

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, old and new. Categories and ratings vary. (Yeah, it's a repost; with some changes, though. There are some new ones, too.)

Reza_Tannos · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
139 Chs

Stand by Me

Every time Hermione looked over her shoulder, Sirius would seem to be even further behind, as if trying to disappear. That sight alone caused her no small amount of guilt, even without Sirius keeping her head low as she dragged her feet.

Glimpsing at the stain of crushed fruits on her apron, Hermione regretted that she'd asked Sirius to try and choose what fruit to buy. She honestly meant well; it's just so Sirius wouldn't feel too out of place—she wasn't supposed to go on the errand, to begin with, but they were somewhat shorthanded that day.

Still, Hermione knew she shouldn't insist. That was unlike her.

And as much as she disliked the stain, she knew Sirius had it worse.

With a sigh, Hermione paused, allowing the surprised Sirius to catch up.

"Ah…Why are you stopping?" she inquired, looking about. There were no grocers in that particular part of the market—only people selling trinkets—and she was certain Hermione didn't intend to browse the wares; she would never allow herself to be distracted from work.

"I'm waiting for you," Hermione answered; despite her pleasant tone, Sirius began to fidget.

"No…No need to. I'm… I'm just going to trouble you with my woeful incompetence and…Ahh, someone, punish me already…"

While Sirius continued to ramble about her ineptitude and how she should be punished, Hermione was preoccupied with finding the right words to say; at first, she had thought of asserting that Sirius wasn't incompetent, but she quickly realized what poor choice that would be.

"Please, stop," Hermione said when she could not bear to hear Sirius debasing herself any further.

Upon hearing the dismayed words, Sirius immediately clam her mouth shut. A short while after that, she murmured a meek apology.

"Nobody is thinking any less of you," said Hermione. "Not when you work as hard as you are."

"But…in the end, I'm just dragging everyone down…I—" Sirius' answer turned into a squeak when Hermione reached forward to hold her hand. She struggled at first, seemingly on instinct, but Hermione persevered. Some people were giving them strange looks, but she could afford to ignore them right now.

"We all have our flaws, eh? But we Royal Maids shall support each other."

"…Including the Head Maid?"

"Admirable as she is, even she would turn to Edinburgh for emotional support from time to time. Are you aware of that?"

"No… I'm not."

"As I've said, we are not without flaws, but we have our strengths too…And yours is how you keep everyone safe, Sirius."

"It's nothing much, really…Everyone can keep themselves safe on their own just fine…"

Hermione could see that Sirius was incredulous but not entirely dismissive of what she'd said. The glint of hope in her eyes proved that.

She just wished there was something that could really convince her.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have troubled you. But…thank you for the sentiment, Hermione."

Hermione thought that maybe she did manage to cheer Sirius a little because she was smiling. A small smile, but a smile nonetheless. She's more than glad to return it in kind.

"You're welcome."

"And…Um, I at least could carry those bags for you," Sirius offered.

"Oh, certainly."

Hermione did the rest of her rounds after that; as she did, she noticed Sirius watching how she carried out her work and delighted in her attentiveness.

"Well, only the meat's left," Hermione remarked as they approached the market entrance. "Since we already placed the order the day before, we only need to get it from the butcher. He's nearby."

"Ah…I suppose I can get it for you…?" Sirius offered once again. Hermione didn't feel like turning her down after their talk earlier.

"Very well; I'll be waiting for you here."

With a nod, Sirius left.

Now alone, in a place not particularly crowded, Hermione soon found herself being leered at by a man; judging from how he looked, she realized he most likely didn't have the best intention in mind.

"Oh look, a lovely lady by her lonesome. It's my lucky day…Or maybe it's yours?" he said, getting really close to Hermione, close enough that she could smell the alcohol.

"Um, sorry, I don't follow," she moved away. She wasn't surprised to see him dogging her, jeering along the way.

"Playing hard to get? Come on now, babe. You're a maid, aren't ya? Shouldn't you be all obedient and stuff?"

"…Sorry, but I can't do that," Hermione continued to try to elude the man. She might be lenient to a fault, but even she cannot entirely hide her disgust at the persistence.

"Tsk. I'm gonna get you, one way or ano—"

There was a blur, and the man was sent flying.

While Hermione was still processing what had just happened, Sirius arrived running.

"A-are you alright? He hasn't done anything, right?" she questioned.

"Sirius…? He didn't manage anything. So that was you?"

Both took the time to share a relieved sigh before Sirius replied.

"Um, yes. I noticed you're in trouble…I had to use the only thing I have in hand."

Seeing the man lying prone in the distance, Sirius wondered if she overdid it.

"The only thing you have in hand…that means…the meat, right?" Looking around, Hermione found the meat package. It was not that big, but Sirius's strength was enough to turn it into a devastating projectile. Thankfully, the thing in question didn't suffer much damage from being used in such a manner.

"Thank goodness we still can use this…" she said, picking the package from the ground, before turning to Sirius.

"Thank you," Hermione smiled; it got Sirius flustered.

"…Ah, it was nothing. It's just something—"

"—you're good at. Keeping us safe, I mean," Hermione finished for her. "Having you by my side, I've nothing to worry about…because you will protect me no matter what, even if I didn't ask you to."

Sirius smiling earnestly at that proved to be the most pleasant thing Hermione had seen that day.