

"Are you alright?"

He asked looking deep into my eyes. I couldn't help but look at him the same way he looked at me. He sat back and cleared his throat. I also continued eating . This time slowly. When I was done,I went back up to go and have some rest.

I climbed up the stairs to my room and lay on the bed looking at the ceiling. I sat up on my bed and started to think wether he would come to me tonight or not. After all this was our wedding night.

I sat down and waited in silence,but no one came. Then a thought came to my mind. What if he wanted me to come to him. Maybe he was shy.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I finally stood up and headed to the door. It was my responsibility as his wife to let him touch me on the wedding night.

As I opened my room door, I peeked outside to see if someone was outside before stepping out. When I got out, I went to his room and knocked. He opened the door on the second knock and looked down at me with those deep brown eyes.

"Is there anything you want?"

He asked me. I looked down shyly and replied

"Aren't .. we supp..osed to do some...something to..night?"

He chuckled and looked at me amused.

"So you came to me because I wasn't coming to you?."

"You are unbelievable"

He said whiles chuckling. Then all of a sudden,he stopped and looked at me with an unknown expression. He held my arm roughly and drug me inside the room and threw me on the bed.

"Since you came on your own."

"I was already losing control."

He looked at me with some kind of emotion I have never seen before. He kissed me and I'm sure I tasted blood. Everything was happening so fast. I didn't get time to process what was going on. He paused before looking into my eyes.

"Don't worry, I will try to be gentle."

He trailed downwards and went to the sensitive part just under my ear and my body felt a strange feeling. I felt like I was no longer in control of it. It started to move on its own. He continued and I couldn't help but moan. I closed my eyes and enveloped myself in the strange feeling I was feeling. He ripped my dress and moved to my breasts, which jolted me to the present. His warm mouth on my warm skin made me feel hot and there was a weird heat building up in me.

I felt a warm liquid flow down my in thighs and that part was already starting to make me uncomfortable. He was driving me crazy and all I could do was to pull him closer. My fingers went to his hair and I gripped and pulled it as hard as I could. I was biting my lips to prevent more moans from escaping his kisses trailed downwards and every where he touched was so hot. He moved and started unbuckling his belt. My heart was racing inside my chest. Was I going to give myself to a stranger like that. But he was now my husband and he had every rights. I might be crazy but I didn't care. I had to fulfill my purpose as a wife.

Suddenly I felt his hands between by my thighs and I moved backwards moving away from him. He looked at me in shock and chuckled.

"Now you are shying away?"

"Don't act like you haven't been touched there before."

I looked away and shook my head. He stood in shock with his mouth opened. I looked at him with one side of my eye noticing his reaction.

"Are you still a virgin?"

I looked into his eyes and answered.


" Then why did you come here?"

He asked

I looked at him and replied.

"I thought married couples are supposed to do something on their wedding night."

He stared at me shaking his head with his mouth still opened. He comb back his hair with his hand in frustration. He just turned around and left. Did I do something wrong, did he not like virgins?

I sat on the bed looking at the door he just left from.

"Is he going to come back?"

I asked myself.