
Battle Using Domains

The domain already had us completely within its range. No matter how I mowed down the plants, instead of falling, they would start to branch off and become thicker.

"Damn! Igni, burn a path for us!"

I busily dodged the rapidly growing vegetation, similar to the others. Only Ember, who was flying in the air on her throne, was relatively safe.

Igni, who heard my command, quickly faced the back and took a deep breath. Then, after a short delay, a wide blast of blue flame spread around. The plants along the path of her breath rapidly turned to ashes; however, buds were already appearing on the burning ground.

Despite the ground still burning in hot flames, the buds grew regardless. It was as if, after getting burned once, they were now immune to fire.

"Go, go, go!"

Noticing that we'd lose the chance to escape if we dilly-dally any longer, I urged everyone to rush out of the domain. Fang, the fastest, was in the lead, followed by me and Igni.