
Taming my naughty little girlfriend

"I have a girlfriend,Nike".Nike dismissed her comment with a scoff. "You must be trying to pull a trick on me dear Trina.You love Aiden so dearly you can't cheat on him". Haven't you heard of the word disloyalty?".Her brows rose in question. "Do you think I will fall for such jokes".He snickers."Prove it". He dared her to it and she kissed an unknown stranger. He had said that day ."Don't go around kissing strangers".He bit her ear gently that made her blush harder. MEET Katrina Owens the only child of a millionaire,the only heiress, pampered and showered with love all her life. But one day her father died and her life turns a different course. Three years later,she came back to only meet her fiance engaged to her cousin with the approval of her family,her inheritance and properties was passed to her cousin. And now she's determined to get back what was taken from her. MEET Asher Lee,a narcissist jerk known for his high intelligence, etiquettes manners and the youngest richest millionaire in the world. Two opposite attraction crosses paths again as something magical drew them to each other. Watch the sparks fly....... Filled with love, romantic tensions, comedy, families conflicts,envy,sad past that can tear them apart and characters one will love to hate and one you love to love. Trina has to make a choice... Leave her past behind and love the one man she can't have Or Never love again. A choice that can make her or break her....

Krisstal_99 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
73 Chs


As soon as they arrived at a dark corner at the club,Gowon heavy steps quickly halted and she whirl around to face the only man that made her heart beat twice then normal.

"So you did all of that to make me jealous right? ".That was the first word that came out from her lips and that left Ted tongue tied.

"Well,I wanted you to admit that you like me".

"What!!!".She said giving him a skeptical looks."Tell me your not joking?".

"Am not".Gowon stared at him for a while before she looked away .

"I do like you".She said turning five shade of red."But do you like me too?".

"I don't know but I...I want to spend time with you tomorrow that's if your free- ".

"Am free" She said without hesisting, she lean in and landed a kiss on his cheek. "I will text the place and time, bye".She said and ran off as he grins.

Trina looked up at the star that twinkle above them.

"Beautiful".She smiled. "The stars are so beautiful right? ".She looked at Asher who was kicking pebbles into the gutter.

"Hmm".He hummed in agreement. Trina shivers as the cold breeze blew past them.

She looked at Asher who wore a demim baggy jacket over a long sleeve shirt.

She poke him on the shoulder to get his attention. "What?".He raises his brows.

"Could you lend me your jacket ?is cold out here".

"Next time you won't wear sleeveless cloths".


"Whatever".He removed his jacket and tossed it to her.

She smiled and put it on.she was surrounded by his sweet scent that made her dizzy.

"My shoe hurts too-".

"Hey!".He harumph causing her to giggle.

"Just kidding I don't want your shoe.. ..oh!we're at my house".

"Goodbye then".He patted her head and smile.

She nods and ran up to her apartment, she waved at him before she closes the door behind her.

Asher sigh before he walked away.

After taking her bath,Trina sank into her bed and she picked her phone and stared at Asher picture.

"Why am I feeling this way when am with you?do I really like you?".She wondered. 'What if she did? was she ready to open up her heart which was broken into scattered pieces to him or another person.

She sigh and shut her eyes.She was not ready to love again after the pain she went through.

Vera's brows wrinkles until they met at the bridge of her nose as the sun shone past her window and rested on her face.

Grumbling,she opens her eyes,stood up from her bed and walked up to the window and shut the curtains.

Suddenly reminiscing over what had happened at the club last night,her hands tightened against the window railing and with gritted teeth,she murmured.

"I will make you pay for what you did to me,Trina,you bitch!".She swore to herself.

After washing herself up,she left her room and headed to the Dining area to see the servant walking up and down cleaning the house.

She made her way to the dining table and sat down."What is happening?".

"Your father is coming back".Chloe said.

"What!..I thought he won't be coming throughout this whole year?".

Chloe shrug and stood up and left.

Vera looked at her mother. "What are we going to do mother?if dad found out what we did to Trina he would be furious".

"Cool down...first you will have to get Trina to come for dinner when he arrives" .

"Ok..am off".Vera stood up and walked away.

Trina hop on her bicycle and rode to school when a limo halted at her front.

She watched as Vera step out of the car."What do you want?".She asked coldly with a hint of hatred.

"I need you to come back to the mansion".She demanded."Father will be back soon-".

"And you don't want him to see how you all have treated me huh?And you think I will come".She scoff incredulously."You still have the guts to order me to come back,your so pathetic" .

"How much do you want?".Vera asked reaching into her purse.

"Let me see what you can offer" .She said crossing her arms underneath her breast.

Vera nods and brought out a large amount of money and handed it to her.

"I will text you if my father comes".She was about to go when Trina tossed the money into the air and let the wind blow it away.

"Why did you do that for!".Vera growled.

"What?aren't you the heiress of Owens Prime industry. ..am sure that little amount of money I just threw was nothing compare to the wealth you,Franca and Chloe has stolen from me...Mark my words dear cousin,I will take back what belong to me and toss you away like a thief you are-".

"You!!!".Vera raised her hand to Slap her but Trina held her wrist stopping her from slapping her.

"What?does the truth hurt?It will hurt more then this when I take back what belong to me and leave you with nothing".Trina laughed briefly and let go of her hand."Bye bye my dear cousin".She said and rode to school.

After the last lecturer for that day left the class,Asher stood up and pulled his bag over his shoulder.

"Asher".Vera called. "I was wondering if you could escort me to the library" .

"Sorry I can't before your FIANCE separate my head from my body".He winked at her."Maybe some other time".He said and walk out as Vera slam her hand on the table.

"This all your fault Trina".She grits her teeth in anger.

Trina walks out of her class as she sighted Asher leaning on the wall with his hands in the pocket and his eyes closed.

She break into a crook smile and tiptoe towards him,intending to poke him on the chest when he caught her wrist in his hand and stare down on her.

"Back to your pervert behavior huh?".

"I..you...Agh!your so annoying. What the heck are you doing here?".

"Waiting for you dummy. We're heading to Lee enterprise international" .

"Hurray!! but you promise me that we will go watch a movie,don't go back on your promise".

He grunt. "Fine. .we will have lunch,head to my office and then go watch a movie,agreed?".


Reuben watched as Madison walked towards him, clenching her book with all might. He could see how nervous she was.

He didn't mean to kiss her but he couldn't control himself.

"Reuben you called for me?".She said softly.

He nods."About yesterday- ".

"No need to explain, we are both adults so I c...can-".

"I didn't mean to have done that b..but I won't apologize because I enjoyed it".He said shyly avoiding her gaze.

"You bastard!!!".She jolts him causing him to stagger backwards. "How can you say that aloud" .She scoff incredibly ."Your so shameless-".

"Let's go out huh?I usually find solace whenever am with you besides you love me right?So let's go on a date".He lower his gaze to the ground. He hopes she accepts.

"I would go-".He looked up at her as his eyes lits up."Unless you agree to my conditions".He nodded without hesisting. "Good.One don't take my love for granted.Two don't call me names like fat ass-".

"But I love it, it makes you look special".

"And I don't care. ..Three don't treat me like a child" .He nods.

"I would never".He gave her a tender smile that melted her heart.