



At the howling of the wolves, Roseline questioned her sanity, what was she thinking when she came into the woods at night? Will she live to kill the beast or will she die before she does that?

The howling keeps coming closer and that was when she sensed fear creep into her, if she had waited for the beast to kill her at least she will still have a month to live but now she is about to be teared into shreds by wolves, how many wolves can the little dagger under her gown secured tightly with a rope on her thigh kill? Will she even have the opportunity to kill one?

Rose really wished she had stayed at home, at least by now she would have been asleep in her very soft bed and possibly be having a good dream, she thought she will die in a month but she didn't know that she will die tonight, oh what was I thinking? She thought, the howling keeps getting louder and louder and just then she heard a voice.

/"I never knew I will see a fair lady at this hour of the night/" the sweet musical voice said /"tell me my fair lady, what will thy quest be for you to be in the woods?/" The voice asked as she turned to the sound of the voice.


very beautiful girl is seen staring at herself in the mirror, she has a wavy black hair and light brown eyes, her lips are redder than a rose, she has an oval face, lashes longer than any, a perfect nose, a slender neck and a body to die for, she stood starring at herself and admiring the blue gown her father just bought for her

/"Ah lady Roseline Schick, you really are a fair lady/" she told herself and scoffed /"that's why they keep coming, I mean what will it take for a lady to be herself?/" She asked herself in the mirror /"do they think just because they are Lords or princes, you are going to jump on them? Then they don't know you my lady, but I do, you want to fall in love with a man who will understand you, a man who will love you because you deserve to be loved, a man who will value you more than anything, but all these Lords only wants to flaunt their nobility/" she scoffed, her chamber door was pushed open and a redhead entered, she looks older by a year or two, a beauty herself but not to be compared to Roseline, she smiled at her

/"Aiya sister, are you talking to yourself again?/" She said, she is Roseline's elder sister Lady Monica Schick, she just turned seventeen while Roseline will be sixteen in a month and few days time.

/"What will you have me do, no one understands me better than myself' Rose said and Monica smiled

/" better not let anyone else see you doing that, unless you want to remain in your father's house for the rest of your life, tell me dear sister, do you think any man will like to marry a crazy girl for a wife?/" She asked and Roseline frowned

/"I am not crazy/" she said

/"I know sister but no one will think of that when they see you like this/" she said /"my, my, will that be the dress father got you yesterday/" she asked and Roseline looked at herself again

/"Yes, do you think it’s pretty?/" She asked and Monica walked closer to her

/"Of cause it's pretty, father has good eyes, say... Why don't you wear it to Lord Lugar's birthday?/" Monica said and Rose rolled her eyes

/"You mean your Lord shrimp/" she said and Monica slap her shoulder lightly

/"Don't let someone hear that, I have told you to stop addressing him like that/" she said

/"But he is, sister listen to me, no matter what, he will always be a shrimp, look at his head if you don't believe me/" she said holding her sisters hand, Lord Lugars is the son of one of the top families in Avalon, he had come asking for Roseline's hand in marriage but she turned him down and he switched to her sister Monica, Roseline picked up calling him Lord shrimp from that day on.

/"But still, he is more likely to be your sister's husband, so you will save me face and stop calling him that/" Monica said

/"Have he proposed?/" Rose asked and she shook her head

/"No, but I have a feeling that he might on his birthday/" she said giggling and Rose sighed, her sister really like him but the problem is that she herself doesn't want him for her sister, but Monica don't seem to mind. A knock was heard on the door and a young maid entered

/"Forgive me my Ladies, but your mother ask of you/" she said

/"Okay Maya, tell mother we will be with her shortly/" Monica said and the young bowed before leaving

/"What do you think mother might be looking for us for?/" Rose asked

/"I don't know, but we will find out/" Monica said and Rose made a move to the door /"Aiya sister, aren't you going to change your dress?/" She asked and Rose looked at her dress again


/"Aish, I told you to wear it to Lord Lugar's birthday party/" she said and Rose rolled her eyes

/"Do you ask me if I want to go? I want to wear this dress today/"

/"Aiya sister why won't you go, it's only but tomorrow/" Monica said as she walked up to her at the door /"please sister, do accompany me, Prince Humphrey will be there/" she smiled

/"Why would I care if he will be there?/"

/"Of cause sister, you have to, after all, the fairest lady in the land deserves the fairest man/" she said and Rose shook her head before going to change her dress

/"Mother is waiting for us you know, she will get angry if we delay any more time now/" she said as she picked another gown to wear

/"Aiya sister, she will understand, is it not our mother?/" Monica said before sitting on her bed to wait for her.

A beautiful carriage stopped in front of a big building, two beautiful ladies stepped down, one red hair and one dark hair, they were both looking exquisite, they walked into the building that was filled up with girls and boys their age, a young boy sighted them walking in and immediately rushed to them.

/"I was beginning to get worried/" he said and Monica smiled shyly while Rose rolled her eyes.

/"We are sorry about that/" Monica said

/"Oh don't apologize my love, you are here now/" Lord Lugars said /"shall we?/" He held out his hand and Monica took it as they walked into the ballroom while Rose followed silently behind them.

/"Happy birthday/" she heard Monica say and the young Lord laughed

/"Thank you my Lady/" he said before taking her to his circle of friends, Rose found a sit and sat down while looking around, this is third time that she was coming to that house and all was on his birthday, it was on one of the occasions that he noticed her and asked for her hand but she refused gently, she didn't know that he will go after her sister the next day, that made her really angry and amused, she was right when she say that they don't love, because if you truly love someone, you won't turn to her sister the next day after she rejected you, that was what she thought and that lowered him in her eyes.

Rose walked to the bookshelf on the wall, it has only but ten books, his parents always put books there whenever their was party, their reason is for any guest to have fun and if they choose to read, then they are welcome, she accessed all the books but none of them were new to her, her father's library has all the books and more, she casually picked one of the books and returned to her sit, she opened to the first Chapter and before she could read half the page, she sensed someone standing beside her, she looked up and they he was, the handsome Prince.

Every girl wants the prince, well every girl but not her, he looked like he was from a fairytale, handsome with a brunette hair, light brown eyes and light pink lips, he is broad shouldered, more than boys his age, which was what draws the girls to him, but Rose will really wish he will just walk away now, almost all the noble Lords in the kingdom has come asking for her hand, some princes from another kingdom too except the Avalon Prince, everybody was saying that, he was the one she was waiting for and the prince got that in his head and told himself that he wasn't going to seek for her hand just yet, but that doesn't stop him from showing himself to her whenever he sees her.

/"It's a party my lady, but you are here reading/" Prince Humphrey said.

/"I don't feel like joining the party my prince/" she said and he grabbed a chair to sit beside her

/"What are you reading?/" He asked and she glanced at the book cover

/"Tales of the beast/" she said and he raised an eyebrow

/"Really? Who doesn't know about him, it's the most told story here, so why still read about him?/" He asked

/"Nothing, it won't hurt to know more about him, tell me my prince, is there a book in the palace that describes how he looks?/" She suddenly asked

/"Why? No one ever lives to tell the tale, any one that come across him dies/" he said looking at her surprised /"why do you ask anyway?/"

/"Well, my father's library holds about fifteen books from different authors but none of them described how he looks/" she said and he found her weird, no lady in her right sense ever asked about the beast, none of them wants to have anything to do with him actually, they all dreaded turning sixteen and always happy whenever they pass the age, this is because any maiden that is to be scarified to the beast must be sixteen and he always take them on the night of their birthday at the stroke of twelve, shouldn't she as she is approaching sixteen be terrified? But here she is, boldly asking about him

/"Wow my lady, you surprise me/" he said and Rose look at him

/"What do you mean?/"

/"As a socialite daughter approaching sixteen, shouldn't you be afraid of being the chosen one?/" He asked

/"Why should I? My mother said he hasn't chosen from our family for the last twenty years, why would he in my turn? I will pass just as Monica did/" she said indifferently and he nodded

/"That's possible, but you never can tell, Lady Ann said the same too but in the end she was chosen/" he said

/"Can I ask you a question?/" She asked

/"Of cause my lady/" he said and smiled

/"Why does the beast choose from the twenty socialite families? I mean, they are other girls in the kingdom, but his maiden must always be from a socialite family/" she said

/"Well, according to what I heard, it was said that the girl that cause his death was from a socialite family and so his revenge are on socialite families/" he said, he wasn't enjoying their discussion, why did she choose to ask him all this questions, come to think of it, as her rumored crush, he never gets to talk romantic with her, no matter how much he dress himself before attending any party that he was sure she will attend, she never seem to notice him, it's either she ask him questions about other things or she totally ignore him, he was beginning to doubt the rumors, because today, she actually chose to ask about the beast, why can't she ask about him, about his likes or hubbies as the other girls do, why is her case different, she is the only girl that doesn't fawn on him, and he doesn't like it.