
Tangled silks

Ella_grace · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

chapter one.

THERE WAS A TIME IN MY LIFE WHERE I HAD NOTHING, no love, no shelter, nothing. The only thing I had was the cot that I lied on, and the silent snores of the trackers left and right. It had been days since we left Kribirsk to head up to Ryevost, long miserable days traveling on the Vy until we had to break the trail and head east through the woods. Being a tracker in the first army was quite miserable, at first, I liked it. Now I just wish I could take back everything I had ever even thought myself to like about it. But leaving this type of business would wind my ass up in Os Alta's underground prison and that was the last thing I needed happening to me right now.

The sun on the horizon slowly began to crack through the trees when we left to continue on our travels. After walking for another five hours without stop may I add we finally arrived at Ryevost. It was a small town, not large, but enough to fit at least a couple hundred incoming travels, or in our case army units.

We all stopped at the small pub at the other side of the town, only a mile from the camp base, "What can I do for you young lady?" The bartender asked me, "I'll just have kvass, thank you." I sent him a small smile and turned my attention back to my surroundings.

There was few Grisha that traveled in and out of Ryevost, but I was surprised to find some squallers and heartrenders sitting at a table a few feet away. I looked away, reaching for my hair tie, pulling it free and letting my golden blonde hair fall down my back in soft dirty waves.

The pub was small, but I was shocked to find so many people in it, a few settlers, merchants, and trackers and evidently a few Grisha. Right when I was about to turn my attention back to my surroundings, the bartender settled the glass down onto the counter, "here you are," he said, "enjoy,"

I gave a faint smile to the bartender and turned my attention to my drink. It didn't take me long after to finish it, maybe ten minutes at the most before I was back out in the streets and making my way to the base.

I was in no need to hurry, so I walked slow, observing the town as I went. Little carts filled with vegetables, cheeses, breads lined up against the arch ways, merchants out in the streets trying to bargain with the passing small crowds.

Every now and then, in the distance I would catch the colors of Grisha Kefta's and I wondered why so many of them were in Ryevost. Had they been hunting something?  Someone?

Or was it a trip, and they were simply passing through? But we'd been so close to Fjerda's borders, only trackers were permitted to go as far. The darkling didn't allow his Grisha to travel east of the borders, simply because he didn't want any of his Grisha to end up in the hands of the enemy. Which I didn't blame him for, but it was also selfish to be allowing just trackers, when heart-render Grisha could do so much more. We'd be safer.

I didn't allow myself to dwindle on the thought for too long. I passed at least twenty more Grisha when I made it to the camp base, outside of town.

It took me about five minutes to find my regiments tent and when I did, luckily it was empty, and about forty tents lined both sides of the tent, creating a large path. I took the one closest to the back, keeping myself hidden, or at least tried.

I didn't have many friends in the first army, maybe two at the most. I wasn't close with them though, Rebecca and Aliya. In fact, I haven't talked to either girls since we left Kribirsk. At least they didn't seem to mind the fact that I wasn't present any throughout the trip. Probably because no one notices you.

I sneered and went to remove my grubby brown boots, and sat them at my bedside, before turning to lie down.

I was tired and I didn't really have anything to do until tomorrow anyways, so I closed my eyes and sighed, feeling and hearing the creak of the cot as I turned on my side and let sleep take me.


I was walking down the main path to the training post when Rebecca and Aliya came trotting down the road, taking their place on either side of me, hooking our arms together, "Did you hear that the Darkling is here in Ryevost?" Aliya inquired, "The Grisha say he's looking for a tide-maker,"

I snorted, "And why would the Darkling need a Tide-maker? he needs sun summoner, Alina Starkov more than a wave making Grisha." Aliya and Rebecca gave wary glances at each other, "they say this tide-maker is not like any Grisha ever known. they say she's got the ability to summon light through her tides."

I snickered and said grimly, "that's a load of rubbish," Aliya shook her head at me, "how so?"

"A Grisha who can bend light with tides? It even sounds like a load of rubbish." I looked between the two, "come on, please tell me you don't believe this?"

The two girls looked at each other, "I may not like Grisha, but they always are right," Aliya said with a wince, "so sorry, not sorry."

I shook my head and continued on, "You may think whatever you like about this. I though will never believe such a thing." I said grimly, sending both girls a forced smile.

"And if they do find this Grisha?" Rebecca inquired, "what will you think then?" I looked from both girls to path, "Well— when I see one, I'll believe it,"

The girls smiled triumphantly at each other, releasing my arms, "that does it then," Aliya said with the clap of her hands, "I don't know about you but I'm feeling up for something sweet Rebecca. Care to join us Freya?"

I shook my head, "sorry girls but I've got some training to do." They sighed, "you and your training," Rebecca mumbled under her breath, "okay well it's your loss, I'll still bring some chocolate back just in case you regret it." Aliya shouted as Rebecca dragged her away.

I shook my head letting out a laugh and continued my walk to the post in silence. When I got to the post a few minutes later, it was filled with laughter and other trackers from my regiment and Grisha. Why were the Grisha here?

I walked further into the tent, catching the eyes of several heartrenders, "what a pretty thing," one of them said in a whisper. I shook it off and walked further into the post, hearing the sound chanting. What the hell.

A Grisha and a First army soldier were in the middle of the post, fighting. Of course, another challenge. What had I expected? I stood far off to the side, observing.

The Grisha was a squaller, and he was using his powers, that's not fair. The soldier on the other hand continued to fight at his advantage, walking through the breezing air the squaller had summoned. The squaller growled, bringing his hands together again more forcefully and pushed them forward sending the soldier back, flying through the air until he landed hard, the soldier groaned out in pain, pushing himself up with his elbows, a scowl upon his lips. The squaller was turned to his friends, chanting his win. I rolled my eyes and sneered, "idiots,"

Two soldiers appeared at his side, helping him to his feet and pat him on the shoulder and presumably trying to tell him he did a good job, which was nice but also very much a lie. The soldier and his friends then walked off into the crowd sending the squaller a glare as he was yelling insults. I shook my head, feeling the need to get out of there before another stupid tracker decided to challenge the squallers.

I turned away from the crowd, walking towards the exit, but before I could I was stopped. The Heartender who'd whispered I was pretty was standing in my way. A smirk on his lips, "hey their pretty girl." He said.

I didn't say anything at first, but I did raise an eyebrow, "yes?" I eventually asked. "Don't be like that." He said, walking closer, a little too close. "Why don't you come with me, pretty girl, maybe I can show you a good time."

I shook my head, scowling up at him, "I'm good." He laughed, his brunette hair blowing softly in the wind. "I don't take no's for an answer, pretty." He said a mischievous glint appearing in his eyes.

I suppressed a shiver, feeling a pang of fear take me over. This was the last thing I wanted happening right now and yet here I am.

I took a step back, "get away from me," I growled. He laughed again, "why? what do you think you can do punch me? if so go on." He said, it almost sounded threatening, maybe it was. "I dare you, honey, or better yet, run. you won't make it that far."

Definitely a threat. But I wasn't about to let this heartrender scare me, "i'm not scared of you, heartrender." I said.

The smile on his face, turned malice, "that's Andrew to you." I snickered, "well, Andrew, again I'm not scared. So, you might as well leave me alone before something really bad happens to you."

"And what do you think you can do?" He was close again, and I hated it. "This," I hissed, barring my fist into his jaw. He threw his head back, a scream leaving his mouth as I began to run out and away from him.

I didn't make it far, maybe a couple of feet when I felt the air in my lungs, collapse suddenly, as if a hand was wrapped around my throat. I gasped out a cough, looking over my shoulder to the heartrender. He had one of his hands out, open, but very slowly began to fist his knuckles, choking me. My eyes were wide with fear, I knew before I'd ran, I would most likely anger him— but I didn't think about the possibilities of getting choked. I now regret it.

I was forced to my knees by the swift movement of his other hand, my heart rate dropping immensely. I tried to fight it off; but I knew I couldn't win against a heartrender.

He let out a high-pitched laugh, maliciously and said, "Told you, you wouldn't make it that far darling." He then released his hold on my neck, tears in my eyes of relief, and gasped out.

He slowly began striding closer, trying to intimidate me m, but he'd failed to succeed, "Release me." I snapped, "now."

He tutted once he was towering over me, "again pretty, why would I do that?" Andrew taunted. He crouched down in front of me, his free hand reaching out to brush some hair away from my face. I flinched away, turning my gaze to my surroundings. A few heartrenders were watching us from inside the post, I tried to give them the most pleading look, but they only rose their brows.

Anger flooded through me as I turned my gaze back to Andrew, "You wouldn't want your General finding out that you're harassing a member of the first army now, would you?"

Andrew scoffed, his onyx eyes glaring into my bright blue ones, "General Kirigan would give two shits about what would happen to you." He stated, which was half true, but I wasn't about to let him know that I agreed.

I tried to move again when his hand came to rest on my cheek. I tried to jerk myself away from him, but he gripped my chin, forcing my attention to stay on him, "now pretty, I'm going to let you go, do anything stupid and I'll kill you where you stand."

I nodded my head forcefully as he let the hand that was holding me in place relax and fall to his sides. I didn't move for a few seconds, trying to calculate his next move. He got up from his crouched position and held his hand out to help me up. I wanted to slap his hand away, but I knew that this was my chance for an escape, so I allowed him to help me get to my feet.

Once I was on my feet though, I took my chance and pushed myself away from him. He almost looked shocked by my strength, but then the next minute he was shaking it off and stomping his way towards me. I walked backwards, as he advanced on me quickly and took hold of my shoulders, "now you've done it." He said, but there was tremor in his voice.

I growled out again, "let. me. go!" and then something inside of me snapped, the heartrender went flying back, fast, lading with a thud. My eyes widen and I looked down at my hands, they were glowing, an orange color, like the sun.

I felt panic rising up inside of me, what was that? I felt a sudden need to run but before I could Andrew was shouting, "Seize her!" A few heartrenders emerged from the training post, surrounding me. I tried to shake off the light in my hands, but it only seemed to increase.

"We've found us another Sun Summoner!" Andrew shouted; shock written all over his face.

I looked up, my hands still blazing with light and did the only thing I think I could do. Run.