
Taming A Monk: My Husband Is Not Romantic

[Completed] Ah Hyuk, a zealous Monk, is wrongfully framed and accused of having an affair with the Queen In-Ha. Determined to save the queen and prove her innocence, he begs for pardon from the king who is enraged instead and demands for his head.  He is killed but that is not the end, because he transmigrates into modern day twenty-first century and into the body of a chaebol heir. But then, would he be able to adapt to the modern day lifestyle and practices?  Chae In-Ha, a heart-breaker and the wayward daughter of the Chae family on her first day of her return from the states gets drunk and has a one night stand with a handsome Adonis.  But then, this Adonis is quite strange because he is demanding to take responsibility for her? No, wait a minute, she took his virginity? What the hell is going on here? What has she landed her into?  Unfortunately, In-Ha would come to understand later that not only would she have to marry this strange man, but she would have to work hard at seducing him as well.  ~~~~~ "My God, don't you feel the heat?" In-Ha says, fanning her face before her hands went to work on her buttons. But before she could pop one open, the handsome yet cold man at her side had already turned the Ac on. Damn, she cursed. What was she going to do to get this husband of hers into bed? Sigh, this was going to be tougher than she thought.  Are you romantic? Do you think you're romantic? If you are not, then this book is definitely for you!  Check out my other books :- Taming A Billionaire  Taken By The Mafia Lord  The She-devil And Her Alphas  Get Him Off Me Fate  When Death Does Us Apart  I Isekaid Into A Vampire World 

Glimmy · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
149 Chs

The Ten Commdments

"Set of rules to follow?" Song Yan muttered, having no clue what he was talking about. This was the first time she had heard of such a thing in dating, and though she wanted to question him, curiosity still took the best of her.

Song Yan had dated a lot of men but this was the first time she was seeing one who has rules for their relationship. It was like a breath of fresh air. It doesn't sound that bad. If only she knew. 

Hence she watched carefully as Daniel reached into the pocket of his suit and pulled out a paper properly folded into four parts. He handed it to her and she received it from him with furrowed brows. She'd see what he's up to. 

However, no sooner had Song Yan gone through it than her jaw nearly dropped to the ground. 

"W-what is this?" Song Yan stuttered. This guy must be an idiot. No, he must be crazy to think that she'd follow through with one of those bullshit written on that paper. 

At once, Daniel began to explain, "I'm a man of principles and a man of my principles cannot follow the ways of the world which is why I have set out to cleanse the world of its iniquities. Hereby, any woman by my side would have to share my vision, and sharing my vision means being a doer of the same rules," 

Whatever Daniel said at that moment sounded like blah blah blah to Song Yan but the man was nonchalant about her mood and continued to explain his rules without seeing the way her hands had clenched into a fist. 

Daniel went ahead to state them without looking in the paper, showing that he had properly planned them. 

"Number one: You shall not wear any cleavage-baring tops, spaghetti straps, back bearing straps, fishnets, and pants. Your skirt must be over your knees and should be accompanied by stockings to limit exposure to your legs. You should not lead men into temptation! 

"Number two: No sexual intercourse between us until we get married. We should have a healthy relationship until then. Neither shall you have one with another person while we are together. 

"Number three: You shall not touch a man. This world lately has become corrupted, but that doesn't mean we should be the same. In one word, communication with men would be limited and shall be carried out modestly. In the same way, You should not be found alone with a man in a remote place that can raise suspicions about sexual intercourse.

"Number four: ill-mannered conversation is not permitted in our relationship. Our mouths are designed for greater and positive things. Neither shall you propose sexual intercourse to me. 

"Number five: You shall make out time in your schedule to join me in visiting the temple every last day of the month. It is essential to keep our faith alive. 

"Number six: No lying between us. I expect hundred percent honesty in our relationship. When you lie, you should rectify your speech and not insist you're right. 

"Number seven: You should love all humanity. That means killing animals for sports and wearing their furs to show off extravagant lifestyles is not permitted. In one word, you should not wear authentic furs for the duration of our relationship and marriage. 

"Number eight: No drinking of alcohol. You should not consume alcohol or other intoxicating substances that are likely to modify the ordinary structure of the mind or intoxicate the body. 

"Number Nine: Be respectful to older people and be the first to greet them on the way. Possess a rightful attitude and help them out even if you're in a difficult position. 

"You shall not witness violence and shall be meek in your doing. Grace is given to the humble. Now, what do you say to this?" Daniel was done with his ten commandments. 

Song Yan stared at him, she blinked once, twice at him, and burst into laughter. She laughed so hard that tears slipped from her eyes which she wiped away while still laughing. 

Daniel stared at her in confusion, "What is funny about my question?" 

Song Yan suddenly stopped laughing and stared at him hard, "What is funny about my question?" 

She jerked up to her feet immediately and shouted at him, "I should follow your rules? What are you? Jesus? Budda? Am I preparing to be a monk?!" 

However, Daniel didn't respond in anger and spoke softly in return, 

"Discipline is for the sake of restraint;

restraint for the sake of freedom from remorse; freedom from remorse for the sake of joy; joy for the sake of rapture,

rapture for the sake of tranquility;

tranquility for the sake of pleasure;

pleasure for the sake of concentration,

concentration for the sake of knowledge and vision of things as they are; knowledge and vision of things as they are for the sake of disenchantment; disenchantment for the sake of release; release for the sake of knowledge and vision of release;

knowledge and vision of release

for the sake of total unbinding without clinging."

What the heck? Song Yan was dumbfounded after Daniel finished his speech. What was going on here? She nearly made the mistake of marrying a mad man? 

Without wasting time, Song Yan began to pack her things immediately. She had to get out of here. The young master of the Kang Family was crazy. Her mother almost matched her with a mad man! 

Of course, her actions didn't go unnoticed by Daniel who stood up in confusion, wondering what she was doing. 

"Are you going somewhere?" He touched her hand at the same moment Song Yan reached for her purse. 

"Ahh!" Song Yan screamed, startled by the sudden move and her first reaction was to grab the glass of water by her side and splashed him in the face. 

Other people in the restaurant who had been noticing their drama instantly pulled out their cameras and began to capture the moment. They probably thought it was a young man getting rejected by his crush and couldn't wait to spread the news on social media. 

However, one of them who was a reporter in their midst recognized him and began to alert the others. Kang  Daniel was always in the headlines, this was a story they couldn't miss. 


Daniel gasped upon feeling the cold, wet sensation on his face. What just happened? He still had a hard time grasping why Song Yan looked so frightened. 

Song Yan on the other word was stunned after she poured the water on him, but there was no time to waste. 

"Oh, God! I'm so sorry!" She apologized and took off as if the devil was on her heels. 

But no sooner had he left, than a smile crossed Daniel's lips. He couldn't believe another woman fell for that. In this life, he can't get married. 

He might not longer be a monk but that doesn't mean he has forgotten his ways. In this life, he would remain celibate forever!