
Tangled Hearts - The Alpha's Baby Mama

"Did you think healing me would make me love you more?" He scoffed grabbing my hair as he pulled me towards the door. "You're hurting me, Xavier," I cried beating against him weakly. There was not much I could do. "If I ever see you an inch close to me," He threw me against the wall "I'll damn the consequences and kill you,". *** My mate and I were destined to hate each other, only an act of true love or selflessness from the stronger mate could set our destines on the right path but for seven years, I had to put up with my mate's abuse and his supposed love of his life until one day I decided to leave. I left, determined to stay hidden from him forever... but I found out I was pregnant few weeks later.

Ejiofor_Dorcas · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
272 Chs

They think we're dating...

Selene POV

Long after I've sung and crooned the twins' favourite lullaby to them, they finally fell asleep. Tiptoeing out of their room, I went back to the sitting room to work on the proposal I was supposed to send to Lucius. 

It was all ceremony and by the end of the week, I'd simply take the twins with me to visit the Pack house, which was the core of every Pack, and watch the heavens do the trick. I get paid and by Tuesday, we'll be on our way back to Moon Whispers. 

Since Xavier didn't recognize me, it was no use trying to push it. Right now, I choose to live as if I didn't know he existed, and maybe one day when the girls are grown, they can come look for their father if they want. 

Just as I sank into the cushions, my phone chimed, signalling an incoming video call. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I glanced at the screen. It was a call from Noah. I made myself comfortable before accepting the call. 

"Hey," I greeted him with a smile. 

"How handsome is Xavier Steele that you had to go two days without talking to me?" Noah said crossly. 

"I'm so sorry, dear," I gave him a patronizing pout. "It has been so tedious since my arrival and you know with these little balls of energy,". 

"Still," he sighed, "You could have reached out, a text maybe,". 

"I'm sorry," I crooned again. "I'll do better,". 

In the dense forest where I was holed after the death of the Moon Priestess, Noah and his team rescued me. The Moon Priestess had saved me from drowning after the plane crash. She was old and frail and lived for two months after the birth of my twins. 

After her death, I couldn't do anything except breastfeed the twins and wait for death. I was still weak from using almost all of my energy for the birthing, plus there was no one to make me Mugwort shots. 

One night, Noah and his team stumbled on us and without hesitation, they rescued us and took us back with them to his Pack. 

"How have you been? And how was the conference?" I changed the topic. 

"It was fine and everyone kept asking for you. They're shocked you didn't attend this year's meeting and for some weird reason they thought we had broken up and you left the pack,". 

"Wait!" I chuckled. "They think we're dating?"

"Yeah," Noah nodded. "Reid - my Beta also said that there are rumours that the twins are also mine. But you can hardly blame them… we look like a family. Don't you think?"

I sensed the direction in which the conversation was headed, and it made my heart skip a beat. For a few months now, I've been reading the signs that Noah no longer saw me as 'just a friend' anymore. 

I've caught him staring at me with longing and several times, he had made subtle moves but I didn't see him like that. To me, Noah was just a kind-hearted Alpha and an amazing friend to both me and the kids. 

I was also worried that if I rejected him outright, he would try to punish me in some kind of way and since I didn't have roots in any other pack except his, I was playing my cards well. 

"Yeah," I nodded. "I heard Reid set you up for another blind date. How did it go? Did you like her?"

"No," he pressed his lips in disdain, "And I've asked Reid to stop setting me up with these women. He has the worst taste in women and since he found his mate, he's changed so much, going about acting like a damn princess,".

I laughed. "He's in love, Noah. One day, you'll act like a princess too,". 

"Whatever," Noah huffed. "Anyway, how's everything going on over there?"

"I had a meeting with Xavier and his Beta - Lucius today and I was working on the proposal for their pack before you called,". 

I wanted to tell him about the twins getting missing today but it wasn't serious and I didn't want to bother him. 

"How soon can you come home, Olivia?" he sighed, his voice carrying a soft intensity. "I've missed you, I've missed the girls,". 

I took a deep breath, my eyes locking onto his. My heart fluttered at his sincerity and I wished more than anything I could return the desire I was seeing in his eyes. 

"We'll be home before you know it, okay? I'll call you tomorrow before noon so you can talk to the girls. They've missed you too,". 

His expression faltered for a moment, a flicker of disappointment clouding his features, but he quickly composed himself, a faint smile appearing. 

"Okay," he nodded. "How's Xavier by the way? I've not seen him for nearly three years now. Man, just isolated himself from the world,". 

"So, I heard, but he seems to want to come out of his recluse. He came with his Beta to the meeting only he didn't talk". 

My wolf chided me for lying to him. 

Noah was my confidante, and I knew I could tell him almost anything. Why was it so difficult for me to tell him about my experience with Xavier and how he could speak now. Why was I trying to protect Xavier?

"His mate's death affected him so badly. Well, I don't feel sorry for him," Noah sighed "He drove the woman to her death,". 

It felt so strange to be talked about and maybe amusing, but I was glad Noah didn't take sides with Xavier. It also occurred to me that I've been living a lie. When they found me that night and asked me my name, I said, Olivia. 

That was the first thing that popped into my mind. At that time, I wanted nothing to do with my old life and occasionally I did feel bad for lying about my true identity, but maybe I was too scared of losing my new life. Since Selene Thorne was dead to the world, it will remain that way. 

"If ever I find a woman I love," Noah was saying now "Regardless of if she's my mate or not, I'll devote my whole life to her,". 

"Not to mention, you're going to be such an amazing dad," I added.

He nodded as our eyes locked onto each other in another lingering gaze. I could feel the intensity seeping from our screens. 

"I've been thinking a lot lately," Noah started saying. "About us, about the future and what we share," he paused. 

My heart raced with fright. Was he going to confess his feelings now?

I pretended to yawn, stretching my body like a cat. 

"Feeling sleepy?" he asked. 

Noah would never have a conversation with me if he thinks I'm tired. 

"A bit," I stifled another yawn, "But we can talk for a while. You were going to say something,". 

"It can wait," he gave me a pleasant smile. "Anyway, go to bed, okay? And don't forget you're going to call me tomorrow,". 

Giving me another longing gaze, he ended the call. 

"That was close," I sighed and reached for my laptop to work on the proposal. 

I had barely settled the laptop on my thighs when the doorbell rang twice in quick sessions. It was the code that I and my travel team had settled for communicating that it was one of us on the other side of the door. 

Wondering what the security team or my work team wanted at this time of the night, I crossed the room and without using the peephole; I swung the door open. 

I froze when Lucius's face came into view. 

"Hello, Selene… It's been a while,".