
Tales of Xibalbá

Hello everyone, I am the narrator, we are going to embark on a journey together; first of all we are going to describe the world where our stories will take place; but for that you must know a key word of our universe. Plasma.... A substance that for many only represents about 50% of the composition of the blood in our bodies, but here in Xibalba it represents... everything. There are 4 different types of Plasma with which any living being can be born and from this, if you are blessed, you can become an incomparable existence in the world but if you are cursed you can lose your humanity. Depending on the Plasma with which you are born you could develop certain abilities that allow you to manifest certain skills, the division is: Physical or Body Plasma: It allows you to change certain properties of your body, either form, composition or both but all this happens inside your body or on the surface. Who knows, you could be born with an intelligence never seen before... Or be able to transform into a dragon or maybe your only ability is to grow your toenails. Energy Plasma: Allows you to interact, control and even create certain forms of energy, so to speak is magic but at the same time is not limited by spells (Or maybe yes). You could control the 5 elements, you could manage some space-time or maybe you can just make your body glow in the dark. Organic Plasma: This is a special type of plasma that allows you to interact and influence other living entities. Maybe you can summon the dead, you could be a natural born beast tamer. merge with a dragon? Piece of cake.... if you are born with the ability. Otherwise you might only be able to talk to flies. Mutant Plasma: A certain type of plasma with mysterious properties, many of Xibalba's most legendary existences have this type of plasma... Will it be as incredible as the stories tell? Let's find out together. Did you think that's all? It's not that simple my friend, remember that all living beings in the world have plasma... Rare plants? nightmarish creatures? endless wars for incredible treasures? When they say imagination is the limit they surely mean our adventure. Did you think that's all? Since the living entities of our world will be so strong.... Why not give them a big and challenging enough world? Danger zones with impossible and extreme climates? Done heavenly minerals, natural wonders you've only seen in your dreams, unexplored areas so dangerous that no one knows what's inside? Done. Hidden dimensions and passages to other worlds? Done. References to mythologies, legends and ancient tales? Done

Salgado_R_Axel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Inner Darkness Part 2

The sound of a shower could be heard in the environment and in addition to that turbidity caused by the steam that made all the windows become foggy, a luxurious room could be seen to which if someone dared to say that a nobleman lived would not be contradicted. Showing off its beautiful emerald green floor and walls with a series of finely carved furniture by some craftsman of great skill and unknown name would cause anyone the feeling of being a guest of great importance.

Raiko stood in the shower feeling the warm flow of the water all over his body, which ran all the way through and reached the drain, and ended up a grayish hue that would appear to be very unpleasant but quite normal for he could hardly remember when the last time, he took a shower. A long time passed and finally the bathroom door opened, letting out a considerable amount of steam and revealing the figure of the boy which was very different compared to a few hours ago, now his head showed a striking white hair which after a long time of being wrapped in dirt could finally show its natural beauty. The same with his eyebrows which were long and thick, giving his face a fierce and intimidating look despite having an expression of tranquility.

With a towel tied around his waist, his body still looked skinny with signs of malnutrition but because Aeris had been giving him food and fluids constantly, his condition was not as serious as before, at least he no longer felt like he was about to faint, which made him feel grateful. But despite all this, the most striking thing was what was on his back, it was an ostentatious black tattoo in the shape of the number "Zero" the characteristic mark of the "Cursed" covered his entire back, which had been placed on his skin since he was young. Usually Omicrons were marked with a small symbol somewhere on their body, in fact, it was considered uncommon that this tattoo was larger than a hand but for some reason the person who made it was especially cruel at that time.

In the nearby trash the clothes he had worn for years could be seen, and at this point calling them rags would not be wrong while on the bed lay a set of simple clothes already ready for use, these were not luxurious by any means but would probably be considered top notch in the lower quarters of the city.

It was a totally black outfit made of cotton, which consisted of formal shoes similar to those worn by butlers, pants and a long-sleeved shirt, which strangely once he was dressed in them fit him perfectly probably because there would be some tailor with a very good view to measure sizes in the castle.

Slowly Raiko approached a full-length mirror that was on one of the walls of the room right next to a window in which one could see the whole city as far as the eye was able to reach and due to the height of the tower made many of the buildings and constructions look tiny from that position. As Raiko looked up and down he couldn't stop his lips from curving slightly, although if one paid attention he had more of a complicated expression on his young face, looking so well dressed after a long time, he still remembered when he was a carefree child and surrounded by fun and happiness even though little by little everything was getting murkier as time went by and his mutant Plasma showed no signs of manifesting itself. And for some strange reason he was aware that if he was sold as a slave, horrible things will happen to him yet he had no memories, he seemed to have this feeling inside him telling him, 'Don't try to remember'.

Lost in his thoughts he stood for an unknown amount of time observing himself in that mirror until finally his gaze crossed the room, exactly next to the door where there was a bell tied to a thick thread coming from a small hole in the ceiling. He had been told by the maid who took him to the room that once he was ready, he should ring the bell and someone would arrive to guide him to see the imperial consultant. But instead of walking, Raiko raised his hand, pointing a finger in the direction of the mentioned object and quickly his finger was covered with a reddish liquid that probably came out of the small pores of his skin yet strangely the blood did not drip, it looked like a protective cloak around the area. Suddenly a thin red line began to emerge from his finger, it was as thin as a thread and it quickly reach the bell, wrapping itself around it, and with a little pull of force caused it to make a sound, echoing inside the room. And as quickly as the thread appeared, it contracted along the same path it had taken until it disappeared along with the reddish hue his finger.

At some point when he had awakened in the plains of Oasis, Raiko had realized that a new information was imprinted in his brain, which was the use of these red threads created from his blood that behaved as an extension of his brain. Although he could not manipulate the liquid at will to take another form that is different from a thread, these same ones dominated them as if they were a limb of his body. It must be said that the blood of which those fine lines were made seemed extremely viscous and this caused it to behave like something solid, since even having wrapping the bell had left no trace on its shiny surface.

10 minutes passed by during which the well-dressed Raiko sets out to experiment his new ability, moving the furniture and objects inside the room from one side to the other, and from this he concluded that he could create up to 10 threads of blood, one on each of his fingers. All the threads had the same thickness and no matter how hard he tried, he could not change this property and as for the length, once the threads reached a distance of 3 meters, the control over them would be affected and they start to lose their solid form, beginning to drip to the floor. As for strength, each thread could individually lift an object of about 25kg but for larger and heavier objects such as the bed, he needed three threads to be able to lift it up and four if he wanted to move it freely.

Those ten minutes were very significant for him, since he would no longer be the Omicron slave that could not manifest his ability. Remembering when he was 5 years old at the awakening ceremony, he had had to place a drop of his blood on "The test cube", this was a cube made of some strange material that served to analyze the type of plasma that a person had, in addition to the potential it possessed.

For body plasma the cube would become translucent, the more clearly one could see through it, the higher the potential they had and it was said that the highest degree of potential of the cube is becoming invisible to the human eye.

For energetic plasma the cube would heat up, the higher the temperature, the higher the potential a person would have and according to some people, this type of plasma would cause the cube to generate so much heat and start a strong fire around it.

For organic plasma the cube would glow, the higher the intensity the higher the potential of the individual. Raiko once heard a story of a young princess from a distant kingdom who said that the light, she manifested had even dulled the brightness of the sun.

And finally those people who had a mutant plasma would turn the cube into dust but for a person with this kind of plasma it was not possible to measure the potential that they had, mainly because there was not yet a person who understood all the mysteries that governed this strange phenomenon but one thing was certain and that was that many of the strongest existences throughout history had had mutant plasma, obviously there were also many known powers with other types of plasma which were as numerous as those with mutant Plasma but if you consider that only 1 in 100,000 people were born with this variation, you could get an idea of how remarkable it was. Unfortunately, not everything was a life of happiness for people with abilities because it needed to be awakened, other plasma users learned by nature to manifest their abilities, physically, energetic or organic.

For those with a mutant origin they had to fulfill some condition in order to obtain their manifestation, although for everyone it was different and many times it was associated to their ability but without knowing what it was, it felt like you knew the winning numbers of the lottery but not the order in which they would be drawn. The luckiest would awaken their ability quickly while the unluckiest would be subjected to all kinds of tests and experiments hoping that by chance their ability would manifest before they died.

From one moment turned to another before the door of the room opened and that maid who had taken him to his room took a few steps as she bowed with a calm voice and said, "Honored guest, the Imperial Consultant and Commander Aeris will receive you now. Please be so kind as to follow me."

Having said that she stood up, gave her formal greeting and raised her head. And to her surprise she could not help but be a little stupefied because everything was out of order or out of place, it seemed literally as if a tornado had passed through there.

Raiko could guess the maid's thoughts so he couldn't help but smile wryly and say, "It was like that when I arrived, you should talk to the cleaning lady... Cof.... Cof (Clearing his throat), after you Miss."

To which the maid couldn't help but smile back as she began to guide him through the intricate emerald corridors of the castle and after walking for about 10 minutes without stopping, they finally arrived at some huge doors. And just the time it took them to get there would give anyone an idea of how big this construction was.

The maid stood at the side of the door, indicating with an expression that he could enter, and with a slightly kind voice said, "The Imperial Consultant will receive you now".

Swallowing his saliva, the young man in black could not help but feel a little nervous and so clenching his fists tightly, he advanced and pushed the large doors in front of him, which measured about 50 meters. The moment he looked inside the room, he was once again astonished by...


Hello, Axe here :) you loved autor of Tales of Xibalbá

I want to notify you that I hope soon you can support the novel with stones(It would be great to enter some top, even in the worst fantasy novel LOL), today we passed the mark of 15k words and 6k visits thanks to all of you motivate me to continue writing.

Also remember that after 1 or 2 hours after the chapter is published it is edited with a corrected and improved version for any grammatical or continuity error that exists, this will no longer happen from next week in which all the published chapters will be the edited version.

Also remember that one more chapter will be coming today