
Tales of Xibalbá

Hello everyone, I am the narrator, we are going to embark on a journey together; first of all we are going to describe the world where our stories will take place; but for that you must know a key word of our universe. Plasma.... A substance that for many only represents about 50% of the composition of the blood in our bodies, but here in Xibalba it represents... everything. There are 4 different types of Plasma with which any living being can be born and from this, if you are blessed, you can become an incomparable existence in the world but if you are cursed you can lose your humanity. Depending on the Plasma with which you are born you could develop certain abilities that allow you to manifest certain skills, the division is: Physical or Body Plasma: It allows you to change certain properties of your body, either form, composition or both but all this happens inside your body or on the surface. Who knows, you could be born with an intelligence never seen before... Or be able to transform into a dragon or maybe your only ability is to grow your toenails. Energy Plasma: Allows you to interact, control and even create certain forms of energy, so to speak is magic but at the same time is not limited by spells (Or maybe yes). You could control the 5 elements, you could manage some space-time or maybe you can just make your body glow in the dark. Organic Plasma: This is a special type of plasma that allows you to interact and influence other living entities. Maybe you can summon the dead, you could be a natural born beast tamer. merge with a dragon? Piece of cake.... if you are born with the ability. Otherwise you might only be able to talk to flies. Mutant Plasma: A certain type of plasma with mysterious properties, many of Xibalba's most legendary existences have this type of plasma... Will it be as incredible as the stories tell? Let's find out together. Did you think that's all? It's not that simple my friend, remember that all living beings in the world have plasma... Rare plants? nightmarish creatures? endless wars for incredible treasures? When they say imagination is the limit they surely mean our adventure. Did you think that's all? Since the living entities of our world will be so strong.... Why not give them a big and challenging enough world? Danger zones with impossible and extreme climates? Done heavenly minerals, natural wonders you've only seen in your dreams, unexplored areas so dangerous that no one knows what's inside? Done. Hidden dimensions and passages to other worlds? Done. References to mythologies, legends and ancient tales? Done

Salgado_R_Axel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Battle at oasis

The battle bells resounded while all the merchants of the place put their things away preparing for the worst and the mercenaries who were resting in the taverns came out with their weapons ready for the massacre because they knew that being a city mainly formed by merchants and caravans that were passing through it did not have the security of an official city, to put it another way, There was no army or a powerful entity to guard the place so all the people who were present had two options to fight or escape although realistically no one in their right mind would take a chance of survival in Infernatum since in days they would be dead without enough provisions and even that way they could get lost just by taking a wrong step or else, meet some predator of the many that are present in the vast desert and be eaten or worse; it is known that some species of beasts are especially sadistic and are capable of paralyzing a person with their venom and leave their eggs inside your body in that case you can only pray that you faint from the pain and die quickly while they hatch and begin to devour you slowly.

With all this in mind people knew that there was only one valid option and that was to fight, in the streets you could see all kinds of people running towards the city walls, old men, mothers with knives in their hands carrying their children who also had to fight, the slave sellers freeing them to tell them that if they survive they will be free, gangs of mercenaries discussing their plan of action, even the few officers in charge of the security of the walls were running from one side to the other while the cloud of dust was getting bigger and bigger and this caused all the people to be more and more nervous. Who would not be nervous if they knew that in a few minutes they would be facing death?

The ground began to rumble, in the distance you could hear a kind of roar, moan or a series of strange sounds that made people's hair stand on end and they began to sweat deeply, even the grip of their weapons was affected by this sweat, but, the will to live is something unbreakable in human nature so many of the people present just gritted their teeth and prepared for battle.

In one of the corners of the city stood a dirty, bearded merchant, his face pale at the sight of the endless army of approaching skeletons, his pupils growing smaller and smaller with shock at the sight of the gigantic, bizarre bone-formed monsters rapidly approaching in an onslaught full of madness and bloodlust. The fat man had in his hand a crossbow that at a glance you could tell was made of very fine materials; it was probably one of the best weapons he had and at this moment he was not going to spare any expense to try to save himself, he slowly pointed it towards the approaching horde and the moment they were 500 meters away from the city as if all the people in the city were perfectly synchronized a torrential rain of projectiles began to shoot; bows, crossbows, spears, cannons, even some projectiles with certain magical properties or made of strange materials could be seen, the sound was almost deafening.

A cloud of different types of projectiles was fired from the city, thousands of these could be seen which had a clear objective: Eliminate as many enemies as possible; it was not necessary to aim as the horde was so immense that definitely anything fired would hit the target.... Explosions resounded clouds of smoke rose and crushed, severed, partially or totally burned bones flew out from the area where certain projectiles had landed, leaving behind them a crater, some small enough to be the size of a person while others were as big as a house, you could see some skeletons of human and animal form that were still going through the rain of shots that did not stop at any time but this did not matter, the army continued its lethal onslaught even if they had arrows stuck in your head, feet, hands or any limb was missing due to an accurate shot this would not stop them because their only goal was to kill ... Kill.... . And kill.

The gates of the city opened and from these a garrison of thousands of people came out in a disorganized way, it could not be called an army but it was a crowd of people desperate to try to win the battle and save some of their heritage; All these people were those who had no way to attack at long distance, the wealthiest had full sets of armor while, with huge shields and sharp weapons while the poorest and unfortunate were only dressed in normal clothes and armed with small knives or wooden clubs but at this time all had the same goal: To survive somehow.

At the front of the crowd was a burly man, with an impressive silver armor that covered his entire body and a halberd that many people could not afford if they saved all their lives, this knight was known by many as the ruler of the city, although it was not something official everyone knew that he was the most influential person in Oasis, The moment he came out he tightened his halberd pointing to the army of death that was rapidly approaching and shouted with such a force that even the farthest people could hear that war cry clearly " ¡¡¡¡¡ Maybe today is the day that all of us perish but if we survive. . our name will resound into eternity!!!!! "The fear could be seen in the faces of everyone, but the will to live could be seen in the eyes of all the people.... All except a skinny and malnourished young man who had straggled to the back of the crowd, he could barely walk while dragging a rope that was tied to his neck, he walked step by step armed with a chicken leg bone with traces of meat still hanging from it; the red eyed young man had been released at some point by his new owner who saw him more as a burden and had released him to at least serve as cannon fodder.

His family who were poor in a distant city had been extremely happy to learn that his son possessed mutant blood in the ceremony of "discovery" that occurs when any human turns 5 years old since it is when he condenses his first drop of plasma in his body; This ceremony revealed that he possessed mutant blood so the parents decided to make a sacrifice and give him up for adoption to the city's high command who could surely give him the necessary resources to live a life full of achievements and greatness and in turn they could obtain a considerable amount of Denarii that would allow them a new beginning. What they did not know is that the more their son grew in the hands of other people the worse the situation was for him since he had not manifested any kind of power or ability, every time they tried more extreme and horrible methods, but none worked, seeing him as something useless they decided to sell him as a slave since he never meant anything to them, they only took care of him because they thought he would become someone of great power. .... In the end they received a quarter of what they had paid in the beginning, which was already pretty decent... And so it went from owner to owner all trying to find a way to manifest his ability, using more and more obscure methods, but in the end nothing succeeded.

Finally he arrived at Oasis where in this sandy plain he was walking slowly looking at nothing with those crimson eyes that made him stand out, step by step with his bare feet not even the warmth of the sand seemed to bother him after so much pain, what was a little heat on the soles of his feet? His eyes were blurred, he wasn't sure if it was because of the heat or because he was about to faint from hunger, maybe both, and to his ears came all kinds of noises from grunts, cries of despair, people begging for mercy to a series of metallic sounds as hundreds of swords were clashing loudly against shields..... But suddenly everything was silent that boy with torn clothes from so many years of use stopped suddenly and looked a few steps away from him something that he would never forget a skeleton that had the shape of a human but was much bigger, about 3 meters tall and had four arms which strangely had no hands, rather they were pure bone spikes that if one paid attention were already dripping with blood .... too much for a single person; Despite the fact that he was surrounded by people and was in the middle of a chaotic battle he could not hear or see anything but that creature that was approaching running directly to his position and while he was doing it he was waving those horrifying arms which with every swing they made splashed more and more blood in the surroundings. The young man with red eyes was splashed with blood from an unfortunate person on his face and it was as if he woke up from a dream... Perhaps it was because of all the years of suffering and desperation that his brain, in order to protect his sanity, went into a state of hibernation where he only did autonomously what he was told, without any thought of his own or judgment of what was happening around him, but just at that moment he had seconds of clarity; But it was too late that humanoid skeleton was already a few steps away from the young man pushing with one of its limbs as a lunge, so before this image in front of him he only had a thought, a thought that he had never had before "Defend yourself" quickly raised his hand where that half-eaten chicken leg was but it was useless, that bone spike completely ignored his actions maybe because they were too slow or maybe because he had no strength backing them up but the only possible result was that the bone giant's arm went completely through his chest dripping blood all over the ground, once this was done the arm was shaken hard which caused the body of that lost looking slave to shoot out towards an unknown place, with his eyes closed he seemed to be in total calm as if death was actually a good thing for him. Finally, after hitting against the ground everything was in total darkness....


Hello everyone, remember to leave any comments or questions for the Q&A section that I will do every few chapters, will it be the end of the young man with red eyes? Will there be survivors in Oasis after this calamity? I wonder too