

Demolus returned with the father and daughter pair and a dog, surprisingly everyone who was up at the time accepted them with open arms, was it because of how cute Alice was, but it seems Hirano was far too eager to help the girl out which made the girls stare at him with disgust.

"Guys meet Murai Maresato and his daughter Alice Maresato" Demolus introduced them to the group. (I made the name up for the father he didn't have on so now he has one)

"Nice to meet every one of you and thank you very much for your help and understanding and Demolus-san Has already told me how everything workes here and we would like to join your group!" Murai bowed at the group of students while declaring his intentions.

"Welcome to the group then my name is Kohta Hirano and I'm responsible for the firearms and gourd duty," Hirano said.

When everyone has introduced themselves selfs Demmolus decided to discuss their plans from here after all the important members of the group were all here.

"Alright everyone knows each other now we should decide where to go next because we can't stay here forever and by the looks of it most of you want to search for your family members," Demolus said while sitting down on a sofa.

"And my suggestion is moving to the Takagi estate, firstly it's in a good geographical location and won't be toppled by the undead unless a hoard showed up, next we can check on Saya's parents and if there are more survivors on the way" Demolus suggested.

Saya who heard this was excited after all they were going to relocate to her home and she can find out if her parents are alright she was thinking that demolus was doing this for her and started feeling warm inside.

"So you mean you want all of us to go there or do some stay here how would we go about this?" Hisashi asked him.

"Well that's simple we will all go together well most of you will go by bus while I and some others will go using the Humvee, Murai will be driving the bus and we will decide who goes with me in the Humvee and we will be taking all of the supplies and anyone who want's to stay can stay but we will be taking everything we need with us" Demolus answered.

"Good idea but when do we leave?" Hirano asked

"We would be leaving tomorrow morning there's no need to wait for our food and water to end after all or does anyone has a better plan of action?" Demolus said.

And so, in the end, it was decided that they will be going to Takagi estate tomorrow morning and for now everyone was to go sleep and rest. Hirano showed Murai and Alice to a room where they can sleep and went to sleep himself while Komuro and Kazu were on gourd duty.

While everyone was going to their room Demolus heard a ding sound in his head and looked at his system to see a letter from nonother but Black.

[Message: Hey there my friend so there's this one thing I'm going to add to the system. You see after you finished your task in this world you would be returned to the other one which is your main world, for now, you will be able to change it later. So as for the thing, I'm adding is time stop for the world you leave but it's only temporary after all you don't want to leave you, harem members, now would you.

Therefore I'm as the greatest friend of all am giving your system time stop to stop the time of the world you leave but it's only until you get yourself an inner world or your own dimension but your not strong enough to support these abilities yet but do grow stronger and reach me soon so we can hand out, and it's not like I'm waiting for you or anything I.

To Demolus from Black]

"Black your the best I was actually worried about this but I will repay you when I can for your help," Demolus said while smiling but he was in the living room alone so it was fine right.

Demolus decided not to stay in there any longer and walked to his room while thinking of what he will do tomorrow.4 when he decided to look at his task once more.


[World: HOTD]

[Time left: 29 days 12 hours 25 minutes 33 seconds]

[1. Kill as many zombies as you can]

[2. ?????????????????]

[3. ??????????????????]

[4. Get some more harem members]

[Reward: depends on the amount zombies killed ]

[Reward: ?????????????????????]

[Reward: ???????????????????]

[Reward: Harem King(title and skill), 2.500SP, ]

'Wait so there's a time limit well I still have time so no need to panic but why didn't look at it before I must be way more careful in the future not to miss more detailed information next time. And the question marks are still there well I'll figure it out later and it's time to sleep" Demolus was thinking to himself while he laid on the bed.