
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs


"I've been looking forward to taking care of you once and for all. I thought it would take some years for that to happen, but here you are. Handing yourself to me in a silver platter." Hiroki said as he released his killing intent. He released enough to make Danzo shake in fear, but letting him move.

Danzo felt great fear and he went for the all or nothing. He grabbed Hiroki's arm and threw him in a certain distance. He used this opportunity and threw a kunai with a bomb tag towards the area Hiroki was thrown. After he heard the explosion, Danzo ran away. He then saw Hiroki jumping from the smoke. What frightened him was the smirk Hiroki had on his face.

"Damn it. I got to go get back up. This fucking kid is too tricky. I'll use numbers to deal with him." Danzo said as he sped up towards a large forest.

'Yes. Run away. It's much better this way. Show me where your new hidden base is.' Hiroki thought to himself.

After ten minutes of running, Danzo finally arrived in a dense forested area on that was already outside of Konoha. He stopped right in front of a big boulder and looked back to see if Hiroki was still following behind. He waited for a few seconds and didn't see him. He then waved a few hand signs and a doorway opened from the bolder, showing a stairway going down a tunnel. He hurriedly closed the opening and started running.

Danzo went to the main area of the new hideout and there were around twenty men wearing blank anbu mask. They were all surprised as they saw Danzo distressed.

"Danzo-sama, what happened?" One of them asked.

"The boy survived the explosion. It seemed he was wary of something happening and found I was behind the attack. I was able to lose him and come here." Danzo said.

He then thought for a few seconds and looked at his subordinates.

"I want you to go outside and if you find him, use your numbers to kill him. If you aren't able to kill, any injury is valid." Danzo said.

SFX: "Clap, clap, clap, clap"

Danzo and his subordinates heard the sound of claps coming from behind. They all turned around and found a young boy around the age of 11 years old. He had short black hair and dark brown eyes.

"That is a very nice plan Danzo, but do you know a better one? I do. Let your enemy show you where his base is and take care of everyone inside." Hiroki said as he threw many kunais all around the room and lightening formed on his right hand. A loud chirp of a thousand bird was heard by everyone.

"Thank you for making things easier for me." Hiroki said. In the next instant, Hiroki disappeared from his spot and yells and cries were heard all around the room as a blueish blur was seen going from one spot to another in milliseconds. The cries and shouts stopped abruptly in less than ten seconds. Only now was Danzo able to react to what happened around him. He jumped backwards to have a better view of things and see where Hiroki was. He saw that all of his men were on the ground and blood was flowing from under their bodies.

"How? This is unheard of. How can someone so young be this powerful. If I knew of his potential I would have taken him in from a young age. Image how powerful I would become with a subordinate like him. I would have become Hokage in a few years." Danzo said to himself.

"That is a nice dream, but that would never have happened." Hiroki said as he appeared behind Danzo and stabbed him with a kunai on his ribs. Hiroki controlled the strength so the kunai wouldn't kill him.

"Arhgh." Danzo let out as he felt the kunai stab him. He then threw a smoke bomb on the ground and fled from the hideout as fast as he could.

Hiroki watched Danzo desperately running and only smirked. He made a few hand seals and a fire took place inside the room and burned everything. He then started running after Danzo, but he didn't let his guard down as he knew the old man was sly.

Danzo felt pain as he pressured the place he was stabbed. Each breath and every step he took made him feel great pain. He started running towards Konoha since he knew that if he showed up inside the village, Hiroki wouldn't attack him.

When he was two minutes away from the gates of Konoha, a kunai flew from behind him and grazed his face. Danzo stopped on his tracks. He looked behind from where the Kunai came from but didn't see anyone.

"I'm over here." Hiroki said. Danzo looked behind him and saw Hiroki picking up the Kunai leisurely from the ground.

"I'll kill you kid. Even if it the last thing I do." Danzo said while making hand seals. His palm then hit the ground and a large cloud appeared. A gigantic elephantine chimera showed up after the smoke was cleared. Hiroki knew that this was Baku, Danzo's personal summon beast.

Baku opened it's mouth and started to take in the air around them. The trees and bushes were flying towards Baku since the suction force was so strong. Danzo had a smile on his face, but that smile disappeared a few moments later.

Hiroki made one hand seal and blew a huge fire ball towards the center of the suction force. The trees and bushes served as fuel as it made the fire ball even bigger. The fire ball hit Baku, who rolled on the ground in pain for some time until it disappeared in smoke.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it. Why can't you just die?" Danzo said to Hiroki in anger.

"I can't because I have many things to do in the future. One of those things is killing you." Hiroki said as he took out his tanto that kushina had given him when he first graduated from the ninja academy.

"Good, very good. When Hiruzen hears that I killed you, I'll say that you were working with enemy villages to weaken Konoha's defenses." Danzo said as he grabbed a kunai and exhaled wind-infused chakra to it, making it into a wind sword.

"You amaze me everytime. Don't get me wrong. It's not for your battle prowess, but from your wicked plans and personality. It's time for cleansing. I have played enough with you." Hiroki said. He then made a rasengan. He then started to infuse fire chakra into it as the spiraling ball became red in color and it started to look more like a big flame with a shining ball in it's center.

"Katon: Goen Rasengan"

Hiroki then sped towards Danzo with the blazing rasengan. As he got closer, Danzo could feel the heat wave coming from the fire ball. Danzo sped towards Hiroki as well with his wind sword and slashed at him. A wind blade flew towards Hiroki who dodged it. In the next instant, Hiroki appeared next to Danzo and thrusted the fire rasengan in the same place he had stabbed. A huge ball of fire engulfed Danzo in an explosion and burned him.

Hiroki stepped away and waited for the fire to die down. After half a minute, the fire stopped and Danzo's body was fully burnt. 90% of his body was the same as charcoal. What impressed Hiroki was that Danzo was still alive.

"Your wrong doings stops today. You'll probably have all eternity to think about and repent from the things you did in hell. Hiroki said as he stabbed his tanto into Danzo's heart, finally killing him. Hiroki then grabbed a sealing scroll and sealed Danzo's body inside.

"I guess I'll have a busy night today." Hiroki said to himself as he started heading towards Konoha. As Hiroki was arriving closer to the village walls, he saw five anbu heading towards him. He stopped as he saw the anbu stopping as well.

"Hiroki, we heard about the explosion that happened in front of your apartment. We were sent to investigate and heard the explosion coming from outside the village. What exactly happened." The leading anbu asked. He was wearing a bird mask.

"Tori-san. The explosion in front of my apartment was an ambush from a fellow Konoha shinobi. The second one was me taking care of him. I'm heading to the Hokage's office right now to report. You can go and investigate the area I came from or you can come with me. Either way is fine." Hiroki said as he took off and went towards Hiruzen's office. Tori told his men to go and investigate as he followed behind Hiroki.

A few minutes later, Hiroki arrived in front of the Hokage building. As he climbed the stairs, he could hear a conversation coming from Hiruzen's office.

"Hiruzen, why did you disband root and took Danzo out from the village council? You know that it was a major help to the village and Danzo was one of the disciples of Nidaime-sama along with us." Koharu said.

"Don't be cynical. You both know the crimes Danzo has committed against Konoha and our allies. The purpose of root was to protect Konoha from the shadows, but it became Danzo's personal army. He brainwashed his men and forced them not to say anything even to me." Hiruzen said in anger.

The door opened from the outside and the three that were talking turned to see who was coming inside. They saw a young boy wearing all black. He had short black hair and dark brown eyes. He was also wearing a black hitai-ate. He was accompanied by Hiruzen's personal anbu captain, Tori.

"Hiroki-kun, it's good to see you are fine. I had sent Tori and his men to go and see what happened in your apartment. Since you are here, I fell better knowing you are safe." Hiruzen said.

"Thank you for your concern Hokage-sama. Everything is fine now. I took care of the problem. This should never happen again." Hiroki said.

"Oh. So you know what happened. Care to tell me what it was?" Hiruzen asked.

"Sure, Hokage-sama." Hiroki said.

Hiruzen then waited in an uncomfortable silence for longer than a minute as Hiroki just looked at him.

"Hiroki-kun, won't you say anything?" Hiruzen asked.

"I will. I said if would tell you and I said yes, but I never said I'd say to them." Hiroki said as he pointed towards Homura and Koharu.

"Listen here brat. We are Konoha's council mem..." Koharu started saying, but stopped as she felt a great killing intent sent towards her. He whole body started to sweat cold.

"You two, leave. We'll talk in a later date." Hiruzen said. He then looked at Hiroki and the young Jounin stopped sending his killing intent towards the old woman. They then walked out of the office, only leaving Hiroki, Hiruzen and Tori.

"Alright Hiroki. They both left. What can you tell me about today's episode?" Hiruzen asked.

Hiroki then took out a scroll from his kunai pouch and unsealed what was inside. A burnt body was in front of the three of them. It was impossible to recognize the person since it was burnt black. Only a small part of it wasn't.

"This is the person that set up a trap and tried killing me. I felt him watching what was from a distance. Since I always have my guard up, I felt danger from the trap formation in front of my door and I noticed fuuinjutsu seals. I continued towards the door and fell for the trap since I wanted to see who that person was." Hiroki said.

"And just who was it? A shinobi from Iwa? Or was it one from Kiri or Kumo?" Hiruzen asked.

"No. It was one of our own." Hiroki answered.

"What? Who would dare?

"It was..."