
Tales of Threanas: True Romance

A princess and a peasant. A peasant and a prince. With the help of a potion from a kind old lady, Lyrus and Auria discovers the true meaning of love and standing up for yourself. Witness the beginnings of a queen and a hero. Witness one of the grandest tales from the kingdom of Threanas.

DCapybara · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs


"Did you do it?"

"Did what?"

"Kill the four princes."

"No. It's just an exaggeration by some of the bards and storytellers. You know how they are." Lyrus chuckled. He and Ruiri were walking back to the inn that night. They've just visited the lord of Ybrali, Klaus Ish Wech. While the librarian of the archives has been very cooperative with them, the ruler of the city was not. If it weren't for the official letter sent by the Council, they would have been arrested today for the troubles they caused the last few days. That would also mean they would lose the chance to meet Heronicus tomorrow. Still, Lyrus was forced to explain the actions of their group before the pompous lord. He even had to remind Klaus of his title, the prince slayer, just to have the talks go their way.

"Did it bother you?" Ruiri asked as they neared the inn. Their preparations were almost complete. They simply needed to ensure that there would be no casualties in case things didn't go as planned, hence the meeting with Ybrali's Lord. Fortunately, Klaus agreed to provide knights and even some mages for reinforcement and to clear the surrounding area inconspicuously on the day of Heronicus' arrival.

"Yes. It still does but it's something I'm learning to live with." Lyrus replied.

"Good for you. Me…I'll never get used to being avoided." Ruiri sighed.

"Don't let them bother you. You're way more skilled than them in combat I'm sure."

"Yeah. But you saw how that Lord Klaus looked at me earlier, right? It was as if he wants me thrown out of the city immediately." Ruiri was born with the 'disease' that afflicted him. Though according to his parents, their family, and even their kingdom was cursed. His family have tried several potions and spells, but none worked. When he became of age, he left home to look for a cure but was treated unfairly by those around him. He has been a beggar ever since, wandering from place to place.

"Don't think about what other say but think what you can do. Don't let people's opinion dictate your life." Lyrus answered as they entered the inn. Ruiri greatly reminded Lyrus of his past self, belittled by people and never having the courage to stand up for himself. Maybe Edrana can help Ruiri? The apothecary did find a cure for the supposedly incurable and deadly wood fever. Lyrus was even considering giving some of the potion made from the Sky Marigold if possible. Afterall, if all goes well, they might be celebrating acquiring the flower by tomorrow night.

The group went over their plan before turning in for the night. Freid was to wait near the entrance of the library while Roswell and Ruiri are to hide themselves outside and wait. The two would be the ones to ensure that the Forest Lurker does not interrupt the meeting and are also the ones in charge of capturing the elusive woman. On the other hand, Leane and Lyrus will be the ones to approach Heronicus. Leane has already placed a ton of binding spells on the various books inside the archives in case their foe arrives…or in case Heronicus becomes uncooperative.

The party left early next morning and prepared. The librarian told them that the sorcerer usually lingers at the top-most floor of the archives. It was up to Leane and Lyrus to pretend to be ordinary scholars browsing some tomes. Freid, on the other hand, was wearing an ordinary knight armor, and has blended into the patrolling knights. Only knights from Noir wear the famous black armor which as Lyrus has surmised recently, might have been copied from the Specters of Crusdea. As for Roswell, the mercenary rented one of the rooms of an inn near the library and has waited there, wielding a weapon known as a "crossbow". It was the first time Lyrus saw such a mechanical device which allows its user to nocked and released an arrow faster than even skilled archers. Lastly, Ruiri has taken advantage of his reputation as a beggar and stationed himself a few yards from the archives, begging for alms.

Lyrus read while waiting for the sorcerer, much to the frustration of Leane. The female mage seemed to have been eager to meet Heronicus, pacing back and forth of the while pretending to browse the shelves. Just what kind of man was Heronicus? The knight then remembered how Edrana referred to Heronicus as an eccentric sorcerer and how even Deanor himself appeared to be uncomfortable talking about the man.

It was just a few hours after they've arrived in the library when Heronicus came. Lyrus was reading that time a book on the various nations of Ghard when he saw a white-haired man appear from the staircase. While the man has white hair similar to an old person, his features spoke otherwise. Strong jawbones, long eyelashes, and round black eyes all conveyed the appearance of a young man, maybe around his early adulthood. The mysterious man locked eyes with Lyrus and smiled, forcing the knight to avert his gaze and continue pretending to read.

Lyrus decided to observe the man for a few minutes with Leane appearing to do the same, having picked a book from a shelf and sat down to pretend reading. It was only yesterday evening that it occurred to the party that the Forest Lurker might have allies. Though both Lyrus and Freid restrained themselves from voicing out their suspicions of a spy among the group. Even with both Roswell and Leane harboring a grudge towards the Forest Lurker, it was hard to tell whether such grudge was genuine or not.

"How long do you plan on observing me Lyrus and Leane?" The voice loudly echoed within the library surprising the knight and mage but the two held their ground. If anyone of them makes a move, it might help the owner of the voice confirm that the two people reading books are Lyrus and Leane. Was it the white-haired man? Lyrus slowly shifted his gaze to the white-haired man a few yards from him. The man had his back turned towards them while seemingly browsing from a shelf.

"Please stop with the farce. I've already known everything there is to know about the two of you…and yes, it is the 'white-haired man' who's talking." This time, both Lyrus and Leane stood up. Lyrus have drawn his blade while Leane grasped her staff firmly, readying herself to cast a spell. Lyrus could call Freid but decided not to risk blowing the latter's disguise. Besides with such a loud voice he's sure that his friend had already heard the man talking.

"Good decision to not call Freid's attention by the way. Your 'Forest Lurker' is still not here and you wouldn't like your plan to be ruined, right?" The white-haired man faced Lyrus and Leane as the two slowly walked towards him. The mysterious stranger then gestured for the two to sit at the table before him.

"Oh, please. Don't bother fighting me." The white-haired man sighed before taking a seat himself.

"Fiiiine...I'm Heronicus, the sorcerer you're looking for. Now will you two please sit down. I just want this to be over quick." Both Lyrus' and Leane's jaws dropped at the man's last statement. The white-haired man is Heronicus and what's more surprising is that the sorcerer just talked to them without opening his mouth.

Lyrus sat infront of Heronicus while he gestured to Leane to sit a few chairs to his left. While the knight felt his curiosity roused by the sorcerer, he still won't risk their chance. For him, Heronicus exudes both an aura of wonderment and a subtle tinge of danger, reminding him of the first time he saw the Woodland Beast.

"Good. Now, before we begin, a few things first." Lyrus' and Leane's eyes widened. Heronicus just spoke again without even moving his lips. The two scrambled their minds for an explanation as to how the sorcerer was doing it.

Snapping the fingers of his left hand, small popping sounds, and green sparks erupted from around the group. Leane seemingly recognized what happened since she immediately stood up and ran over to the ledge, as if checking for something at the lower floors. As the bizarre scene continued, Lyrus realized that the sparks were coming from in between the books, the very same books that Leane inserted pieces of paper containing spells.

"There. Yes, I just broke all your spells Leane. I don't want you ruining a large number of books again just like last time…and yes, your hunch was right young mage. I can read your minds and I'm talking to you through your minds." Heronicus smiled as Lyrus drew his blade once more. Read minds? Then that means that the sorcerer had indeed know everything there is to know about them. The subtle tinge of danger has now become a thick air of immediate peril.

Leane gripped her staff harder, feeling the rough edges of wood digging into her skin. A snap. Just one snap and Heronicus found and broke simultaneously all the spells she prepared. Even the wizard prince Althas is not capable of such a feat. Breaking a spell involves pouring so much mana into its written form that it destroys the spell's integrity. Further, reading minds? Only highly accomplished mages can perform telepathy and even then, merely in a small scale. But Heronicus claimed that he knows everything about them within minutes of entering the library.

"I-If you've read our minds…then you know what we want. Wi-will you help us?" Lyrus asked, stuttering out of anxiety. He has never encountered someone who can read minds. Right now, it felt like his very being was being torn open and laid out before Heronicus.

The white-haired sorcerer sighed deeply and gestured the two to come closer. Lyrus leaned forward a bit while Leane returned to her seat. The two never broke eye contact with the sorcerer as they did so. That's when Leane noticed the semi-pointed ears, the tips of which seemingly molded directly onto the man's neck. "You're…" the female mage began.

"Half-elf? Yes. Which is the main reason why I cannot speak and why I have various deformities...and abilities." Heronicus revealed a withered right hand, like that of a corpse longed buried then waved it. Within seconds, purple runes appeared infront of both Lyrus and Leane, forming a sort of rope around their bodies and binding them onto their seats.

"Don't bother. You can't break those."

"Why…are you doing this?" Lyrus asked despite knowing that the sorcerer might have already read his thoughts before he even opened his mouth.

"Because I want to help…and I also don't want to help at the same time." The sorcerer grinned showing yellow teeth. So it's true. Lyrus has heard tales of how interracial offspring often suffer disabilities or deformities at birth but to actually see a halfling, and a half-elf at that is…

"Simply astonishing, right? Thanks for the 'flattery' but I can't give you the Sky Marigold. The flower is the last of its kind and I find it dumb that such powerful relic will be used to cure a curse." Heronicus stood up and walked towards the staircase.

"Sorry Lyrus but I also cannot cure Auria. As for Crusdea…well, what's new? That kingdom has always been…how shall I put it? A natural and inevitable calamity. So…sorry again. Don't worry. I'll lift the spell I put on Threanas when it becomes part of Crusdea." The sorcerer continued to walk close to the stairway.

Lyrus felt his blood boil at Heronicus' words. Sorry? Sorry is not enough. A lot of people's lives, Auria's life is at stake and for the sorcerer to merely dismissed it is unforgivable. The knight turned his head to Leane and saw the mage speaking but no words seemed to come out from her mouth. Lyrus shouted at Heronicus but also discovered that he too cannot speak anymore. With Heronicus appearing to leave and without any choice, he used the only spell he knew.

Etrunr! He shouted inside his mind with all his might. Light erupted from him as he felt his body slowly being able to move while no 'push' was generated. Remembering what happened last time and knowing that Leane might get injured, Lyrus concentrated on simply breaking out of the binding spell. Without a moment to lose, he ran towards the white-haired mage only to find himself bound once more by purple runes, this time in greater numbers.

"Whoa. You almost got me there. That's some potent ancient magic you got. Don't bother using it again though. That spell is more powerful, and I doubt if you still have the strength to break them." Heronicus walked back to Lyrus and examined his handiwork, to the knight's annoyance.

"I will…help you with one thing though…I will capture your Forest Lurker." Heronicus spoke with glee as if finding the whole scene before him amusing. Within a matter of seconds, the knight heard footsteps coming from the stairway. Is it Freid?

"Are you Heronicus?" The Forest Lurker asked, pulling out a dagger upon seeing both Leane and Lyrus bound. While she never liked the two after all their encounters, her orders also include the protection of the knight's party. However, the aura of the white-haired man before her is troubling.

"Just in time! You surely took your time getting here…Marah Belle even though you've been here for almost a few hours already, disguised as a knight." Heronicus clapped his hands and purple runes immediately materialized around the Forest Lurker. Lyrus wanted to warn her but the sorcerer's spell prevented him from speaking.

The runes turned to sparks though as Marah activated the spells covering her body. The feat greatly drained her of mana and strength but what matters was she has the element of surprise. Or so she thought.

"Ugh…so tenacious. Just as I expected from someone who engages in engravement." Heronicus slapped his left hand on his forehead in frustration and with a wave of his right, more purple runes materialized before the Forest Lurker rushing towards him.

Marah tried to cast the spells engraved on her once more upon seeing the runes, but it was no use. The purple runes materialized faster than the ones earlier and within seconds, the Forest Lurker was bound, unable to move or even speak. She projected most of her mana towards the runes, hoping to break the spell or even weaken its integrity. It was useless. By the time Heronicus reached her, Marah was on the verge of fainting.

"Easy there. Anymore mana projection and you would die." Heronicus grabbed hold the Forest Lurker by her robe and dragged her towards Lyrus.

"So…here's my…help. I present to you your Forest Lurker, Marah Belle, a member of…The Exiled!" Heronicus' voice and laugh echoed inside Lyrus' and Leane's minds as he ripped the bandage off Marah's forehead, revealing an all too familiar rune.

"Now…I shall be on my way. Please tell the librarian that I might not be visiting the archives for awhile, ok?" With a wave of his hand, runes appeared at the sorcerer's feet and a rectangular mirror-like object appeared.

"Oh, by the way, the spell on you two will wear off within an hour or so. However, Marah's spell can only be broken by the mages in Mu Astra. Consider that as my parting gift to your party. Bye!" Heronicus laughed as he stepped into the portal he created and with a flash of purple light, the sorcerer was gone.

Tears flowed out of Lyrus' eyes as he laid on the cold floor of the library for an hour as the spell slowly lost its power. Around him, Leane bowed her head in shame as she remained seated while Marah simply averted the knight's gaze. It would take another hour or so before Lyrus and Leane was able to speak. It didn't matter to anyone in the party though. Heronicus was gone and with him the hope of curing Auria and of saving Threanas.

So sorry if this one is too late. A lot of things happened the last few days that prevented me from editing the chapter.


I hope you like the reveal as to the true identity of the Forest Lurker. And yeah, Heronicus is one twisted half-elf.

DCapybaracreators' thoughts