
One Down!

As soon as I gave the order, Fatima pulled the trigger. With a loud explosion, the shell flew forward at sonic speeds.


Everyone watched as the artillery shell flew, tracking it with their eyes.

When the shell landed on the center of the Void Beast's chest, a wondrous reaction occurred.


The "shell" that was protecting the Void Beast from any and all attacks broke into shards, scattering in the air. As soon as everyone saw this, and while the Void Beast was reeling from the artillery shell that got embedded deep in the center of its chest, everyone moved.

The first to land their attacks were those close by. Zeshion and Omicron!

""[Sky Fall]!""

Calling the skill's name at the same time, the two waved their swords down at the Void Beast's shoulders. The two attacks left a deep wound, enough that its body hidden under the tough-looking armor became visible.