
Inhuman Reflexes

As the skeleton knights approached, Fang moved towards the center, facing them head-on. Ember moved to the right flank while I went for the left.

"Bring it on!"

Fang shouted excitedly as she bared her fangs toward the rushing horde. Ember quickly prepared her clones and made a brigade of slicing wheels roll around her. I, on the other hand, simply drew my sword and posed in a stance.

In a few seconds, the rushing horde clashed with our line of defense.

Fang was optimized for attacking; each attack was enough to almost incapacitate any skeleton knight that got in her way. Her claws could even tear their armor in half. However, the only drawback is that she has paper-thin defenses. If she ever got hit by even one solid attack, then it would be pretty much over for her.


But not a single skeleton was able to match her speed. Fang was massacring her way towards the center of their formation.

"Fang, don't go in too deep!"