
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
334 Chs

Celestial Scandal I Hanah's Mishaps III

Before then immediately hugging Hanah.

"Ha-Hanah's amazing!"

The young prince excitedly praised causing Hanah to angrily blush surprising Luna causing her to then adorably nod.

Before then blowing on one of her own wooden swords causing its inscription to then immediately glow even brighter.

"What Hanah just showed you is comparable to that of a Mid-Level Air Bomb! Of course, you can also use Celestial Fire in other ways without its most iconic and fiery effects! Watch carefully!"

Luna happily explained before then effortlessly slicing at the closest tree and cutting it in half however without either of Hanah's explosions.

Or fiery aftermaths leaving only a slight char mark causing the young prince to then excitedly look to Luna with an adorably amazed expression.

Before then excitedly hugging her much like he had done for Hanah earlier causing Luna to then adorably blush before then patting his head.

"Han-Hanah and Luna are amazing! The best!"

The young prince excitedly exclaimed causing both Luna's and Hanah's hearts to then melt causing Hanah to then immediately pout in response.

"Hmph! Le-Let's stop here!"

Hanah angrily pouted before then taking and putting away all of the inscribed swords surprising Luna causing her to then curiously poke the young prince's cheeks.

"Hanah.. wasn't the original idea to train or teach him something?"

Luna helplessly asked causing Hanah to then angrily pout once more before then remembering something.

Causing her to then hesitantly shake her head.

"Let-Let's just starts with proper introductions first! Auri how about actually introducing yourself?!

Hanah angrily asked surprising both Luna and the young prince causing him to then hesitantly nod.

"I-I"m Aurelius Emilia Elfin Vale.."

The young prince adorably introduced surprising Luna even more causing Hanah to then angrily sigh.

"You forgot to mention both Elfa and Alma to the list of last names! Celes told me everything so I know your mixture of Pure 'Royal' Bloodlines! Including 'Dark' Elves and 'High' Elves!"

"And I also know you were originally born an Elf but you're now able to switch depending on your 'precious' bloodlines!"

"You were hiding a lot from me and as punishment I want you to transform with your 'Celestial' Royal Bloodline right now! Yo-You can transform back after I see it!"

Hanah angrily demanded causing Luna to then quickly give up after already being both surprised and impressed causing the young prince to then adorably blush before then transforming with his Celestial Royal Bloodline.

Causing his appearance to then drastically change however he looked even more unique with Elfine's Hairstyle.

Along with his adorably small pointy ears having already disappeared causing him to then adorably look down after noticing both Luna's and Hanah's surprised expressions.

Having avoided using The Celestial Ancestral Dragon Bloodline that both Luna and Hanah were currently that he had learned he had from Bradley and instead resorted to using the Celestial Form Celes had taught him.

Unlike both Bradley and the young prince both Luna and Hanah were directly born from that bloodline.

'He-He's so cute..'

Both adorably thought causing both to then immediately shake their heads before then looking to each other with adorably determined expressions.

Causing both to then immediately nod in agreement.

"No-Not bad!"

Hanah angrily mumbled causing Luna to then hesitantly nod in agreement before then immediately shaking her head.

"You were super cute bu-but now.. you're even cuter! I've never seen a Celestial 'Prince' or Princess with such cute Elven features! And not just that! Both your hairstyle and your outfit are super cute as well!"

Luna adorably confessed before then excitedly hugging the young prince surprising Hanah.


Hanah surrpsingly yelled causing Luna to then quickly pout.

"Big sister you can't be too rough with him! It wouldn't hurt to treat him sometimes!"

Luna adorably pouted surprising Hanah even more causing her to then immediately march over and angrily hug both surprising.

Causing her to then immediately kick their legs from underneath them causing all three to then fall to the ground.

"Jea-Jealous are we?"

Luna teasingly asked causing Hanah to angrily pout even more.

Causing the young prince to then adorably pout before then laying his head on Hanah's chest causing Luna to then quickly pout as well before then hugging the young prince even tighter.

"Hmph! You were always the jealous type! Bu-But that can wait.. hey Auri do you like stories?"

Luna excitedly asked causing the young prince to then excitedly nod.

"Go-Good! Because I have just the one!"

Luna happily confessed, moments later Luna had soon begun spinning tales all the while also bringing up many stories from their childhood.

Many of which included Hanah and her angry antics causing Hanah to then freeze before then taking a step further by mentioning several of Luna's embarrassing 'secrets'.

Resulting in an angry pouting contest between the two until eventually, the young prince broke the tiebreaker by trying his best to 'angrily' pout himself surprising both.

Causing both of their hearts to then immediately melt as a result before then finally coming up with some form of an 'unspoken' truce.

After what felt like hours of this along with the continued cuddle session the young prince had continued to get even closer to both Luna and Hanah.

While occasionally whispering his questions into either of their ears during the many stories, after what felt like several hours they had soon returned with to others before then immediately being greeted by Selphie.

"Aurel! You're not hurt?! Thank goodness!"

Selphie worriedly asked causing Hanah to then angrily pout.

"Like I'd ever make a mistake like that again! At-At least not on purpose.."

Hanah confessed causing Luna to then curiously look to her with an adorably hesitant expression.

"You told me earlier that you 'took' your frustration out on him earlier.. what did you do to him?"

Luna surprisingly asked causing Celes to then playfully smile.

"She just put him into a small 'little' coma after stomping on him for about what? Ten minutes straight? Oh and apparently she even gave him a good slap before all of this even transpired!"

Celes happily chimed in surprising both Selphie and Luna causing Luna to then angrily frown.

"Hanah.. at least tell me you apologized!"

Luna reprimanded asked causing the young prince to then immediately take over before then adorably nodding causing him to then immediately hug Hanah's hip.

"Han-Hanah's the best! Hana-Hanah apologized!"

The young prince worriedly explained causing Luna to then helplessly nod causing Selphie to then immediately remember something else.

"Right! Aurel, you can sleep in today if you'd like! But I'd recommend at least waking up at least once or maybe twice today! You can go back to sleep immediately after if you'd like but everyone misses you!"

"Your schedule is temporarily cleared at least until you've recovered and everything has been postponed so you don't have to worry about missing much!"

Selphie remembered causing the young prince to then adorably nod after Selphie had given her goodbye hugs and a kiss on a cheek she had soon left after both Iris and Stella had previously tried waking her up.

Causing both Luna and Hanah to then whisper to each other before then immediately nodding.

"Hey, Celes we're going to go hang out with Ruby! Hanah wanted to ask her a few things so we'll be back soon!"

Luna happily explained causing Celes to then nod causing the young prince to then adorably pout.

Causing Hanah to then angrily flick his head.

"Hmph! We'll be back when we'll be back!"

Hanah pouted causing the young prince to then adorably nod before then immediately hugging Lilly.

Causing Lilly to then playfully ruffle his hair, after both Luna and Hanah had left for Ruby's mountain only Celes, Sylvia, Aurora, and Lilly had remained while Ada had already previously left to hang out with Sera.

Lili, and Yume to watch Mili through her Divine Mirror causing the young prince to then give all his affection to the last four.

Causing Celes to then immediately conjure up a bed similar to her own causing all five to then move from the elegant golden sectional.

Before then getting into their nightgowns and hopping into the bed causing the young prince to then adorably yawn before then carefully laying his head on Lilly's chest.

Soon enough much like with Luna and Hanah the young prince excitedly asked to listen to stories causing all four to then happily oblige before then conjuring up either a children's storybook or a lazily random book.

Causing both Celes and Aurora to then do the latter while the other two surprisingly chose children's books surprising everyone after seeing Lilly was one of them.

All the while in The Celestial Throne Room Bradley had already spoken to the envoys and postponed the conference.

After the young prince's incident along with looking over the seemingly ordinary reports with Theodore, Emilia, and Silas before then finally receiving a letter from his mother surprising everyone.

"A letter from your mother?"

Emilia curiously asked causing Bradley to then helplessly nod before then gradually opening it and reading its contents causing his heart to then immediately drop.

Surprising Silas after noticing Bradley's expression causing him to then sneak a peak before then finally reading it himself causing his heart to then also quickly drop surprising both Theodore and Emilia after noticing Silas's reaction as well.

"Bradley.. has something happened?"

Emilia worriedly asked causing Bradley to then immediately hand Emilia the letter before then covering his face.

Causing both Emilia and Theodore to then worriedly read over the letter causing Theodore's heart to then immediately drop much like the previous two causing Emilia to then helplessly frown before then gently shaking her head.

"This occurred while you were still but a young Celestial Prince.. at a time before you and Aldra were in any 'serious' form of a relationship, so I needn't remind you, I also won't reprimand you too harshly.."

"Especially since it was both your mother and Princess Devyn's mothers who had so uncaringly decided to hide this from you.."

Emilia reassured causing Silas to then quickly nod in agreement before then gently placing his hand on Bradley's shoulder.

"Bradley Emilia is right.. none of this is your fault even I didn't know of this.. your mother's quite the crafty fox, even if her intentions were good.. this is still a 'unique' way of going about it, to say the least?"

Silas reassuringly confessed causing Theodore to then nod all the while causing Bradley to then immediately shake his head.

"I can't believe they could've so easily hidden this from me.. I should have known better! I should have been better! I should have seen the signs and investigated! But no!"

"I was far too busy diving into ancient ruins and adventuring to care.. and now I've been told I actually have a secret daughter that was hidden away from me?!"

"How am I supposed to tell Aldra this?! The woman I've loved most in this world.. and what of Aurel, Rory, or even Stella?!"

Bradley frustratingly confessed causing Silas to then slowly frown before then helplessly smacking Bradley in the back of his head.

"Bradley do you have so 'little' faith in Aldra? Do you think she wouldn't be prepared for something like this? Get a hold of yourself! You have another daughter that needs you!"

"You should take responsibility no matter the implications! And so what if there are implications? I don't want to even think for a moment that my words over the years have fallen onto death ears! You're the Celestial King!"

Silas frustratingly reassured surprising everyone causing Bradley to then hesitantly freeze before then taking a moment to calm down causing Emilia to then gently hand him back his mother's letter causing him to then calmly read it once more.

"He-Her name.. my daughter's name is Octavia Bunn Vale.. she's four years older than Rory making her thirteen this year and the oldest it seems?"

"Mother said that she spoke to 'Maggie' Devyn's mother and the 'current' Queen of The Kingdom of 'Fluff' in the hopes of hiding this from me.. so I'd mature better after becoming Celestial King"

"She also had apparently known where my relationship with Aldra was going and didn't wish there to be complications until after we had our first child"

Bradley slowly explained before then worriedly looking to Emilia.

"Emilia.. everything in my being is telling me that I shouldn't hide this even for a moment, no matter the implications I'm prepared, and also thank you, brother Silas.. I-I was lost in my thoughts then"

"Much of them were negative so I appreciate you knocking some sense into me the same goes for you Emilia"

Bradley warmly thanked before then hearing adorable footsteps surprising everyone after noticing Sura had just entered causing everyone's heart to then adorably melt.