ranging only from B to A-rank.

"Are you prepared, Young Master?" Galliard inquired, his hand gently squeezing my shoulder.

I nodded, summoning my sheathed sword from my spatial ring to my side. The familiar weight of the weapon brought a sense of assurance.

On the opposite side, Nicole ascended the stage, his presence commanding and focused. A traditional long sword hung at his side, the sole weapon he carried.

"Examinee Gary Whiteborn, please join me on the stage," he announced with a resolute voice. Stepping forward, I made my way toward the stage, finding solace in the calm that enveloped me, courtesy of my honed skills.

The usual surge of adrenaline before a battle was notably absent, which suited me well. I had no desire to fight like an erratic drunkard.

"Prepare yourself," Nicole advised, drawing his sword. A gleaming silver-white blade was unveiled, its radiance contrasting sharply with the darkness of my own weapon.

Unsheathing my sword, I could almost sense its pulsating aura, akin to a living entity, as I infused it with a touch of mana.

Without further words, he launched himself towards me with an explosive burst of speed, nearly catching me off guard.

'Fire magic explosions? That's a new twist,' I pondered, effortlessly slowing down the situation with the aid of my Eyes of Chronos. Every movement Nicole executed seemed to occur at a snail's pace.

Naturally, the same applied to me.

Enveloping my bonded blade in resonating sound magic, I deflected Nicole's orange-hued blade. The fiery spell was repelled by the vibrations in the air I generated.

His eyes widened in astonishment, prompting him to draw more mana from his core. The bright orange flames transformed into a brilliant and perilous shade of blue.

Wasting no time, I deftly manipulated sound magic, directing it towards him with the tip of my sword.

However, despite my superior mana technique and control, his higher mana purity allowed him to sustain the flames, preventing their demise.

'Already?' I mused, thumb resting on the hilt of my sword, poised to unleash the Keiki Style.

[Triple Sunflower Bloom]

The blue flames he conjured transformed into three tempests that hurtled towards me. Even through my mana-infused body, I could feel their scorching heat before executing my counterattack.

[Second movement of the Keiki Style: Horizon Splitting Slash]

A blinding white engulfed the world as my black blade collided with his white one. The rush of wind and sound magic from my attack sliced through the blue flames, extinguishing them.

His eyes widened once more, yet he refused to yield.

Exploiting his physical advantages, he pressed forward, applying pressure with his white sword.

However, I was not about to succumb. My technique surpassed his, allowing me to hold my own despite the unfavorable circumstances.

Suddenly, the ground beneath me began to warp as heat simmered underneath. Reacting swiftly, I employed lightning magic to swiftly evade a column of sizzling blue flames that erupted from the ground.

More columns emerged incessantly, but utilizing 'Eyes of Chronos,' I evaded them with calculated precision. Nonetheless, the situation was far from ideal. The strain of utilizing the formidable ability weighed heavily on my eyes, while my inferior core struggled to keep pace with my opponent.

Creating some distance, I made a resolute decision—to unleash everything I had.

[Zeus Armor]

Lightning tendrils coiled around my skin, resembling serpents. A tingling sensation coursed through my entire being, enhancing my reflexes to a level beyond what I had previously achieved.

With a composed demeanor, Nicole exploited his speed advantage, rushing at me with a relentless barrage of sword strikes.

[First movement of the Keiki Style: Quick Slash] X 7

In an instant, I unleashed seven beams of radiant white light, each imbued with the power of three different elements, aimed at slowing down Nicole's relentless assault.

He grunted in response as several deep cuts marred his abdomen and chest, evidence of the effectiveness of my attack.

"I'll show you my true power," he declared, inhaling deeply.

My instincts screamed a warning as fiery wings sprouted from his back.

'This guy... he's nearly as formidable as Mother!' I thought, gritting my teeth.

[Salamander: Spirit Dive]

A creature resembling a lizard materialized around him, its skin adorned with shades of orange and red. It appeared to be connected to Nicole, empowering him with its presence.

'A spirit?' I recalled from my extensive knowledge gathered through countless hours in the library. 'And specifically, the fire spirit, Salamander.'

'Now I remember him! At just twenty-eight years old, he has already reached the solid yellow stage. The Adventurer's Guild protects him due to his status as the only known spirit contractor. However, I sense that his Spirit Dive is not as refined as it should be, considering he still falls short of my Mother's strength.'

His azure flames clashed with my lightning, causing the stage to tremble and fracture under the strain of the surging mana.

Suppressing my emotions, I focused solely on the battle, calculating the optimal path to victory.

Despite the strain on my eyes from utilizing my ability, I pressed forward, for I had completed my calculations.

With my right foot stepping forward and my thumb firmly gripping the hilt of Dusk's Shadowfang, I surged toward Nicole.

In response, he charged straight at me, continuously conjuring flames with the aid of his spirit companion.

Anticipating this, I had already prepared a sound barrier to deflect his attacks as our blades collided. His white sword clashed against my wind-empowered blade.

Green gusts of wind clashed with blue flames, causing the arena to ripple with searing heat. Grinding my teeth, I converted the wind into sound, redirecting the flames back at Nicole.

Yet, his accompanying spirit effortlessly dissipated them into thin air.

Flapping his fiery wings, Nicole launched powerful blasts of blue fire in my direction. My lightning armor crackled but swiftly deflected each projectile with unwavering accuracy.

We exchanged fierce blows with our swords. Despite my superior technique, his matured physique and extended reach gradually began to give him the upper hand.

His blade sliced across my chest, shattering my armor and drawing forth a spray of crimson blood. A victorious grin played across my face as the dispersing lightning mana surged into his sword, momentarily stunning him with a jolt.

[Second movement of the Keiki Style: Horizon Splitting Slash]

Though we were perhaps too close for comfort, I unleashed the attack with my sword.

Using 'Eyes of Chronos,' despite the parched condition of my eyes, I witnessed his wings instinctively folding to shield him from the brunt of the damage.

However, his wings were left tattered in the aftermath.

'Plan Omega,' I resolved, summoning my final spell. It could be considered cheating to tap into my primary core for a small reserve of mana, but at this stage, my sole focus was securing victory while revealing as little of my hand as possible.

'Besides, he won't be able to detect my primary core if I utilize it in this manner,' I justified internally as I unleashed my Illusion spell.


Gary Whiteborn, with his silver-grey hair, piercing purple eyes, and an expressionless face that belied his young age of seven, was an enigma that left me dumbfounded when Galliard informed me of his intention to undergo an AA-rank evaluation.

Normally, the greatest talents among elves and dwarves awaken around the age of eight. Yet here stood a seven-year-old boy, poised to face the AA-rank test. There was an air about him, something in his eyes that convinced me this was no mere jest.

My doubts dissolved completely the moment our swords clashed. His unique blade design intrigued me, but it was his stance that commanded my respect.

Engaging in combat with him was a peculiar experience. It brought me joy. It wasn't my first encounter with someone of comparable strength, but there was a distinct quality to his fighting style.

Before I knew it, I had unleashed Spirit Dive to challenge him. Spirit Dive, which would classify me as S-rank, was not a technique I had planned on using. Yet, my mind seemed beyond my control. The rush of adrenaline through my veins commandeered my body, almost compelling me to call upon Salamander.

Even with the surge in power, a lingering doubt gnawed at my consciousness.

'Can I truly defeat him?' I questioned as he closed the distance between us.

Once again, our blades clashed, and I was astounded by the sheer mastery of his swordsmanship. The legendary Whiteborn swordplay had always been the subject of tales, but witnessing a young child surpass me in skill reignited my appreciation for his prodigious talent.

However, he had a weakness—a weaker core. Though I could not sense it due to an artifact, it was evident from the outset that his core was inferior to mine. This meant his mana reserves and potency fell short, providing me with an advantage.

An opening in his defense presented itself, a tempting bait. Executing a precise maneuver, I slashed across his chest, shattering his armor.

Little did I know, I had fallen into his trap. His lightning-infused mana traveled along my sword, electrocuting me.

As my senses gradually returned, he launched his counterattack.

The world blurred into white as his sword blurred before my eyes. Salamander's mana instinctively moved to shield me, causing my fiery wings to dissipate under the force of his assault. Though I emerged relatively unscathed, Gary took advantage of the situation and swiftly pressed forward.

'Your attack failed,' I inwardly gloated, stepping closer to him. Yet, to my surprise, Gary staggered backward, sweat streaming down his face.

"M-my core is exhausted," he gasped, raising his hands in surrender.

Something felt amiss. My intuition screamed that all was not as it seemed, but Gary had openly admitted defeat, leaving him with no recourse.

"Well fought, Gary Whiteborn. Although I cannot grant you an S-rank as originally intended," I began, only to be interrupted by Salamander's urgent cry within my mind.

'WAKE UP, NICOLE!' Salamander's voice echoed through my thoughts.

In an instant, reality shifted, and I found myself on my knees, Gary's midnight black blade poised threateningly against my throat.

An illusion, I realized, as a shiver ran down my spine. I had been completely ensnared. Not only had Gary deceived me, but he had also managed to suppress my senses. What a monstrous display of skill!

"My apologies, Gary, for I lack the authority to grant you an S-rank," I conceded, acknowledging his triumph. "Nevertheless, I bestow upon you the AA-rank in recognition of your exceptional abilities."

Gary nodded, seemingly content with the honor bestowed upon him. His unwavering composure remained intact, as if he had expected nothing less.

"I will retrieve your rank card for you at the reception," I offered, rising to my feet and gesturing for him to follow.

As we walked away from the battlefield, I couldn't help but marvel at Gary's prowess. His illusions had surpassed anything I had encountered before, leaving me in awe of his strategic mind and control over mana.

"You possess a remarkable talent, Gary," I commented, breaking the silence that enveloped us. "Your mastery of illusions and the precision of your swordplay are truly extraordinary."

Gary glanced at me, his purple eyes holding a glint of acknowledgment. "Thank you, Examiner Fejalk," he replied with a hint of a smile.

We arrived at the reception area, where I procured his AA-rank card and handed it to him. It was a testament to his abilities and a recognition of his remarkable achievements.

"May this rank card serve as a symbol of your accomplishments," I said, offering my congratulations. "Continue to hone your skills and embrace the path of a true warrior."

Gary accepted the card with a solemn nod, understanding the weight it carried. "I will, Examiner Fejalk. Thank you for the opportunity and your guidance."

As he walked away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride mixed with curiosity. Gary Whiteborn was undoubtedly a prodigy, and his future held immense potential. I was grateful to have witnessed his growth and to have been a part of his journey, if only for a brief moment.

Reflecting on the intense battle we had shared, I couldn't help but wonder how far Gary would go, what trials he would face, and how he would shape the world with his unique talents.

One thing was certain: the name Gary Whiteborn would soon echo through the annals of history, a testament to his extraordinary abilities as a warrior and the legacy he would leave behind.


As I pondered the situation, it became clear that Nicole's inability to grant me an S-rank was due to his own limitations, rather than a reflection of my abilities. While I had achieved a commendable rank of AA, I knew that I still had much room for growth and improvement.

Receiving the gold badge for my AA-rank, I examined it briefly before securing it on my clothing. It was a symbol of my progress and a reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.

"Thank you, Nicole," I expressed my gratitude to him. "I appreciate your guidance and the opportunity to test my skills against a formidable opponent like you."

Nicole nodded, a mix of respect and curiosity in his eyes. "You possess incredible potential, Gary. I look forward to seeing how you continue to develop and what impact you will make on this world."

With our farewells exchanged, I turned my attention to Galliard, who had faithfully served as my guardian and mentor throughout this journey.

"Galliard, I appreciate all that you have done for me," I addressed him with genuine gratitude. "Your guidance and support have been invaluable. Although I wish to venture on my own for now, I know that I can rely on you and the Whiteborn Estate when the need arises."

Galliard bowed respectfully, his voice filled with sincerity. "Young Master, it has been an honor to accompany you on this path. I will return to the Whiteborn Estate and report our progress. Should you require any assistance, do not hesitate to contact us."

I nodded, acknowledging his words. "Thank you, Galliard. Until we meet again."

As we parted ways, I couldn't help but reflect on the unique circumstances that had brought me to this point. Being a seven-year-old adventurer in a world filled with danger and challenges certainly had its risks, but it also provided me with unprecedented opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

With my provisions safely stored in my spatial ring, I embarked on my solitary journey, prepared to face the trials that awaited me. The world of adventuring was vast and filled with untold mysteries, and I was determined to explore every corner of it.