
Chapter 3: Unexpected Visitor

Holy Orchid Institute

Vice Principal's Office

"What do you mean we can't expel him, he has insulted me, his teacher, as well as made a mockery of my family and this school! Surely he can't go free with this atrocious behavior!" yelled a scarlet haired woman who in front of her sat an elder who was reading a stack of papers.

"Now, now Shen Xiu, they are new students and are probably just arrogant because they've come from noble families. Give them some time to adjust as well as properly becoming a teacher and role model for them. Now, I'm busy with some paperwork so I think we can end this conversation for today." The Vice Principal, Ye Sheng lazily said before going back to his work.

Shen Xiu was enraged and tried to talk back but then felt his Gold Ranked soul force suppressing her, making her kneel from the pressure. Feeling enough of this embarrassment, she snorted and walked out from the office with a displeased look.

This was the first time she has been embarrassed so much in her life. Starting from this morning where Nie Lie embarrassed her in the classroom to just a minute ago where the Vice Principal refused her request to expel the audacious brat, today was proving to be one of the worst days in her life. If it wasn't to increase the reputation and power as well as watching over her nephew, she wouldn't have taken the job as a teacher and teach the commoners as well. If it was just the nobles, then maybe she would have liked it, but the fact that there were lesser families and commoners in her class irked her to no end.

She gave a huff and immediately left the school environment. As she entered the streets of Glory City, the countless people that she walked past looked at her with awed and respectful gazes. Seeing this, she was not surprised. As a daughter of the Sacred family, she encountered scenarios like this often.

As she walked the streets, her stomach started to rumble loud, very loud. So loud in fact that the passerby's had to look back to confirm what they heard was real or not, only to find a dust cloud.

Shen Xiu ran with blushed cheeks as embarrassing things kept happening to her one after another. Due to being too preoccupied by the incident this morning, she forgot to eat her lunch, only realizing now she hasn't had anything to eat at all today.

She slowed down to a brisk walk as she looked left and right, trying to find a restaurant that could catch her eye and serve good enough food for a noble daughter like her to dine. Normally, she would go back to the family compound and have one of the Spirit chef's employed by her family to serve her food, but wanting to have a change of taste, decided to eat outside.

After looking around, she finally found a restaurant that piqued her interest. Unlike the other establishments around the streets, this restaurant was small and had only a couple seats from what she could see behind the curtain that covered the front half of the entrance.

Seeing such a peculiar design, she decided to take a look. If the food was bad, she could just order her family to demolish the place for serving peasant food to a noble.

As she walked in, she saw the back of what looked like the chef going out the back door. She immediately called out to him in a proud tone;

"Wait, is this shop still open?"

The owner turned around and revealed his face to her. She was surprised at how handsome he was with his hair in a unique messy style. He hid a muscular frame underneath his chef outfit contrasting to the more streamlined build her fellow demon spiritualist sported. His face, unlike the nobles she was used to which screamed elegance and nobility, revealed a wild look which was unlike what she was used to.

The owner looked surprised the calmed himself and revealed his usual smile and replied;

"Of course, come on in and take a seat. I'll get the menu for you."

[Wu Kong POV]

"Of course, come on in and take a seat. I'll get the menu for you."

I replied before going to a cupboard and bringing out the menu for the lady. I normally don't bring out the menu as most of my customers are regulars and locals around the area but when the occasional new customer comes in, I give them the menu to see what they want.

I also know who the lady in front of me was. It was the bitchy teacher herself, the younger sister of a grandpa looking guy, Shen Xiu. I was surprised to see her at my shop as normally nobles go to higher end restaurants than shops like mine but I still treat her as any other customer.

Shen Xiu took the menu and started to peruse the pamphlet. She saw dishes she had never heard before on the sheet even though her chefs make something new every other day. Intrigued by the dishes, she read each dish one by one and looked at the ingredients. After about 5 mins of just casual reading, she finally picked the dish she wanted to eat.

"I would like the Chinese fried rice with a side of mixed veg manchurian, make it fast." she said in a still arrogant tone even though she was starving.

"Sure thing, just give me 10 minutes." I said and started to get to work.

I re-tied my hair and started to make the meal. I heated the stove which was powered by a Legend Rank Flame Bison I killed a year ago and modified it to heat a metal coil I had made when I injected my soul force. Seeing the coil gradually turn red, I used a frying pan to slowly heat up the oil. I had the rice cooked and started cutting the vegetables to make the manchurian

After 10 minutes like I said, I plated the rice and put the manchurian in a bowl and presented it to Shen Xiu.

[General POV]

Shen Xiu in the meantime was in a trance as she witnessed him cooking everything. She always thought cooking was such an easy thing and only hired the chefs so that nobles like themselves didn't have to bother doing it, but seeing the man in front of her what seemed like magic cooking in front of her, she realized even if she could follow the movements with her silver level cultivation, she couldn't re-create the dish.

She also couldn't help but admit that he looked very attractive when he was focusing on her meal which brought out a little blush from her, but quickly shook it away as she couldn't feel that way towards a commoner.

Shen Xiu focused on the dish and the aroma that emanated from the rice was like an abyss that slowly but surely brought her in. She gulped in anticipation and slowly brought her chopsticks to the rice and ate a bite.

"Ah….so good!"

She let out a seductive moan as she tasted the flavors of the rice. Without realizing it, her expression that went from arrogant and cold melted into a blissful smile and flushed cheeks. After that she took more and more bites until her whole plate was clean. Realizing the plate was clean, she made a disappointed pout when suddenly she looked up to see Wu Kong just smiling at her while washing the dishes.

Slowly, her whole face was red from embarrassment and she quickly ran away to avoid further humiliation.


Before he could finish, she was out of the door and nowhere to be seen.

" *Sigh*, guess I'll have to get the payment tomorrow, it's dark outside and I don't feel like chasing a lady tonight." sighed Wu Kong as he just packed up shop and closed the restaurant before going upstairs to his room where he would practice his cultivation, maybe completing the next rotation by the end of the night, getting one step closer to Legend Rank.