
Tales of Magus And Gods

A Magical Mysterious story which is about a Webnovel writer participating in WSA 2021 for the 10,000 dollars money price. With this goal in mind he pours his soul out in his stories, unloading his frustrations of life. But then one day, he dies from some mystical blood red text that appears on one of his chapters which drowns and devour him. Then he is thrown in a cycle of transmigration into some strange and epic worlds. From the practical world of science into the cruel world of assassins, then in a mystical world of demons and gods, Thrown into impossible situation, forced to suffer and left with nothing but death and dread. Finally he has a chance at life in an another unprecedented world this time he refuses to give up, learning through life and morphing of spirit as a greater destiny awaits him.... _______ The story's background is inspired from the work "Tales of Reincarnated Lord" and could be classified as a Fan Fiction. I have added my own characters and story but any resemblance is inspired and I would make clear that I don't own that work and the cover is not mine either. —Keetarp(Author)

Keetarp · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 1: Transmigration Again And Again!!

Death comes in many form but the most grotesque is when you die as a soul brimmed with unfulfilled desire and horrendous regret.


Have you ever thought about what goes on inside the head of an author before he writes?

It is said that, a story is the manifestation of a writer's psyche. His mindset, philosophy, desires, intent, tension, discomfort, emotions, and most importantly his heart.

All there are mixed in with a special formula of creativity and a subtle uniqueness that makes the author distinct, in the process of progression of a story.

Regardless of the final product being good or bad, it is something, and it means something to someone.

More often than not, the greatest of stories are the ones that conceals a plethora of meaning and abundance of suffering.

Who knows maybe the hyperactive knucklehead protagonist is just escaping from a broken and cruel world that spite and aggravates his pure soul. It might just become the reason an irony is played out, and the stupid idiot rule the world of geniuses.

Anyhow, such a manifestation of feelings were written by a fan fiction writer.

A man with a blessed above average life, but also frustration and loneliness.

He has all that completes a person, a family, friends, good brothers and a good education however, there was always a void in his heart. The insatiable desire to yearn for more.

The guy was generally more mature in his age group but still liked to have fun and had a childish disposition refusing to face his feelings.

He was smart but he didn't care if people thought so. He wanted to brag, but weirdly enough, he didn't at the same time. He constantly struggled internally in a world of contradiction.

A shackle of his own. He thought that he is pathetic and stupid at times and tried to change how things were going but his inner self keeps telling him, 'It doesn't matter in the end' pulling the gas off his ignition.

At the end of the childish phase of his life, where everything was set. Where he was in the last stages of his studies, and would most probably end up getting a good job with a great pay.

At that time he suddenly had a pricking desire, he wanted to write!

He took a writing name— Keetarp.

At first he wrote a horrible fan fiction, which was a total disaster, receiving harsh criticism from his few readers resulting in him quitting after only a month.

But the upset didn't upset him, he wanted more he didn't want to stop just yet.

This was the first time in a long time where he was about to pick up something he set aside. So at long last, he started to write again.

The story wasn't much of an improvement to the last one, and Keetarp knew that this would be a failure but he didn't care because he was enjoying every bit of it.

Soon enough, many readers helped him grow and appreciated his story....

Keetarp was overwhelmed by the support, and in return his writing turned more serious and earnest.

Time passed by and he successfully concluded his work with many likes, many criticism and tons of readers.

This success got to him and he decided to join the Webnovel Spirit Awards Spring 2021 Contest. He created a story, an original which was filled with all his frustrations and anger.

By then, his real life had already been morphed into a mold and the innate defiance in his heart burned his caged heart.

His main characters life was filled with pain, suffering, bitterness and betrayal. Throughout the story he was beaten down, ridiculed, disdained and suffered miserable ends.

For some weird reason Keetarp killed the poor guy two times as the story progressed with the most brutal of ways, before throwing him into another hopeless pit of danger.

But the main character defiantly never gave up, always prolonging his torture hoping for some light at the end of the tunnel.

In conclusion, it would be right to say that the protagonists existence was more like a punching bag for Keetarp to relieve his real life stress.

The work was definitely a catastrophic, garnering rich scorn and despise from the readers, but that's besides the point.

The point is the number displayed in front of Keetarp's eyes, which he was currently reading in his phone screen, on the Webnovel author's section draft list.

Below the chapter title, in the section which indicated word count for the chapter, there was a total of 676 words on his screen.

'This?! It should be 580, I specifically remember that the word count was 580.' Keetarp thought, he has always been very observant of such things like the words count.

This is mostly attributed to his OCD habit to always look at the word count, and the reason why he remembered this number is because coincidentally it is the exact number he obtained in his latest college exams too. But now the word count was 676 which was a bit odd.

'Did someone else wrote something? But I didn't give the password to anyone.' Keetarp was clueless for a bit, but soon enough he shrugged it off.

He had better things to think about, he also has a habit of staying up late so he thought maybe he wrote something in his sleepy state.

Keetarp tapped the bar and opened the chapter titled 'Nerfed Once Again'.

In this particular chapter Keetarp wrote how the protagonist was injured fatally, which the MC is an expert in at this point.

The MC was betrayed by his long lost sister, who back stabbed him, and started making out with his arch nemesis right before him.

The protagonist's sister was very liked by the few readers. She was the only thing keeping a few still attached to the dreadful story, but Keetarp villainously decided to turn her heel and made her a bitch in heat.

Keetarp opened the 'Nerfed Once Again chapter and out of curiosity scrolled down to the end, to see what he had written to increase the word count.

Keetarp soon reached the end of the chapter and in the bottom of his screen he saw a horrifying scene.

Extremely lifelike blood-red words shone on his pupils startling him. Those words suddenly gush out blood from his phone screen staining his shaking hands.

The words were written as if the decree of the Devil himself—

"Meet you shall, the owner of fiction; Despise the distaste, you earned a ticket through the immemorial gate.

The first shall teach you the feeling of no control, and second would remind your fate is foretold.

Ready your soul, Oh minion of dreams. Take a tour in helplessness, filled to the brim.

Fire and blood shall change your mind, and thrown out of two, in the third you shall shine.

Don't forget, for the pain is yours; just pray ,you are you at the end of gore."

Keetarp eyes turned unfocused and glazed, his eyelids betrayed his body weighing heavily on his eyes.

His head started spinning as he stumbled and dropped his phone on the floor, following that Keetarp collapsing himself.

Keetarp was unable to think or move his body, a heavy confusion shrouded his mind but his consciousness seemed to be there still.

He witnessed in complete horror and fear as blood was strongly pouring out of his phone, as if someone opened a cursed door connecting to the vast blood ocean.

Huge waves were gushing out from the phone furiously into his room. His small room was being filled with dark red blood.

Keetarp could only gape in horror and helplessness, as his stunned body was slowly submerged in that hot steaming blood. He was unable to move an inch of his body and was helplessly flung from one part of the room to another, hitting the walls of his room again and again, according to the will of the bloody waves.

His injuries were increasing as every single impact against the wall was tearing his body apart.

Keetarp wanted to scream, but no voice came out. He was slowly losing the last strand of his consciousness, just then he felt a person staring at him indifferently.

The figure was extremely stable without being affected by the impacts from the high pressured waves. Keetarp looked on with great difficulties as his vision was blurring.

Glancing at the immovable person in such an eerie situation, a hope kindled in his heart and he longed for some help but as soon as he saw him Keetarp's eyes widened in shock because he could faintly recognized the figure.

'Garbag.' The person before him was a man who had a huge, deep cut running from his left eye all the way to his ear, where the lower section of the ear was missing.

The person had a big red nose and a crooked left eye. This is the physical characteristics of his story's main character, Garbag.

Keetarp was losing consciousness at a fast pace and thought that he was probably hallucinating. He was stunned for a bit, but soon after he didn't care. In front of death, everything else is obsolete!

'Mom, Dad, brothers, I don't want to die! What is this?! This must be a bad dream. I should sleep, it will be fine after I wake up. Yes, I should just sleep.' As Keetarp kept convincing himself to reject this reality, the person came forward and grabbed Keetarp's shirt throwing his mutilated body into the void.

From that point onwards, Keetarp saw absolutely nothing. The endless darkness, nothingness and the void embraced him as he was inside an unending eternal dream for an unknown period of time.


Inside an unadorned, gloomy room a youth filled with bandages and covered wounds was laying down. He had slept soundly the whole night without a single twitch. He looked peaceful and unmoving bearing a resemblance to a dead person, until suddenly during noon the next day he opened his eyes in a snap.

Lazily lying on the bed, he waited some time meanwhile his eyes that were constantly observing the room had calmed down before slowly pulling himself out of bed.

A set of new clothing lay beside the bed, among which included some grey linen undergarments, a white wool shirt, a black leather vest, a grey wool coat, some white socks as well as a pair of black pants. There was also a pair of black leather boots beside the clothes.

"So I have been reborn a third time, huh? According to the words on my screen that time, this should be my final life and also my final destination.' The youth had various injuries and blood seemed to be seeping out of the bandage but he didn't even twitch at the pain from his body.

He stood up and felt the discomfort. 'A fracture in the humerus, a hairline crack in the neck of fibula and some broken ribs. It seems to have recovered a bit but improper treatment is causing pain. It was good that I was a medical students and with the insight from my past two lives, I don't even need an X-Ray to diagnose myself.' The youth slowly walked limping towards a small bucket filled with water, he looked down and saw his reflection.

While walking, his injuries got aggravated, but he didn't even frown at the pain, no discomfort whatsoever as if he has embraced the pain. He looked at his reflection and saw a plain looking guy with huge, dark circles under his eyes probably due to weakness.

He had a very chilling presence, with a face that was cold and aloof, and if not for the pathetic state of his body, he would seem more intimidating.

This person is obviously Keetarp, but you could also say that he is not Keetarp. This is a bit complicated, so let's start from the beginning.

Keetarp has been out and in the void of darkness for so long that he doesn't even remember much of his life, only the last words on his screen were forever imprinted on his mind.

So far, Keetarp has been reborn twice before. If we add his first life then he has lived a total of 3 lifes, this being his fourth.

In a strict sense, It's not technically correct to call it a rebirth since it was more like a transmigration, much like this one.

"3 lives, 3 worlds and three different experience. Although I don't remember much of my first life." Keetarp thought as he reminisced about his past two lives which he remembered vividly, and he should because both of them were very small and unforgiving.

The first world he went to was the one he called a shinobi world, It was full of war, jutsu, weird creatures, huge monsters and myriad of mystical bloodlines.

He was transmigrated into the body of a canon fodder named as 'Hiroki Goto'. When his soul entered the body, it ensued a fight for supremacy against the original body's soul. The winner would get to control the body and devour the loser, and as the aggressor, Keetarp's soul was incapable of using this new body until he devoured the body's soul, so he could only slowly fight and devour it.

Sadly time was not on his side, as the 4th Great World War started, where a multitude of ridiculously strong enemies emerged.

Keetarp still remembered the grief when Goto was sent to fight a God-like man who fought against the whole army single-handedly.

Keetarp had just gained control over the body, devouring the previous soul and receiving a power up as well as gaining all the knowledge of the previous soul, but just then that monstrous man kicked him in the gut crushing his diaphragm.

Keetarp had the control of the body for just a few seconds and now he was already nearing his death. Keetarp was trying to stand up in pain, when another man was thrown near him. But this time his fellow cannon fodder brethren had a paper seal on his fallen body.

Keetarp saw that and had only one thought in his mind was— 'Fuck!"


No more explanation is needed as Keetarp's soul departed and was thrown right into the next world.

His second life wasn't very blissful either, while it is true that he got a longer time there, but compared to the Shinobi World even pissing would take longer.

The next life he had was in a martial arts world, this time his soul was stronger as he was able to gain control of the body in just a week. The guy whose body he assumed was named Shen Fei, the heir of the Sacred Clan.

The guy had a pretty good talent, but only cared for carnal desires. Keetarp didn't have much time to think and rejoice about such a good body and powerful background because he knows of this world like he did the previous one.

And his current identity is going to face quite a disaster.

Fortunately, unlike the Shinobi world, here he had full control of the body and had some time to prepare for the body's eventual doom.

He trained very vigorously, tried all underhanded methods to kill a paedophile monster who yearned to shed his family's blood but nothing seemed to work.

He wanted to get all the treasures he knew about, but those were already taken. He only had some time before the eventual fall of his family. He plotted many things, all ending in failure, but throughout this he didn't forgot to become stronger as he read various books, which he could make neither head and tails of.

After all he wasn't a monster who could just read a book and turn his life around, Keetarp trained with his life on the line, using every single second to improve his strength but sadly he met his end once again.

Keetarp's heart was filled with grievance as his clan was massacred, he obviously didn't feel pain for their death. But rather what he felt bottomless anger for was the manhunt launched against him.

Keetarp fled with various treasures to live somewhere else and practice in peace, he had planned for the worst very early on and acted before anyone could catch him knowing that nothing would eventually work in his favour.

Keetarp made various ingenious plans but all were destroyed as if the hands of God were helping his enemies.

Keetarp was smart and he knew that since his enemy won't let him be, and is going to kill him at all cost.

He didn't bother with any pretense of being afraid, instead using shameless tactics to blackmail the knowledge hogging monster to ransom a good technique for himself.

At long last because of his despicable actions, he was hunted with much greater vigour but he won't be caught so easily.

After being recognized by his pursuers for his strength, Keetarp was ready to surrender in order to get a fair trial because although he committed some hideous crimes none were enough to warrant death.

If he asked for forgiveness and swore allegiance with his talent he would just be punished mildly. However, his pursuers were hellbent on killing him.

At the end in sheer despair and tired of endless pursuit Keetarp didn't care about face and was willing to bow, because living was most important after all.

But Keetarp was shown no remorse and lastly in grudging seething anger left with no choice of survival Keetarp was angered and humiliated, so he killed the lovers of his archenemy as well as his whole clan.

Keetarp laughed hysterically as he saw the grief and remorse painted over the blonde bitch face, of course immediately after Keetarp also died a dog's death, beaten senseless and tortured.


The first transmigration taught him the lesson about the helpless feeling of no control over your life and the shrewd mindset one has to have.

The second transmigration taught him that plans don't go your way and you may very well become a puppet to others, a rag doll to be played with, this cultivated his nature and personality.

As of now, he is Keetarp, he is also a bit of Hiroki Goto and he has also gained a bit from Shen Fei. He has gained characteristics from all these lives and turned them into who he is today, mixing with his new identity.

"From this day onwards, I am Allen Styles.' Keetarp looked straight into his own unkind, black eyes and muttered. He dragged his body towards his bed and properly adjusted his body into sleeping again. He needed to recover soon.

Keetarp is now inside another vassal, and unlike the others it took him just a night to overtake this body. His name is 'Allen Styles" the second son of a small noble, who was banished from his lands, This guy was too arrogant for his own good, after fleeing he offended others and was ganged up by a few people and got his ass kicked.

He was on his bed injured when Keetarp overtook his soul.