
Chapter XIII.



Previously on ‘Tale of the Demon Hero’: Hiiro finally found the ‘Key’ which is Harue who tore off some important pages from the ‘Book of Prophecies’; The ’13 Mercenaries’ has arrived at ‘Fireiya’ and began their ambush on the first day of the ‘Annual Fireiyan Festival’. Two hours later, 7 dead bodies were found around that neighborhood.

One hour earlier

Back in the ‘Main Island’, I.C.H.Q.

Inside the ‘Advisor’s Room’…

Hiiro was reading some written reports on his desk when he got interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Um? Big brother, it is me.” Harue said as she knocked on the door, waiting for Hiiro’s response outside the room

“Damn it! My stupid sister tore off some important pages from the ‘book’. Written in the ‘book’ were probably the clues where I find the ‘Gate Keeper’, ‘Catalyst’ and the location of the ‘Rusty Gate’- Come in.” Hiiro said as he gently placed the paper on the top of his desk.

“Thank you. Um? I-I’m here to apologize for destroying your ‘book’. Here, please take it back.” Harue sadly said as she apologized and put the ‘book’ on the top of Hiiro’s desk.

“Me too. I would like to apologize as well. I didn’t mean to nag at you.” Hiiro said as he sighed and apologized to Harue.

“Um? You must be the ‘Master’ the ‘book’ referring to.” Harue said as Hiiro got curious and looked at her.

“’Master? What do you mean?” Hiiro said as he asked Harue.

“Uh? I’ve read that the ‘Key’ will guide the ‘Master’ in find the ‘Gate Keeper’ and ‘Catalyst’ and lead them to the ‘Rusty Gate’. So, since this ‘book’ belongs to you, I concluded that you must be the ‘Master’ it was referring to.” Harue said as she explained to Hiiro.

“Indeed. This is my ‘book’. According to the ‘Beasts of Earth’, you as the ‘Key’ is the only one who can open and read that ‘book’.” Hiiro said as he looked at the ‘Book of Prophecies’.

“Will you help me then?” Harue seriously said as she asked Hiiro.

“Help you? You mean – Wait! Is it the ‘Collision’ Prophecy?” Hiiro exclaimed and asked Harue.

“You told us that the Prophecy must be fulfilled in order to save the Kingdom from being destroyed by the ‘Seven Mythical Beasts’ and from those greedy ‘humans’. Remember, I made I promise to our fellow ‘Alementalians’ that I and my chosen ‘Candidate’ will do anything just to save the Kingdom.” Harue said as she smiled and took the ‘book’ off Hiiro’s desk.

“Your ‘Candidate’? You mean the ‘Witch’?” Hiiro said as he walked out of his desk and grabbed his brown cape.

“Rai is not a ‘Witch’. I chose her because I knew that she would help me again, just like what she done six months ago during the welcome party.” Harue said as she smiled at Hiiro.

“Oh? That was her? Alright! I will help you but – I mean you already torn off some important pages from the ‘book’. How are we going to find the other ‘Two Factors.’?” Hiiro said as he sighed and agreed to help Harue.

“I-I’m really sorry about that. Um? What should I do?” Harue said as she apologized to Hiiro.

“Uh? I supposed you already read some chapters of that ‘book’. Do you think you can recall what was written on those loose pages?” Hiiro said as he asked Harue.

“Yes! From what I remember, that page says something about ‘Cursed Marks’ being related to the other ‘Two Factors’. Can I borrow that parchment paper and quill?” Harue said as she asked Hiiro.

Hiiro immediately gave the parchment paper and quill; Hiiro cleared some spaces on his desk and then Harue tried to draw something on the parchment paper. As Hiiro cleaned his desk, Naomi’s love letter fell on the floor.

“There. I’m done. Please take a look.” Harue said as she got finished and gave the paper to Hiiro.

“Uh? What am I looking that?” Hiiro said as he wondered and asked Harue.

“How mean! I drew what I remembered after reading those loose pages; That figure of a chain tattoo-like ‘Cursed Mark’ is the second clue left to us to find the ‘Gate Keeper.’” Harue said as she blushed and pouted.

“Ah, yes! Chains? I though these are a bunch of tiny circles linked together – Ow-Ouch!” Hiiro said as he cried in pain after Harue stepped onto his right foot.

Harue got flustered and accidentally stepped onto Naomi’s love letter; Harue got curious and picked up the love letter.

“From: Naomi Kurogaki.? Ah! This love letter came from big sister Naomi. Wait! She and the other six fugitives were exiled to that world called ‘Earth’. How was she able to send this letter?” Harue said as she examined the letter and gave it back to Hiiro.

“Let me explain. We, ‘Aethyrians’, usually sent out our letters by tying it on a tree trunk; the tree absorbs and magically sending it to the nearest tree where the receiver of the letter is located so probably nature also exists on this ‘Earth’ that’s why I still received that love letter. Wait! What you mean by ‘Second clue’?” Hiiro said as he wondered and asked Harue.

“Ah! There was a riddle under the image of that ‘Cursed Mark’. From what I’ve remember, that riddle is written like this.” Harue said as she suddenly grabbed another piece of parchment paper and began writing something.

“A riddle? That’s interesting. The ‘Beasts of Earth’ also gave me a riddle to help me finding the ‘Key’.” Hiiro said as he got intrigued and watch Harue write on his desk.

“I’m done. Please take a look.” Harue said as she got finish writing and gave it to Hiiro.

“Let’s see. ‘eH, eht 'etaG repeeK' saw a rail deniahc ot sih tsap.' What is this?! Is this sort of an enchantment?” Hiiro exclaimed as he scratched his head and failed to read what’s written on the paper.

“See? Even you cannot decipher that strange riddle. Ah! How about we ask Big Brother Yuki? He works as an ‘Imperial Instructor’ so probably he can help us to solve that riddle.” Harue said as she suggested to Hiiro.

“Uh? Harue, listen to me. I want to keep this secret between us. We don’t want to disturb Yuki with hectic schedule teaching the new students back in the ‘Imperial Academy’.” Hiiro said as he gently taps Harue’s right shoulder.

“You’re right. Okay. I promise to keep this as our secret.” Harue softly said as she smiled.

“Alright. I will keep these papers until we find someone who can help us decipher this riddle meanwhile you, my little sister, try to remember what’s written on those loose pages of that ‘book’.” Hiiro said as he smiled and tousled Harue’s hair.

“Okay! Um? Speaking of Big brother Yuki, I wonder where is he. He said that he will visit you here after he fixed my door.” Harue said as she wondered.

“Your highnesses. It’s me, Emi#2. May I come in?” Emi#2 said as she knocked on the door, waiting outside for Hiiro and Harue’s response.

“Let her in.” Hiiro said as he stretched out his arms.

“Yes! Please come in.” Harue said as her response.

Emi#2 went inside the room; Hiiro sat down and went back on reading the written reports compiled on his desk.

“Speak.” Hiiro said as he commanded Emi#2.

“After fixing the door to her highness’s room, Mr. Court Marshall came to tell Sir Yuki was summoned to the ‘Underground Prison’ with Mr. Carlo.” Emi#2 said as she reported to reported to Hiiro and Harue.

“What? To the ‘Underground Prison’? Why?” Hiiro said as suddenly slammed the papers back onto his desk.

“Uh? I’ve heard that one of the prisoners locked up in the North Wing went missing.” Emi #2 said as she continues.

“Hm? That’s normal for prisoners trying to escape out of the ‘Underground Prison’. But as I far as I know, Emi Fujimoto was the first one who did actually escape that labyrinth-like prison. Don’t worry, Harue. Yuki will be just fine.” Hiiro said as he continues read the written reports.

“Um? Okay. I was wondering what’s locked up in the North Wing.” Harue said as she nodded and wondered.

In the ‘Underground Prison’

Along the North Wing,


Yuki and Mr. Carlo finally arrived at the North Wing and saw the three ‘Imperial Soldiers’ lying down on the ground, crying in pain.

“Hey! Please wake up. Tell us what happened.” Yuki said as he gently rolled over the first ‘Imperial Soldier’ and asked him.

“My eyes! My eyes! I cannot see anything. Please help me!” The first ‘Imperial Soldier’ said as he cried in pain onto Yuki’s arms.

“Three? Wait! This is the North Wing and there’s supposed to be only one ‘Imperial Soldier’ guarding this Wing - Your eyes? What?! What happened to your eyes?” Yuki said as he and Mr. Carlo examined the Soldier’s eyes.

“How did that happened? He’s blind!” Mr. Carlo said as he tells Yuki.

“What? How? What exactly happened in here?” Yuki said as he wondered and looked at the other two ‘Imperial Soldiers’.

“That’s because they got attracted and gazed upon my dazzling wings.” A voice said as it overheard their conversation.

“The voice came over there, in Room #9.” Mr. Carlo said as he stood up and knocked on the door connecting to Room #9.

Yuki also stood up and knocked on the same door. “Who’s there?” Yuki said as he got curious and asked the voice.

“No one. I’m glad that I did helped our eldest, big brother to escape to save her.” The voice said it response to Yuki’s question.

“Her? So, your big brother got escaped to save who?” Yuki said as he asked the voice.

“Se-cret! The Wheel of Fortune begins to move, counter clockwise.” The voice said it responded to Yuki’s question.

The first ‘Imperial Soldier’ sighed and casually sat on the floor, listening to their conversation.

“But all of the doors were kept shut. How did your big brother get out?” Mr. Carlo said as he ran away and checked each prison room inside the North Wing.

“We asked the ‘Beasts of Earth’ to help us.” The first ‘Imperial Soldier’ said as he stood up and stretched out his arms.

“Us? W-Wait! What do you mean by that?” Mr. Carlo said as he asked the first ‘Imperial Soldier’.

“Look! There they are. Over there.” The first ‘Imperial Soldier’ said as he, Yuki and Mr. Carlo looked at the other end of the Hallway.

‘Ki’ and ‘Mi’, the two ‘Gold Eaters’, were standing at the other end of the Hallway; ‘Ki’ raised his short, little hand to waved back at Yuki and Mr. Carlo while ‘Mi’ suddenly sneezed in front of everyone.

“T-The vicious ‘Gold Eaters’! H-How did you get out of your prison room?” Mr. Carlo said as he shouted along the Hallway.

“Vicious? No! Are you mad? They are so freaking cute.” The first ‘Imperial Soldier’ said as Yuki and Mr. Carlo wondered and looked at him.

‘Ki’ and ‘Mi’ flinched and then ran away.

“W-wait! Where are you going?” Mr. Carlo said as he suddenly ran away and left Yuki.

“Sir Carlo? Wait! W-who really are you?” Yuki said as he turned around and asked the ‘Imperial Soldier’.

“I’m ‘Sielo’, one of the ‘Dire Wolves’ your big brother locked up on the other wing. Goodbye!” The ‘Imperial Soldier’ said as he suddenly ran away from Yuki.

“‘Dire Wolves’? Hey! Wait! Come back.” Yuki said as he ran away, chasing the first ‘Imperial Soldier.’

“This form is killing me. I missed my soft and shiny, silvery white fur. Let’s revert back! Trans-form!” The second ‘Imperial Soldier’ said as she stood up and stretched out her arms.

The second ‘Imperial Soldier’ jumped in the air and magically morphed back into a huge, Dire Wolf.

“Amazing! You morphed back into a Dire Wolf.” The voice inside the Room#9 said as it’s mysterious ‘Alementalian’ or ‘Beast’ went closer to the metal door.

“Thank you. We,

the ‘Beasts of Water’,

can transform into anything we want.

This is just a temporary form though.”

‘Ceila’ said as she was telepathically talking to the voice inside Room#9.

“Big brother Ryo, you can get up now.” The voice inside the Room#9 said as the mysterious ‘Alementalian’ or ‘Beast’ went closer to the metal door.

The third ‘Imperial Soldier’ sighed and stood up the floor; He, then, dusted off his armor and yawned.

“I told you, I’m a bad actor but thanks for helping me. Let me unlock that metal door for you, ‘Flora’.” The third ‘Imperial Soldier’ said as he took the silver key out of his right, chest pocket.

“No! You must get going. Ceila will lead you to the nearest exit out of the ‘Underground Prison’. ‘Flora’ said as he stopped ‘Ryo’ from unlocking the metal door.

“But? Alright! I will be back. Let’s go.” ‘Ryo’ A.K.A. the third ‘Imperial Soldier’ said as he sighed and swallowed the silver key.

‘Big Brother, this way.

Please follow me.’

‘Ceila’ said as she was talking telepathically to ‘Ryo’.

“Okay. Just stay put, okay. I promise I will back.” ‘Ryo’ said as he and ‘Ceila’ ran out of the North Wing.

“Don’t worry, big brother. I know you’ll save her.” ‘Flora’ said as she leaned on the metal door and fell asleep on the floor.

Back at JT’s Diner

Inside the dining area…

Ms. Janice was serving the other customers as Theo went inside their Diner.

“Mother! Please help them! Ow-Ouch.” Theo said as he slammed the door and fell on the floor.

“Theo!? Theo, are you alright? Look at your clothes. What happened?” Ms. Janice exclaimed as she suddenly dropped the wine bottle and approached Theo.

“Mother, please help them. Ow-Ouch! Mr. and Mrs. Akimura are in great danger. There are mercenaries who want to kill - Please help them.” Theo said as he lost his consciousness and fell asleep onto the floor.

“Danger? Theo! Theo! Somebody please help my son.” Ms. Janice said as she looked at her customers and cried for help.

“I’m a physician. Let me help him.” Customer #2 said as he stood up and approached Ms. Janice and Theo.

Rai finally got finished cleaning the plates and went out to check what’s happening in the dining area.

“Uh? Ms. Janice, is everything alright – Theo!? Theo!” Rai said as she saw Theo wounded and sleeping on the floor.

“Please take care of him. Rai, come with me.” Ms. Janice said as she suddenly grabbed Rai’s right hand and dragged her away.

“Eh? Where are we going? H-How about Theo?” Rai said as she asked Ms. Janice.

“Don’t worry. Theo will be fine.” Ms. Janice said as she and Rai ran out of the Diner.

Inside the Akimura’s Property…

Mr. Sai and Mrs. Mai arrived at the front doors of the Akimura’s house.

“Mr. Shuichi! It’s me. I hope you received my message. Get ready to be blown away because – Uh? The door’s opened.” Mr. Sai said as he shouted out and wondered.

“Um? That’s strange. The Akimura family always lock their door and clean their place. Mr. Akimura hates dirt and even dead rats.” Mrs. Mai said as she noticed the dead rat on the front lawn.

Mr. Sai and his wife went inside the house.

“Hello! We’re coming in. Uh?! There’s blood on the door knob.” Mr. Sai said as he opened the door.

“Dear, look! There’s also blood on the part of the floor, just below that broken window.” Mrs. Mai said as she and her husband to the location where Theo got shot.

“What? What exactly happened in here?” Mr. Sai said as he wondered and looked around the house.

Mr. Sai examined the broken window and looked outside; He gazed up on the 2nd floor of the abandoned house just across the Akimura’s.

“What are you staring at? Dear, look! Seven masked people just went out of that abandoned house.” Mrs. Mai said as she got curious and also looked outside.

“Something’s wrong. Follow me, let’s check their backyard.” Mr. Sai said as he looked at the broken window and instructed his wife.

Five Minutes Later…

Mr. Sai and Mrs. Mai went to Akimura’s backyard and saw four dead bodies lying down on the ground.

“W-What happened in here? I-I cannot look anymore.” Mrs. Mai exclaimed as she cried and hid behind her husband.

“An ambush. Wait! Mrs. Akimura? Mrs. Akimura!” Mr. Sai said as he and his wife saw Mrs. Akimura lying down on the ground.

Mr. Sai and Mrs. Mai ran towards her and tried to wake her up.

“Dear, stop it! She’s already dead just like the other three.” Mrs. Mai sadly said as she leans onto Mr. Sai’s right shoulder.

“I know. I – Wait! You go out and check that abandoned house. Go back when you found something.” Mr. Sai said as he instructed his wife.

“O-Okay! I will be back.” Mrs. Mai said as she wiped off her tears and ran out of the backyard.

“May your soul rest in peace. Now, what would I tell Rai?” Mr. Sai said as he whispered to himself.

Mr. Sai gently put down Mrs. Akimura on the ground and used his wine-red colored cape to cover her dead body; He noticed an iron spear that was snapped into two. Mr. Sai tore off his long sleeves and carefully took of the iron head of the spear and hide it inside his right leg, pocket.

Back on the streets…

Two ‘Red Blacksmith’ were running along the streets, trying to find Mr. Sai and Mrs. Mai.

“There you are, your highness!” The first ‘Red Blacksmith’ said as they finally found Mrs. Mai.

“Uh? Is there a problem?” Mrs. Mai said as she stopped from running and asked the ‘Red Blacksmith.’

“Mrs. Mai! Please help us! W-We found three dead bodies inside that abandoned house.” The second ‘Red Blacksmith’ said as he panicked.

“What?! You go to the Akimura’s backyard and inform Mr. Sai about this and lead me there. Now!” Mrs. Mai said as he ordered the two ‘Red Blacksmiths’.

“Y-Yes! This way your highness.” The first ‘Red Blacksmith’ said as he ran away, followed by Mrs. Mai.

While the second ‘Red Blacksmith’ ran away and went to the Akimura’s Backyard.

Inside the Abandoned House

2nd floor...

The first ‘Red Blacksmith’ kicked the wooden door and went inside the house, followed by Mrs. Mai; they saw three dead bodies, lying down on the floor.

“W-What happened in here?” The first ‘Red Blacksmith’ said as he was horrified from what he saw.

“Is that Mr. Akimura? Mr. Akimura?!” Mrs. Mai said as he they saw Mr. Akimura and ran towards him.

“He’s dead, your highness just like the other two in here. Wait! Is that Gina? Gina!” The first ‘Red Blacksmith’ said as he recognized Gina and ran towards her.

Mr. First ‘Blacksmith’ saw a poisoned arrow that was snapped into two, beside Gina’s dead body; He silently took out his handkerchief and gently removed the iron head from the arrow and hid it inside his right chest pocket.

“Please get out and ask for help.” Mrs. Mai said as she cried and ordered the ‘Red Blacksmith’.

The first ‘Red Blacksmith’ immediately ran out of the abandoned house and shouted for help around the neighborhood.

“Now, look what happened. How I wish that you’ve listened to my warning. I’m sorry.” Mrs. Mai said as she cried onto Mr. Akimura’s dead body.

Twenty Minutes later…

Ms. Janice and Rai arrived back the Akimura’s House; Ms. Janice slammed opened the door and she and Rai went inside the house. Rai saw the blood on the floor and immediately ran to the backyard through their back door, followed by Ms. Janice.

Inside Akimura’s Backyard…

Ms. Janice and Rai saw Mr. Sai guiding the other two Red Blacksmiths carry the last wooden stretcher and lined it up with the other six, lying down on the ground; the other six stretchers were covered with white cloth.

“Mr. Sai! W-What happened in here?” Ms. Janice said as she asked Mr. Sai.

“Uh? It was a massacre. Rai, darling, please listen to me. Y-Your parents were also amongst the other five dead victims of this incident.” Mr. Sai said as he approached Rai and hugged her.

Rai kept silent as she is still in shock of what happened to her parents; Ms. Janice got angry and suddenly pulled Mr. Sai away from Rai.

“Huh?! You must be joking – Now, I remember! My son came back wounded and mentioned the word ‘mercenaries’. Does that mean – they are probably not far from here. Let’s go and chase them.” Ms. Janice said as he suggested to Mr. Sai.

“Mercenaries? You mean those masked people? We saw them went out of that abandoned house escape going to the ‘Crafting District’.” Mrs. Mai said as she sitting on the ground, beside the wooden stretchers of the Akimura couple.

“That was 30 minutes ago. The easiest way in and out of the ‘Village’ is through our ‘Sub-Train station’ but to get to there, you have to pass the ‘Crafting District’ which is impossible because everyone is preparing for the next event.” Mr. Sai said as he shoved Ms. Janice away.

“Ah! The next event is the ‘War Dance Competition’. You forced Ms. Akari to replace you as the host since you don’t know how to dance.” Ms. Mai said as she looked at her husband.

“Huh?! Well, I, clearly did not forced her to but I-I just need someone to replace me before visit the Akimura’s house.” Mr. Sai said as he flinched and blushed.

Ms. Janice realized something and didn’t listened to Mr. Sai; She, instead walked away from everyone.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Mr. Sai said as he tried to stop Ms. Janice.

“Get away from me. I’m so sorry, Theo. It is Mama’s fault why you got injured.” Ms. Janice said as she walked away

Ms. Janice went inside Mr. Akimura’s open, old garage located few meter away from their back yard.

“Ms. Janice? Please calm down.” The first ‘Red Blacksmith’ said he and his friend followed Ms. Janice inside the garage.

“Darling, Rai’s already here. Please stand up.” Mr. Sai said as he gently pats his wife’s right shoulder.

“Okay. Rai, here’s your father’s rifle. I’m really sorry.” Mrs. Mai said as she stood up and gave the rifle to Rai.

Rai was still emotionless as she gently grabbed the rifle and hugged it.

“We’ll give you some privacy. Darling, let’s go. We still need to chase those mercenaries.” Mr. Sai said as he gently grabbed his wife’s right hand.

Mrs. Mai suddenly pushed her husband away and started strangling Rai; Rai dropped the rifle and tried to pushed Mrs. Mai away from her.

“This is all your fault! If you weren’t born, Shuichi is probably alive right now. Die!” Mrs. Mai said as she got angry and strangled Rai.

“Darling, Stop! Your ex-fiancé is already dead. Get away from her!” Mr. Sai said as he got angry and yelled at Mr. Sai.

“So does your ex-girlfriend. Get away from me!” Mrs. Mai said as she got pissed off and shouted back to her husband

Mr. Sai got angry and forcefully pushed Rai and Mai away from each other. Both Rai and Mrs. Mai fell on the ground; Few minutes later, the ground began quacking as if there’s an earthquake going on.

“Now, what is happening? Eh!?” Mr. Sai said as he, Mrs. Mai and Rai turned around and saw the two ‘Red Blacksmiths’ running out of the back yard.

“Hurry! Ran away! Ms. Janice is coming!” the two ‘Red Blacksmiths’ said as they both panicked while running away from Ms. Janice.

“Ms. Janice is driving father’s armored war tank! Wait! She can drive that?!” Rai said as Ms. Janice opened the hatch and waved at Rai.

“Rai, look! I finally managed to drive this thing. Your father’s awesome invention is still a prototype though but this will help us find those mercenaries.” Ms. Janice said as she smiled and shouted back at Rai and the others.

“Ms. Janice is mad! She cannot just bring that to the ‘Crafting District’.” Mrs. Mai said as she stood up as the war tank passes, ten meters away from their location.

“So, it was a war tank. I didn’t expect that. Oh well! Let’s go. We have to stop Ms. Janice before she hurt someone back at the ‘Crafting District.’” Mr. Sai said as Mrs. Mai nodded.

Mr. Sai gently tousled Rai’s hair and ran away, followed by Mrs. Mai.

Rai was the only one left behind in their back yard; She gently picked up her father’s rifle and hugged it.

“My body’s trembling and I don’t know what to do. Should I cry? Should I be sad? Should I be mournful? Ah, I remember this feeling I’ve also felt six months ago. This is not agony or despair. Wrath. I-I’ll show them how rotten they are.” Rai said as she whispered to herself and noticed something hidden onto his father’s hand.

“A gold key? This is the key to my father’s secret room inside the back garage.” Rai said as she carefully took out the key and examined it.

“There you are, little ‘witch’. We need you to come with us.” The first ‘Fireiyan’ said as he and the other four slowly approached Rai.

The other four ‘Fireiyans’ were carrying a three-meter rope and an old sack; Rai got afraid and tried to ran away but she was chased by the two ‘Fireiyans’ and used the old sack to cover her head.

“N-No! please stop. Let me go! Let me – Get away from me!” Rai said as she cried, struggling to get the old sack off her head.

The other two ‘Fireiyans’ used the rope to tie both of her arms back and carefully lifted her up; they all quietly went out of the Akimura’s backyard.

Back at the ‘Central District’….

The six remaining Mercenaries were running along the streets of the ‘Central District’; The ‘War Dance Competition’ has begun and the dancers were blocking the only way going to ‘Fireiya’s Sub-train station’.

“Thank you for that wonderful dance, Group #3. Now, - what is happening?” Ms. Akari said as she and the audience heard someone shouting outside.

“Help! Theo is kidnapped by six unknown Mercenaries. Please help us!” Customer #2 A.K.A. Mr. Physician #2, said he ran near the water fountain and cried for help.

“Theo!? Spearmen! Follow me.” Ms. Akari said as she jumped off the edge of the water fountain and ran away, follow by the 12 spearmen.

Outside the JT’s Diner…

Mr. Charlie was holding Theo as their hostage and they were lined up outside the JT’s Diner; Mr. Charlie and the other four mercenaries took their mask off and threw it away except No.13 who refused not to take part of their crazy antic.

“Is this really necessary?” Mr. Bobby softly said as he asked Mr. Charlie.

“Yes! We’re going to ask them to let us pass in exchange of this boy’s life.” Mr. Charlie softly said and then aimed his sniper gun in the crowd.

The curious crowd got mortified and took a few steps back and away from the JT’s Diner.

“But why this boy? We could use someone else as our hostage.” Ms. Milly softly said as she asked Mr. Charlie.

“This boy is one of the four children I’ve seen waiting outside the Akimura’s house. Probably he’s one of his accomplices.” Mr. Charlie said as he looked at Ms. Milly.

“Where’s No.12? I thought that weird guy was running beside me.” Ms. Lilia softly said as she looked around, trying to find No.12.

“That weird guy! I knew it. He just wanted his share of gold and ditched us after the job.” Ms. Carla softly said as she got pissed off.

No.13 nodded in agreement with Ms. Carla’s statement.

“Now, what should we do?” Mr. Bobby softly said as asked the other five mercenaries.

Ms. Akari and the twelve Spearmen arrived outside the JT’s Diner.

“Theo!? I’m Akari Hashimoto, one of the ‘Fireiyan Reps’ and I came in here to negotiate.” Ms. Akari courageously said as she stepped forward to the six Mercenaries.

Mr. Charlie dropped his sniper gun and sighed.

“Negotiate eh? Then, let us pass in exchange for this boy’s life.” Mr. Charlie said as his demands to Ms. Akari.

“No! I refuse. Give us Theo back first then I will allow you to pass.” Ms. Akari said as her demands to Mr. Charlie.

“Huh?! Do what he says or I’ll blow his head off.” Mr. Bobby said as he got annoyed and shouted back at Ms. Akari.

Mr. Bobby aimed his old, pistol gun onto Theo’s head; Theo flinched and got scared as he tries to stay calm.

“I’m surprised that boy is still calm after you aimed your gun onto his head.” Ms. Lilia said as she looked at Theo.

“Um? Just to inform you, peace is never an option in this ‘Village’, especially with my mother.” Theo said as he sighed and smirked at the six mercenaries.

“No! You do what I say or you’ll never get pass this street. My fellow ‘Fireiyans’ will do anything just to save Ms. Janice’s son.” Ms. Akari said as she smirked.

The other ‘Fireiyans’ immediately grabbed their forged Long swords, shotguns, iron spears and surrounded the six mercenaries.

“We’re being out numbered. Now, what should we do?” Mr. Charlie softly said as he asked the other five mercenaries.

“Give the boy back.” Ms. Lilia softly said as she ordered Mr. Charlie.

“What? Are you mad – Uh? Damn it. Okay.” Mr. Charlie said as he walked away with Theo.

“On my signal, throw this poisoned dagger onto the right arm of that annoying woman.” Ms. Lilia softly said as she quietly took out one of her poisoned daggers and gave it to No.13.

No.13 nodded as she grabbed the poisoned dagger.

“You can have him back. Now, let us pass.” Mr. Charlie said as pushed Theo towards Ms. Akari.

Theo slipped and fell on the ground; Ms. Akari immediately approached Theo.

“Are you alright? Don’t worry, I’m here.” Ms. Akari said as she smiled and hugged Theo.

“Your highness, what are your orders?” The first Spearman said as he asked Ms. Akari.

“Everyone, please listen to me. Stand back and let them pass.” Ms. Akari said as she commanded her fellow ‘Fireiyans’.

The other ‘Fireiyans’ obeyed her command; they lowered their weapons down and stepped out of the street.

“That’s right! You should listen to your ‘Village Reps’ – What is happening?” Mr. Bobby said as he and the other mercenaries stopped from walking.

The ground began quacking as if there’s an earthquake going on. Everyone turned around and saw Mr. Sai and the two ‘Red Blacksmiths’ running as fast as they can before Ms. Janice and her armored war tank crush them.

“Hurry! Ran away! Get out of her way!” Mr. Sai as he and the others arrived inside the ‘Crafting District’ and shouted to his fellow ‘Fireiyans’.

“Everyone! I’m back. Oh, there you are! I’ve found the mercenaries who hurt my adorable son. Come here.” Ms. Janice said as she carefully drove the war tank towards the six mercenaries.

Everyone panicked and immediately ran away from the ‘Crafting District; the first spearman approached Ms. Akari and Theo.

“That’s a war tank! Let’s get out of here.” Ms. Milly said as she and the others ran away.

“Now!” Ms. Lilia said as she ordered No.13.

No.13 nodded and aimed the poisoned dagger to Ms. Akari; No.13 threw away the dragger and it hit Ms. Akari’s right arm.

“Eh? What – A dagger?” Ms. Akari said as she suddenly lost her consciousness and fell on the ground.

“Ms. Akari! Ms. Akari! Help! Somebody please help us.” Theo said as he cried for help.

“Your highness! I-I’ll be back! I’ll find that physician.” The first Spearman said as he ran away.

“I’m here to help!” Ms. Georgina said as she arrived.

Ms. Georgina was standing on the roof of a general store; She suddenly jumped off the roof and landed safely on the ground.

“Uh? Why are you up – Never mind! Please help Ms. Akari. She was hit with this dagger.” Theo said as he tells Ms. Georgina.

“We must immediately bring her highness back to the Hashimoto Estate. But first I need to stop that war truck.” Ms. Georgina said as she ran away, chasing Ms. Janice and her war truck.

“But?! Ms. Akari needs help. Somebody, please help us!” Theo said as he cried for help.

Ms. Georgina ran away; She followed the six mercenaries and the war tank going to the ‘Central Plaza.’

“Ms. Georgina, where are – What happened in here?! Big sister!” Hikaru said as he walked out of the alley behind Theo and Ms. Akari.

“You! Please help Ms. Akari! She was hit by this dagger.” Theo said as Hikaru dropped the large, brown paper bag and approached Theo and Ms. Akari.

The first spearman went running back, followed by Mr. Physician #2.

“We need to get her back at our mansion. But I wish there was even one truck around to get there fast.” Hikaru said as he got worried and looked around for a trunk.

“I’m here! What happened – Your highness?! Your highness!” Mr. Physician #2 said as he approached Theo and the others.

Mr. Physician carefully pulled off the dragger out of Ms. Akari’s right arm; He, then, tore off Hikaru’s long sleeves and used it to bind her wounded arm.

“Wait! I-Is that Mr. Sai’s military trunk approaching us?” Mr. Spearmen said as he and the others turned around and saw a war trunk that ran over the village gates and stopped beside them.

“Get her inside.” Mrs. Mai said as she was sitting the driver’s seat.

“Eh?! Your highness!?” Hikaru and the others exclaimed as they saw Mrs. Mai.

Few minutes later…

The war trunk left and now bound to the Hashimoto Estate; Theo decided not to come to follow his mother and ran away.

“Alright! Now, to the ‘Central Plaza’ Mother is really in big trouble – Eh? Ow-Ouch. Wait! I saw Hikaru dropped this paper bag earlier. What is this? A black, masquerade mask?” Theo said as he gently picked up the black mask and wondered.

Theo decided to hide the mask; He, then, ran back inside their diner and hid the mask inside the large, cooking cauldron placed above the make-shift stove and covered it with palm leaves.

Back in the ‘Central Plaza’…

The other ‘Fireiyans’ got scared and ran away as they saw the six mercenaries, Mr. Janice, Mr. Sai and the two ‘Red Blacksmiths’ arrived at the ‘Central Plaza’

“Who the hell is this woman?” Mr. Charlie softly said as he and the others stopped behind the water fountain.

“Who knows. We did get out alive of the ‘Crafting District’ but her war trunk will sure crush us to death.” Ms. Milly softly said as they looked at the war trunk.

“I caught you. There’s nowhere to run. Look! You’re being surrounded with my fellow ‘Fireiyans’.” Ms. Janice said as the war trunk stopped five meters away from the mercenaries.

An angry mob carrying their forged weapons indeed surrounded the six mercenaries.

“You must pay for ruining our ‘Festival’!” Ms. Janice said as she yelled at the six mercenaries.

“Get out of here and never come back!” Mr. Fireiyan’ said as he got mad and shouted at the six mercenaries.

The other ‘Fireiyans’ grabbed some stones and threw it at Ms. Lilia and No.13.

“Damn it! Let’s get out of here – Eh?” Ms. Milly said as Ms. Janice aimed the war tank’s turret to Ms. Milly.

“Everyone ran away from the water fountain! Feel the wrath of a mother’s cry. Ready-… Fire!” Ms. Janice said as she fired the war tank.

A loud explosion was heard after that; the smoke surrounded the entire ‘Central Plaza’. The six mercenaries were nowhere to be seen and the water fountain was partially destroyed.

“Ms. Janice did it! Yes!” the angry mob shouted out as they cheer for Ms. Janice.

“Now, let’s see where are they – What the? Who’s there?!” Ms. Janice said as she wondered.

“It’s me, Ms. Former ‘Village Chief’ and I am here to stop you.” Ms. Georgina said as she suddenly appeared in front of the war truck.

Ms. Georgina arrived and stopped in front of the war truck; She, then, carefully pushed it backwards using her unexplainable, physical strength.

“Get out of my way or else I will crush you!” Ms. Janice said as she got angry and drove the war truck forward to Ms. Janice.

“I maybe the eldest amongst us three siblings but I am also the strongest. Now, please calm down!” Ms. Georgina said as she shouted out.

Ms. Georgina used her full strength to push backwards and accidentally flipped the war truck upside down; Ms. Janice got trapped inside the war trunk and immediately pulled outside by Ms. Georgina.

“W-What happened in here? Mother? Mother!” Theo said as he arrived at the ‘Central Plaza’ and saw Ms. Janice.

“My son! Mother’s here! Shh! Don’t cry.” Ms. Janice said as she hugged Theo and smiled.

“Now, where are those mercenaries?” Ms. Georgina said as she wondered and looked around.

“There they are! Spearmen, follow me.” Mr. Sai said as he saw the six mercenaries ran to the street going to the ‘Sub-Train Station’.

Mr. Sai and the twelve spearmen ran away, chasing the six mercenaries.

Fireiya’s Sub-Train Station…

The six mercenaries arrived inside the Waiting Area; Mr. Bobby got injured after saving Ms. Milly from that sudden assault.

Inside the narrow alley…

“Mr. Bobby, are you alright?” Ms. Milly said as she asked Mr. Bobby sitting on the ground.

“Damn it! That mad woman suddenly fired at us. Look at what she did to your right leg.” Mr. Charlie said as he took off his coat and used it to bind Mr. Bobby’s broken, left arm.

A skeletonized, right arm suddenly sprang out of the wooden wall and grabbed Mr. Bobby’s neck; Mr. Terry, the ‘Leader of the White Skeletons’, magically crawl his way out on the surface, followed by Vanny who also sprang out behind him.

“Found you. Eh? I got the wrong guy.” Vanny said as she jumped out of the wooden wall and poked Mr. Charlie’s nose.

Mr. Bobby was unable to move his neck as he was both terrified and strangled by Mr. Terry; Mr. Bobby quietly took out his pocket knife and used it to stab Mr. Terry’s empty, right eye…socket.

“A-A ‘White Skeleton’?! Let’s ran away!” Ms. Carla said as she got terrified and ran away, abandoning the other five mercenaries.

“Damn woman! Let’s get away from here!” Mr. Bobby said as he stood up and ran away from Mr. Terry and Vanny.

The remaining five mercenaries ran out of the alley but with one swift move; Vanny seized Ms. Lilia’s right arm and pushed her to the trash bins located at the other end of the alley while Mr. Terry seized Mr. Charlie’s right leg and lifted him upside down.

“Mr. Charlie! Uh? W-What is it doing to him?” Mr. Milly said as she and others saw Mr. Terry looking at Mr. Charlie.

“Unhand me, you damn ‘White Skeleton’! Unhand me!” Mr. Charlie said as he got angry and kicked Mr. Terry’s chest using his left foot.

No.13 quietly took out one of the poisoned arrows behind his back; Then, using the curved, wooden bow, No.13 aimed the arrow to Mr. Terry’s right chest.

“No, Stop! He’s – Uh!?” Ms. Carla said as she tried to stop No.13.

But it was too late. No.13 got startled and accidentally fired the poisoned arrow; the poisoned arrow flew towards Mr. Terry who used Mr. Charlie as his shield to defend himself. The poisoned arrow hit Mr. Charlie’s right, lower abdomen instead of Mr. Terry.

“Ow-Ouch! D-Damn it! I said unhand me – Eh?!” Mr. Charlie said as he shouted out to Mr. Terry.

“Okay.” Mr. Terry said as he got annoyed and intentionally let Mr. Charlie drop on the ground.

“Uh? Mr. Terry, what are we doing in here again?” Vanny said as she wondered and asked Mr. Terry.

“Stalling. That ancient dragon should be arriving any moment right – Oh! He just passed above us.” Mr. Terry said as he sighed and looked up in the clear sky.

“W-Was that a dragon?” Ms. Lilia said as she stood up and dusted off her clothes.

“Oh, you’re still alive? That’s impossible.” Vanny said as she slightly tilted her skeletonized head to the right and wondered.

“You’ll pay for throwing me at these dirty, garbage cans.” Ms. Lilia said as she got pissed off and drew out her poisoned Short sword.

With one swift move, Ms. Lilia ran towards Vanny and cut her skeletonized, right arm away.

“Ouch? Is that the right word to say? Nope! Hahaha!” Vanny said as she turned around and acted like nothing happened.

Vanny carefully picked up her skeletonized arm off the ground and magically connected it back on her right shoulder.

“Ah! Now, look what have you done. Vanny, calm down.” Mr. Terry said as he sighed and looked at Vanny.

“I’m not angry. It’s just that I don’t like her attitude.” Vanny said as she sighed and attacked Ms. Lilia.

With one swift move, Vanny ran and hide beside Ms. Lilia and seized her long hair; Vanny, then, carefully twists Mr. Lilia’s left arm and took the poisoned sword away from her.

Ms. Lilia fell on the ground, trying to catch her breath.

“Nice sword. I’m going to take this as a souvenir.” Vanny said as she casually slung the sword onto her right shoulder and walked back into the wooden wall.

“Did that ‘White Skeleton’ just went into the wooden wall?” Ms. Milly said as she and the others saw what happened.

“Oh! What is this? A silver case?” Mr. Terry said as he saw the silver case and picked it off the ground.

“No! Get your filthy hands away from Mei. Don’t worry, Mei! Father will come to save you – Ow-Ouch.” Mr. Charlie said as he tried to get up but it was useless.

With one swift move, Ms. Milly quietly took out her pocket knife and aimed it to Mr. Terry; She, then, threw it to Mr. Terry’s upper neck and used the thin, silk threads to decapitate his head.

Few moments later, Mr. Terry stopped moving and dropped the silver case on the ground; No.13 immediately ran and took the silver case away from Mr. Terry.

“Let’s get out of here.” Ms. Milly said as she helped Mr. Bobby to get up the ground.

No.13 helped Mr. Charlie to get up and gave the silver case to Ms. Lilia.

“Damn it! She got escaped. Uh! Follow me.” Ms. Lilia said as she ran out of the alley, followed by No.13 and Ms. Milly.

The remaining five mercenaries went inside the Platform #5; They all jumped onto the fourth train wagon of the last train going to ‘Iytheria’ before it left the ‘Sub-Train Station’.

Fifteen minutes later…

The five mercenaries pretended as normal train passengers and went to see the train conductor to seek help for Mr. Bobby and Mr. Charlie. While Mr. Bobby and Mr. Charlie were being treated at the first train wagon, Ms. Lilia, Ms. Milly and No.13 were all resting inside the fourth wagon.

“I actually did it. Look! My bloody hands are trembling. Father, I’ve finally avenged mother. Please lift up my banishment so that I can go back home. Hahaha!” No.13 said as she whispered to herself and manically laugh out loud.

“H-Hey! Are you alright? Why are you wearing a black, masquerade mask?” Mr. Passenger #1 said as he stood up and asked No.13.

No.13 looked at the passenger and nodded as a response to his question.

“I’m sorry about that. No.13’s just tired. Please don’t mind her.” Ms. Milly said as she stood up and apologized to the passengers.

“I understand. No.13, eh? That’s a weird name.” Mr. Passenger #1 said as he walked away and went back to his seat.

“That’s was close. What the hell is wrong with you?” Ms. Milly softly said as she asked No.13.

No.13 fell asleep onto the windows, still wearing the black mask.

“Uh? I’m curious to see who’s wearing this black mask.” Ms. Lilia softly said as she carefully took the black mask off No.13’s face.

“Who’s she? She seems familiar to me.” Ms. Milly said as she wondered.

“This is interesting. So, it was you after all. You’re the one who stole those poisoned arrow I specially made for Kazane.” Ms. Lilia said as she carefully placed the black mask back to No.13’s face.

Outside ‘Fireiya’s Sub-Train Station’…

Few curious passengers ran out of the ‘Sub-train station’ as they saw an ancient dragon flew above the ‘Village’; Mr. Charlie and the other five mercenaries looked up in the clear sky and saw the dragon’s shadow passed by.

“W-Was that a dragon?” Mr. ‘Fireiyan’ #1 said as he ran out of their ‘Sub-Train’ station.

“I think so. Wait! It flew from that direction – Eh? It came from the ‘Main Island’. Ms. ‘Fireiyan’ #2 said as she traced back where the dragon came from.

“We should ask our ‘Village Reps’ about this.” Mr. ‘Fireiyan’ #1 said as he ran away, followed by Ms. ‘Fireiyan’ #2.

Few meters away

From the ‘Sub-station’…

Mr. Sai, the two ‘Red Blacksmiths’ and the 12 spearmen arrived near the ‘Sub-train station’ and saw the dragon’s shadow flew above them.

“Team A you will search this area while Team B will search this alley – What is that?” Mr. Sai exclaimed as the dragon flew passed above them.

“That’s the shadow of a 20ft, four-winged dragon! But where did it came from?” Mr. First Spearman said as he wondered.

“There you are, Sir! We think that it probably came from the ‘Main Island’.” Mr. ‘Fireiyan’ #1 said as he arrived, followed by Ms. ‘Fireiyan’ #2.

“What? From the ‘Main Island’?! That’s impossible.” Mr. Sai said as he shouted out.

“Maybe they sent the dragon to attack our ‘Village’.” Mr. ‘Fireiyan’ #1 said as he wondered and looked at Ms. ‘Fireiyan’ #2.

“Maybe they sent the dragon to wage war against us. What are we going to do, your highness?” Ms. Fireiyan #2 said as everyone looked at Mr. Sai.

“War? That’s impossible – Wait! That’s probably why they sent those mercenaries first in our ‘Village’.” Mr. Sai as he concluded, making everyone worried.

“Alright! I’m sorry. For the meantime, please find my wife and Ms. Akari while the rest of us go out and find those mercenaries.” Mr. Sai said as he ordered his fellow ‘Fireiyans.’

Outside ‘Fireiya’s borders

Inside the jungle

Near the ravine…

The five ‘Fireiyans’ and Rai arrived at the ravine outside the forest; the first ‘Fireiyan’ carefully took off the old sack on Rai’s head and kicked her to the near edge of the ravine.

“No! This is a ravine. W-Why are you doing this?” Rai said as she cried and asked Mr. First ‘Fireiyan’.

“I despise you! Because of you my Papa and Mama are dead! And you should be too.” Mr. First ‘Fireiyan’ said as he got angry and yelled at Rai.

“What? I didn’t kill your parents. Why are you blaming me?” Rai said as she shouted back at Mr. First ‘Fireiyan’.

“I’m Van, the son of Mr. Manuel and Mrs. Judy. Tourists are not visiting our ‘Village’ anymore because of the nasty rumors they’ve heard about you. Desperate to keep our basketry livelihood alive, my parents went to the ‘Main Island’ to seek advice from the current ‘Royal Advisor. But after the Presentation, they were both found dead inside an alley. My parents were murdered because of you!” Van said as he cried and shouted at Rai.

“Oh? It is my fault, again. I am not a witch! I didn’t even ask to be born this way so please let me go.” Rai said as she cried and pleaded to Van.

“No. What happened to them is your fault! Your fault! Your fault!” Van said as he got angry and slapped Rai.

Van got mad and took Rai’s red scarf off her neck; the red scarf was blown away by the strong winds.

“Wait! Is that ‘Cursed Mark? Look! That proves you’re really a witch or worst a demon. Shout out for help, Little Demon Witch.” Van said as he kicked Rai away.

Rai fell on the ground, sobbing in pain while she silently took out her pocket knife, quietly cutting the rope off her hands.

“Come with me. Just one push off the ground and my problems will go away.” Van said as he grabbed the rope and forcefully dragged Rai to the edge of the ravine.

Rai stopped struggling as she was waiting for the right timing to escape; A mysterious, 22-year-old male ‘Alementalian’ was hiding up in the trees watching them fight.

“Now, off you go – Eh?” Van said as he turned around and finally got Rai to the edge of the ravine.

Rai finally managed to cut loose herself and seized Van’s collared shirt; Using her full strength, Rai kicked Van right into his balls, making him weak.

“Like what I said earlier, ‘I am not a witch!’” Rai said as she got angry and also punched Van onto his face.

“Ow-Ouch! W-What the hell is wrong with this woman?! Hey! Don’t just stand there and help me. Uh? Where are they?” Van said as he cried in pain and wondered where the other four ‘Fireiyans’ went.

“I already ate all of them.” The mysterious guy said as he jumped off the tree and walked towards Rai and Van.

“Ate? W-Who are you? Is that a ‘Dragon’s claw’?” Van nervously said as he stood up and asked the mysterious guy.

“Ah, yes! My other siblings call me ‘Ryo’ in this form. And indeed this is my right claw.” ‘Ryo’ said as he approached Van and showed his sharp right claw.

“N-No! Stay away from me. Help! Somebody! Please help me.” Van said as he got mortified and ran away from ‘Ryo’.

“Hey! Where are you going? I just introduced myself and you forgot to shake my right claw. Are you two still there?” ‘Ryo’ said as he summoned Alphe and Avia.

‘Yes! We’re still here

Your highness.’

Alphe, the ‘Alpha of the Black Hounds’, said as he was telepathically talking to ‘Ryo’.

“Feed him to your pups.” ‘Ryo’ said as he commanded to Alphe and Avia.

‘As you wish, your highness.

Uh? About your form… we - ’

Alphe said as he was telepathically talking to ‘Ryo’.

“Oh, this? This form kept me and my other six siblings alive for more than 100 years. I don’t like this but it is easy to move in this form.” ‘Ryo’ said as he stretched out his arms.

Alphe howled so loud that it resonated all over the Kingdom; Few moments later, three, young ‘Black Hounds’ magically popped out of a magical, shadow portal and ran away, chasing Van.

Alphe also ran away, chasing his three pups while Avia walked towards Rai.

‘Your highness! Are you alright?

What happened to your face?’

Avia said as she was talking telepathically to Rai.

“Highness? Oh? Hello. It is you again. Thank you for saving me.” Rai cheerfully said as she gently brushed Avia’s fur.

‘Look at you. you’ve a swollen face

And a lot of bruises. That damn kid!

He’ll pay for this.’

Avia said as she got angry and still talking telepathically to Rai.

“Don’t worry. I will be fine. Is he one of your friends?” Rai said as she got curious and asked Avia.

“So, it is true that you can speak to them. I’m impressed.” ‘Ryo’ said as his right claw magically reverted back into a normal arm.

“Although I am not an ‘Aethyrian’, I somehow can understand what this ‘White Hound’ is saying just like how you commanded the other one.” Rai said as she looked at ‘Ryo’.

“Interesting! Just like your infinity-like ‘Cursed Mark´ on your upper neck. Here, you can have it back.” ‘Ryo’ said as he approached Rai and showed her the red scarf.

“Thank you! Thank you! I thought it was blown away by the strong wind earlier – Eh?” The overjoyed Rai said as she saw the red scarf.

‘Ryo’ carefully put the red scarf around Rai’s upper neck and used it to hid her ‘Cursed Mark’.

“Your welcome.” ‘Ryo’ said as he walked away and stood up at the edge of the ravine.

“Heed my call, my fellow ‘Mythical Beasts’! Today, we witnessed how the descendants of the ‘First King and his Council’ deceived us. They have forgot their sworn oath and broke their promise. Judgment shall come to them, soon.” ‘Ryo’ said as he shouted out loud.

“Uh? Judgment? What kind of judgment?” Rai said as she got curious and asked ‘Ryo’

“That kind of judgment depends on you, Rai.” ‘Ryo’ said as he turned around looked at Rai.

“It depends on me - Uh?! That’s my name. How did you know that?” Rai exclaimed as she asked ‘Ryo’.

“Although I just hatched six months ago, ‘Cog Dragons’ like us has the ability to transcend and manipulate time itself. My mother told me your name as a hint about finding the ‘Catalyst’.” ‘Ryo’ said as he stretched his head and walked away from Rai, followed by Avia.

“’Manipulate Time eh? ’Catalyst’? Me? I really do not understand what you’re talking about.” Rai said as she ran away and walked beside ‘Ryo’.

“I was referring to the ‘Collision Prophecy’, idiot.” ‘Ryo’ said as he flicked Rai’s forehead.

“But the ‘Exiled Prince’ already threw the ‘Book of Prophecies’ on the ‘River of Selenia’ and it was completely destroyed when the ‘Upper Knights’ found it. That’s what Sir Hiiro told to us.” Rai said as she tells ‘Ryo’ who suddenly stopped from walking.

“Hiiro? Ah! How nostalgic. I will personally kill him whenever I saw him again.” ‘Ryo’ said as he got pissed off and clenched his right fist.

“Uh? I-Is it true that you can manipulate time?” Rai nervously said as she asked ‘Ryo’.

“Hm? Yes. I can. Why?” ‘Ryo’ said as he got intrigued and asked Rai.

“Ah, I-I see. Hahaha! I just got curious. That’s all.” Rai nervously said as she blushed and looked away.

“Let me give you a demonstration. Look carefully at this wilted tree.” ‘Ryo’ said as he and Rai walked towards an oak tree.

Rai witness how ‘Ryo’ simply flicked the tree trunk magically reverting it to its former strong and healthy form, 100 years ago.

“A-Amazing! The tree grew back its red flowers and green leaves. H-How did you do that?” Rai exclaimed as she hugged the tree and asked ‘Ryo’.

“I simply reset the time lost by this tree, making it a strong and healthy one. I kind of overdid it because even its red flowers grew back as well.” ‘Ryo’ said as he looked at his hands and sighed.

“T-Then, will you help me then?” Rai seriously said as she asked ‘Ryo.’

“Help you in what?” ‘Ryo’ said as he got curious and stretched out his arms.

“Uh? Can you bring back my – Eh?” Rai said as ‘Ryo’ suddenly pushed Rai onto the tree trunk.

“Your parents were already dead. The ‘Alementalian’ Magic strictly does not allow us to do try taboos like that. I’m sorry.” ‘Ryo’ seriously said as he tousled Rai’s hair.

“Uh?! O-okay. I-I’m sorry. Will you grant my wish, instead?” Rai seriously said as she insisted and asked ‘Ryo’.

“As far I as know, I am a dragon not genie nor a magician but anyway I will hear you out.” ‘Ryo’ said as he scratched his head and sighed.

“I – Wait! How are you going to grant my wish anyway?” Rai said as she got curious and asked ‘Ryo’.

“By simply answering my riddle.” ‘Ryo’ seriously said as he looked at Rai.

“So, you really can – No! please give a chance to answer your riddle.” Rai said as she challenged ‘Ryo’.

“Then, my riddle goes like this: ‘tahw spiks ecno dna snrut dnoura eciwt?’” ‘Ryo’ said as he tells Rai.

“Uh? T-The answer is – Eh?” Rai said as she sighed and got dizzy.

“Hey! What happened?” ‘Ryo’ said as he turned around and ran to catch Rai before she fell onto the ground.

“I don’t know. Ah! I almost forgot, thank you for saving me, ‘Mr. Ryo’.” Rai said as she smiled and slowly fell asleep onto ‘Ryo’s’ arms.

‘She must be tired, your highness.

Just by looking at her bruises,

She used up all of strength

to fight back earlier.’

Avia said as she was talking telepathically to ‘Ryo’.

“Someone’s coming. Hide.” ‘Ryo’ said as Avia stepped back and jumped onto a shadow portal to hide.

Hikaru was running inside the jungle, searching and worried for Rai.

“After we safely get my big sister back at the mansion, I sneaked out and went back to the ‘Central District’ to find that large, brown paper bag I accidentally dropped earlier. But I as I searched around, I saw Ms. Janice asking for my help to find Rai when a huge, dragon’s shadow passed above the ‘Village’. I’ve decided to follow the dragon and it somehow landed in here…but I really need to find that paper bag. Uh! I need to find Rai first. Rai! Where are you? Rai!” Hikaru said as he ran pass by the trees and shouted out.

“Hey! Over here!” ‘Ryo’ said as he saw Hikaru and shouted at him.

“There you are, Rai! Rai? What happened to her?” Hikaru said as he got worried to Rai and immediately hugged her.

“I don’t know. I was resting up on that tree when I saw her arrived and suddenly fell onto the ground.” ‘Ryo’ said as he lied and stood up.

“Thank you for saving her, Mr. – Uh? Who are you?” Hikaru said as he gently lifted up Rai I and carried her onto his arms.

“I’m ‘Ryo’, the ‘Beast of Time’ also known as the ‘Cog Dragon’. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” ‘Ryo’ said as he introduced himself to Hikaru.

“Eh? Dragon? Really? I’m Hikaru Hashimoto, the future ‘Imperial Hero and Ruler’ of this Kingdom. Nice to meet you.” Hikaru confidently said as he chuckled and introduced himself to ‘Ryo’.

“So, that was you. I’ve heard rumors about the rise of the new ‘Imperial Hero’. I’m impressed.” ‘Ryo’ said as he sighed and crossed his arms

“Thank you. By the way, have you seen a 20ft, Four-winged dragon flying somewhere in this area?” Hikaru said as he asked ‘Ryo’.

“Uh? No. I haven’t seen any dragon flying because I – Uh?” ‘Ryo’ said as he tried to explain but Hikaru suddenly walked away.

“Would you like to come with me back at our ‘Village’?” Hikaru said as he stopped from walking and asked ‘Ryo.’

“Um? Okay. I will come with you.” ‘Ryo’ said as he nodded and followed Hikaru and Rai out of the jungle.

Back on ‘Earth’

In the town of ‘Ryoshizaki’

Outside a Fruits’ shop….

Mr. Shop Owner and Shouta were carefully transferring the red & green apples inside the large, wooden crate.

“Shouta, after these apples please get the two boxes of oranges back in the trunk – Uh? Are you alright?” Mr. Shop Owner said as he noticed Shouta, gazing up in the morning sky.

“Ah! I’m sorry. I was just looking for a shooting star.” Shouta said as he snapped out and continued arranging the apples.

“You really like star-gazing eh? You can do it later when it is it dark and the stars are out tonight.” Mr. Shop Owner said as he sighed and went inside his store.

“Um? Not really. You see, back in my Kingdom – I mean our Kingdom, shooting stars are viewed as ‘Alementalians’ who were exiled out of the ‘Main Island’ and never to return again.” Shouta said as he got finished arranging the apples and stretched out his arms.

“’Alemen- What? You have a Kingdom? Man, you must be a damn rich King. Stop stalling and get those boxes of oranges out of the truck.” Mr. Shop Owner said as he instructed Shouta.

“Alright, boss. I will be right back.” Shouta said as he went out of the fruits’ shop.

Thank you for waiting. Here’s Chapter XIII and enjoy reading. Will update next week. – Cheche-chan.