
Tales of Keyblade: Landon's Kanto

The retelling of the Landon's journey series. Landon and his family move from the Kalos Region to the Kanto Region when he'd was seven. He'd and his shiny partner: Charmander will journey to the regions of becoming the Mega Evolution Master with the talking Meowth and his friends, until the darkness lurks about and he'd got himself a weapon called the Keyblade. Can he used his new gifts of protecting the worlds being called or the darkness will takes over?

Daoist30RBKp · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Pokémon Emergency!

Previously on Landon's Kanto. Landon was so very frustrated that he didn't get a chance to journey in the Kalos Region because of Calem's arrogance, leaving the Rayner Family move to the Kanto Region in Pallet Town in three years. Beatrice told Landon the news about Professor Oak will tell Landon about the Mega Evolution that he'd and Professor Oak have been studying for years as Landon was finally get a chance to get to become the Mega Evolution Master. When Landon was dreaming, he'd was in the stations of awakened when he'd was giving the test about the fight, the door and himself, he'd was using the weapon: Dream Sword against those black creatures that he'd never seen before and he'd was fighting the giant creature in the station of awakened until the voice told him that he'd will face the ancient enemy. Landon woke up as he'd skates toward Professor Oak to get started in his journey only to run to face by Gary Oak, grandson of Professor Oak that he'd keeps on boasting of becoming a Pokemon Master that he'd just drove away in the car. Professor Oak instructed Landon to go to the town called: Lavender town and find Mr. Fuji for the Keystone to Mega Evolve his Pokemon as Landon started his journey in the Kanto. Landon successfully capture Pidgey, the normal and flying type Pokemon and Magikarp, the water type Pokemon that is Shiny. Landon and Charmander heard the cried as they've rushed over to see that the Pokemon: Meowth was in comatose while dealing the creatures that it was in his dream. Landon has been overpowered by the creatures that he'd got dogpile from them as Charmander rushed in to save him, but the bright light appeared before as the Key-shaped weapon appeared in his right hand as they've all fought against the creatures. Ho-oh saw the potential on Landon as it's dropped something from the legendary bird as it's revealed to be the rainbow wing with the purest heart. Landon picks up Meowth as he'd rushed toward the Pokemon Center in the Viridian City just in time. Back to the protagonists hero, Landon was keeping on skating and skating with his legs pumping while moving his leg from one behind to another while carrying the comatose Meowth in both arms while as he'd keep on breathing out of his mouth to get some more oxygen coming out of his while doing that, Landon look over the horizon of the hill as he'd hit the breaks of his skates causing the sparks from his roller shoes as he'd stopped as he'd saw the city just right over there.

"Viridian City. Almost there. Hang in there, Meowth. You'll be just fine." Landon said to the Scratch Meowth as Landon could tell he can hear breathing coming him that he's going to be just fine as Landon started to skate toward the Viridian City as he'd started to head toward the Pokemon Center so the Nurse Joy can helped and healed Meowth.

The Regions: Viridian City

Standing over the small police box station with the garage next to her to where'd to see the mid's 20 woman was talking to the compact remote to the all the civilians of Viridian City of the strange creatures or any thieves in activities. This is Officer Jenny. with the garage where'd the person reside to see Officer Jenny. She have dark hair teal and brighter skin. She wear a purple cap with a black rim, red top, and gold star, a purple collared shirt with red trim, a sky blue chestpiece, and gold shoulder pads, a black purse, a matching belt with a gold buckle, a purple skirt, black shoes, and white gloves. Officer Jenny are jobs to keep an identification of Pokemon Trainers, while dealing with Poachers, thieves and Criminals. Jenny using the compact remote radio on the speakers to the warning around all citizens of Viridian.

"Attention, citizens of Viridian city! Attention, citizens of Viridian City! We have reports about possible Pokemon thieves in our area! Be on the lookout for suspicious looking strangers! Also, there are reports of strange creatures in the area as well! Repeat - Be on the lookout for suspicious looking..." Officer Jenny stopped as she'd saw Landon skating up toward the Viridian city outpost coming towards it with the Comatose Meowth in both of his hands.

"Speak of the devil." Officer Jenny said seeing Landon skating his way toward Viridian city with Meowth in his hands as Landon was almost his way over to the city toward the Pokemon Center as he'd saw Officer Jenny steps out of the station as she'd put her palm hand toward Landon. 

"Stop!" Officer Jenny ordered as Landon hit the brakes with some tire marks marking the road as he'd finally hit the brakes from his roller shoes as he'd stood in front of Officer Jenny. 

"Just where'd you skating at this time with the Pokemon, young man?" Officer Jenny asked as Landon knew that where'd many officer Jenny's back in Kalos Region. His parents brings him and Charmander sense he'd got his first Pokemon. The officer they've thought they've accused of Landon stealing that shiny Charmander, until Abraham and Beatrice clearly states that this Charmander belongs to his son sense he's been raising it and they've clearly understand. Landon retract the blades back into his shoes. 

"Heading over to the Pokemon Center to rest up, Officer. And this Meowth was attacked by the creatures hours ago." Landon answered to the Officer Jenny of the Kanto region that he'd and Charmander just rescue the Meowth 

"Those creatures, again. Those things keeps on appearing everyday, but before I'd can let you go, I'm going have to see your ID." Officer Jenny said as she'd put her hand in front of Landon as the former Kalos native got out his Rotom Phone out as he'd gave it to Officer Jenny as she'd started to see the identification of his Rotom. Officer Jenny carefully studied of his ID and she'd got it.

"Alright, looks like your ID is confirmed. Sorry about that, we've got a lot of Pokemon thieves around here." Officer Jenny said apologies to Landon as he'd noticed the wanted poster front of the billboard. Landon could even tell that there's a lot of wanted posters that the criminals has been doing for the past few years when they've kept on stealing Pokemon from trainers and poaching Pokemon for sailing them in the black market.

"I can see that." Landon said seeing the wanted poster makes him sick that the Pokemon Poachers were sailing Charmander to the black market but luckily, he'd manage to save him.

"You've must be the forth person coming here from Pallet town." Officer Jenny said as Landon look back to the officer.

"Yes, I've came from Pallet town." Landon replied that he'd came from Pallet town while traveling on foot or skating toward the Viridian City as he'd could tell that Gary was here as well, except he'd wasn't running on car or walking on the road, he'd was given a ride on the red convertible car due to his own arrogant Ego that he can't even control of himself. 

"That's explains it, looks like your identification is confirmed. How I've get you a lift to get there?" Officer Jenny asked as Landon look at her confused.

"You've sure about that? I can skate myself to the..." Landon couldn't finished as Officer Jenny bring Landon to the garage where'd her motorcycle that has the side car attach to it as she'd set Landon down on the car seat as the garage door starting to open toward the road. "Sit tight. Hold on and don't screamed!" Office Jenny exclaimed as she'd revved up the motorcycle as she'd drive toward the Pokemon Center as Landon starting to hold on from the crazy officer driving with the huge cloud of smoke as Officer Jenny started to head toward the Pokemon Center with Landon on the side car and the comatose Meowth in Landon's both arms. 

"Sit tight. Hold on and don't screamed!" Office Jenny exclaimed as she'd revved up the motorcycle as she'd drive toward the Pokemon Center as Landon starting to hold on from the crazy officer driving with the huge cloud of smoke in its wake only for a short term that the smoke is clear as Landon holds on to the Comatose Meowth as he'd struggle to keep this Pokemon alive so he can make it to the Pokemon. Over past the hour that Officer Jenny and Landon are heading to the Pokemon Center that was just up ahead and Landon saw the Pokemon Center knew that was big just like the Pokemon Center back in Santalune city.

"I'd never knew that Pokemon Center was that big." Landon said seeing the gigantic Pokemon Center here in Viridian City and he'd notice that Officer Jenny isn't stopping her bike. 

"This is tricky. Just hold on. Here we go." Officer Jenny said as she'd starting to speed up as Landon starting to hold on from the speeding Officer clears the staircase at the front entrance and She'd slides it through to the inside as the doors open as the motorcycle and it's engages the break in front of the desk with the Nurse Joy resides. 

"We have a driveway, you know." Nurse Joy said scolding the officer that she'd drives into the Pokemon Center in the main lobby. 

"Sorry about that. I'd have to bring this trainer here that he's new in Pallet town." Office Jenny said in apologizing as Landon got out of the Sidecar still woozy from the driving that Officer Jenny just did. 

"Never. Do that again." Landon said controlling his emotions from the ride that officer just gave him. Landon took the deep breath and approach to the nurse joy. 

"I've found Meowth over at the route and it looks like he'd was attack by those black creatures." Landon replied about the black creatures that just attack Meowth out of nowhere as Landon and Charmander just saved him from those creatures when they've just work together. Nurse Joy examined Meowth it's looks it was very badly injured. 

"It's very badly injured. We needed to treating it at once. Chansey." Nurse Joy called out as light pink Pokemon out of the hallway with the stretcher with it. Chansey is a pink, ovoid Pokémon with stubby arms and dark pink feet. It has tiny eyes and three hair-like growths on each side of its head. The tufts of hair have dark pink tips. On the center of its belly is a dark pink pouch that contains a single white egg. The egg is said to be very nutritious and it lays several new ones every day. Finally, it has a short tail. Chansey is a female-only species with no male counterpart. Landon got his Rotom Phome out and Analysis the pink Pokemon. 

Chansey, the Egg Pokemon. A Normal Type. And the pre-evolve form of Happiny. A Gentle and kindhearted Pokemon that shares its nutritious eggs if it sees an injured Pokemon.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"  Landon asked wanted to know if he can do to help out here while putting his Rotom Phone away.

"All we can do is wait." Nurse Joy said with the kind and caring smile.

"Hey, can you give my Pokemon a Checkup, please? And I'd like a room for a night." Landon said. 

"Why, Certainly." Nurse Joy said as she'd set the tray with six balls for each Pokemon in as Landon set his Pokemon in there with his three Pokemon and she'd gave Landon an room key for the Pokemon Center. Officer Jenny realized something.

"Oh, my goodness. I've must've drive in the Pokemon Center and it park in the front desk." Officer Jenny just nervously laughed while Nursey Joy smile.

"Next time, use the driveway." Nurse joy said as Office Jenny just left still laughing nervously as she'd took her motorcycle out of the Pokemon Center. 

"So, what's your name?" Nurse Joy asked.

"Landon Rayner. I'm new in the Kanto region." Landon said introducing to the Nurse Joy in the Kanto Region.

"Well then, Landon. We'll get your Pokemon properly treated." Nurse Joy said walking away with the tray of Pokemon that belongs to Landon. Landon sat on the benches of the Pokemon Center waiting for his Pokemon getting proper treated. He'd still kept on thinking about the Mega Evolution that he'd was so eager wanting to bond with so many Pokemon, so he can help them to reach their full potential. Shiny or Not Shiny. Landon look at the clock that has the wooden house that the miniature Pidgey kept on Coo-Coo that's read 8:00 PM. 

"Man. Waiting at the local Pokemon Center sure is taking a lot of time." Landon said that he'd learn about treating his Charmander healthy that his flame that his life source, it didn't not treated properly the flame will died along with Charmander. Landon noticed the video phone over at the hospital door with the needle sign with it as he'd knew that he'd needed to make a call from his new hometown while journeying. Landon stood up and he'd walked up to the video phones and he'd sat down on the stool as he'd grab the phone as he'd dial the new phone number that his parents told him while he'd just left for his journey. Landon put the phone on the ear while hearing the ringing noise from the phone and he'd waited for the call of his parents to answered his calls and he'd heard of the male voice.

"Hello? This is the Rayner's residence." The voice belongs to Abraham Rayner. 

"Hey, Dad. It's me." Landon said hearing the picture of Abraham appeared on the screen.

"Landon! Hey, how'd you doing son? Where'd are you?" Abraham asked of what his son is doing. 

"I'm at the Viridian City Pokemon Center." Landon said about that he'd arrive at the Viridian City. 

"You're at Viridian City? Most of the trainers usually get there until days to get there by day and night. I'm guessing you've must've arrive there by one day." Abraham said about his son arrival in the city contacting his dad. Landon notice someone is missing.

"Hey, Dad? Where's Mom?" Landon asked wanted to know where'd his mom is.

"Oh, Beatrice is greeting the resident at the next door goes by the name of Delia. Your mom and Delia are having some girls time. How about you? What have you been doing?" Abraham asked.

"Oh, I'm just caught myself some two Pokemon I've just got. Got a Pidgey and a Shiny Magikarp." Landon told his dad that he'd got two Pokemon in his arsenal that he'd just got on his first day of journey in the Kanto. 

"A shiny Magikarp?! Geez, and I've thought your Charmander was the only shiny." Abraham joking that Landon's got his Charmander that it was the only shiny Pokemon that he'd got in his arsenals.

"In case if you hadn't noticed, Dad. Most of the Pokemon have all shinnies just like Charmander and Magikarp. they're might be more of them out there." Landon said reasoned his dad that there are more shinnies out there seeing or catching them. Abraham laughed nervously of his son's remarked. 

"Good point. Wish you could see your mom, but she's still busy chatting with the neighbor." Dad said apologizing to his son. 

"Ok, also, there's things like I'd like you to talk about." Landon said as he'd wanted to dad about the things that he'd just encountered while saving Meowth from those black creatures. 

"About what?" Abraham asked about what Landon just encountered. 

"During my first journey in the Kanto Region. Me and Charmander just witness those black creatures with the strange yellow." Landon replied that he'd and Charmander just encountered those black creatures during route 1 in the Kanto Region while saving Meowth. 

"Did you say black creatures with yellow eyes?" Abraham asked as Landon nodded. 

"Yes, sir." Landon said about those creatures that he'd just saw in route 1 and in the station of awakened. 

"Those creatures that you've just encountered. Those are the heartless." Abraham replied that Landon just encountered the heartless while Meowth was in Comatose.

"Heartless?" Landon asked in suspicious about those black creatures that he'd just encountered them that the Heartless of what they've just called.

"It's those black creatures that's came from the people's heart and Pokemon. How'd you came across with it?" Abraham asked about how'd Landon came across with the Heartless. 

"It's like this, when I'd was capturing two Pokemon in the route, me and Charmander came across with the Comatose Meowth and he'd was in trouble as we'd tried to save it, but it was no use and this Key-shaped-sword out of nowhere in my hand." Landon said as he'd summoned the Advent Red in his right hand. Abraham knew about the Key-shaped-sword as he'd knew about the Keyblade as he'd going to tell him the truth. 

"Landon, that weapon you're holding. It's the Keyblade." Abraham told Landon what this mysterious weapon called as Landon looked at the Keyblade in his right hand in curioius. 

"Keyblade?" Landon asked in suspicious about the Advent Red in his right hand. 

"Yes, the Heartless will now come after you since now wield the Keyblade." Abraham told Landon that he'd now wields the Keyblade that the Heartless will come after him. 

"How'd you know this?" Landon asked about how'd Abraham know about the weapon. 

"I've think it's time you will know the origins how'd the Keyblade that came from our Ancestor. Over the past ancient times, there was an Keyblade Wielder who'd goes by the name of Naito Rayner. He's the Keyblade wielder that he'd lives in the ancient region called: The Hisui. The Hisui regions usually was in the Sinnoh Region before the modern Times. Naito used the Keyblade called: Starlight, that was his first weapon that's helps him fight against the heartless. He'd learns so many techniques, attacks and magics and he's been traveling the worlds with his Keyblade while fighting against those heartless and numbers, when he'd was faced our ancient enemy: Bodhi. Bodhi is the masters of Darkness that he'd controls the Heartless as his minions. Naito fought against Bodhi putting him to end of his schemes as he'd finished him once and for all. Arceus, the Alpha Pokemon saw Naito during his braviery against Bodhi during his Journey in the Hisui Region. Arceus rewarded Naito with the rank of Master. Naito, the Keyblade Master has been training so many young Potential over the years that's when our Children born in the years to the Modern Era." Abraham explained the truth of Landon about the origins of Naito Rayner, the Keyblade Master in the Hisui regions during his journey in the Hisui regions while facing against Bodhi. 

"Whoa." Landon said that he'd never knew that his Ancestor Naito was the Keyblade Master during his Ancient times when he'd was training new generations of Keyblade Wielders when they've passed the Mark of Mastery exams. 

"Remember, Landon. Sense you're the Keyblade Wielder in this Modern Era. The Heartless will come after you and you'll have to be prepared for the upcoming worst. I'd was about to give you the book that will help you learns things that Naito just write it down, but you've just started to head on your journey. And the Keyblade, can be used to unlock all sorts of locks, but under no circumstances, you never abuse the Keyblade's power. The Keyblade is to be used only in an Emergency." Abraham warned Landon not to abused the Power of the Keyblade that he's only used for an emergency only's against the Heartless that will come after him.

"Alright, I'd won't abused it." Landon said that he'd won't abused the Power of the Keyblade while he's traveling the Kanto Region.

"Alright, I'd wished you good luck." Abraham said as he'd wished Landon good luck on his journey.

"It's alright. Maybe I'll see you later." Landon said as they've both said goodbye to each other and they've hanged up. Landon move around the stool just thinking about his journey's and learning about Mega Evolution as he'd notice the four colors stone on the wall. Landon walked over to the counter to see those stones. He'd recognize them in the books. Fire stone is Moltres. the fire legendary type. The blue is Articuno. The ice legendary type. The green one is Zapdos. The electric legendary type and the last yellow stone is Arcanine. the legendary Pokemon. 

"Moltes. Articuno. Zapdos. The three legendary of Kanto's." Landon said seeing the three Legendary of Kanto's trio, he'd only saw Ho-oh, the rainbow Pokemon. He'd never thought seeing his first sight of Ho-oh while being given a Rainbow wing from Ho-oh. Landon thoughts were interrupted as he'd heard the phone call as he'd saw the computer desk that someone was calling in the Viridian City Pokemon Center. Landon pressed the phone key button answering the call.

"This is Landon. May I'd asked who's calling?" Landon asked as he'd notice the fourth stone of Arcanine just dropped down revealing the screen of Professor Oak behind Landon that he'd didn't seen him. 

"I'm over here. Landon. It's professor Oak. Don't you see me?" Professor Oak asked that he'd didn't see him only behind him.

"You sure about that? The only thing I've saw was behind you." Landon said teasing only to see Professor Oak look behind to see Landon and he'd panic and he'd starting type on his computer causing the camera to face in front of him. 

"There. throat Clear. I just spoke with your father and he'd told me you've made it to the Pokemon Center in Viridian City. Is that correct?" Professor Oak asked seeing one of his trainers had made it into Viridian City. 

"Yeah, I'd was be talking to you I've gotten here sooner." Landon said reasoning the professor Oak of Kanto.

"You couldn't be talking if you-- Oh, I see. I dialed the Pokemon Center in Viridian City and you were able to answer." Professor Oak said about that Landon just answered the call behind the desk that the Professor Oak just answered instead of using the video phones. 

"Yes, just because I'd just got here." Landon said about he'd arrived gotten here in the night of Viridian City. 

"Mm. Hmm. I suppose that proves it. The other new Pokemon trainers made it there with no problem. And I'm pleasantly surprised you got there so soon. I admit, when you left on your journey, I had my doubts that you and Charmander are pretty handle as well, that just when Gary said that you wouldn't have a single new Pokemon by the time you got to Viridian City. I bet him a million dollars that he'd be wrong." Professor Oak said that he'd betted Gary and himself that Landon didn't caught a single Pokemon that he'd bet a milllion dollars that he'd was wrong, but Landon just smirked at Gary's foolishness. 

"Hate it to tell you, Professor. But I've just caught two Pokemon during my journey. A Pidgey and a Shiny Magikarp." Landon told Professor Oak that he'd just caught a Pidgey and a Shiny Magikarp during his journey in the Kanto Region. Professor Oak his head of his thoughts that he'd just won the bet that Gary own him a million dollars that Landon didn't get a single Pokemon when Landon changed the Sbuject.

"Anyway, while I'd just left, I'd just saw the legendary Pokemon called: Ho-oh appears in the sky over the rainbow. Here I've got it on my Rotom Phone." Landon said as he'd got out his Rotom Phone as he'd show the image to the Professor Oak that he'd just had an heart attack. 

"Landon! this is astounding! You've just met that legendary Pokemon! Sense most of the trainers just gave up their lives while trying to catch the legendary. you've must be pretty lucky." Professor Oak said about Landon seeing the legendary Pokemon in Kanto region.

"Thanks Professor." Landon said as he'd put his Rotom Phone away and it's a good thing, he didn't show the Professor the Rainbow wing. They've both heard the doorbell rings that's came from Professor Oak door.

"Ah, there's my pizza. Coming! It was very nice talking to you, Landon. And good luck. Mm, anchovies, spinach and pineapple pizza." Professor Oak said while he'd got his pizza from the delivery guy as he'd hung up the call from Landon. Landon heard the door open and he'd saw Nurse Joy coming with trays of Pokeballs containing belongs to Landon. 

"Here you are, Landon. Your Pokemon are fit and ready." Nurse joy said as Landon took his Pokeballs from the tray and he'd put it in his belt. 

"Thank you, Nurse joy." Landon said and he'd about to get some rest for tonight until he'd remember about the Meowth that he'd just rescued from the heartless.

"How's Meowth anyway, Nurse Joy?" Landon asked wanted to know what Meowth's doing in the surgery room.

"He's got into full of recovery. I'll take you to him." Nurse Joy said that Meowth's now in full recovery as Landon just walks besides Nurse Joy as they've started to head back to the recovery room where'd Meowth is as they've both entered as they've sees Meowth was now being treated by Chansey as the scratch cat Pokemon was now awaked from his injuries. Landon walked over to Meowth as he'd was still being recovered from Chansey.

"Hey, Meowth. You'd OK?" Landon asked toward the Scratch Cat Pokemon that he'd was feeling OK from the ambushed of the Heartless Attack as Landon and Nurse Joy makes the shock of their surprised what Meowth just did.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Meowth replied with the human language tongue causing both Landon and Nurse Joy shocked in surprised to see the scratch cat Pokemon can talked like humans.

"You'd can talk?" Landon asked in surprised.

"How's that even possible?" Nurse Joy asked in added that's even possible that Pokemon can't talk in human's language. Meowth started to explained to Landon and Nurse Joy about his Origin's. He has no family, no food, no  nothing. No one did anything to help him. Then he'd saw the movie about a Meowth being treated well in Hollywood, so he decided to go there and he'd was taking in by the horse of Meowth & their leader: Persian. but even though he had enough to eat to fill up his stomach. Then he'd tell them that he'd fell in love with the female Meowth named Meowzie, he tried to flirt with her, but she turned him down. Then she told him that her owner is a rich lady & she can buy her anything she'd want. And she'd just told that he's nothing but a street Meowth and he'll never be human and just forget about her. So he told that he'd wanted to be human, he'd learned how to walk & run on two legs, he learned how to crawl, he'd even learned how to talk. That wasn't easy though, it was hard for him to know what. He'd tried to impress Meowzie, with his new ability to talk & walk like a human, but he'd failed. She said what's so human about you? You may stand & talk like a human, but you're still just a dirty street Meowth with no money. You're worse than before, now you're a freak. Meowth just sighed as he'd looked at Nurse Joy and Landon with the sad expression on his face.

"After she'd just broke my heart and calls me a Freak. I have no choice but to leave from Hollywood. For Good." Meowth explains the story toward Landon and Nurse Joy of his origins that he'd tried to earned the love toward Meowzie that he'd was heartbroken that he'd had no choice but to leave from Hollywood for good. Landon and Nurse Joy both fell sorry for the Meowth about his life that he'd tried to earned Meowzie's love from the rich lady calls him a street cat that Meowzie just calls him a freak.

"I don't think you're a freak." Landon said causing both Meowth and Nurse Joy look at Landon with the concern look in his face.

"I think you're special. I've think all Pokemon should have the ability to talk like a human just like you. You're an amazing Pokemon. You didn't have to go through all that trouble.All you had to do was be yourself. Meowzie may not approve it, but I certainly mostly do." Landon replied that Meowth's special to gained the ability to talked like a Human just like Landon and Nurse Joy that he hasn't gotten all the trouble for nothing trying to gained the affection for Meowzie, but rejected of calling him a freak.

"Thank you." Meowth said about Landon's words approval about Meowth gaining the ability to talked like a human being. Nurse Joy smile at this when Landon told Meowth that he'd was special about talked like a human. Before they can get a chance to talked some more, they've heard some rumbling on the building go down in go in alarm.

"Attention all Viridian City! Black creatures been spotted inside the city! I repeat! Black creatures been spotted inside the city!" Officer Jenny announced to all citizens that the black creatures have been spotted inside of the city. Landon knew that the heartless are here as he'd rushed over to the main lobby from the hallway with Nurse Joy follow behind him as they've saw the heartless outside of the Pokemon Center as they've keep on attacking the building to bring it down. These are Heartless are Soldiers. Soldiers are noble knight-type warrior at first glance. A closer examination reveals the Soldiers are just as beastly as the other Heartless. Their muscular forms are clad in a bluish-black body suit bearing the Heartless emblem and purple inverted emblems trimmed in gold on the knees. They wear black, silver trimmed shoes that end in spiral toes, silver wristbands, and a silver knight's helm decorated with two angular, eye-like spirals on the front and a yellow stripe at the base of the curled silver plume. It's true Heartless behavior comes out on a close examination of their fierce blue and red-tipped claws, and their shadowed faces with bright yellow eyes and toothy maw. Soldiers keep on attacking the Pokemon Center trying to get the injured Pokemon so they can turned them into heartless. Landon saw this as he'd knew that he'd was the only one with the weapon to face those creatures. Landon turns to Nurse Joy.

"Nurse Joy. Make sure that the injured Pokemon are safe. I'll take care of the heartless." Landon said as he'd started to run toward the exit as Nurse Joy tried to stop him, but she'd knew that she'd had to keep the Pokemon safe as Landon runs out of the Pokemon into the outside as Landon glared at the heartless as the Soldiers what they're doing as they've turned to Landon Rayner.

"Heartless of the darkness. You've wanted these Pokemon? You have to kill me, first!" Landon yelled as he'd summoned his Advent Red Keyblade into his hand as he'd took the battle stance against the Heartless. Landon was now surrounded by Soldiers heartless.

Music cue: Night of Fate (Kingdom Hearts)

Information: Defeat the Heartless!

Landon started to attack the heartless left and right with the Advent Red on his right hand as he'd started to attack the soldiers that they've tried to get to the Pokemon Center so they can steal the injured Pokemon hearts to add them in their ranks, but Landon isn't going to let that happened as he'd started to keep on bashing on the soldiers left and right as he'd got scratch from behind from the soldier as he'd turned around and slashed the heartless releasing the crystal heart and it's send toward the sky as Landon saw the crystal heart came out of the heartless of soldier as he'd wasted no much time as he'd need to protect the injured Pokemon Center as Landon quickly slashes the two soldier heartless back and forth as he'd slashes another one from behind as he'd keep on slashing the soldier as he'd turned to see the Soldier was now spinning kick toward him as Landon quickly blocks the spinning kick with his Keyblade as he'd quickly slashes the soldier heartless as they've only two more left as he'd quickly slashed the soldier heartless releasing more crystal hearts toward the sky as Landon quickly swirled his Keyblade in his hand as he'd finished off the last of the heartless sending the last of the heartless was now destroy as the whole area was now slow motion everything was now clear that the battle is over.

Battle music cue ended

Landon was taking a deep breath from the fight from against the soldier heartless as he'd dropped his stance with his Keyblade still in his right hand as he'd was about to dismiss it and heads back to the Pokemon Center. He'd notice something up as he'd widened his eyes as he'd move away as the large heartless dropped down to the sky and into the ground as the former native of Kalos quickly landed on his feet as he'd saw the large heartless crashing down from the sky as he'd saw the heartless limbs floating aimlessly before they've got reattach to itself like they're invisible. Guard Armor Heartless. The Guard Armor's body is divided into several pieces — a body, a head, two arms, and two legs — none of which are directly connected to each other and all of which can act independently of the other. The Armored Torso is vaguely hour glass-shaped and is violet with a lilac, diamond pattern around its waist, and light black additives. The Heartless emblem is emblazoned on the center of the armor. Its head is violet, spherical, and sports three silver spikes and a silver faceplate with several holes in it. Both of the Gauntlets are violet with wide wrists and three lilac, segmented fingers. The Hammerlegs are short, violet and end in large, hammer-like, black feet. All of the pieces of the Guard Armor seem to be hollow. The Guard Armor finally stood against the foreigner trainer of the Kanto. Landon can't even face this big heartless alone and he'd needed some backup and it's a good thing he'd got his Pokemon with him as he'd got Pokeballs out.

"Charmander! I've need help!" Landon called out to his shiny starter Pokemon partner as the Pokeball was open letting out the beam of light as the light reveals of the shiny Charmander.

"Charmander!" Charmander was called out to the battle as stars swirled around his entry. Charmander looks around and he'd saw the guard armor here in the Viridian City causing him to jumped of seeing the giant heartless in the city as he'd saw Landon was ready to fight as he'd knew he can't face as Charmander gave it a growled toward the guard armor heartless.

Battle music cue: Shrouding Dark Cloud (Kingdom hearts)

Information: Defeat Guard Armor! Attacks his limbs first!

Both Landon and Charmander all charged toward the Guard Armor while the heartless fights the Keyblade Wielder as they've both needed to take out the limbs before they can take care of the body first as Landon quickly attacks the left arm of the guard armor with the couple of strikes of the Keyblade as Charmander only weapon its his claws as he'd attacks the legs limbs so they can get some more damage against the guard armor only for the big heartless used it's spinning claw toward Landon and it's sending the former native toward the ground as he'd quickly stood up as Charmander used his Dragon Claw against to the Guard Armor sending its a more damage to the leg as the Guard Armor stomp move toward Charmander sending the ground wave on the ground as Charmander quickly dodge from the attack as Charmander used his flamethrower toward the big heartless getting more damage by the arms where'd it was as Landon rejoins the fight as Landon started to focus on the legs limp as he'd keeps on bashing on the heartless legs to make it more difficult to the damage of the heartless as Charmander quickly helps Landon as he'd used his claws scratching the limbs of the heartless as one of the limps was destroyed leaving the one leg intact as Landon noticed the Heartless limps of it's arms move of it's own as it's starting to used his spinning attack toward Landon and Charmander as Charmander only gets hit by the spinning attack as Landon got hit as well. Charmander was now in critical condition as Landon used his potion to healed Charmander injuries as he'd was grateful as Charmander once again used his flamethrower toward the guard armor heartless bring more damage to the two arms limbs and leg as Landon quickly dispatched toward the leg as he'd quickly slice it off and it's disappeared as he'd jumped in the air as he'd destroys the two limbs of the arms destroying it and now leaving the body completely still intact in midair. The Guard Armor started to spin toward Landon and Charmander as it's used its tornado move toward them as it's starting to spin fast as it's toward Landon and Charmander only for them to dodge as Landon saw Guard Armor comings toward Landon as Landon quickly blocked Guard Armor tornado with his Keyblade and it's sends Landon a few marks on the ground while putting his feet on the ground from falling off as they've both started to attack the body of the guard armor. Charmander used his Dragon Claw toward the Guard Armor while jumping dealing the damage against it as Landon keeps on hitting the Guard Armor on the torso sense he doesn't know any magic or any actions attacks against the heartless as Landon keeps on hitting the Guard Armor as the Guard Armor starting to do the tornado again as Landon was about to move away when the Guard Armor tornado hits Landon a single hit as he'd felt the pain from the guard armor as he'd started to shook away as he'd started to used his own potion of his own wounds from the pain the heartless that it just hit him of his own as Landon needs to finished this battle as he'd and Charmander fights against guard armor as Charmander used his flamethrower the Guard Armor Torso dealing more damage from the wave of the flames as Landon quickly keeps on slashing the guard armor torso against the heartless with the quick single strike on the heartless causing the crack of the heartless appeared in the chest of its torso as everything went slow motion as the battle was now over.

Battle music cue ended

Landon keeps on dodge from the Guard Armor Torso until Landon felt his eyes something toward Guard Armor as he'd saw multiple targets toward the Guard Armor as it was focusing toward it and it's finally hits the target causing Landon to jumped in mid-air as he'd pointed his Keyblade toward the Guard Armor as the orb of light appeared on tip of his Keyblade as he'd fires the multiple of streams of light toward the Guard Light causing the heartless got hit by attack causing it to explode as Landon lands on the ground as he'd was stunned to used that kind of attack as he'd and Charmander all watched as the Guard Armor starting to shake randomly as it's head starting to move itself toward the concrete ground and it's hits the ground as the light was shining coming from the torso it's release the giant heart coming out of the torso and into the sky as the rest of the torso disappeared in the trace. Landon was amazed and shocked of what he'd just witness as Landon quickly starred at his Keyblade of what he'd just did and he'd remembered about the book that his father was just supposed to gave it to him, but he'd just read the book without questioning as he'd saw the words from the book.

"That was shotlock. And the move was... Ragnarok." Landon said stunned to see that that he'd just learned how to used Ragnarok and he'd had unlocked the new ability just like his Lock On and he'd now can used the Shotlock ability and the Ragnarok that he'd just unlocked. Charmander was starred at his trainer in amaze that his weapon can destroy the heartless and send out the brilliant light of stream toward heartless destroying it for good. After the battle of the heat was finally over and they've got some goodnight rest and the morning was now up in the sky and Meowth was now fully recovered as he'd stood in front of Nurse Joy as the scratch cat Pokemon was right beside her.

"On the behalf of the Pokemon Center, I've thank you for protecting the injuries." Nurse Joy said with the grateful smile.

"It was no problem, Nurse Joy." Landon said that he'd took the grateful that he'd just helped the injured Pokemon that he'd just protected during the heartless attack against them. Landon was now fully healed along with his Charmander that they've just have to faced the boss of the heartless when he'd noticed Meowth was still sadden that Landon was about to leave from his journey as the former native knew that he couldn't take no sadden faces around here.

"Hey, Meowth?" Landon asked toward the scratch cat Pokemon as Meowth look up toward Landon with the smile on his face.

"You've feel like coming? It might be courageous and dangerous while dealing with heartless, plus with your abilities, I've hoped the people will accept you. What do you say?" Landon asked that he's offered Meowth to joined Landon and his Pokemon around the Kanto region of his journey. Meowth was surprised that the human was now invited him to joined to help him against the heartless while Landon's can focus on his dream goal and fighting the heartless at the same time. Meowth smile.

"Alright, I'm in." Meowth said that he'll join Landon in his journey while fighting the heartless.

"I'd wish you both good luck." Nurse Joy said with the joyful smile on his face as she'd watched as Landon and Meowth all walked outside of the Pokemon Center and into the real world where'd danger awaits.

Landon's weapon: Advent Red - A Keyblade that courses with mystic power.

Attacks: 5+ Magics: 5+

In the next world which happens to be the temple that's filled with white clouds soaring in the sky where all the temples are now floating above the clouds watching over the mortal world beneath it.

The clouds are now starting to appear out of nowhere as the green orb starts to flash in the green light as the clouds are start reform itself as the temple was now being built in the proper way showing the name of the world that was now in place.


Inside of the standing where the woman was standing over at the sky where'd the stars are now covered by the blue sky as she'd watches over to the worlds outside. She has green eyes and she has long green hair that reaches down to her lower legs. She stands at around 5'9" (176 cm[2]), and has an overall elegant and regal appearance, fitting her title as the Goddess of Light. Her outfit consists of a layered, white dress, along with numerous gold accessories in the form of a necklace, laurel crown, fibula, arm bands, arm brace, armored sleeve, and ornaments secured by belts. She wields a gold staff with a blue handle in her right hand, and sports a mirror shield attached to her left arm by a leather band. This is Lady Palutena goddess of light and she happens to be a Keyblade Master when she'd given up her title she'd had so many duties of being a goddess but she'd still watches over the stars. Palutena has her eyes closed when she'd gasped as she'd open her eyes as she'd felt the new wielder has now woken up of his heart.

"I've just imagine. A new wielder is born and he's journey around his world with the Keyblade by his side. I've just hope that his Keyblade will called to him about the worlds dangers. I've need send a word toward Master Yen Sid and my former apprentice: Sonic." Palutena said as she'd going to get out the world toward his fellow Master along with her former apprentice about the new Keyblade wielder that she's going to watch over it as she'd started to give out the message to them. Back in the world of the Regions, something in the dark as the figure opened his eyes revealing pure dark amber that's it was open for some reason as he'd felt this power that he'd haven't felt it sense his archenemy: Naito Rayner defeated in ancient times.

"So, it's seems my archenemy have gotten himself a future descendants. Let' sees this descendants can outmatch me." Dark figure said that knew Landon was going to face him when he'd first to eye to eye. In the next chapter that Landon and Meowth are now in the Viridian City while heading toward Pewter City for his gym battle. Both Landon and Meowth didn't even realize know that they've been followed. While Landon tries to figure it how to learn magic, his Keyblade was summon as he'd and Meowth dragged into the new world as the former native and Meowth meets Merlin, the powerful wizard that he'll trained Landon how to use magic of his Keyblade as he'd and the rest are going to help Wart to becoming something of the future and his foster parents always abuse the way and not to mention the rival of Merlin. Can Landon and Meowth helps Wart of his true future and Merlin teach Landon magic or Madam Mim will gets the best out of Merlin of being best witch against the powerful wizard? Let's find out.

End of Chapter 2.

Characters Bios

Officer Jenny: An officer that follows the law for against the poaching and the criminals for selling Pokemon of the black market and stealing Pokemon from the other trainers. She'd helped Landon to get to the Pokemon Center with the injured Meowth in his arms while escorting in her bike toward the Pokemon Center. She'd alerted the residents of Viridian City of the dark creatures that's in the city until Landon manage to fight them off with his Keyblade.

Appearance: Pokemon: Indigo League (1997)

Nurse Joy: A Nurse that's someone's job to look after the injured Pokemon and treats it wounds for the trainer that was sick or having a bad fever. She'd help Meowth to get him fully recovered when she'd was shocked that Meowth can talk like a human. She'd stayed behind in the Pokemon Center when Landon fights off the heartless that was coming from the outside of the center and she'd was grateful at Landon of his bravery.

Appearance: Pokemon: Indigo League(1997)

Chansey: An assistant Pokemon of Nurse Joy. They're jobs to help Nurse Joy to treats the injured Pokemon for the better knee when they're trainer waits for their Pokemon to fully recovered of battling each other. She'd helps Meowth to get back on his feet when he'd got attacked by the heartless.

Appearance: Pokemon Indigo League (1997)

Meowth: The scratch Pokemon. In his days, he'd was an orphan with no family of his life. He'd joins with Persian with the rest of the Meowth's of stealing food in Hollywood. He's had a huge crush on the female Meowth: Meowzie. She'd just scolded and what a freak he'd his causing his heart shattered into pieces and left Hollywood without saying goodbye. He'd got ambushed by the Heartless when Landon saves him and he'd joins Landon in his journey.

Appearance: Pokemon: Indigo League (1997)

Soldier: Heartless that emerge from various places. They are brisk in their movements, and rush into their opponents. However, they are not that tenacious. They often appear in numbers, though they lack teamwork.

Guard Armor: Leader of the heartless in the Kanto Region. It falls apart when it receives damage, but each parts attack individually. Landon have sent his shiny Charmander out for the first time just before fighting this heartless.

Lady Palutena: The Goddess of light and watches over the worlds between the stars. She'd was usually one of the Keyblade Masters when she'd gave up her title when she'd needed in the Skyworld of her duty of being the goddess, but she'd still watches over between the worlds outside. She'd sense of the new presence of the Keyblade Wielder as she'd gave the alert toward Master Yen Sid and sending her message of her former apprentice: Sonic the Hedgehog.

Appearances: Kid Icarus (1986)