
Taming my naughty little girlfriend

"I have a girlfriend,Nike".Nike dismissed her comment with a scoff. "You must be trying to pull a trick on me dear Trina.You love Aiden so dearly you can't cheat on him". Haven't you heard of the word disloyalty?".Her brows rose in question. "Do you think I will fall for such jokes".He snickers."Prove it". He dared her to it and she kissed an unknown stranger. He had said that day ."Don't go around kissing strangers".He bit her ear gently that made her blush harder. MEET Katrina Owens the only child of a millionaire,the only heiress, pampered and showered with love all her life. But one day her father died and her life turns a different course. Three years later,she came back to only meet her fiance engaged to her cousin with the approval of her family,her inheritance and properties was passed to her cousin. And now she's determined to get back what was taken from her. MEET Asher Lee,a narcissist jerk known for his high intelligence, etiquettes manners and the youngest richest millionaire in the world. Two opposite attraction crosses paths again as something magical drew them to each other. Watch the sparks fly....... Filled with love, romantic tensions, comedy, families conflicts,envy,sad past that can tear them apart and characters one will love to hate and one you love to love. Trina has to make a choice... Leave her past behind and love the one man she can't have Or Never love again. A choice that can make her or break her....

Krisstal_99 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
73 Chs


Pulling her bag over her shoulder, Trina headed outside the school gate.

She didn't want to end up like Madison and Reuben who couldn't be with eachother even as friends, she was going to accept Asher as her boyfriend. She giggle at the thought of it.

She hop on her bicycle and rode to the nearest market square.

She kept humming happily as she rode to her destination.

She finally reached and parked her bicycle and hop into the market and stared around."What should I get for Asher".She wanted to make tomorrow an unforgettable day for him,she needed to get cake, balloons, flowers and food. She spent her afternoon buying groceries and ordered for the cake, balloons and flowers to be brought to Asher's apartment tomorrow morning when she gets Asher out of his house.

She claps her hands and laughed.She felt so happy to be in love and was extremely happy that it was Asher she had come to love.

Her happiness suddenly dies off as she was staring at Ted with a lady with strawberry blonde hair whose hand was clutch with Ted.

"Teddy!!".Trina yelled and ran towards him."What you doing here?".She asked glaring at Jasmina. Jasmina wondered how many girls admires her Ted.

"I...I was shopping for some equipment".He paused and scratched his temple. "Work equipment".

"With her?".Trina asked coldly which they all noticed.

Ted nods.

Jasmina had volunteered to come along and forcefully hook her hand with his even when he had tried to push her away but she stubborn and reluctanted to let go of him."And who is she?".


"Girlfriend".Jasmina beams.Trina raised her brows and smirks.

"She isn't my-".

"You don't have to deny me".She giggles. "Go get the remaining paint brush".She ordered.

Ted had no choice but to obey,leaving Trina and Jasmina alone. Jasmina flips her hair nonchalantly and asked.

"What do you want from my boyfriend?".

Trina scoffs as Jasmina dark brows drew together until it meets at the bridge of her nose."What's that supposed to mean?".

"Imposter! ".Trina spits."Ted's isn't your boyfriend-".

"What are you to him?".

"Am Gowon's bestfriend".Those words made her eyes to widens."And am gonna tell her and she would beat you up".She threatened and brush past her nudging her by the shoulder causing Jasmina to stagger backwards.

Gowon walked into

'Milky Beans cafe' and sat down.

Trina had called her a while ago telling her to meet her here after they've both finished their part-time jobs. Gowon broke into a smile on seeing Trina with her hands filled with bags."What you celebrating my dear Katrina? "She teased and helped her set it on the ground."You look excited".

Trina laughs and claps her hand.

"Am so excited for tomorrow,".She got to her foot and wrap her arms behind Gowon."Am in love with Asher Lee".She squeals.

"What took you too long to figure that out. so what next?".

"Confess".Trina matches to her seat."I'll make tomorrow very wonderful for him.Back then I was sacred of falling in love but with Asher am not,I trust him cause he can never hurt anyone especially


"What you talking about?".His breath tickles in her ear that made her entire body stiffens.

"Secret" .Gowon winked at Trina who turned red as a tomato. "Have you seen Teddy?".She asked Asher."He isn't picking up my call".She asked with a hint of concern.

Asher shrugs and sat down.Trina coughs nervously that made them to advert their question gaze to her.

"Well,I saw him with a lady at the market square and she was holding his hand and she claims she was his girlfriend" .

Gowon grits her teeth in rage."And let me guess who that fucker is,is Jasmina with blonde hair right?".Trina nods."I knew that girl was up to no good".She got to her foot hastily almost upsetting the table.

"Gowon" .Trina called. "Don't let her take what's yours".Gowon nods and storm off."I shouldn't have told her".

"You did nothing wrong,she's your friend and you love her that's why you did what you had to do".He stood up."You did nothing wrong".He gave her an assuring smile."Let me take you home".He grab her bag and pull it up to his shoulder and walked out as she follows.

"Where is yours?".

"My bag?".He enquiries and she nods,he gave her his annoying smile that made her snort. "Why do I need one when am a genius already,the youngest millionaire in the world,hello does it ring a bell".

Trina rolled her eyes.

"Everyone isn't as dumb as you dumdum".He flick her head.

"Ouch!cut it off".She grunts as he chuckles.

"You look so cute Miss Pervert" Trina who was about opening the door of his car,was rigidify by his words.

She whirl behind her to face him but she couldn't look him in the eyes, those violet eyes that was burning into hers.

He took a step forward closing the distance between them.

He was close enough to her that she could hardly breath.

Her heart hurt with unknown emotion that she had never experience with Aiden, it was always Asher that made her feel this way right from the start.

"Katrina".He called with seriousness.

He lifted her chin up so she could look up at him, at those burning eyes that made her kneels weak."Back then I told you to ask and I will do it all even if i have to offer myself ,wealth, career, I will do it all for you,tell me what you truly want".Trina bit her lips unable to say it.

All she wanted at this momemt was to feel him inside of her.

She blushed at her own thought ."Say it Katrina".He urged her,she bit her lips determinedly and stammered nervously.

"K..k.kiss me..A..Asher".She clutched her skirt tightly.

"As you wish Miss pervert".He chuckles and lowered his face to hers.

He press his lips against her pink cheek and pulled away.

Trina's brows scrunched together in confusion. Realising he had played her,she glared at him and was about to protest when he silenced her with his lips.

He pathed her lips with his as she opened up for him."What a gullible dummy".He said and kissed her harder.

The warm scent of sweet wine explodes in her mouth as he urged her mouth to his and suck on her lower lips.

His hand appears on her red cheek and the other travels up her spine that made her shiver causing her legs to finally give up and she almost found herself crashing to the ground,Asher who was quicker lifted her up before she fell and set her sitting on the car.

Her hands slides into his hair, so soft and thick,pulling him closer. He took her mouth again,longer,deeper demanding for more.

She had never been kissed this way that made her dizzy yet it set her heart on fire .

He tore his mouth away panting."I love you Trina,I really love you".Those words warms her heart.

She threw her arms around his neck and stared into his eyes without breaking away.

she was saturated with excitement, pleasure, she was drunk with it.She opened her mouth to reply,those words he has been waiting for but she was interrupted by Vera who gasps in shock and Aiden who laughed incredulously.

The excitement suddenly dies off,anger rose in her as she glare at them.

"I can't believe you".Aiden scoffs."Your so shameless Asher. do I have to remind you people has eyes to see what you guys are doing in the middle of the road".He threw his hands into the air,aggravatingly.

Asher smiled and helped Trina to her foot.

"Jealous?".He said,brushing her hair behind her ear."Is it so bad to show everyone how much I love Katrina".He kissed her temple and led her into the car.