
Tales of Southernere Volume I

In a land with magic, set in a time where the nation had grown and spread all across the land. However, not everyone is on the same side. Two forces, good and evil, have been at war since the beginning. Three parts in this volume will tell a story of the events happening in the twentieth century. This is not the beginning nor is it the end.

indrazufayri_22 · Fantasia
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30 Chs

The Peace

'Flyangel!' Captain, Bale, and Oliver were the first to exclaim with joy. Princess Flyra sat up and acknowledged their presence. Then she realised that many people were watching. She awkwardly stood up. Prince Edward was very surprised and was not showing how elated he was.

'Flyra… you're, you're alive' Edward was lost for words.

Flyra smiled. She suddenly gave a short speech.

'I'm still wearing the same thing from the outside. But inside, I'm very much different. I feel different. I'm not the same Flyra you used to know. The power of the seed is no longer in me. It died when it had reached its full potential when battling Erieka. Now it's just me. Simple Flyra. No more immunity or extreme powers'

'So you really cannot die when you were still the child of the seed' Queen Lady Lith said, impressed.

'In fact, new me, new name. I think I like the name you gave me, Captain' Flyra said.

'Princess Flyangel!' Captain exclaimed.

'You are different. You're much bolder' Edward said, noticing the different way Flyra was behaving. She was usually a soft-spoken person. Now, she just spoke whatever was on her mind.

'Nice to meet you Princess Flyra' Mousy said, eager to finally talk to her. 'Mousy here'

'I know you, Master Mousy. I've heard your name being mentioned quite a few times' Flyra replied.

Mousy blushed.

'And please, Flyra is no longer my name. Call me Flyangel' Flyra said. Her voice was still quite gentle but it was no longer as soothing as how everyone knows her before.

'Your majesty I believe, I should call you now' King David said suddenly from behind Edward. Edward turned to meet him.

'King David at your service' David said.

'King David, your majesty. I believe there's no need to call me with that title. And I'm not even a crowned prince yet' Edward replied humbly.

'Yes but you will skip that and straight to the highest in the land'

Edward laughed. He did not care about being king or royalty. He just wants good for his people.

'You'll make a wonderful king young sir' David smiled. 'And as a start, you might want to meet the other royalties of the different cities. And also get back to Combination' David gave him a short advice.

'Oh yes!' Edward said, feeling silly for not remembering that.

King Harold of Silverside, alongside his two young princes, Prince John, and Prince James. They were lining up their remaining troops to head back home.

'Your majesty' Edward greeted. King Harold upon seeing who was the person who greeted him, quickly bowed to Edward.

'My king' he said.

'Oh please you don't have to do that' Edward said shyly.

'No please, it's a Silverside tradition to bow to a higher status' Harold said. 'John, James, King Edward is here'

The two sons were busy calming down some scared horses. They turned and like their father, they bowed. Edward smiled, feeling a little uncomfortable. He wasn't expecting anyone to bow to him. He felt that that was meant for a more respectable person.

'I want to thank you for joining in the war. I heard that your city was attacked. But here you are with an army stronger than ever' Edward said, getting straight to the point.

'We received Queen Alice's letter, may she rest in peace wherever she is now, the letter mentioned the avengers taking over Combination and Barenge. We immediately evacuated everyone in the city. Yes the avengers took over our city. But there was no spilling of blood. Because when they arrived, there was no one left to fight. We set a few temporary camping grounds a few kilometres south of our city. Now we can get everyone back. I am proud to have joined you in the war' Harold said. 'Until we meet again my king'

With that, Silverside was ready to head home.

Edward went to look for Queen Lady Lith of Trisnarim. He found her chatting with Princesses Flyra and Nathaliya.

'I just have to say that I like your skills in archery. Maybe you can teach me sometime?' Flyra said.

'Sure' Nathaliya replied, beaming.

'Edward' Lady Lith said when she noticed Edward approaching.

'Your majesty' Edward greeted.

'I want to thank you for joining us in the war. We really appreciate the help since the very first fifty men to the army you led yourself. I am utterly amazed by your ways of magic'

'Thank you my king' Lady Lith said, humbled by the very nice compliment. Edward stepped back respectfully and went to look for others.

He found King David and many of his men with Princess Darleen helping out to gather the dead bodies together.

'King David' Edward said.

David looked up after placing one body with the others.

'Ah your majesty' David said. 'I'm gonna miss this time. I mean definitely not the war. But the spirit of all five cities working together. I don't think we'll have any of this anytime soon after this'

'We can always plan a meeting' Edward said.

'It's not that simple. Every leader has a lot of responsibilities to their own people. I want to thank you for letting me fight with you. It was a great victory, your majesty'

Edward smiled. He was so grateful to have allies or friends that are very nice people.

'There's my handsome young king' Darleen said, coming up to them.

'I'll get back to helping' David said and continued helping with the bodies.

'Aunt Darleen' Edward said.

Darleen hugged him tightly. Edward's shoulders relaxed. He did not realise he was so tense before. He felt so emotional suddenly. Darleen was the only family member he had left. Darleen was not looking perfect anymore due to half of her body burnt, but he didn't care. That is not what's important. He felt stronger now.

'I love you Edward' Darleen said.

'I love you too' Edward replied.

Darleen pulled back first.

'Alright, we can talk later. I have to help them' Darleen said, smiling. Her eyes were a bit watery. Edward nodded in reply.

Then he saw Flyra coming towards him with Prince Jake and Prince Nathan.

'Edward, I want you to meet my brothers, Jake and Nathan' she said, pointing to the brothers respectively. 'We're not related at all but I'm proud to call them my brothers'

'Your majesty, I believe we have not been acquainted yet. I'm Prince… I mean just Nathan' Nathan said, awkwardly at the last part.

Edward laughed. His laughter was nothing Flyra had heard before. It sounded free this time. It was genuine. And it was contagious. The two joined in the laughter leaving Nathan confused.

'There's no need to be formal with me!' Edward laughed. Nathan smiled sheepishly.

'And you are Prince Nathan. You grew up a prince, so you are equally a prince as any other prince in Southernere' Edward said.

Edward proceeded to the medic tent next. Dewi was just finishing aiding some injured troops.

'Prince Edward. Or King Edward now?' Dewi said, grinning. She isn't a local here. But through the twenty years she had been here, one of her biggest wishes was to help King Henry find Edward once again. And she missed the young man very much. Seeing him all grown up and handsome made her very happy.

'It's just Edward' Edward said, smiling kindly. 'I can't believe you've lived here for twenty years. I'm very happy to see you. But don't get me wrong, I'm just curious. Don't you want to get back to where you came from? I mean your family?'

'I don't think my family misses me. When I came here twenty years ago, my relationship with my family wasn't good. I only missed my father. But, I can't go back now. I really like it here. And even if I want to go back, is there a way for me to return here?'

Edward understood what she meant.

'So you want to make this as your permanent home' Edward said.

'Yes Edward. I really like it here' Dewi replied, smiling with teeth. She was so happy just thinking of the idea of having her own house and starting a business. All those years, she had been living in the castle. King Henry had given her an important role, as the royal medic or generally in charge of the staff's welfare. She placed the idea of having her own house aside. Now, she is very open to that idea again.

'Thank you Dewi' Edward said, looking at all the casualties she, Annie, and Laura had aided.

'No, thank you Edward. You stayed strong even when your surroundings were bad. I don't think any normal eight year old could do that. Now we have you as our king. I really really love that' Dewi said, smiling wide. 'Inland will be in good hands now'