
Taming the Alpha play boy

Anicki_Melan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter seven

Everybody were seated on their chair opposite the massive table waiting for the arrival of Luke Cage.The door to where the meeting will take place opened and Luke Cage walked in with Hector,his guards staying behind the door.

"Good day sir"they all stood up and greeted him.Luke ignored them and went straight to his chair and sat down.Hector waved his hands at them to sit down and they all say down.

Luke waved his hand indicating that the meeting should begin.a lady dressed in suit stood up and shared a file containing papers among everyone.Luke went through the files, the woman stood and read the meeting agenda.

The diors were told to come and propose their deal.Mr Martin the representative of the dior stood up and listed the benefits dynamic company will gain if they become partners with them.

After his narration, everybody clapped and he walked proudly to his chair but he was stopped by Luke."And where is your boss?"Luke asked."ummmmm"Me Martin stammered."I mean where is Mr dior himself?"he asked again."ummm, he..he travelled to Hong Kong for a business meeting"he replied.

"Really,he travelled to Hong Kong for a business meeting and he sent a representative to my company for the same business meeting."he said and Mr Martin was short of words."ummmm,he..he"Mr Martin tried to talk but Luke cut him off."Don't talk when you are not asked to, don't talk when am talking"he scolded Mr Martin."eeeehm , sorry sir"Mr Martin apologized immediately.

"Am I too irrelevant to your boss that he sent you here to strike a deal with me why he is present himself in a business meeting in Hong Kong."He asked playing with his pen."I... You are important sir,he ..."Mr Martin tried to speak but he was cut off by Luke Cage."you know what , just shut up"he ordered him.There were murmurs , everywhere was now noisy."silence"he shouted in a loud tone banging his hand on the table sending shivers down Everybody's spine.The room was once more drop dead silence.

Luke Cage stood up."This meeting is over!"he announced and walked out followed by Hector.

After the meeting with the diors ended.Luke could be seen walking out of the meeting room with Hector and his guards.

"Mr Luke !Mr Luke !".Luke came to a halt when he heard his name.he turned to see the source of the voice and he saw Mr Martin the representative of the dior company chasing after him.

"Hmmm, what is it?"he asked calmly giving him a killer look.Mr Martin shuddered at his expression."well,ummm"he stammered.

"Speak,I don't have all the Time in the world."Luke said to him.Mr Martin gathered up courage, clearing his throat,he said to Luke"well, I want to see whether you can forgive us and reconsider your decision"Mr Martin pleaded.

Luke let out a cold laughter."don't you have ears?"he asked coldly,or do you want me to fix them for you."I I ..I ummm"Mr Martin stammered."Don't ever waste my time again,This is your last warning,take your stupid self and your stupid staffs out of my premises before you regret ever coming here.Luke said and walked away and his guards followed suit.Mr Martin was speechless,he didn't know what to do,he was sure his boss would sack him for not being able to strike a business deal with dynamic company successfully.

Luke entered the elevator which brought him to his floor.he stepped out with his guards alongside with Hector and walked to his office.Luke sat down on his chair closing his eyes.sensing that Hector was still around,he opened his eyes."any other thing?"he asked Hector."you still have to meet the face of our products"he announced."I don't have the strength to meet anyone,she is just an actress, meet with her yourself and give her the contract if she is good enough,that's all"he said resting his head back on the chair closing his eyes.

"Ok,do you want to teach Mr Dior a lesson,I know you are angry and you are trying to control yourself, just say the word and he will be brought before you."Hector said to Luke but Luke's eyes was closed,he wasn't replying him.sensing that Luke wanted to be alone,he left his office to attend his duties.

As soon as he left, Luke opened his eyes,his eyes has changed colour to Golden which meant that his wolf was in control.he has been fighting his wolf but it was restless,his wolf was angry,it wanted to take control,he was angry that Luke was making no attempt to search for his mate.it kept on whispering"mate"Luke was annoyed.

Luke regretted why he met that lady today.so this was how the mate bond worked"he thought to himself.

He needed to do something to take away his anger but it was daylight.no human would see him if he switch to his wolf form so he transformed to his wolf form and jumped down through his window.he ran and ran , running to wherever his leg will bring him.

Hector came back to his office a minute later to give him some documents to sign but he didn't find Luke in his office."where did he go to?"he asked no one in particular.


Mariana is on her knees begging the doctor."please doctor, please,I beg you, have pity on me, treat my sister,I will pay you ,I promise,she is the only person I 've got , please don't do this to me, don't let her to die"she pleaded,tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I 'm sorry miss,there is nothing we can do about it "he replied walking away leaving Mariana who was crying helplessly on the ground."I will raise the money before the end of this month"she said to no one in particular, sobbing."she stood up and walked to her sister's ward."please don't leave me"she said to her sister who was laying on the bed with her eyes closed,deep in her heart,she knew her sister won't survive this but she didn't want to accept the truth.

Few minutes later,a nurse walked up to her smiling."don't worry,your Bills has been cleared and we will begin the surgery very soon.

Mariana couldn't believe her ears"Madam, please,are you serious about this"she asked."yeah,the nurse replied, your sister will be save now"."Are you serious,my sister will be save now"she asked once more drying her tears."yes"the nurse replied her smiling.

Mariana couldn't believe her ears.before she could utter another word.the doctor walked in with five nurses."please,we want to start the treatment on her,excuse us,we have to take her now"he said and he waved his hands at the nurses to carry Mariana's sister.they put her on a stretcher and carried her to the operation room.

Mariana was shocked, "so this nurse was saying the truth"she thought to herself."you were not joking"she said to the nurse."no I wasn't"the nurse replied.

Mariana broke down in tears and the nurse hugged her.she was shocked and Happy at the same time,how could someone pay her bill just like that,the money she couldn't earn in years for her sister's treatment was paid by a stranger in a day,a million dollar bill.tears rolled down her cheeks but who was the person that paid her bill?"she asked herself."who paid my bill?"she asked the nurse breaking free from the hug."the person didn't identify"she said."who is this Godsent person?"she asked herself.